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Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland?

nothanks  - | 626  
10 May 2017 /  #481
We have a lot to thank Emmanuel Macron for.

Your precious Western leaders are already creating a mutiny against Macron's campaign promises. The lovefest didn't even last 24 hours
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 May 2017 /  #482
what now? Some commie BS name for normal people ?

I find it remarkable that you label everything as "commie" except the actual real communists in PiS.
jon357  72 | 22980  
10 May 2017 /  #483
Western leaders are already creating a mutiny against Macron

Nonsense. Emmanuel Macron, the best candidate for Poland, is doing very well indeed.

The tide has already turned.
nothanks  - | 626  
10 May 2017 /  #484

World is saved already?
jon357  72 | 22980  
10 May 2017 /  #485
Poland and Europe are certainly safer now the risk from the fascist Le Pen has been resolutely seen off.

When Kaczynski falls, that's a step further.

When Trump does a Nixon and resigns (if he's wise enough) or is removed from office (if he isn't, and let's face it he isn't), the world will be a step further in the right direction.
nothanks  - | 626  
10 May 2017 /  #486
Okay Jon. Now I will sleep better tonight.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
10 May 2017 /  #487
the actual real communists

They're not commie, you are. They're somewhat antiquated socialists, you are progressive Marxist the worst plague of the humanity today.

Emmanuel Macron, the best candidate for Poland

Sure, some foreign dickhead best for Poland. Stop peddling that nonsense.
jon357  72 | 22980  
10 May 2017 /  #488
foreign dickhead

As far as I know, Monsieur Le President de France is alway by necessity and by French law a foreigner from both your point of view and mine. At least the best one for Poland won. A bit of a political conservative unfortunately however far better than the other candidate.

Now I will sleep better tonight.

I doubt it.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
14 May 2017 /  #489
It looks like the Macrons are already making overtures of friendship towards Trump.

Just look at the copycat colors the retired French high school teacher is wearing à la Melania:

Certainly no originality on France's part (a shop window mannequin would look more relaxed too in that outfit than old lady Macron does) but then again imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Politics is everything especially on the international stage so why would the Macrons emulate anything about the Trumps? After all, if you believe the leftwing conspiratorial spin Trump is Putin's puppet.

Well, we'll soon see though if Macron is nothing more than a marionette of Moscow.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 May 2017 /  #490
the actual real communists

All the real communists including crytpo-communists, former PZPR members, cultural marxists, former SB types and their TW snitches mainly support PO and the "total opposition".

Check out a partial list drawn up by Paweł Kukiz:
Bristols  - | 13  
15 May 2017 /  #491
I say send them all back to bongo bongo land
kondzior  11 | 1027  
20 May 2017 /  #492
Is President Macron the ultimate Eurocuck?

Purportedly a Roman Catholic - but fervently supports secularism and consistently takes pro-Islamic stances.

Good-looking young man - marries a 64 year-old woman, zero chance of siring progeny.

Vague centrist orientation - no one knows what he really stands for.

Macuck seems to be a brand-new breed of political surrendercuck, dysgenically engineered in top-secret lefist laboratories to destroy what is left of the French culture, nation, and heritage.

How many more hundreds of Christian churches will be quietly demolished under Macuck's rule? How many hundreds of mosques will pop up like nuclear mushrooms after an acid rain?

Let us all mourn the once-great nation of France.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
20 May 2017 /  #493
People are looking for (and electing) people with dignity and class, people who want to work for their country rather than for Mother Russia.

It's widely known that Western leaders are always studied for the priorities of their administrations by what the do within their first 100 days in office and especially which foreign leaders they make contact with early on.

Macron was assumed office on the 14th of May. Here is what was on his agenda only four days later:

French President Macron talks to Putin, faces media uproar

Macron talked by phone with Putin about possible cooperation on international issues, including the fight against terrorism. The Kremlin said in a statement that the two voiced readiness to develop "traditionally friendly" economic, political and cultural ties.

Source: abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/french-president-talks-putin-faces-media-uproar-47489016

Oh, and Macron is going to meet with Trump on the 25th of May. One headline described it as a "'lengthy' Brussels get-to-know-you lunch".

I couldn't find anything about Macron making it a priority to meet with Polish officials at all let alone make first contact.

No surprise then that the absurd claims made here on PF by a certain non-Polish anti-Poland leftist contingent that Macron will be good for Poland have been proven once again to be completely wrong:

Mood in Poland shifts after Macron's victory in France

Macron's election victory...may have put "some magic in the air" in Berlin, but in Poland his triumph has poisoned the atmosphere...Macron exacerbated matters by using Poland as as a weapon with which to emphasise his own liberal pro-Europeanism

Source: theguardian.com/world/2017/may/19/mood-in-poland-shifts-after-macron-victory-in-france

Macron was never going to be good for Poland and his election was nothing more than a victory for Moscow.

So once again, will those who gave their endorsement for Macron now withdraw their support for him and apologize to the forum as well for backing a foreign leader who is no friend to Poland?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
21 May 2017 /  #494
will those who gave their endorsement for Macron now withdraw their support for him and apologize to the forum as well for backing a foreign leader who is no friend to Poland?

You can wait with a bated breath until you turn blue. This kind of people never apologize.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
29 May 2017 /  #495
They failed to get their way with Le Pen, and it's clear that Russian-backed politics are failing miserably in the key battlegrounds

Well it didn't take long for your boy Macron's true colors to come out now did it.
MOSCOW - On a trip that will likely shape Russia-France ties for years to come, President Vladimir Putin is set to visit France for talks on Monday with newly-elected French President Emmanuel Macron after expressing sympathy for his rivals during the campaign.

After Moscow lost its bets in the French vote, the visit offers the Russian leader a chance to turn the page and try to establish ties with Macron as the Kremlin has struggled to mend a bitter rift in relations with the West.

And you were worried about LePen getting her pockets greased by the Russians. lol
We tried to tell you so......................
Bieganski  17 | 888  
29 May 2017 /  #496
Well it didn't take long for your boy Macron's true colors to come out now did it.

Macron is operating at breakneck speed to establish firm relations with Moscow. Why, when we were told by the carpetbaggers that the Russians were trying to sway the election in France and that the French rejected it?

Something isn't adding up now.

Well, since they won't do the right thing and withdraw their endorsement for Macron the Muscovite marionette then perhaps they will double-down and reconfirm their support for him. They should be happy to do this since every action of his since the beginning has been to snub and antagonize Poland.
Crow  154 | 9260  
29 May 2017 /  #497
France is poltroon country. One just need to make a mistake and rely on France. They would sell you in a minute.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
29 May 2017 /  #498
You were spot on a month ago Bieganski while making your spot on point.
Remember when the ex-pats of Poland insisted that LePen was working with Russia and Macron hated them propaganda ?????

Macron is better for Poland and Europe, Le Pen for Russia. Le Pen's link with Russia is proven.

Speaking of links jon the true colors are coming out with less then two weeks after the election that Macron won that he is considering lifting the sanctions against Russia for what Putin did in Ukraine. Amazing, simply Amazing !

You were 100% spot on B when you kept asking the ex-pats of Poland >>>>>

And yet you still haven't made your pledge to hold Macron accountable for ideological purity in any future dealings with Russia.

And you yet are again ahead of these lefty Liberals by pointing out how Macron is operating at break neck speed with the Russians.
To bad we are going to find out the hard way that LePen would have been a much better choice for Poland.
At least we can say, "We tried to tell you so."
29 May 2017 /  #499
Remember when the ex-pats of Poland insisted that LePen was working with Russia and Macron hated them propaganda ?????

There's only one expat who posts here and I can't remember him posting such a claim. Can you perhaps quote him saying that?
Crow  154 | 9260  
29 May 2017 /  #500
General trend is believing that anybody who win elections in Anglo-Franco-Germanic worlds must work for Russia. Its because of collective paranoia and idiotism of those societies.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
29 May 2017 /  #501
Some of the propaganda that we were suppose to defend against in this thread is now laughable.

I now ask, "who was pushing what ?"

And now we have your boy Macron in less then two weeks after the election inviting Putin to France to talk about the EU lifting the sanctions against Russia for what Putin did in Ukraine. lol

I'm personally thankful that the masses can see through the lavishly-financed Russian propaganda in Europe.

Well said and yes, we can see through it very well now that he has been elected and gone to work with Russia at warp speed.

I think it's also worth pointing out that this election was a clear rejection of Russian-style fake election promises without substance.

Funny we aren't seeing it unfold that way.
Poland will suffer in the long run with Macron and Merkel at the helm of the EU now.
I don't think Poland or Trump has much use for either of those two people as they pull the E.U. down even further.
Crow  154 | 9260  
29 May 2017 /  #502
Virtual enemy, at least, must exist if some societies were to function. Its typical for non-free police states.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
30 May 2017 /  #503
On a trip that will likely shape Russia-France ties for years to come, President Vladimir Putin is set to visit France for talks on Monday with newly-elected French President Emmanuel Macron

The rapid scheduling of their meeting and even their body language say it all. The eager French puppet admiringly meets his Russian puppet master:

And yet we were assured that:

Emmanuel Macron, the best candidate for Poland, is doing very well indeed. The tide has already turned.

Nope. It's the same ol' same ol' and as usual there is nothing in it for Poland.

Macron is way too busy exchanging pleasantries and hosting his Russian boss to be the so-called "best candidate for Poland". So far he has only demonstrated being the absolute worst critic of Poland. Shameful!
Joker  2 | 2211  
30 May 2017 /  #504
The eager French puppet admiringly meets his Russian puppet master:

Comrades in arms enjoying their victory!

To bad we are going to find out the hard way that LePen would have been a much better choice for Poland.

The Lefties will try to spin and twist it and will never admit they made a HUGE mistake!

3 reasons while Liberals fail at life

1) They complain about everything!
2) They blame others for all their problems.
3) They are rarely grateful for anything.

So far he has only demonstrated being the absolute worst critic of Poland. Shameful!

Poles never wanted Macron despite what the expats of PF would have you believe.
Crow  154 | 9260  
30 May 2017 /  #505
You Poles are lucky to have us Serbs. We are crazy and suicidal. All others sell Poland in a first opportunity.
cms  9 | 1253  
30 May 2017 /  #506
If you mean by "liberals" the many people who voted against Trump, Brexit, Le Pen and PiS then they do not fail at life. In each case they are more educated, wealthier and healthier then the discontents who voted for simple undeliverable promises and primitive slogans.

That is an issue that developed societies will have to resolve. Sadly the people that voted for the demagogues are the ones that will get screwed over whether by losing healthcare, higher inflation, lower investment and volatile currencies. The rich and educated will be in a better position to manage the fallout from these terrible decisions.
idem  - | 131  
30 May 2017 /  #507
1) They complain about everything!2) They blame others for all their problems.3) They are rarely grateful for anything

You forgot about one more- They always feel superior.
Crow  154 | 9260  
30 May 2017 /  #508
Poljaci i Poljakinje, slušajte. Poles, my sisters and brothers, listen.

When it comes to Russia, always consult with the Serbians. Always. Take that as a rule of Poland`s politics, because Serbians giving primate to Poland, not to Russia and Russia tolerate it for her strategic reasons and for us Serbs. So, there is no humiliation in it for Poland. Don`t direct your politics on Russia on the base of western European adventurism. Its THEIR thing. You have your own situation. On the other side, Poland and Poles should more actively help to Serbians when it comes to Vatican. This also take as a rule of Poland`s politics and profit from this mediation. Increase your influence on Vatican, by supporting good Vatican-Serbian ties. That way you also helping in Vatican-Russian ties and don`t go against it.

This way, Russia won`t feel under pressure and would even feel level of commotion. Vatican would be satisfied with level of its influence on the region and Poland would be key factor that is present in the region. Then, this situation would effectively prevent any western European scheme against Poland and put Poland strategically above it. With time would come stronger Visegrad. One day, Intermarium.

France? As equal partner, yes. As mentor that patronize, no. This goes for all western Europeans.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Jun 2017 /  #509
So, after all has been said and done, we now see that Macron has won not only the Presidency of France, but also an outright majority in the National Assembly. Le Pen and the Front Nationale were humiliated, winning only 8 seats out of over 500 on offer.

Europe is rejecting the hateful Trumpist right wing ideology promoted by Russia, and this result shows that 2017 has been the year of the fight back against dirty politics. Change is coming to Europe, and 2016 will prove to have been the highpoint of the right wing in Europe. Even the far-left party managed to win more seats than the discredited and worthless Front Nationale.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
18 Jun 2017 /  #510
Macron has won not only the Presidency of France, but also an outright majority in the National Assembly.

Since when is a creation of the banking elite something to get happy about?

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