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Did George Soros want to destroy Poland with his economic shock therapy?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Apr 2017 /  #31

Back in the comic-book era a stock character was the evil genius or mad scientist who wanted to destroy the world but was stopped in the nick of them by some super-hero -- Captain Britain, Wonder woman, Superman or what not. That is not just fiction. Today multi-billionaire financial speculator George Soros is playing the role of that super-villain using his fortune to brainwash young people in the anarcho-libertine mode. Today's super-hero is Viktor Orbán who has seen through the Hungarian Jew's ploy and has cracked down on his heaivly bankrolled Central European University, a hotbed of anarcho-libertine-leftist indoctrination targeting ususpecting yong Hungarians. Soros was clever enough not to even try such a ruse in Catholic Poland which would have given him a prompt rebuff. He has had to settle for his infamous Batory Foundation which many Poels view with understandable suspicion.
5 Apr 2017 /  #32
infamous Batory Foundation which many Poels view with understandable suspicion.

The only Poles who view that esteemed foundation with suspicion are the idiots and those gullible enough to believe every word they hear on Radio Maybach and TVPiS
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Apr 2017 /  #33
esteemed foundation

And the only ones who regard that Jewish Mafia as an esteemed foundation are the idiots weaned on MTV, who were never taught right from wrong and spout such "wisdoms" as "if it feels good, go for it" and "whatever rocks your boat". Such airheads are the prime candidates receptive to Soros subversive brainwashing.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
5 Apr 2017 /  #34
The only Poles who view that esteemed foundation with suspicion are the idiots and those gullible enough to believe every word they hear on Radio Maybach and TVP

Quite not right, all the Poles that have a bit of common sense and are aware that the foundation was started by Hungarian Adolf Hitler - Geroge Soros are aware of its evil nature.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
5 Apr 2017 /  #35
are aware of its evil nature.

Most are aware.


Hungary is about to boot his marxist colony out of their country.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Apr 2017 /  #36
Quite not right, all the Poles that have a bit of common sense and are aware that the foundation was started by Hungarian Adolf Hitler

The funniest thing is watching you repeat the mantras pushed by huge media corporations. Are you really so incapable of independent thought that you need to repeat Rupert Murdoch's editorial line?

We all know why the right wing media hates Soros so much, because he is the antithesis of how they operate. He stands for openness and transparency, something that the right wing can't abide because it stops them manipulating events and people with their money.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Apr 2017 /  #37
He stands for

He stands for typically leftist social engineering -- the use of pressure, threat and
blackmail to impose his anarcho-libertine agenda on society and persecute all those who dare disagree with the one true leftist-utopianist vision. But he doesn't forget the carrot -- lavish bankrolling of those who play ball or at least successfully pretend they beleive in all his codswallop.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Apr 2017 /  #38
lavish bankrolling of those who play ball or at least successfully pretend they beleive in all his codswallop.

That sounds remarkably like PiS, or are you forgetting the large payouts made by state-owned companies to PiS members?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Apr 2017 /  #39
large payouts

They cannot match the millions being spent by Soros to subvert society. At least PiS promote positive values such as God, family and homeland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Apr 2017 /  #40
At least PiS promote positive values such as God, family and homeland.

Except they don't. As we all know, Marta Kaczyńska - twice divorced and Jarosław Kaczyńsk - eternal bachelor - are not exactly shining examples of great families. In fact, PiS even insulted the Komorowscy for having a successful, stable family life with children.

Homeland? If they cared so much about the homeland, why is Macierewicz doing such a bad job that even the Brits regard Poland as a potential enemy?
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
5 Apr 2017 /  #41
Trump's several times divorced (the FIRST divorced president), a known flirt and playboy, a teatotler who breaks every other rule in the book and like teflon, seems never to let it stick:-)

So much for "family values". If that's the criterion for the presidency, heck, dump Trump and elect Pence!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Apr 2017 /  #42
eternal bachelor

Even by your haphazard standards that's a flimsy example. Jesus and St John the Evangelist were laso eternal bachelors. And Marta Kazcyńska does not create PiS policy. What about Tusk who lived for 20 years with his wife non-sacramentally and fathered two kids, but when he ran for president in 2005 he got married in church. Neither you or your guru or GW ever stigmatised such hypocrisy.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Apr 2017 /  #43
Huge media corporations wouldn't say that, they are under his and other globalists control.
I'm not repeating anybody, are you saying someone else said that? That's great! it means more people share my personal opinion, please share the link with us.

He stands for openness and transparency

Joke of the year.

manipulating events and people with their money.

That's favorite activity of George Soros, glad we all agree on that one.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Apr 2017 /  #44
even the Brits

...As if Brits were some kind of arbiter or authority on how other countries run their affairs. The Limeys of all people, who have turned their own country into a cesspool, should exercise a bit of restraint and humility in such matters.
6 Apr 2017 /  #45
At least PiS promote positive values such as God, family and homeland.

Thanks for giving me a good laugh!

Jarosław Kaczyńsk - eternal bachelor

To be fair, given the current interpretation of the Polish constitution, he can't get married to the one he loves.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Apr 2017 /  #46
o the one he loves

Pray tell who it is, Mr Know-All. We all know that Mr "Ramrod up his bum" will self-importantly say: "I am not at liberty....bla-bla-bla" and then cite Poland's identity-protection laws, §120, section 3, subpoint C...as if anybody gives a hoot about what anyone says on a chat forum.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Apr 2017 /  #47
current interpretation of the Polish constitution

It is not a current or any other "interpretation" but a point-blank statement that defines marirage as it has always been and always will be -- a union between a man and a woman. That lets out deviant hook-ups between homos, lesbos, bisexual trios, paedophilic duos, bigamistic harems and even woman and Great Dane liaisons.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Jun 2017 /  #48

Evil Hungarian Jew Soros urges EU to penalise Poland

Ageing international financial speculator George Soros has launched an attack on Poland and his ancestral homeland Hungary. The multi-billionaire has used his wealth to bankroll stooges committed to the destruciton of the family, religion, indigenous culture and national pride in favour of leftist-libertine chaos, decadence and deviation. He is particulary opposed to countries that safeguard traditional conservative values. At the Brussels Economic Forum Soros called on the EU to slash funds earmarked for Poland and Hungary which he alleges violate the rule of law. At the same event, Poland's economic super-hero Mateusz Morawiecki defended Poland, proving that EU rules were being violated by France, Germany and the EC itself.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Jun 2017 /  #49
the one he loves

Care to name him? The mods say it's OK so no need to go crybabying to them and asking for permission.
SigSauer  4 | 377  
13 Dec 2017 /  #50
George Soros is an admitted Nazi collaborator of the worst sort, who helped to confiscate property from his Jewish brethren in order to save his own skin. That he was 14 years old at the time was no excuse. Many others stood for their principles, with honor, and died. A far preferable fate than being a traitor to ones own people.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
13 Dec 2017 /  #51
In Poland, a person can buy a home and not have to spend their whole live trying to just make the mortgage

A mans possessions are a man's worries.
You are right Adrian, when you buy a house in America you get a 30-40 year mortgage on it and are married to the burden the rest of your life.

Home Mortgage debt in America exceeds $9 Trillion. (40 times Poland's National debt)
Taxpaying voter  
13 Dec 2017 /  #52
George Soros is an admitted Nazi collaborator

What an interesting assertion. Do you have any proof to support such a claim? Do please note that arguments along the lines of 'Soros is a Jew and they're all basically criminals' will, although being entirely expected from a man who spends his days propping up a vile anti-Semitic dictatorship, carry no weight at all.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Dec 2017 /  #53
What an interesting assertion. Do you have any proof to support such a claim?

Yes, Soros interview with 60 minutes. Soros said he had NO PROBLEM with appropriating his fellow Jew's stuff. He said it didn't bother him and stated they were among his happiest days.

Plus the fact that he financed the revolution Ukraine which led to thousands dead, a country in turmoil, civil war, a Russian invasion, etc. All he knows is how to screw up societies, make entire countries unstable, and cause the currency to crash so he can make a huge profit through shorting. It's been the same MO for decades - in czechy, kyrgystan, Georgia, Ukraine, and all over Europe and especially former USSR states and the satellite countries.. we're not gonna let it happen in Poland or Hungary. Now he's trying to Islamize Europe, push multiculturalism, subvert democratically elected governments - all while profiting off discord, turmoil, causing poverty amongst the middle class and poor as he did in Asia and England, and especially civil wars.
Taxpaying voter  
13 Dec 2017 /  #54
Soros admitted to this himself.

Really? My understanding it that his exact words were "I was only a spectator ... I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt." Do feel free to post a video of him saying something else.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Dec 2017 /  #55
'... people were being shipped off to death camps...you went with this protector and helped with the confiscation of jewish property:

Soros: Yes, that's correct.

'that sounds like something that would sned a person to the psychiatric couch, was it difficult?'

Soros: No, no (smiling) not at all. those were my formative years. I learned to anticipate events..

'so no feeling of guilt?'

Soros: No, because if I wouldn't of taken it (the jewish property) someone else would have - much like the markets.


Evil scumbag. People all over the world will celebrate once his day finally comes. Certainly in Poland and Hungary they will at least and perhaps the dozens of other countries he's ruined or attempted to. It's all a game to him. He says this openly in the interview. he doesn't care who gets killed, who's house is taken away, whether a civil war ignites, as long as he can push subversive organizations to cause turmoil so he can profit off currency shorts.
SigSauer  4 | 377  
13 Dec 2017 /  #56
@Taxpaying voter

What? His ethnic and religious background is immaterial to his actions during the war. I have the highest regard for my Jewish brothers and coworkers (Yes, Jews work here, shocking isn't it, we call that the CNN effect). I believe what Soros says, as he accompanies his Godfather around Hungary confiscating property from Hungarian Jews, directly from the horses mouth. He admits in his interview that he has no guilt and no remorse. A direct quote, "If I weren't there, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow [Jewish property]." (60 Minutes).

I have no idea what you're talking about, propping up evil regimes. America is a security partner of several M.E. countries AND Israel. Get out of here with that nonsense mate, stop talking about things you haven't the faintest clue about.
Taxpaying voter  
13 Dec 2017 /  #57
Soros: Yes, that's correct.

Yes, he went there with his protector. And then he was "only a spectator", unlike the hundreds of thousands of Poles who either joined Nazi forces (about a third of the Polish forces in the west were formerly in the German armed forces) or took a role in the holocaust. He felt no guilt because he had done nothing to feel guilty about, unlike countless Poles (and 'Poles') who worked with the Nazis or(/and) the Nazis.

Perhaps some Poles strive to be accepted by the West because they are over-compensating?

America is a security partner of several M.E. countries

Yes, the regimes of some of which are vile dictatorships which could not hope to cling to power without hiring foreign mercenaries to subjugate the local population. I'd despise Soros if he had taken the 20 pieces of silver for doing that and feel the same about the misguided souls who do take the filthy lucre.
SigSauer  4 | 377  
13 Dec 2017 /  #58
Who is a mercenary? You really had to create a new account to spout your tripe? You are rushing to the defense of Soros because you agree with his policy of open borders. You joined 23 hours ago and your first post is an intimate knowledge of the Polish ESL teaching scene. Really original mate.

The Gulf states have partnered with Israel as security partners in combating radicalism and terrorism in the middle east. You are reaching mate.

Yes, we should believe Soros at his word that he was "only a spectator," some real spurious logic and mental gymnastics going on there to justify his collaboration with Nazi forces. If what you say is true, he was a passive participant and used his position of wealth to disguise his identity and he was bedfellows with the enemy in oppressing his fellow Hungarians.
Taxpaying voter  
13 Dec 2017 /  #59
If what you say is true, he was a passive participant and used his position of wealth to disguise his identity

Firstly he didn't collaborate with the Nazis, despite the claims of those who have done thing such as collaborating with vile Islamist regimes which are linked with terrorist attacks on their own nations which murdered thousands of their fellow Americans. Secondly, at his age (and given his status as a Jew), his ability to own property was slightly less than the ability of women in the country the regime of which you prop up to own property, so even if he had stolen things it wouldn't have given him a position o wealth.

The Gulf states have partnered with Israel as security partners in combating radicalism and terrorism in the middle east.

Remind me how many of the 9/11 terrorists came from the same country as Soros, or the same faith as Soros. Now let's look at how many of them come from one of the countries the regimes of which people such as you prop up.

I'm happy to address off-topic questions in the off-topic forum.
SigSauer  4 | 377  
13 Dec 2017 /  #60
How many 9/11 hijackers came from Djibouti? Your point is moot as I'm no longer in the Gulf.

Fact: Gulf states are allied with Israel in the fight against extremism and terrorism. This is not 2001.

Fact: Gulf states are US security partners, Israel are US security partners. Working with either supports the interests of both.

This has been funny Harry, but truthfully your stupidity has exhausted me. So, I'm going to exile myself, I feel dumber having to do this circle talk where you cherry pick nonsense and try to string together a coherent argument.

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