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Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 May 2017 /  #151
And the conservative French people want that too.

Actually, the main conservative party in France, Les Républicains, have openly called for a Macron vote.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 May 2017 /  #152
Le Pen wants to shut the borders to all migrants, legal or otherwise.

She claims she wants out of the EU? Good for her.

So all the Poles in France, Germany and the UK they're there because

Hey We on PF can count on you to make c... like comment.
jon357  72 | 22980  
1 May 2017 /  #153
Actually, the main conservative party in France, Les Républicains, have openly called for a Macron vote.

Crnogorac3  3 | 658  
1 May 2017 /  #154
have openly called for a Macron vote.

Macron is a Rothschild banker and the obvious Soros candidate.
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #155


Conspiracy nonsense.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 May 2017 /  #156
Conspiracy nonsense

Not at all he is bankster's candidate that is certain. Apart from that he is plutocracy embodied and a commie nutter to the boot.

They say if LePen got elected it means the end of the EU. Well, if Macron get elected it pretty much means the same. Formation of a German- French European Utopia with few subordinate pseudo-states that gonna pretend to be the EU.
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #157

The people's candidate. Certainly the one with the most support, coming first and all that.

LePen got elected

Putin's candidate. Important that the appalling cow doesn't get elected.
nothanks  - | 626  
2 May 2017 /  #158
I am not sure France deserves Le Pen. Daily riots from ethnics and anarchist white leftist. What a dump that once proud nation has devolved into.
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #159
I am not sure France deserves Le Pen

They certainly don't want her or any other Putinist. No decent person would.
nothanks  - | 626  
2 May 2017 /  #160
They don't seem to want much more than blowing up cars and importing Africans to camp and pollute their cities. Paris has slashed prices and is practically begging people to visit and no one wants to step foot in that 3rd World cesspool.
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #161
Don't be silly. Remember, people don't like racists, and Le Pen is a Putin sponsored racist.

Hotel prices (I just had a look on Booking) are still high as ever.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 May 2017 /  #162
They certainly don't want her or any other Putinist. No decent person would.

It's clear that she's going to be rejected. No doubt the pro-Russian trolls on this site will claim that it's a major victory, but the reality is that 30 million Euro of Russian cash isn't going to buy her the election.
nothanks  - | 626  
2 May 2017 /  #164
Go after Le Pen because you disagree with her policies not because her policies will hurt the feelings of people causing problems. That's political correctness and a bigger problem than racism

France has A-LOT of problems. Probably more than one single "Presidency" can fix. The individual and more importantly ideology that wins in 2017 is most likely a dead person walking by 2022. 5 years is when the Migrant Crisis will really begin to rear it's ugly head and will only worsen by 2027. This is when the "Far Right" will take Western Civilization by storm. There are still too many naive and gutless "oh my god fighting racism is so important" in the West for serious change.

Actually, if you gave Putin full control of France I bet he could fix it within 3 years
nothanks  - | 626  
2 May 2017 /  #165
Sidenote: did you guys see a heavily Muslim populated region in China banned the baby name "Muhammed".

Man, you gotta respect Asians. While White people are busy arguing whether we should or not accept ISIS fighters into our communities as refugees, Asians are flat out banning names. Isn't Muhammad the most popular baby name in England? Hahah what happened to our once proud race?
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #166
disagree with her policies

Most French people do indeed disagree with her policies.

This is when the "Far Right" will take Western Civilization by storm.

Haha - you live in a fantasy world. Too many people are too decent for that, and people remember very whell when the far-right tried their 'storm'. How's Stormfront, by the way?

if you gave Putin full control of France

Not going to happen, no matter how much that racist psychopath would like it.
Joker  2 | 2211  
2 May 2017 /  #167
Not going to happen,

And if it does?????

Thats exactly what they said about Trump....lol

Major Lib Meltdown for sure!
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #168
Their polling figures are very very different. The French as a nation are much better educated and there is a very healthy tradition of Socialism there.
nothanks  - | 626  
2 May 2017 /  #169

So refreshing that Poles aren't a hostage in their own nation. We can elect whomever we want. FREEDOM
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #170

If the cap fits, let the disgusting Marine Le Pen (or anyone else...) wear it. Better still, let her wear prison uniform, as she will when the funding scandal is resolved.

elect whomever

As can the French. And they will. Nobody votes for Le Penists here either.


Oh dear.
nothanks  - | 626  
2 May 2017 /  #171
Unless she is racist against the Native population, why should it be of major importance (as you and the leftist media are making it out to be?)

If she worsens living standards for a small minority while improving it for the majority - isn't that better than no changes for everyone? (knowing that France is in dire straits)
Joker  2 | 2211  
2 May 2017 /  #172
very healthy tradition of Socialism there.

That allows terrorism to thrive and lets people die. Socialism has never worked, anywhere.

Europe is a mess! Im glad I don't have to live there:)

"The French as a nation are much better educated"

All you pompous Euros think you're soooo superior than everyone else! LoL
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #173
The French have a pretty high standard of living, a short working day, a minimum of five weeks paid holiday per year, paid paternity (and pretty good maternity) leave. And free healthcare and higher education. There's no shortage of people wanting to settle there and millions of tourists visit yearly.. A very nice country.

Im glad I don't have to live there:)

So am I.
nothanks  - | 626  
2 May 2017 /  #174
I have no doubt some areas of France are gorgeous etc. But if Warsaw (or any Polish city) resembled what is occurring in Paris - I would enlist in the Polish military tomorrow and seek to clean up the mess

Joker  2 | 2211  
2 May 2017 /  #175
thereand millions of tourists visit yearly.

Until the next terrorist attack puts an end to it....

(as you and the leftist media are making it out to be?)

After she wins, the lefties are going to lose their freaking minds! Lol
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #176
But if Warsaw

They did, when organised thugs with similar views to Le Peni smashed up Centrum a couple of years back.

The military in France would I suspect, be rather too healthily multicultural for you.

And Marine Le Pen will certainly be prosecuted and may well end up in jail. France is quite strict about financial irregularities and she has nobody on her side.
nothanks  - | 626  
2 May 2017 /  #177
Ya, couple years ago is different than weekly riots and self-made refugee camps openly in city centres. There is noway I would believe you these are scenes from Europe.

> Multiculturalism

> Socialism

Pick one. You can't successfully do both and I'm being nice by considering American multicultural society a success.
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #178
society a success.

France is certainly a success. A strong economy, free healthcare, and as soon as the people's choice Emmanuel Macron consigns the Putinist Le Pen to the dustbin of history, a model to follow.

France has always had riots. Under every president, every government. Part of the same rich tradition of activism and people power that keeps Le pen away from any office where she could cause damage.
nothanks  - | 626  
2 May 2017 /  #179
What could Le Pen possibly do that is worse than currently occurring? Current day France is a combination of the worst White leftist and worst Ethnic conservatives all in one spot. :0

France needs to deport people. Meh whom am I kidding the human trash will just freely wander back in. France is literally a wasted state. Place for 3rd worlders to collect free monies and harass a once proud Native people. I'm not gonna lose any sleep for a now feeble civilization. Maybe France would be better off today too if the Soviets marched West and hardened them for 50 years. Sometimes you need this to be reminded just how lucky you are to be born Polish.
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #180
than currently occurring?

Like a strong economy, a developed democracy and a thriving culture.

human trash

Oh dear.


You're American.

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