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Poland's fight against paedophilia

jon357  72 | 22979  
13 Jun 2015 /  #151
RC clergy = paedo

A big issue, given the role (albeit waning) in of the RCC in small-town Poland.

creeping homosexualisation


Why don't you ever mention them?

Probably because that isn't the issue - no matter how much of your thoughts dwell on homosexuality. Most of the victims of paedophillia by the way are female.
13 Jun 2015 /  #152
All the three 'posts' above are just trying to deflect from the real issue - which is a sad and serious one.

The failure to acknowledge there is a problem and to instead point at other problems in other places is a large part of the problem here in Poland.

If the RCC can admit that there have been failings in the past, it's a shame that some here do anything to say otherwise and to distract attention from the situation in Poland.

The RCC has, grudgingly, admitted it has had problems in the past. Unfortunately, it hasn't done much to prevent future problems and has done even less to make good the damage it caused in the past.

Never forget: a larger percentage of homosexual paedophiles are not priests.

Given that such a tiny percentage of men are RCC priests, anything other than a fairly small percentage of paedophiles being priests would be exceedingly unlikely, wouldn't it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jun 2015 /  #153
defending the RCC

I have never said that guilty clergy should not be punished. Convicted paedos should be publicy identified, mandatorily defrocked, excommuncated and better yet -- chemically castrated. Except your hero Tusk made his usual ambitious, high-sounding promises and then backed out.
jon357  72 | 22979  
13 Jun 2015 /  #154
The RCC has, grudgingly, admitted it has had problems in the past. Unfortunately, it hasn't done much to prevent future problems and has done even less to make good the damage it caused in the past.

This is key to it, and symptomatic of the wider problem.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jun 2015 /  #155
victims of paedophillia

Unless you claim Poland is different and its homosexuals strictly limit their liaisons to adults, generally the 2% homosexual minority accounts for over 30% of all paedophilic offences. Why are these people not being brought to justice, not apologising and not indemnifying victims and their families? And why do you repeatedly ignore the issue and try to redirect all the odium to the RCC?
jon357  72 | 22979  
13 Jun 2015 /  #156


Off topic, Pol3.

You really do have a preoccupation with this.

the RCC?

A body which have acknowledged their problems on a global level and which (though waning fast) have had an inflated role in Poland over the past couple of decades.
13 Jun 2015 /  #157
Unless you claim Poland is different and its homosexuals strictly limit their liaisons to adults, generally the 2% homosexual minority accounts for over 30% of all paedophilic offences.

You are the one making those claims, you are the one who needs to support them. I'm reporting well-sourced and proven facts. I wonder why you are so unwilling to support your claims.

Why are these people not being brought to justice, not apologising and not indemnifying victims and their families?

Who says they aren't? Can you give us any details? Can you give us any proof? Or is this just another of the fantasies you post here when reality isn't to your liking?

And why do you repeatedly ignore the issue and try to redirect all the odium to the RCC?

I don't ignore it: for years I've been saying that Poland needs to get its act together with regard to child protection. As just one example, there is no screening at all of private school teachers, none: that's just asking for trouble.

I'm talking here about the RCC because the thread I started (which was merged into this older thread) was started to cover the news that the RCC in Poland is beginning to face up to the fact that it has had, has and will have a problem with paedophile priests.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jun 2015 /  #158
the thread I started

Then it's high time to start a new thread about how non-RC clergy offenders are admitting their guilt and beign brought to justice. The preponderance of RCC stuff on PF and in the sensation-seeking media creates the impression that priests are the sole or main offenders.
13 Jun 2015 /  #159
Then it's high time to start a new thread about how non-RC clergy offenders are admitting their guilt and beign brought to justice.

If you want one of those, start it.

The preponderance of RCC stuff on PF and in the sensation-seeking media creates the impression that priests are the sole or main offenders.

They clearly are not the sole offenders. However, the RCC is the organisation in Poland which has the largest problem with paedophiles using it in order to get access to children. And there are few organisations here which do less to stop paedophiles getting access to children. But, of course, there are no other organisations in Poland which have covered up for and/or enabled more paedophiles than the RCC.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jun 2015 /  #160
nflated role in Poland

More like 10 centuries.... Catholicism has permeated every facet of Polish history and culture. Even the Polish Enlightenment was developed not by God-bashing, guillotine-frenzied frogs but by priests and bishops: Kołłątaj, Krasicki, Staszic, Konarski, Naruszewicz, Bohomolec and others. Read up on Polish history a bit.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
13 Jun 2015 /  #161
So what are Polands laws now on Paedophilia ?
Say for example if Hank came home after having one to many vodka's and woke up to the
police with an arrest warrant for sexually fondling his step daughter when he came home last night.
Would the man have a leg to stand on to defend himself or would it be just the step child's word against
his and he would go immediately to jail, get his name and picture on the local news and be charged on hearsay like they do here in the U.S. to merely make money for the court systems ?

And if it is proven that the step daughter lied the mans reputation has been ruined and the step daughter gets
a slap on the hands with a six month probation.
Is this how it works in Poland too ?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jun 2015 /  #162
I'm reporting well-sourced and proven facts

Well what figures do you give for the high rate of paedophiles amongst homosexuals?
13 Jun 2015 /  #163
I don't recall saying the rate is high. Would you like to claim it is? Show us some data then. And not 'data' from the sort of website where you read about the EU planning to forcibly micro-chip Polish babies.

Catholicism has permeated every facet of Polish history and culture.

Wrong tense; you need to use the past tense, not a present telse. Poland isn't a Catholic county, as you claim, a situation illustrated by the fact that the overwhelming majority of Poles don't bother doing even the very minimum required of Catholics.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jun 2015 /  #164
I don't recall saying the rate is high

Fine, then show us how low the homo boy-buggering rate is.

quote @jon357 Theologically complex quote

Very simple: the RCC recognises PNCC Holy Orders (ordinations) and other sacraments as valid, whilst the Anglican ones are not.
13 Jun 2015 /  #165
Fine, then show us how low the homo boy-buggering rate is.

I don't recall saying it was low either. However, I recall you saying a priest in Warsaw made a good point when he said that only one in a thousand paedophiles is a priest. Do you still think that that was a good point?
jon357  72 | 22979  
13 Jun 2015 /  #166
Even the Polish Enlightenment was developed not by God-bashing, guillotine-frenzied frogs but by priests and bishops:

Actually the Masons (an organisation which unlike the RCC has no child protection issues) had much more to do with it. Why not read up on Polish history. I'm happy to drown you in facts however they would need to be in another thread.

Plenty of kids at today's Parada Rownosci with their parents. A much safer environment than being left unsupervised with random clergy.
13 Jun 2015 /  #167
"A much safer environment than being left unsupervised with random clergy" - I could not agree more ;)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jun 2015 /  #168
with their parents

It's a good thing they were supervised by their parents. Statistically speaking, one-third of the homo marchers go after litle boys.
jon357  72 | 22979  
13 Jun 2015 /  #169
Another bare-faced lie, Pol3.

Unless you've got any reputable source to back up that little bit of attempted nastiness. Which you haven't.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Jun 2015 /  #170
As just one example, there is no screening at all of private school teachers, none: that's just asking for trouble

Exactly Harry. Unfortunately it's not about the protection of the child here, but a denial of human rights to the adult population.

Then it's high time to start a new thread about how non-RC clergy offenders are admitting their guilt and beign brought to justice. The preponderance of RCC stuff on PF and in the sensation-seeking media creates the impression that priests are the sole or main offenders.

You really don't get it do you Polonius? On a par with teachers who sexually molest the children in their care, priests who commit such crimes are the worst of offenders and should be dealt with accordingly by long prison sentences. In not so secure prison units where they will regularly be assaulted, so they can know for themselves the misery they bring.

Anybody who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescents and deliberately puts themselves in authority over children is guilty. Like alcoholics and others with an addictive personality, some paedophiles do seek professional help, but when they are caught in the act should expect the full force of the law.

I always checked out my daughters' priests very very carefully, for if something had happened, I would have had to kill them.
13 Jun 2015 /  #171
Statistically speaking, one-third of the homo marchers go after litle boys.

Statistically speaking, there is a 100% chance you made that up.
But it is interesting to see you posting about both homosexuals and sex with pre-pubescent children at the same time. We're very used to seeing you show you're thinking about one or the other of those, but now you're thinking about both at the same time.
13 Jun 2015 /  #172
Poland's fight against paedophilia should include Civic Platform. Once again their member - Rafal P. from Gniezno - has been arrested for this hideous crime.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jun 2015 /  #173
both at the same time

Yes, because paedophilia is one of the threats posed to society by homosexuals. Others are health threats such as contagious diseases spread to the unsuspecting normal majority of society by bisexuals.
14 Jun 2015 /  #174
paedophilia is one of the threats posed to society by homosexuals.

Paedophilia is one of the threats posed to Polish society by the Catholic church.

At least the gay community in Poland don't expect vast subsidies from the Polish taxpayer, unlike the Catholic church.
14 Jun 2015 /  #175
You talk about homosexuality A LOT.
DominicB  - | 2706  
14 Jun 2015 /  #176
Paedophilia is one of the threats posed to Polish society by the Catholic church.

Bingo. Apparently, Faith, Hope and Charity have been replaced by Homophobia, Misogyny and Pedophilia as the core dogmatic principles of the RCC.

Also, Poland is heading the same way as Spain and Ireland as far as the RCC is concerned. It is only a matter of time before demographic changes result in widespread repudiation of the Church, and of religion in general. When it happens, it will be a very rapid change.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
14 Jun 2015 /  #177
At least the gay community in Poland don't expect vast subsidies from the Polish taxpayer

I am a hedrosexual and have sex with my wife which is considered 'normal' in society.
Hedrosexual taxpayers expect no vast subsidies.
Paedophilia is nowhere near the threat to society that homosexuality is, it's just more disgusting.
f stop  24 | 2493  
14 Jun 2015 /  #178
hedrosexual? Where did you get that spelling from?
14 Jun 2015 /  #179
Apparently, Faith, Hope and Charity have been replaced by Homophobia, Misogyny and Pedophilia as the core dogmatic principles of the RCC.

No, they haven't. The vast majority of the Catholics I know are still excellent people. You have to remember that the people who make the most noise about their faith very rarely speak for many people from that same faith; usually they don't even get the basics about their faith right. It's the same with Catholics in Poland.

But the bitter, hate-filled twisted 'Catholics' are dying off now. Radio Maryja's influence falls every year. The fact that the RCC here has even been able to admit that it had and has a problem with paedophile priests is an encouraging sign.
14 Jun 2015 /  #180
Catholic priests aren't likely to be pedophiles, anymore then any other group. The fact they tried to cover up a few bad cases doesn't mean the institution is filled with pedoes and other sickoes for the simple reason pedoes and sickoes are a minority in any society.

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