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Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland?

Ironside  50 | 12916  
7 May 2017 /  #391
when she suddenly fell to the ground.

The Lord's hand struck her.

Exit polls are showing a 62.5% win for Macron.

Ha ha if anything 53%, mark my words.
johnny reb  49 | 7971  
7 May 2017 /  #392
When bad stuff happens (and it will, it's baked into the system right now) it will be the fault of those in favor of short term fixes rather than addressing the systemic problems

Exactly Correct.
That's Liberals logic, "we want it new and we want it now."

France has been doomed for a while anyway, even Le Pen's victory wouldn't help.

Quite correct.
And just wait until the families of the economic invaders are allowed to join their relatives already in France and Germany.
What a flood of people that will be going on public assistance to drain those two countries pocketbooks.
Crime will increase, the ethno-religious tensions will be a war within itself, demands will increase, debt will increase, resentment will increase, rioting will increase.........all in the name of "enriching" a culture.

Citizens of France and Germany will be flocking to Poland for refugee status and safety.
Then maybe these Libtards will understand why Le Pen knew how imperative it was to close the borders of France.
I just wonder how many other countries France will take down with them when their economy finishes crumbling.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 May 2017 /  #393
Ha ha if anything 53%, mark my words.

Showing your ignorance there Ironside. These aren't exit polls, but rather representative polls taken from actual votes all over France. They're much more reliable than exit polls, hence why Le Pen conceded almost instantly.

Incidentally, all the American Trump lovers have been going insane online. Their ideology has been clearly rejected, no matter how many bizarre and illogical things they write online. The era of populism is ending as quickly as it began, with not a single victory for populists this year in Europe.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
7 May 2017 /  #394
Their ideology has been clearly rejected

And yet you still haven't made your pledge to hold Macron accountable for ideological purity in any future dealings with Russia.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 May 2017 /  #395
I'm personally thankful that the masses can see through the lavishly-financed Russian propaganda in Europe. People are tired of "leaks", which just so happen to be supporting the agenda of Russia, and Macron shows that politics doesn't have to be nasty. People are looking for (and electing) people with dignity and class, people who want to work for their country rather than for Mother Russia.

When we look back in the future, Trump's election may well have been the highpoint for populism. The next big election is the German election, and the AfD are failing miserably to even break the 10% barrier, instead sharing more or less the same vote as The Left party, which is partially the successor party to the East German SED.

Merkel remains comfortably on track for a 4th victory, and the re-emergence of the FDP means that Merkel will have a potential coalition partner that isn't the SPD.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
7 May 2017 /  #396
I'm personally thankful that the masses can see through the lavishly-financed Russian propaganda in Europe.

You're thankful faceless unaccountable Eurocrats and their globalist financiers backed a Manchurian Candidate who criticized Poland's democratically elected government and promised sanctions against Poland for not complying with demographic replacement.

When we look back in the future,

It will mark the final nail in the coffin of Western democracy in Europe.

Merkel remains comfortably on track for a 4th victory

If you need a German queen to rule over you then you should go back to Britain.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 May 2017 /  #397
The curious thing about this election is the rabid support that Le Pen attracted from those in the margins in society throughout the world. They bombarded the internet with pro-Le Pen propaganda, yet it simply failed when voters saw in the debate just how poorly prepared she was. She had no answers for the French people, and her poor performance will almost certainly result in a huge amount of defeats in the National Assembly elections this year.

The era of populism is dead. The Macron-Merkel axis will almost certainly strengthen the EU against Russian interference, and one can expect that action will start to be taken against those that are openly cooperating with Russia to influence elections.
johnny reb  49 | 7971  
7 May 2017 /  #398
Trump lovers have been going insane online.

See, that is the difference between Trump lovers and Crooked Hillary lovers.
Trump lovers went on line over the loss and Crooked Hillary lovers went on the streets rioting burning private cars and buildings stomping their feet like three year olds melting down. (In fact they still are) lol

with not a single victory for populists this year in Europe.

This why the EU's economy is declining quickly and doomed to fail.
India will be rising to a New World power soon and I expect will buy up most of what is left of Europe.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 May 2017 /  #399
This why the EU's economy is declining quickly and doomed to fail.

More propaganda straight from Russia?

In fact, in 2016-2018, it's expected that all of the economies in the EU will grow. Real GDP has been growing for 15 quarters now in the Eurozone, too.

I just wonder why you Americans are posting so much false information about the EU online.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
7 May 2017 /  #400
In fact,

No facts. No sources. Just more propaganda straight from you. 2016 was not a good year for the EU and neither has been 2017. Off to a bad start and falling along with the way. The EU will be dead by 2018.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 May 2017 /  #401
I think it's also worth pointing out that this election was a clear rejection of Russian-style fake election promises without substance. Macron has a clear plan on how the EU can be improved, and it can be expected that the European Union will be strengthened during this time. Poland under PiS may find it difficult, but that can only help to contribute to getting rid of the menace in 2019.

I fully expect Macron and Merkel to work together on creating a new deal for Europe, one that leaves behind the hateful nationalist ideology and replaces it with a vision for our shared, common future. Poland will have to decide if her future is with France and Germany or with Russia, and as today's vote shows, a confident and knowledgable leader can defeat the populist menace.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
7 May 2017 /  #402
I fully expect Macron and Merkel to work together on creating a new deal for Europe,

you understand,how bad news is electing Macron for the UK?
this guy EU obsessed leftist will make sure that Britain is punished for leaving EU..no good deal for Britain.where is your patriotism?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
7 May 2017 /  #403
Like a terminally ill patient or a death row inmate who was denied a final stay of execution the French electorate are so psychologically broken after decades of unaccountable EU rule that they have now accepted their doom:

Lowest Turnout Since 1974 As France Decides The "Future Of The EU"

Update: as of 5pm, the French voter participation was 65.3%, which is the lowest in presidential elections going back at least all the way to 1988

Source: zerohedge.com/news/2017-05-07/low-early-turnout-france-decides-future-eu

Macron - victory through apathy.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
7 May 2017 /  #404
no good deal for Britain.where is your patriotism?

Delphia has stated on here that he is Jewish. His loyalty is to his tribe. That's why he staunchly advocates globalism for the rest of us.
Joker  2 | 2390  
8 May 2017 /  #405
Incidentally, all the American Trump lovers have been going insane online.

No, they're not...sources please or is it more of your fake news again?

They had a 5 min video clip on the nighty news here, that was all.

No facts. No sources. Just more propaganda straight from you.

Typical Liberal Spewage.

Notice every one of his post mentions Russia?
Marsupial  - | 871  
8 May 2017 /  #406
The trumpetts are spewig, the brexiters are spewing. This nearly concludes isolating uk to its island, germans to go. Le commie pen copped a hiding. Trancing. Next.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
8 May 2017 /  #407
More evidence of where the 'populist' movement is coming from


Eric Trump 'said father's golf courses got funding from Russia,'
mafketis  38 | 11132  
8 May 2017 /  #408
Trump's election may well have been the highpoint for populism

Not so sure about that, Le Pen's biggest support came from younger voters, the ones who are about to be royally screvved by Macon's financialist policies...
Wincig  2 | 225  
8 May 2017 /  #409
2016 was not a good year for the EU and neither has been 2017. Off to a bad start and falling along with the way.

More commie or Trumpist propaganda? Quite the opposite is true, with the EU outperforming the US..


Not so sure about that, Le Pen's biggest support came from younger voters, the ones who are about to be royally screvved by Macon's financialist policies..

They have been screvved about by all those before Macron.. 9 out of 10 employment contracts signed by youngsters in France are part time. That's what he is trying to change with the El Khomri law.
Crow  154 | 9463  
8 May 2017 /  #410
Only question here is, which French candidate for president will be more open enemy of Poland? I think macro moron Macron would be more open enemy.
jon357  72 | 23361  
8 May 2017 /  #411
Macron - victory through apathy.

A much higher turnout than here in Poland.

More evidence of where the 'populist' movement is coming from

Quite. The opposite of populism, and of course the email leak has its origin in a conservative autocracy ruled by billionaire oligarchs.

open enemy of Poland

Like Le Pen, who is no friend of the idea of Poles or others being able to live and work in Poland.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
8 May 2017 /  #412
Makaron would be soon in serious trouble if he wants to pursue his liberal policies - predicts dr Marcin Darmas of the University of Warsaw's Center for the French Civilisation. - [This is] a young man, practically without experience or any political force behind him - adds dr Darmas. He thinks that powerful trade unions in France would not allow Macron to go on with economic liberal reform that France so badly needs (as the saying goes: it takes three hours to sack an employer in the City of London, three days in New York and three years in France - Z.). - I am predicting that optimism will soon die out in France and people will take to the streets. The importance and significance of the elites in France is vanishing quickly, but this is a worldwide trend.

The French leading newspaper "Le Figaro" speaks of a "swift rise of Emmanuel Macron to power" (l'ascension fulgurante). Il voulait devenir écrivain, il sera président de la République, et c'est déjà tout un roman - adds the paper. It also notes that one in three of the French voters either abstained from voting or cast an empty vote (un Français sur trois a voté blanc ou s'est abstenu).
Ironside  50 | 12916  
8 May 2017 /  #413
The opposite of populism

Is oligarchy. Democracy in its current form is per definition an embodiment of populism.

'said father's golf courses got funding from Russia,'@ peterweg

So Allegedly Tump had some financial dealing with Russia. So what ?
As we speak German business with the backing of the German grovemnat pursue a solid continuity in perusing and expanding their dependency and financial deals with Russia - as we speak they are building much controversial North Stream Two. Yet nosy accuse them of being the Trojan horse of Putin in the EU or being an agent of Putin or what have you.

Either you and people like you are dumb like an ashtray or you believe people are dumb and you can spin any fesses the way you want and they'll buy it.
Joker  2 | 2390  
8 May 2017 /  #414
Eric Trump 'said father's golf courses got funding from Russia,'

Tabloid news, about as reliable as the National Inquirer or CNN. You actually believe this trash? LoL

9 out of 10 employment contracts signed by youngsters in France are part time. That's what he is trying to change with the El Khomri law.

It sounds like a recipe for economic disaster.

It also notes that one in three of the French voters either abstained from voting or cast an empty vote (un Français sur trois a voté blanc ou s'est abstenu).

Macron won't last long, not even close to a mandate!

A much higher turnout than here in Poland.

If Europeans don't vote, then they shouldn't be complaining all the time.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
8 May 2017 /  #415
to sack an employer

lol you whish, you mean an employee?
jon357  72 | 23361  
8 May 2017 /  #416
"Emmanuel Macron: 20.6 million.
Abstentions/blank votes: 16.2 million
Marine Le Pen: 10.7 million"

At least the Putin candidate in fact came third.
Joker  2 | 2390  
8 May 2017 /  #417
At least the Putin candidate in fact came third.

Its appears you and Delph are obsessed with Putin and conspiracy theories.
jon357  72 | 23361  
8 May 2017 /  #418

Le Pen's link with Russia is proven.
Crow  154 | 9463  
8 May 2017 /  #419
Its really upsetting how some people have wrong perception of reality and politics and, still, they have opinions on politics. Such is the case with that jon357 and some other people here.

Yes, Poland and Russia/Poles and Russians do have existing antagonism between them but, fact is that if by any way Russia cease to exist, the day after that, Poland would be canceled by western Europeans. That is the game.

So, no, Poland and Russia don`t have to be allies, don`t have to be in perfect relations, Poles and Russians don`t have to live in same state but, existence of Poland strongly depend on existence of Russia. Simple, other factors wants destruction of Slavs, by that, Poland, too. It don`t depend on Polish-Russian relationship. No. Poles can turn themselves into salt but, as long as they are Slavs, existence of Poland would be questioned. See, existence of Russia represent factor that giving impetus to existence of Poland. Only existence of Russia forcing western Europe to delay destruction of Slavic Poland. In their madness, western Europeans think of possibility to use Poland against Russia and for that they work on Poles to direct them that way. When they think that Poles don`t doing enough against Russia they moving more openly against Poland but, that action incite Russian reaction and, in final extent, Poland survives on map of Europe. So, in that equilibrium exist Poland. Cancel Russia and Poland is canceled.

That is why western Europe have a lot of to lose if Poland strengthen and form Intermarium. On the other side, if Poland strengthen, Russia strengthening by fact that western Europe gained serious obstacle if eventually decide to attack Russia. Russia`s western borders are better secured (after all, better strong Poland then EU on Russian western borders). Russia knows that strong Poland, being aware of source of its power (balance between Russia and western Europe) won`t work on destruction of Russia.

Le Pen's link with Russia is proven.

If Russia can manage to influence USA, French, etc elections then, its serious compliment to Russia. Thank God for that.
johnny reb  49 | 7971  
8 May 2017 /  #420
Crow I know your ability and writing skills by now.
May I ask what Russian news media you copied and pasted that from ?

It's over guys, it's over ! Congratulations !
Let's not look where we were, let's look where we are going.
The American Left news media this morning had a very nice write up about how Macron will benefit the United States as an allie.
Am I happy with the results ? No
Am I going to go out in the streets and burn cars and pout about it for weeks on end ? No
Once obozo and Crooked Hillary endorsed Macron I knew where I stood on the vote.
Today's Euro and European Stock Market both don't seemed impressed with Macron's win as both have dropped and are down today if that is any indication to what is going to come.


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