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Family Day in Poland

Polonius3  980 | 12276  
15 May 2011 /  #1
Today is International Family Day, set up by the UN in the early 1990s. On the eve of the day museums were open until 1 am across Poland and entire families took advantage of the free admission as well as visiting govt buildings, Parliament, etc. On TVP INFO a young mother of 3 said the singledom fad and feminist propaganda had sown some confusion and disrupted family climates but that things were luckily now stabilising. Most Poles realise there is no substitute for a strong, loving family. She added that 3 children or a family of 5 are the bare minimum in terms of the youngsters proper socialisation.

123z  2 | 29  
15 May 2011 /  #2
International Family Day in Poland, that is great. . .
sobieski  106 | 2111  
15 May 2011 /  #3
On the eve of the day museums were open until 1 am across Poland

Not true.Museums stayed open late because it was Museum Night (as almost everywhere in the EU). Nothing to do with some family day.
Also, people participating did not necessarily limit itself to families.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 May 2011 /  #4
What she means is that the more children = more $$$ from the government.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 May 2011 /  #5
the singledom fad

You mean remaining unmarried? Hardly a fad - more a major demographic trend.

and feminist propaganda


3 children or a family of 5 are the bare minimum

Or a recipe for a Malthusian nightmare.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
15 May 2011 /  #6
Why a "strong loving family" has to contain 3 children minimum?
The funny thing is that you are plainly lying - suggesting that the Museum Night was organised to support some obscure family day.
Whereas it is an annual cultural event
15 May 2011 /  #7
Not true.Museums stayed open late because it was Museum Night

Across Europe- correct.

organised to support some obscure family day.

Well, there was the Netherlands family day on winnie the poo street, in Warsaw today. The dutch are normally quite good at following International days, so maybe P3, is on the money.

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