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Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jul 2013 /  #211
Reportedly, by who?

Read up and expand your horse-blinkered horizons! I forgot to mention how Mazowiecki and Wielowieyski gave their support to the regime's kangaroo court trial against Bishop Czesław Kazcmarek who had been fraudulently accused of being an American spy.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Jul 2013 /  #212
Read up and expand your horse-blinkered horizons!

In other words, you're presenting a post on USENET as somehow proof that Mazowiecki was up to no good. Not exactly credible, even by the standards of Polonia rags.

Be honest Polonius, there's a reason why you don't like him. Be a man and tell us why.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jul 2013 /  #213
Not exactly credible

Rather than smart-alecky repartees, why not provide some credible and reliable links to show what Mazowiecki really did during the Stalinist years.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Jul 2013 /  #214
Why? You're the one alleging that he did something wrong, so it's your job to provide proof.

I see you still can't bring yourself to tell us the real reason why you hate him.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jul 2013 /  #215
You're the one alleging

Hardly, this is common knowledge. Only the ostrich types pretend it didn't exist.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Jul 2013 /  #216
No Polonius, it isn't "common knowledge". You've made an allegation that Mazowiecki was up to no good, now it's your job to prove it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jul 2013 /  #217
It is not common knowledge only to those who swear only by 'official', expurgated and prettified biograms.
go beyond officialese a bit. Mazowiecki actually did one decent thing in his lifetime when he quit the post of UN Rapportuer in the Balkans.

Tadeusz Mazowiecki threatens putsch, welcome in 1953?
In 1995, he was a man who openly expressed his opposition to the hypocrisy of the UN's activities in Bosnia. Tadeusz Mazowiecki resigned from the UN Special Envoy to this country, criticizing the inaction of the organization in the face of genocide. This gesture reflected the world wide coverage, also because Mazowiecki was the first in the history of the Special Envoy, who resigned from the position.

Here you can read about the one decent thing Mazowiecki did in his lifetime when he voluntarily quit his prestigous and well-paid post of UN Rapporteur in the Balkans:

"(...) Many times I said that I made mistakes in my youth as a man in early twenties (...). When it comes to criticizing the underworld, I can only say that I felt already in the 50s, that this is the terrible, dangerous exposure of young people "- including these words former Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki tried to answer yesterday evening in the "Kropka nad i" questions about the text of Slawomir Cenckiewicz published in the latest monthly "Historia Do Rzeczy".

Even official wikipedia biograms of Mazowiecki cannot entirely hide his nefarious deeds:
Under Stalinism in Poland he was involved in the defamation of the Bishop of Kielce Czesław Kaczmarek, groundlessly accused by the Communists of being an American and Vatican spy.[1] In 1952, he published a pamphlet titled The enemy remains the same (Wróg pozostał ten sam, co-authored with Zygmunt Przetakiewicz, then editor-in-chief of WTK) imputing an alliance between Polish anti-communist resistance movement and Nazi war criminals.[2]

sobieski  106 | 2111  
20 Jul 2013 /  #218
Now that we talking about Wikipedia:
"Tadeusz Mazowiecki was a special U.N. emissary to Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992. He also issued a 1993 report on human rights violations in the Former Yugoslavia. Mazowiecki stepped down in 1995 to protest the world powers' lack of response to the atrocities committed during the Bosnian war, particularly the Srebrenica genocide committed by the Serb army that year."

The obscure blog you were digging up says it all: PIS&Love

'After martial law was declared in December 1981 he was arrested and imprisoned in Strzebielnik, then in Jaworz and finally in Darłówek.
He was one of the last prisoners to be released on 23 December 1982."
Please remind me, how long did the duck spend in internment?

Maybe you could dig up some more fascinating usenet stories?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jul 2013 /  #219
the duck

Duckophobia!!! Mods take heed! Squeal to the Helsinki bunch! Inform the prosecutor! Call out the marines! (LOL)
sobieski  106 | 2111  
20 Jul 2013 /  #220
Anyway can you remind us how long the Dear Leader spent in jails and internment camps?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Jul 2013 /  #221
A grand total of...zero days?

Always helpful when one's father has connections to the boys in charge.
OP ender  5 | 394  
20 Jul 2013 /  #222
Adam Michnik son of Hinde Michnik and Ozajasz (Uzziach) Szechter half-brother of Stefan Michnik? son of Sabina Chatz and Ozajasz (Uzziach) Szechter.
Ozajasz Szechter infamous prewar terrorist, Stefan Szechter/Chatz/Michnik infamous stalinists criminal judge still living in Sweden protected by his half-bro in Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Jul 2013 /  #223
protected by his half-bro in Poland.

Could you perhaps detail how Adam Michnik protects him?

Anyway, if we're going to talk about how people are responsible for what their families did, then we must investigate Jaroslaw Kaczynski immediately.
OP ender  5 | 394  
20 Jul 2013 /  #224
Who is Szechter and why do you keep referring to that person?

What do you mean? I've answered your question. If you expected more you have to try harder. Did I mention that Hinde Michnik mother of Adam Stutter graduated Jagiellonian University in pre-war anti-Semite(sic!) Poland
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jul 2013 /  #225
how Adam Michnik protects him?

It is obvious he has been using all his pull and behind-the-scenes leverage to prevent the extraditon of poltical criminal Stefan Michnik. In August 2007 the Polish Institute of National Remembrance began work on a motion for his extradition On 25 February 2010 Military Garrison Court in Warsaw at the request of the investigation division of the IPN issued an official arrest warrant for Stefan Michnik.

21 Jul 2013 /  #226
Solidarnośc had one leader and many distinct activists (we could see 50 of them at the round table) who belonged to many political groups. Everybody who was interested in policy could hear Voice of America or RFE also read tissue-papers and be familiar with their work. Mazowiecki (chief of outlawed Tygodnik Solidarność) was one of the more important person. Also Geremek, Michnik, Kuroń, Moczulski, Chrzanowski, Bujak, Nowina-Konopka, etc. As we know today Wałęsa listened many advisors, but Mazowiecki and Geremek analized situations and designed proposals and Wałęsa decided to go or not. The discussion who was more honoured is pointless. It is obvious that Mazowiecki with his friends had to try to establish a new newspaper and it had to ba a Solidarność newspaper.

Problem occured when Wałęsa decided to get back to the policy 1,5 y later in a very destructive manner.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
21 Jul 2013 /  #227
It is obvious he has been using all his pull and behind-the-scenes leverage

Obvious to who?
xzqbq7  2 | 100  
21 Jul 2013 /  #228
To everybody that is at least 1% impartial?

Do you really believe that brother was/is not helping brother, do you?
Or just trolling?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Jul 2013 /  #229
Maybe you could dig up some more fascinating usenet stories?

Maybe you could dig up some links our formualte your own version explaining how and why Mazowiecki helped the Stalinists regime frame Bishop Kaczmarek. Use all the euphemisms you want to to lessen, soften, rationalise and/or explain away Mazowiecki's treacherous anti-Church activity in the service of the Soivet-installed puppet regime whose false evidence and rigged trial were subsequently exposed beoynd a shadow of a doubt.
21 Jul 2013 /  #230
" Mazowiecki's treacherous anti-Church activity in the service of the Soivet-installed puppet regime"
I see that we can add 'treacherous' to the list of words you don't know the meaning of. As for service of the commie regime, are you sure you want to start throwing stones? People who live in glass houses and all that.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Jul 2013 /  #231
there's a reason why you don't like him

OK, you've got me cornered so I'll fess up. I asked him to make me deputy foreign in his government and even presented a letter of recommendation from Grand Masonic Master Bernardone, but Mazowiecki turned me down.
8 Aug 2013 /  #232
Sławomir Jastrzębowski, editor-in-chief of "Super Express" in his interview for "Wprost" magazine:

Tabloid to też wymiar gazety do jakiego dąży "Gazeta Wyborcza". To są skondensowane materiały, które są sprzedawane przez emocje. Wyborcza już dużo umie, jeśli idzie o robienie tabloidu, bo sprytnie nas obserwuje.

"Being tabloid-like is what GW aims to. These are compacted texts sold by emotions. GW already knows a lot because they observe us cleverly."

Sic transit gloria mundi...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Apr 2016 /  #233
Merged: Poland's Gazeta Wyborcza mulls name change

Adam Michnik's Gazeta Wyborcza is considering a name change. The front-runners are Gazeta Szmatlawa (Rag Gazette) and Gazeta Rynsztokowa (Gutter Gazette). The changes were suggested after the paper, hitherto aspiring to be a serious and reliable daily, opted for the tabloid mode and plastered a photo of Agata Duda on their front page with the caption: The First Lady dances alone. The article, scraped together various bits of unsubstantiated rumors and insinuations from tabloids and online gossip sites to convince readers that the First Couple's marriage is on the rocks. Some even juicier titbtis were added: Duda's younger sister is actually his illegitimate daughter whom he fathered at age 16; to avoid a scandal, his parents reportedly adopted her. Some people feel that even Michnik couldn't fall that low, but he has. GW sales are now their lowest in history, so apparently he is trying to target and attract Fakt and Super Express readers. Gone are the days when adverts worth millions were routinely placed in GW by state-treasury companies and state institutions automatically subscribed to his rag.
jon357  72 | 23361  
17 Apr 2016 /  #234
What a load of old rubbish. Absolute stuff and nonsense, limp propaganda against an august institution. And all because they wouldn't give you a job a few years back for the obvious reason.

unsubstantiated rumors and insinuations from tabloids and online gossip sites to convince readers that the First Couple's marriage is on the rocks

You mean the same 'First Couple' who have just separated...

to target and attract Fakt and Super Express readers

According to you.

More feeble attacks from the far right on Poland's independent media...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
17 Apr 2016 /  #235
You mean the same 'First Couple' who have just separated...

Oh so you actually believe it? wow do you believe in illuminati conspiracy too? LOL
jon357  72 | 23361  
17 Apr 2016 /  #236
Oh so you actually believe it?

Everyone does - this is nothing new and certainly a thousand times more believable than Po's smut about the democratic opposition and child abuse posted on another thread today.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Apr 2016 /  #237
Gazeta Wyborcza

To say this time Michnik really took the biscuit is putting it mildly, His rag is being critcised even by those who write for it like Dominika Wielowiejska who said she

dsiagreed with the decision to publish anti-presidential slurs. GW contributor Monika Olejnik said: "The aritcle about the First Lady is scandalous. I haven't seen such a cesspool in a long time."

Journalist Robert Mazurek wrote: "Diving into the septic tank of Stonoga and similar authorities was once Urban's exclusive domain. That is now Wyborcza's level."

*Zbigniew Stonoga is a notortious gossipmonger who tried to peddle his Duda-bashing stories late last year but was ignored by journalisis. Since Michnik, KOD, Schetyna, Petru and their ilk have hotted up their anti-governemtn hate campaign, GW apparently felt the time had come to tabloidise its style.
jon357  72 | 23361  
17 Apr 2016 /  #238
You really hate them on a very personal level, don't you Po...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Apr 2016 /  #239
wouldn't give you a job

Any evidence to back that up? Sounds like one of the bald bloke's lies.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
17 Apr 2016 /  #240
Everyone does

Everyone believes in BS written by GW? Wow, I didn't know you drink that much Sundays, but hey when you have no kids and no wife what else you have left to do...

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