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Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Oct 2016 /  #1
One year ago the Polish nation made it loud and clear that they had had their fill of the pro-foreign-interest PO scamster regime with a few hayseeds thrown in to ensure a majority.

Despite all the noisy and disruptive street protests and attempts to derail the democratically elected government by the mean-spirited, vindictive and frustrated łosers'camp, the good-change government has managed to forge ahead with reforms and post-PO clean-up measures serving the entire nation, not just a small post-roundtable clique.

PM Beata Szydło's government has introduced major social and financial improvements. Successes have included the flagship "Family 500+" and "Home+" programmes, reform of law enforcement, anti-terrorrist measures, free drugs to OAPs , raising the minimum wage and lowering taxes for small businesses. PiS have improved Poland's security by pressing for US and NATO troops to bolster the EU's eastern flank, and Poland's opposition to obligatory migrant quotas has influenced other EU countries and forced the EU leadership to back away form the quota system.
25 Oct 2016 /  #2
Successes have included the flagship "Family 500+" and "Home+" programmes

Hilarious that you give as the first two successes one program that has delivered exactly zero and another that the regime has even less than zero idea how to finance.

free drugs to OAPs

Only some drugs and not to OAPs either, only to people who are at least a decade past mandatory retirement age. Care to remind us what it was that PIS promised before the election?

raising the minimum wage

Wow: they managed to do what the previous government did too, how special.

lowering taxes for small businesses

They most certainly have not done that: I pay exactly the same percentage rate as 12 months ago.

PiS have improved Poland's security

Have you heard of a planet named earth?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Oct 2016 /  #3

The only hilarious thing is that the PO legacy of catering to wealthy foreign corporations for hefty kickbacks and involvement in dodgy pocket-lining scams aimed against the Polish nation have finally been exposed and brought to a halt. Many of the Platformer/Peasant perpetrators will probably be brought to account.
jon357  72 | 23560  
25 Oct 2016 /  #4
Pretty well a disastrous year for them, and judging by the scale of popular opposition things will continue to be difficult for them. Should JK appoint himself premier again, we can expect an end to them.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Oct 2016 /  #5
scale of popular opposition

In every country one can get people into the streets over va rious issues. In Poland, this is a tiny fraction of society as a whole, and it does not much affect the legislative process. The losers (PO & Petru) did not get a sufficient mandate from the Polish people to enact any legislation. All they can do is chant, rant, fume and cry in their beer.
mafketis  38 | 11214  
26 Oct 2016 /  #6
Every country gets tired of a ruling party after a while. Nothing especially new or interesting that people had had enough of PO

PM Beata Szydło's government

Oh please, it's no more her government than a house belongs to a guard dog.

the democratically elected government

Please remind everybody how certain people (JK, AM) were kept out of public view during the campaign. This led many gullible people to believe the party was evolving into a more or less sane Christian Democrat party, something which Poland could actually use.

Of course the second the Szydło delivered the victory (an enormous feat, far more impressive than anything JK was ever able to do) she was pushed aside in favor of a bunch of toxic commie era fossils. One result was the immediate disillusionment of many young voters who are now more cynical than ever about the political process.

The fossils then set out to destroy the rule of law (in favor of PRL style rule by party leader), poor more public resources down the Smolensk rabbit hole, destory one of the most prestigious Polish international brands (pride of poland), lower Poland's international reputation by keeping its beggar bowl out while making demads on the entity actually giving it money and they instituted widespread appointment by cronyism instead of pushing for transparent appointments based on competence (the exact problem that too many Polish businesses have).

I might be interested in what a PiS government freed the pararnoid Kaczyński, petty Ziobro and death-**** obsessed Macierewicz might be like. But they clearly plan on holding on to power as long as their liver spotted hands hold out and their lips can form the sacred PiS motto... "teraz.. kvrvva.. my!"
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
26 Oct 2016 /  #7
Please remind everybody how certain people (JK, AM) were kept out of public view during the campaign.

This is certainly true. What is more to it is that PM Szydło promised not to appoint Antoni Macierewicz as a minister in her cabinet. That promised was broken.

I remember cartoons in the Polish press showing Mr Macierewicz as hiding in a cellar during the electoral campaign. Then a cleaning lady opens the trapdoor and shouts to him:

- Panie Antoni, wybory zakończone, może Pan już wychodzić!
mafketis  38 | 11214  
26 Oct 2016 /  #8
Szydło promised not to appoint Antoni Macierewicz as a minister in her cabinet. That promised was broken.

Apparently it wasn't her promise to make.... as she was quickly reminded the second polls were closed.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Oct 2016 /  #9
immediate disillusionment of many young voters

Undocumented wishful thinking. You really are becoming more and more like your guru HB.