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Poland's fight against paedophilia

Filios1  8 | 1336  
30 Oct 2008 /  #31
So now we pre-judge people.

So you are saying that repeat pedophiles will be led to the perform pedophilia, no matter if they are castrated or not, but you are also against pre-judging people? These people are mentally screwed up, not much else you can do with them. Personally, I think it should be physical castration.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
30 Oct 2008 /  #32
So you are saying that repeat pedophiles will be led to the perform pedophilia, no matter if they are castrated or not,

I'm saying that paedophiles will repeat offend until they are caught.

When they are caught they should be locked up for life.

If they are in prison, for life, they don't need castration.

If they are released after serving time and on the same day of release castrated...this means they are punished twice.

I'm trying to think the above through with regard to the law. Nothing else.

But if I had to deal with a paedophile... the law wouldn't protect him.

Also, the criminally insane are locked up in a secure unit. In many cases for life.

I will concede that even some of these people are put on various drugs for various reasons... and there may be an arguement that paedophiles are no different.

A schizophrenic may be put on drugs to, among other things, pacify him.
Maybe the same arguement could be used for paedophiles.

Without knowing what prison term and treatment is available... it is difficult to assess
Filios1  8 | 1336  
30 Oct 2008 /  #33
If they are in prison, for life

Well... thats a lot of tax money going to keeping these sickos off the streets.
Wouldn't it make more sense to give them a life sentence only after they perform some perversion, after being castrated and all?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
30 Oct 2008 /  #34
Well... thats a lot of tax money going to keeping these sickos off the streets.

When they are locked up for good they are absolutely no threat to my children.

It's a price/tax I'm willing to pay.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
30 Oct 2008 /  #35
How exactly do you know that?

From professor Lew-Starowicz. People either become pedophiles because they were in fact victims of a sexual assault in their childhood or as a result of their sick shyness, which stops them from having sexual relationships with adults. Very often the source of that situation lies in the pedophile's low self esteem and body complexes.

Pedophilia is pretty much a mental disease that should and most probably could be cured. But than again who cares about the reasons one starts being a pedophile. It's easier to castrate them I guess.

You still haven't answered my question though.
Mateuszoflv  2 | 16  
30 Oct 2008 /  #36
one Professor Lew-Starowicz doesnt mean anything...

I want statistics and scientific data to show that this is what every pedofil thinks.

It is NOT a mental disease either. If all pedifilia is caused by a person being raped when they are young, then castrating offenders would quickly put an end to pedafillia.

The urge to have sex with a child CAN be controlled. To think that it cannot be is absurd.

Just as couples practice absenince from sex before marriage, pedifils should practice absenince from violating innocent children. If they every violate a small boy or girl for THEIR own pleasure, then they should be castriated CHEMICALLY (its not cruel and unusual in my opinion).

Also, if one were to put all the Pedifils into prison, more tax dollars would be used to feed them, cloth them, give them medicine for medical conditions etc... If they are just chemically castrated they cannot rape any child again. If they do commit a crime, then it is satisfactory to put them into prison. This method of punishment would overall be more effective and the government would not have to spend money to the scum of the Country.
30 Oct 2008 /  #37
Lobotomy has been abandoned in the last 40 years.

Have they come up with something better since then?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Oct 2008 /  #38
Castration, eh? Well, rumour has it that castrated paedophiles want to re-offend. They just don't have the balls to do it :)

It's just nuts
Mateuszoflv  2 | 16  
30 Oct 2008 /  #39
paedophiles are not a funny matter

you might find it funny with your puns.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
30 Oct 2008 /  #40
Go and suck on a banana mate. I treat it as a very serious matter too.
southern  73 | 7059  
30 Oct 2008 /  #41
So if representatives of the dutch paedo-party come to Poland,will they have to be castrated too?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
31 Oct 2008 /  #42
These people are mentally screwed up, not much else you can do with them. Personally, I think it should be physical castration.

McCoy  27 | 1268  
31 Oct 2008 /  #43
You still haven’t answered my question though.

Zawodzi również terapia, zwłaszcza że wielu pedofilów nie ma kontroli nad popędem, a napastowanie dzieci ma charakter kompulsywny. Pedofilia to bolesna mieszanina impulsywności, strachu i pożądania, jak twierdzi angielska psycholog Danya Gloser. Tych skłonności nie można wyleczyć, można jednak nad nimi zapanować, tak jak w celibacie można panować nad popędem do kobiet. Co więcej, praktyka udowodniła, że na przykład pedofile psychopatyczni, którzy kończą terapię z bardzo dobrym wynikiem, uprawiają swój proceder tym częściej. Uczą się bowiem technik maskowania przypadłości, poznając dokładnie jej przejawy nie tylko na przykładzie własnym, ale także innych sprawców.

JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
31 Oct 2008 /  #44
read this a while back: Shopping trip treats for dangerous Midland rapists and paedophiles.

DANGEROUS sex offenders are being allowed out of a secure Midland hospital on day trips - because health chiefs are worried about breaching their human rights.

A source said: "We have to take them out for their human rights - and they can go pretty much where they want.

''And they can buy what they like - some of them do buy DVDs with kids in them. We take everything back to the hospital and then decide if they can keep them. If not, things go back to the shop and the men get a refund.

''There was one man who was going out every week but it had to be stopped because he admitted he'd have a child away if he could.

Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
3 Nov 2008 /  #45
one Professor Lew-Starowicz doesnt mean anything...

Prof Lew-Starowicz is probably the best known sexologist here in Poland. Quite a prominent person, and a great expert in this field. This is why I named only his name, which doesn't mean that he is the only person that claims what I stated in my previous post. If you really are interested in thus subject, check any site about pedophilia and you will know that I'm being right.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
6 Nov 2008 /  #46
I believe burning at the stake is just the kind of ideal punishment for these rats.
Or even better, put them in a normal prison ward. They would not survive there even an a week. Criminals have their own hierarchy and I think they come at the very bottom end. It would save money as well.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Nov 2008 /  #47
What can this Prof bring that other thinking people can't Matty? Seriously, these so-called experts are often most in need of help
Mateuszoflv  2 | 16  
8 Nov 2008 /  #48
thats what i was saying

the experts are usually the ones who need help
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Nov 2008 /  #49
What triggered their interest in the first place? Genuine concern? Hmm....

I have a dim view of many professors. Many are just opinionated wan*ers
Krazy Kaju  2 | 35  
8 Nov 2008 /  #50
Instead of chemical castration, we should have heavy fines (as reparation) and long imprisonment to create a disincentive for pedophilia. Chemical castration should maybe be used for repeat offenders.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
8 Nov 2008 /  #51
I thought chemical castation was having acid thrown over your dodgy bits....
BeatusFelis  1 | 11  
10 Nov 2008 /  #52
i like the idea.

what's disturbing is how sympathetic some of you are towards PEDOPHILES?
10 Nov 2008 /  #53
"Chemical castration" seems a bit sensational. Nobody is getting his jajka cut off. This is basically a forced drug treatment program, like any psychologist would prescribe to his patients, probably altering hormone levels.

I agree along the lines of wildrover. His jajka should be dipped into a bucket of hydrochloric acid until they melt off. This would be true chemical castration.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
10 Nov 2008 /  #54
His jajka should be dipped into a bucket of hydrochloric acid

Whist i accept that these people do not choose to be this way , and are usually this way due to to being abused themselves..it would not stop me wanting to shoot them if they touched my kids....
Brandon  4 | 4  
13 Nov 2008 /  #55
Unfortunately, like most legislation, the focus is on fixing the effect, not the cause. Encouraging healthy, moral families would certainly help save future generations from succumbing to perversions such as pedophilia. Come to think of it, a lot of todays problems could be solved by a little dose of morality.
grethomory  1 | 155  
13 Nov 2008 /  #56
You know I have a good friend in Texas who is a police officer and I asked him could a pedophile be rehabilitated. He told me in his honest opinion he believes they will always have it because it is psychological; however, he believes that if a person does want to get better...they can use the tools taught to them not to hurt children. He said it is a disease...something triggers them to hurt children, but if they realize when they are about to do it, then they can better control themselves, but as far as a cure...he does not believe there is one. He said it is so sad that psychologically they can't help themselves. He said people do need to be careful about their kids...period whether there are pediphiles around or not.
JacekinLAnNY  - | 24  
23 Nov 2008 /  #57
His jajka should be dipped into a bucket of hydrochloric acid until they melt off. This would be true chemical castration.

Thats what I thought they were going to do when I first read the headline.
Pills are ********. They should permanently disable these animals.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
25 Sep 2009 /  #58
Poland passes law to chemically castrate certain sex offenders

In the news today:

Polish MPs have passed legislation making it obligatory to chemically castrate certain sex offenders.

Under the law anyone found guilty of raping children under 15, or close relatives, will be given drugs to lower their sex drive.


MPs in the lower house of parliament have voted for Poland to become the first nation in the EU to chemical castrate pedophiles.

MPs voted almost unanimously, Friday morning, to pass an amendment to the penal code which would enable chemical castration.

Polskie Radio
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
25 Sep 2009 /  #59
The whole chemical castration is nonsense... and has nothing to do with real castration...
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
25 Sep 2009 /  #60
It's a bit like bolting the door after the horse has fled. However, it could stop repeat offenders.

The whole chemical castration is nonsense... and has nothing to do with real castration...

You don't think it will help at all then?

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