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Poland's fight against paedophilia

gregy741  5 | 1226  
14 Jun 2015 /  #211
The RCC most certainly does think people who have been convicted of raping children are perfectly suited to positions which enable them to have unsupervised access to children

what RCC think is unimportant.they are still expected to obey the law.if court convict priest and it will issue order to him to be removed from having access to children, he will have no access to them.same as with teachers or any other people.i believe RCC priests are still subject to Polish law
14 Jun 2015 /  #212
Your belief is clearly wrong. Roman K. was convicted in the USA of being a paedophile rapist (a charge he had admitted to) and was deported from the USA after serving his sentence. On returning to Poland the RCC placed him in a parish and sent him to teach religious education at the local high school.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
14 Jun 2015 /  #213
that's Polish legislation or executing legislation problem.if there is any loop allowing convicted peados to continue work with children -that has to be changed.

local high school.

kids in high school?
14 Jun 2015 /  #214
kids in high school?

Yep, the same sort of age as the vulnerable girl he raped in the USA.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
14 Jun 2015 /  #215
any link?i couldn't find nothing about this guy. i though,children leave primary school and gymnasium at the age of 15.
how comes kids study in high school then?
anyway..if you google teacher cases,you can find alot of that kinda stuff,where convicted peados are being allow to work with kida or even being paid by school while in prison...

it seems some legislation needs to be updated
14 Jun 2015 /  #216
Just Google the name Roman Kramek.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
14 Jun 2015 /  #217
Your belief is clearly wrong. Roman K. was convicted in the USA of being a paedophile rapist

he didnt rape and that girl wasnt child,she was 17 years old.from what a gathered,he was convicted of having consent sex with person who he was suppose to give psychological help.

man how reality truth differ from what you write here.
jon357  72 | 23482  
14 Jun 2015 /  #218
Actually he did abuse his position by having sex with a teenager who was in his care and he admitted this in court. He's now believe it or not serving in a parish near Elblag.
14 Jun 2015 /  #219
She was below the age of consent. She did not consent to sex (she said she said no, he claims she didn't say yes or no, so there was no consent). He took a plea bargain.

It's sickening how people here seek to excuse and defend paedophile rapists.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
14 Jun 2015 /  #220
It's sickening how people here seek to excuse and defend paedophile rapists.

i dont excuse peados..am far from that.but if you want to judge anyone ,at least be fair,your obsessive constant lies ,and manipulations in regard to RCC cases are not helping here

the simple fact of you constant highlighting, twist the facts,and exaggerating crimes , that comes from one selective group of people(RCC),means that child safety is not your agenda here but some leftist ideological war is the reason.man ,you are too biased for any merit conversation.

you dont follow neither truth,facts,reason ,logic and fairness in your judgement,,and that regards to any topic here.
you should consider getting help with your obsessions
Harry,the problem with you is that you have corrupted soul.you have eyes but you are blind..hehehehe
14 Jun 2015 /  #221
i dont excuse peados.

You certainly appear to be making excuses for a pervert who had sex with a girl who was below the age of consent and did so against her will.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jun 2015 /  #222
The media publicity about the RCC is due to

But also due to the anticlerical and anti-RC slant of the leftstream media (TVN, Wybiórcza, etc.). Usually there are multiple reasons for things but fanatical libertine ideologians usually hammer away on a single point. It's the old totalitarian principle: if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.
jon357  72 | 23482  
14 Jun 2015 /  #223
That's in your mind. Unless you'd just prefer that the media didn't report on any scandals within religious bodies.

Also a distraction, since the problems there are proven and no longer as easy to cover up. What's interesting is when compensation claims (whether there's a religious connection or not) begin to snowball here.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jun 2015 /  #224
in your mind

So there is no such thing as anticlericalism? And Wybiórcza is pro-Catholic and anti-Semitic, right?
You may not be a journalist, but even as a lowly belfer you must know that the choice of words, emotive turns of phrase, semantic shadings, etc. all combine to project a certain slant. The leftstream media are a prime example.
jon357  72 | 23482  
14 Jun 2015 /  #225
That's a. pure paranoia about your favourite subject, and b. off-topic.
14 Jun 2015 /  #226
It's the old totalitarian principle: if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.

I'll defer on that principle to those who were paid to trot out the lies of the commie regime in Poland.
But when we're talking about paedophile priests and the RCC covering up for them, the statement that the RCC covered up four and even enabled paedophile priests is most certainly not a lie. You can repeat as many times as you want the claim that that statement is a lie but you still won't change the truth, but you might well make yourself look somewhat foolish.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Jun 2015 /  #227
compensation claims

The stupidest thing the US Church did was letting itself be roped into compensation claims directed not at the paedophile offender but at his employer, a given diocese, That's like suing Ford Motor Co. for the offences of one of its employees. A convicted paedo, whether an executive, cleric, gym instructor, scoutmaster or chalk-pusher like Jon should be chemically castrated and locked up for a good long time. Priests should additionally be defrocked and excommunicated.
DominicB  - | 2706  
15 Jun 2015 /  #228
That's like suing Ford Motor Co. for the offences of one of its employees.

You do realize that Ford Motor company can most certainly be sued for the "offences" of one of it's employees, and that that does indeed happen on a regular basis when they are determined to share or bear responsibility for that employee's behavior.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Jun 2015 /  #229
bear responsibility for that employee's behavior

Why would they want to? Any precedents?
15 Jun 2015 /  #230
The stupidest thing the US Church did was letting itself be roped into compensation claims directed not at the paedophile offender but at his employer, a given diocese

Yes, they should have fought those cases all the way to the Supreme Court; they could have wasted a vast amount of money on legal fees and the RCC in the USA would basically have been sued out of existence. Pity there's no chance of that happening in Poland.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Jun 2015 /  #231
Pity there's no chance of that happening in Poland.

So you are effectively admitting that the destruciton of the RCC is your ultimate dream and goal. What did those Dominicans do to you to poison your soul with such hatred?
15 Jun 2015 /  #232
So you are effectively admitting that the destruciton of the RCC is your ultimate dream and goal.

No, I'm saying that it's a pity the courts in Poland can't be used to force the RCC to face up to and atone for its past misdeeds.

What did those Dominicans do to you to poison your soul with such hatred?

All the Brothers were perfectly charming. I never saw the vile evil that dresses itself up in the disguise of Catholicism, abusing Jesus to cloak its dark hatred and envy, until I moved to Poland and met your ilk.
jon357  72 | 23482  
15 Jun 2015 /  #233
The stupidest thing the US Church did was letting itself be roped into compensation claims directed not at the paedophile offender but at his employer, a given diocese, That's like suing Ford Motor Co. for the offences of one of its employees.

Actually, Pol3, the dioceses were not sued as the offenders' employers - if that were possible there would be far more lawsuits - but in cases where they'd admitted covering up crimes as an organisation, concealing offenders from arrest and instead of reacting, placing them back in other parishes to offend again.

I am unaware of the Ford Motor Company doing anything like that. I also notice with disappointment that Roman Kramek is in a rural parish in Poland, very possibly with unsupervised access to teenage girls.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
15 Jun 2015 /  #234
I also notice with disappointment that Roman Kramek is in a rural parish in Poland, very possibly with unsupervised access to teenage girls.

You should look into that at once jon to see if such is "possible" to your possible allegations.
Ride in on your white horse and start a petition to expose him to that rural parish.
Those young Catholic girls coming of age with racing hormones may not be able to control their sexual desires around such a stud.
Oh just the thought of it is a sin !
jon357  72 | 23482  
15 Jun 2015 /  #235
Not 'possible' but actual. He admitted it in court and was jailed. His current whereabouts are well-known and probably no accident that they put him out in the boondocks, where a man in a black dress is unquestioningly still a figure of authority and much more respected than they might be in Poland A. In a decent suburb of Warsaw, he'd be run out of town.

However the problem with Roman Kramek isn't just church cover-ups, and inadequate risk management. It's the fact that in small town Poland, the law is rarely evenly applied and people (whatever their trade or profession) can get away with more.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
15 Jun 2015 /  #236
These two are trying to make it sound like this is still running ramped like it was twenty years ago in the church.

Put me on that list too.

It does not stick out from other European countries

Those other countries you mention are Italy and Germany. The second being scared to do anything against "human rights" after their two little excursions from civilisation last century.

The UK have criminal checks before employment, and the violent and sexual offenders' register. France has similar.

Please engage brain before typing :)
15 Jun 2015 /  #237
Not 'possible' but actual. He admitted it in court and was jailed.

Actually in court he only admitted to sexual assault; he took a plea bargain rather than being convicted of having sex with an under-age girl against her will, I have no idea why he was offered such an easy deal.

But then I also have no idea why people come here and try to defend and make excuses for vile perverts who rape children.

Does anybody happen to remember how the Polish media reported the Pope's statement last summer that 2% of priests are paedophiles? Come to think of it, how many priests are there in Poland?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Jun 2015 /  #238
2% of priests are paedophiles

That's about right. The pope's figure only shows that Catholic priests are not some exceptional offender. Gym instructors, scoutmasters and teachers probably have a higher percentage, not to mention ballet dancers, hair dressers and interior decorators.
jon357  72 | 23482  
15 Jun 2015 /  #239
how many priests are there in Poland?

30,000 in Poland; 400,000 in the world.

As for teachers, very unlikely, but "ballet dancers, hair dressers and interior decorators" - have you even one shred of evidence for that?
15 Jun 2015 /  #240
Gym instructors, scoutmasters and teachers probably have a higher percentage, not to mention ballet dancers, hair dressers and interior decorators.

Might one ask for the source of your statement?
I'm sure that the Polish ministry of education would be very interested to learn that 2% of their teachers are paedophiles, will you be sharing your source with them?

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