Maybe we should write more about people in Russia who were protesting against a war and were immediately arrested?
My Russian friend was at that protest. It was the first illegal protest she ever participated in, but she was so angry that she didn't care anymore that she may get arrested...
Poland is not preparing "for" a war with Russia. At most, Poland is now preparing for a defense, "just in case".
Of course.
I was watching Russia Today now and then for a few days - their coverage of the crisis in Ukraine.
It was so biased with very one sided information being given that all you could call that coverage was pure, primitive propaganda. I haven't seen even once the footage of people at Maidan getting shot (I'm sure you have all seen it on Western news channels). They were only showing over and over again Berkut policeman being thrown at with a gas grenade, as far as I can remember, and "facist rioters with guns". Noone was asking the Ukrainians why are they there, reporters simply weren't talking to people in Kiev.
What was funny was that they were showing for at least a couple of days the bullet hole in a window of a hotel near Maidan where the journalists were staying that was supposed to prove that Russian journalists were targeted and it was sooo dangerous. It was being shown even after the agreement between Yanukovych and the opposition was signed.
Etc. Etc.
I suspect majority of those reporters didn't grew up in Russia so I was wondering what do they feel when they say all this load of crap. Do they have no human decency?
Now I know what one of them really thinks:
They said about it on Polish TV and there's info about it in Polish press: I wonder if she still works there lol
I've watched the press conference with Vladimir Putin. Now I don't doubt that Merkel really said to Obama that Putin lives "in another world". Most of it was disgusting.
What was really revolting was that he lied in the face.
He said, as far as I can remember, that the mysterious soldiers without insignia on their uniforms surrounding Ukrainian military bases and blocking airports in Crimea are local men who are members of self-defence groups o_O What?? I don't even...
There is an elite of the Russian army over there! lol Airborne forces, special forces, etc. I mean, there are photos of them, video footage, you can see what they wear, what weaponry they have, how they move, how they behave, in what way they hold their weapons even.
Local militia my ass lol
When the journalist who asked about this insisted that they look rather well equipped and dressed for local self-defence groups Putin answered that you can buy stuff like that in military shops.
(I wasn't aware that one can buy a VSS Vintorez in an on-line shop :))
Just like Ukrainian "facist" rioters from Maidan could buy such stuff, according to Putin, and who were trained, according to Putin, at... military bases in Poland and Lithuania :D I... I don't even... :D *
When asked whether this "local militia" was trained by Russians he answered: "No".
Btw, among those "facist, anti-Semitic" rioters at Maidan were former IDF soldiers who have come to live in Ukraine. One of them was a Jewish businessman and he became a leader of a group of young men at Maidan. Go figure :)
Poles coined a name for Putin. It's Putler (Putin + Hitler). Or Fiutin ("fiut" means "dick" in Polish).
Polish former Minister of Foreign Affairs A.D. Rotfeld said that history has broken off its leash.
I was afraid that something might happen eventually. I just didn't know where exactly and I didn't think that it will happen so soon and so fast...
In one discussion with smurf in Random Thread I wrote that Poland needs time and peace to develop... I hope we'll have both this time.
And I really can't believe my eyes... I didn't want to live in "interesting times" :(
I feel so, so, sooo sorry for Ukrainians... And I'm so angry. And worried.