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Poland's fight against paedophilia

krysia  23 | 3058  
25 Sep 2009 /  #61
A neutered guy will still breed, but won't get her pregnant.
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
25 Sep 2009 /  #62
So what happens when the sex offender is a woman ? As we saw in the UK earlier this week with the teacher fiddling with a 15 year old.

Inject her tounge with Lignocaine ?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
25 Sep 2009 /  #63
So what happens when the sex offender is a woman ?

Good question.

What are the stats in Poland regarding male and female sex offenders? Anyone know?

A neutered guy will still breed, but won't get her pregnant.

Possibly. The idea is their sex drive would be lowered though.
sadieann  2 | 205  
25 Sep 2009 /  #64
A Pedophile is impossible to rehabilitate. Castration will not change a Pedophile's urge to repeat a sex offense. Good in theory. Solution? I hope that would be enough of a deterrent. A very deviant person commits these acts of violence. Disgusting. Chemically? Why not the whole way!
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
25 Sep 2009 /  #65
Why not the whole way!

Why not ? I can't see what the argument against it would be.

By the way, they have already found a food that reduces a womans sex drive by 90%.

Its called a wedding cake.
beckski  12 | 1609  
25 Sep 2009 /  #66
The whole chemical castration is nonsense... and has nothing to do with real castration...

They can always borrow my butcher knife to ensure the castration is successful.
sadieann  2 | 205  
25 Sep 2009 /  #67
Lorena Bobbit <LOL>
krysia  23 | 3058  
25 Sep 2009 /  #68
Yeah, turn him into a woman. How would he use the urinal?
wildrover  98 | 4431  
25 Sep 2009 /  #69
I could take sex offenders for a ride on my Harley....50 kms on a Polish road will soon put a stop to their nonsense....
Marek11111  9 | 808  
25 Sep 2009 /  #70
is this going to be mandatory for all the priests, all the priests will have to be castrated before being going to parish, I like this idea.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
26 Sep 2009 /  #71
If they are in prison, for life, they don't need castration.

Prison costs money, castration does not.

The urge to have sex with a child CAN be controlled. To think that it cannot be is absurd.

You're f*cking clueless, sometimes reading this forum is like reading apes discussing physics, why do you think there's serial killers and pedophiles in the first place? These people are slaves of urges largely beyond their control.

If they are released after serving time and on the same day of release castrated...this means they are punished twice.

IF castration works to stop these urges then it has nothing with punishment its simple prevention (apparently regular injections of a drug do work).

Pedophilia is pretty much a mental disease that should and most probably could be cured.

No pedophilia cannot be cured, while i respect Starowicz the history of this ilness bears more weight than his academic opinion.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
26 Sep 2009 /  #72
a little more info: telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/poland/6232530/Poland-approves-forcible-castration-for-paedophiles.html

Under the law, sponsored by Poland's centre-Right government, paedophiles convicted of raping children under the age of 15 years or a close relative would have to undergo chemical therapy on their release from prison.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
26 Sep 2009 /  #73
Does the Poliosh law apply to rapists was well as for incest and paedophilia?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
26 Sep 2009 /  #74
Not to my knowledge
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
26 Sep 2009 /  #75
I see no problems with suppressing pedophiles', rapists' (et al) sex drive in a chemical way for some years after prison.

If it isn't the first time they commit such things, do it for the rest of their lifes.
Marek11111  9 | 808  
27 Sep 2009 /  #76
I think if some one rapes small kid or is pedophile then that person should be put in prison till dead or just shoot, I wonder how may Catholic priests would be left.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
27 Sep 2009 /  #77
I think its a good idea, its probably going to be the closest we get to giving them what they deserve. I'm not sure exactly what effects that would have on a pedo or anybody else for that matter, it would for sure take away the sexual desires but not all the other stuff that pedo's do. I mean even just spending time with children, talking with them, god knows what else.

I see it as a step in the right direction but not what deserves to happen to them, if you ask me these pedophiles, rapists etc need putting down, i don't really care how you do it, lethal injection etc etc. Why do people like this need to populate the earth, its proven that it can't be totally 'rehabilitated' out of these fantasies/desires, so why not just bin them off. It would save a lot of money feeding them and keeping them alive in prison.

As far as i'm concerned they could help us find a cure to cancer, AIDS etc, hand them over to the scientists for a bit of 'voluntary work' or 'in the interest of science' Ow and no, i'm not Austrian, i don't have a little mustache and i definetly have not started any sort of movement!!!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
27 Sep 2009 /  #78
if you ask me these pedophiles, rapists etc need putting down

You know whats the saddest part about you couch preachers, if i gave you a loaded gun and put you in a room with a convicted rapist and told you to shoot him you'd shyt your pants, cry yourself into hysteria like a little cowardly faggot but you wouldnt pull the trigger.

Now dont go telling us how you would because the fact is 99.9% of people who make such statements would sh*t their diapers when forced to kill a fish at christmas let alone a human being so shut up.

Yes there's people like serial killers you need to put to death, some of the sexual offenders too but they're human beings and even if they lived like scumbags their life has some value on that principle alone so even if we send them to gallows lets not do it lightly.

As far as i'm concerned they could help us find a cure to cancer, AIDS etc, hand them over to the scientists for a bit of 'voluntary work' or 'in the interest of science' Ow and no, i'm not Austrian, i don't have a little mustache and i definetly have not started any sort of movement!!!

No you're just a faggy couch potato who makes morally heavy statements but if put in a real life situation due your peanut sized balls and hollywood based outlook on life and death hitting real life you would be unable to do anything but cry like a raped wuss, my personal philosophy is to never have an opinion i couldnt stand behind myself.

These people are twisted dark and broken and yes sometimes they need to be killed so our kids/women sleep in peace but i hope cowardly pathetic lowly couch preachers like you never ever have a say in matters of their life and death.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
27 Sep 2009 /  #79
Funny you should say that actually, you won't be surprised to hear that you wrong, well at least in my case. I spent a lot of my younger years around guns, weapons etc etc. Down to the fact whenever i saw my father it was always at a marine camp/base/whatever.

Being the sensible person my father is, instead of hiding me away from all the guns, weapons etc, he actually taught me about the weapon (his gun) getting me to clean it, take it apart and assemble it again. I had to do this many many times before he would even think of taking me out and teaching me how to use it, at first i learned by watching and listening to him.

Eventually in my later teen years he allowed me to fire the gun on the camp where he was based, i won't ramble on about the ins and outs as i don't even think it was legal. He also showed me (at home) where he kept the gun and where the ammo was (it was never loaded) He told me that if there was ever real trouble, like somebody breaking into the house if i was there alone or if he was in trouble, that it was there for me to defend myself and my family if he was in trouble or not at home. Of course no such thing ever happened and there was no need for me or anybody else to take it out let alone use it, in many peoples eyes my father would be considered 'irresponsible' in my eyes he took away the 'wow' factor of the gun and instead taught me to respect them.

So in answer to your question, could i shoot a pedophile or a rapist, yes. For two reasons really, i have a younger sister, it would not be difficult to imagine my thaughts had that pedophile got anywhere near her. Second, i've fired a gun and have no problems doing it again, real targets or not. For sure the pedophile would end up dead but how i would deal with the 'aftermath' its anybodies guess. Another thing my father told me, when it coes to killing people its not the killing itself that is difficult, it is dealing with what you have done afterwards.

take from that what you will.

No you're just a faggy couch potato who makes morally heavy statements but if put in a real life situation due your peanut sized balls and hollywood based outlook on life and death hitting real life you would be unable to do anything but cry like a raped wuss, my personal philosophy is to never have an opinion i couldnt stand behind myself.

well its something i could stand behind, i don't see why you resort to name calling to try and back up your points of views about me, infact for anybody else who may think the same.

These people are twisted dark and broken and yes sometimes they need to be killed so our kids/women sleep in peace but i hope cowardly pathetic lowly couch preachers like you never ever have a say in matters of their life and death.

ok stop your silly name calling and actually have a discussion, at the moment all you are doing is banding names about, nothing else. You can call me what you like but in reality you know nothing about me or my state of mind when it comes to these sorts of people.

I will just say one thing, i work with children on almost a daily basis, i would not like to see any of them harmed. I would do anything and support anything to secure their safety, so please stop the name calling and have a proper debate/conversation/discussion


IrishinPoland  1 | 22  
28 Sep 2009 /  #80
There is a difference, medically, between those who have sexual preferences to pre-pubescent and post-pubescents.

Pedophilia is a sexual preference towards pre-pubescent males or females.

Ephebophilia is a sexual preference towards mid to late pubescent males or females.

Hebephelia refers to sexual preferences towards pubescent males or females.

They may or may not be deemed sexual offences, depending on the laws of the country the act is committed.

For example, if Polanski went to Afghanistan (leaving aside whether they have an extradition treaty or not) lawmakers may say, "Hey Roman, how come you like them so old?"

California state law mandates treatment for first-time sex offenders of victims under 13.

Does this mean that Polanski under Californian State law (he committed the offence in LA) have chemical castration treatment applied to him for an offence committed 31 years ago?

In Spain the age of consent is 13, but I think this only applies to those who are no older than 16. What is the specific situation in Poland if a 16/17 year old is having consensual sex with his 15 year old girlfriend and her parents, as her legal guardians, either pressure her to bring charges against him or accuse him of rape (can they bring charges against him for violating their daughter?)?

There is some fierce shite being muttered here on this thread. Burning pedos at the stake, for example. This what leads to paediatricians being attacked by ignorant fuckheads whop mistake them with pedophiles. Have a look at this nightmare scenario where a doctor was forced from her home because of attacks by dumb thugs.

It is largely accepted by the medical profession that sexual disorders (they are not diseases) are not curable but are treatable. The degrees of success vary of course. The film 'The Woodsman' is an interesting take on a pedophile trying to curb his urges after being released from jail.

Maybe open plan prisons are the long term humane way of dealing with those who have served their time. I don't like the idea of doubly punishing someone but the rights of children in any community have to come first over the rights of a convicted pedophile or ephebophile.

It also appears to me that religious communities have a big role to play in sheltering society from pedophiles. In one religious community I know of in Dublin, a pedo priest who settled out of court with the victim's family was not kicked out of the religious congregation. Instead, it was agreed between the community, the police and the religious congregation that he can not leave the confines of the community alone and cannot spend time with any children alone within the confines of the community. So when church is on he doesn't go to the public mass but rather to the mass with other priests, etc.

Horse manure talk like blaming priests as being more pedophilic than other professions is not constructive and not backed up by hard facts. In Ireland research showed that about 3% of those who had committed sexuial offences against minors were in the religious profession.

Chopping dicks off will hardly work. Ever hear of a strap-on or a finger? Behavioural changes through well-established court-police-medical support programmes and trying to completely limit the chances of convicted pedophiles ever having contact with kids are the only way to somehow solve this problem. It is in all our interest to not drive pedos (convicted or otherwise) underground but rather acknowledge the fact that society at large needs to help (if we can put our knives and *********** boots away for a minute) in supporting novel programmes by sexperts and others in limiting their urges and preventing them from harming kids.
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
28 Sep 2009 /  #81
blaming priests as being more pedophilic than other professions is not constructive and not backed up by hard facts

In the absence of hard facts lets do some research of our own...

In Ireland research showed that about 3% of those who had committed sexuial offences against minors were in the religious profession.

OK, so as a % of the population, how many people in Ireland are in the religious profession ?
IrishinPoland  1 | 22  
28 Sep 2009 /  #82

I was interested in the answer to your question before you asked but didn't have time to research it. I guess it depends on what period we are talking about. There were about 50,000 people who had religious vows in Ireland in the 50's. I think the vast majority of documented abuse occured between the 50's and early 80's although there was also some brutal cases in the 90's.

This is a pretty comprehensive report of sexual abuse in Ireland. It claims that 1.7% of sexual abuse perpetrators in Ireland are religious ministers (I guess that means either priest, deacon, seminarian, nun or religious brother, etc.). The research was conducted in 2001 amongst over 3,000 victims.

The population of Ireland in '56 was about 2.8mn so I think those in religious profession were 2% of the population. As regards the profession breakdown of sexual abusers in the 50's in Ireland I really don't know whether stats are available there.

Certainly those in religious ministry have had/do have great opportunities to act on their sexual disorder impulses. I always felt that the very early religious formation of boys and girls through single sex schools (widespread in Ireland up to the 90's)and primary school/ junior high schools that were like junior seminaries/nunneries helped stunt 'normal' sexual development and interests.

The prevalence of Irish surnames in pedophile cases amongst priests formed in Ireland but ministering in the U.S. has noticeable, but maybe it has more to do with the mass production of priests formed in Ireland in the 40's-70's.

At the moment I think there are at least 7000 in the religious profession but I couldn't up to date statistics on the numbers. Anyhow, maybe we've strayed from the topic of the thread. Any reports done on sexual abuse in Poland and can people provide the links here. Thanks.
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
28 Sep 2009 /  #83
I think there are at least 7000 in the religious profession

So if Ireland has a population of 6 000 000. That comes out at around 0.1% of the population.
If 3% of crimes are committed by these people, that means they are 30 times more likely to offend...hmmmmmmm

I am also available to help with tax returns, expenses claims etc etc ;-)
IrishinPoland  1 | 22  
28 Sep 2009 /  #84
Easy access to children, trust of the parents and community, heading away on camps, etc. make kids particularly vulnerable to predatory priests. Babysitters were the biggest proportionate offenders from the research I cited above.

The population of the Rep. of Ireland is 4.2mn and 3.6mn are Catholics, that's what I'm referring to. I just read that there in 2006 there were 5,100 priests in Ireland. I don't think you are thinking into consideration the rapid decline in numbers of those in the religious profession since the 90's and it was the 60's-80's that most of the abuse occurred when there were maybe 30,000 religious. The 2009 Ryan report on child abuse in church run institutions. It found that over 35 years there were 800 (lay and religious) abusers in 200 Catholic institutions. This was not all acs of pedophilia but included a vast array of emotional, physical and sexual abuse of pre and post-pubescents, girls and boys, by lay and religious teachers.

How many people are doing time in Poland for pedophilia crimes?
Senach  1 | 47  
24 Nov 2009 /  #85
Does anyone know how this chemical work's on Women sex offender's,or is it only male's that are going to be punished this way?
wildrover  98 | 4431  
24 Nov 2009 /  #86
Does anyone know how this chemical work's on Women sex offender's,

I don,t believe it does work on women...but i could be wrong on that...?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Nov 2009 /  #87
Does anyone know how this chemical work's on Women sex offender's,or is it only male's that are going to be punished this way?

Only for men, its a special treat that we evil women dreamt up :D
Senach  1 | 47  
25 Nov 2009 /  #88

A witty response,though i disagree,it was dreamt up by men who hate other men,and disregard women as a threat to children.

Polonius3  980 | 12276  
26 Aug 2010 /  #89
Thread attached on merging:
Chemical castration proposed by PM Tusk - is it lawful already?

A while back I recall PM Tusk calling for chemical castration of pedophiles. Has this become law in Poland or not? Anyone know?
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
26 Aug 2010 /  #90
Loads of catholic priests walking round without balls..... funny

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland's fight against paedophiliaArchived