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Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia

Ironside  50 | 12312  
10 Oct 2016 /  #241
Poland has nothing that Russia wants,

That is a very naďve view. Russia want to control this space.

who sold out the Polish II republic to Stalin at Yalta

Well, USA is still the best option for an ally. None is better if you play your cards rights.

As I said without Nato and US troops and missiles on Polish ground there is no threat to Russia, Poland has nothing that Russia wants.

Oh, come on, you know nothing about Russia and their imperial mind-set. Do you even speak Russian?

Nato and the US want to plant their missiles in Poland base not to protect Poland but protect themselves, leaving Poland as sitting duck and a prime target for retaliation from Russia.

Sure, they do that is the game all play. It gives Poland time to get herself on her own feet. Sadly as per usual Poland have no elites. To be sure has no elites in charge of Poland's affairs only some plonkers by large..

dolnoslask  5 | 2807  
10 Oct 2016 /  #242
"Oh, come on, you know nothing about Russia and their imperial mind-set. Do you even speak Russian? "

Well yes I can speak some Russian my father learned Russian while in prison in Siberia.

"Well, USA is still the best option for an ally."

I would have agreed, the fighting spirit for freedom of the American people at large is outstanding , look at Okinawa and Omaha , their bravery and contribution to the fight against the Nazis and subsequent pseudo wars against communism is without question, but I am talking about the People of America.

American politicians of today appear to have their own agendas that do not necessarily follow the fundamental values of fair play and freedom that the American population at large hold in high esteem.

Poland is too far away for any attempt of support from the US.

"as per usual Poland have no elites."

Not sure what you meant, did you mean Allies, If so that is nothing new , Piłsudski understood this only too well, hence the push to build a strong and independent Polish state
peterweg  37 | 2305  
11 Oct 2016 /  #243
Russia has the worlds largest arsenal of nuclear weapons and they would use them.

A dead Pole cannot fight back and have you forgotten that Russia invaded Poland three times in the 20th centuary and only stopped occupying in 1991?

Putin wants to reinstate the Russian Empire - which includes Poland. They didn't seem to have any problem with doing so before.

Wake out from your western fantasy, the reality is that if Poland left Nato Russia would invade and occupy Poland immediatly to restore its border.
Levi  11 | 433  
11 Oct 2016 /  #244
There is nothing more stupid than this irrational fear of Russian feeded by western media (owned by Saudis)

Stop being idiots and believing whatever the saudis want you to believe. The risk is not Russia. It wasnt russians raping woman in Cologne, Copenhagen and Stockholm. Neither was russians killing people in Nice or Paris.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
11 Oct 2016 /  #245
here is nothing more stupid than this irrational fear of Russian feeded by western media .... The risk is not Russia. It wasnt russians raping woman in Cologne

But it was Russia that recently invaded a sovereign nation, chopped off a portion of it in a phony election and continued to supply soldiers and munitions in support of military aggression against the country (including shooting down an airliner).

The latest theory is they intended to shoot down a Russian airliner full of returning tourists and this was going to be the reason given for a full scale invasion of Ukraine and annexation of most of it. They missed the timing and shot down the wrong plane though.

Saudi Arabia is a terrible place run by miserable evil excuses for human beings. But the Russian state has been and continues to be a menace to all countries near it.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807  
11 Oct 2016 /  #246
"recently invaded a sovereign nation,"

That would be Iraq Libya and Syria, no wonder some nations are worried about US and Nato's desire to create a new world order.
11 Oct 2016 /  #247
It was also NATO that recently invaded a sovereign nation (Serbia) and chopped off a portion of it
mafketis  38 | 10868  
11 Oct 2016 /  #248
chopped off a portion of it

Kosovo was functionally chopped off long ago by the Serbs themselves who didn't want to live there and moved away leaving a vaccuum that Albanians filled.

That would be Iraq Libya and Syria

True. Those were all terrible ideas and technically they were neocon plans. Neocon policy is noted for always producing terrible results (and neocons themseleves learning nothing from their shameful record of failure).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Oct 2016 /  #249
Neither was russians

But it was Russian planes that destroyed a humanitarian convoy to war-torn Syria.
11 Oct 2016 /  #250
"Kosovo was functionally chopped off long ago by the Serbs themselves"

Kosovo was never FUNCTIONALLY chopped off from Serbia, it was just a part of Serbia with Albanian majority. Just as Crimea has Russian majority.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807  
11 Oct 2016 /  #251
"Russian planes that destroyed a humanitarian convoy to war-torn Syria."
This has not been proved and is still being investigated .

Unlike the US airstrike against legitimate Syrian troops that killed 62 people see below.


I am amazed that the Syrian government allows the overflight and random bombing of its people by a invading uninvited force.

Would the US allow the Chinese fighters to roam the skies over new york in support of the black lives matter supporters, I think not.
Levi  11 | 433  
12 Oct 2016 /  #252
It was also NATO that recently invaded a sovereign nation (Serbia) and chopped off a portion of it


But it was Russian planes that destroyed a humanitarian convoy to war-torn Syria.

Humanitarian convoy? Polonius, you are smart. Don't believe globalist ((Media))

All those things of White Helmets, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, only show what fits their agenda. The Syrian army wanted to inspect the "humanitarian" convoy and was received with obuses and grenades. Why so much fear of inspection?

Because, obviously, it was not humanitarian at all! It was weapons.
Marsupial  - | 871  
12 Oct 2016 /  #253
Poland is no counterweight. Its meddl8ng like it did last time. Supporting uki idiots and many more. Meanwhile putin is calling his nationals home? More like lightweight. Idiot poland still investigating the same old plane crash to satisfy who exactly? The 3 people in power who still give a toss. Its time to get rid of the other idiot brother before he makes a bigger mess. Its also time to take away the voting rights of expats in usa, they are not polish just deluded.
Crow  154 | 9207  
12 Oct 2016 /  #254
Just as Crimea has Russian majority.

with the slight but qualitative difference. Russian majority in Crimea represent native population, while Albanians (Shiftars) represent newcomers that settled on Kosovo mostly being fist of Ottoman invasion on Serbia and later during WWI, WWII and after 1999 NATO attack on Serbia.

Kosovo was functionally chopped off long ago by the Serbs themselves who didn't want to live there and moved away leaving a vaccuum that Albanians filled.

utter nonsense. Must be propaganda of some evil spin doctor
mafketis  38 | 10868  
13 Oct 2016 /  #255
Russian majority in Crimea represent native population

No. They represent a colonizing force. The native population are the Crimean Tatars who Stalin killed and deported en masse after WWII

In true Russian propaganda fashion, their history is neglected or covered over.

Crimean Tatars by a strong majority preferred to live in Ukraine where they were treated with dignity rather than Russia, a traditional oppressor (and Russian oppression against them continues).
Levi  11 | 433  
13 Oct 2016 /  #256
"The native population are the Crimean Tatars who Stalin killed and deported en masse after WWII"

Wrong! The Tatars are also invasors! From Ottoman and Golden Hordes times!

The native population of Crimea is slavic.
Atch  21 | 4139  
13 Oct 2016 /  #257
Actually you're the one who's wrong Levi. The population of Crimea was largely Tatar from its earliest times as an established settlement until the nineteenth century. Crimea was never especially Slavic. The world and his wife were there over a number of centuries, including the Greeks, Romans, Huns, Khazars and Goths. There was a form of Gothic spoken in parts of Crimea from about the 9th to the 19th century! Life and history is just not that simple Levi.
Crow  154 | 9207  
13 Oct 2016 /  #258
Yes, Slavs (ie Sarmatian, ie Scythians) are native population of Crimea. Whichever Slavic country hold Crimea its legitimate from historical aspect. Plus, speaking of Tatars particularly, they were invading force that established Islamic Khanate in very close alliance with Ottoman Turks and back in that time they constantly threatened and attacked Slavs. Russian Empire ended Tatar yoke.

Crimean Tatars who Stalin killed

Stalin wasn`t Russian. Not to mention that after Hitler, Stalin was person most responsible for death of great number of Russians. So, Tatars also suffered by that lunatic?
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
14 Oct 2016 /  #259
Poland is regarded as the only force able to serve as a counterweight to Russia and that this decison changes the entire geopolitcial situation.

Today, Barack Obama sat down with his foreign policy team and discussed "military options" in Syria.
The options under consideration include direct strikes "on Syrian military bases".
Russia has already pledged to respond militarily to any direct strikes on Syrian forces, and so the decisions that Barack Obama makes regarding Syria today could literally be the spark that sets off World War 3.

The Canadian Air Force has been given the order to shoot down any Russian plane that puts the Canadian jets in harms way.
The daily drama surrounding Trump and Clinton is far less important than a potential war with Russia yet that garbage is what is making headline news in the American liberal media.

Poland should be very concerned.........what are you hearing about this in the news in Poland ?
Marsupial  - | 871  
14 Oct 2016 /  #260
Barak Obama. ...worse president of usa along with bill Clinton I have seen in my lifetime. Soon to become even worse if that is possible. Michelle obama hypocritical idiot loiking at what she said about the clintons last time around now supporting them. Lol. They really do think the American folk are stupid dont they? Maybe they are and we will soon find out. Poland should be concerned alright.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Oct 2016 /  #261
what are you hearing about this

Mainly about Trump's gaffes and gropings and how he is falling behind Clinton in the polls.
Marsupial  - | 871  
15 Oct 2016 /  #262
The attacks on trump in the media here are constant. The latest says that he is totally finished.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
15 Oct 2016 /  #263
I wouldn't believe it. Most polls showing him ahead are unduly balanced towards Demcorats _and_ he's always done better at the ballot box than at the polls.

What's amazing is that he's shown how out of touch the traditional Republican CW is and the party is learning _nothing_ from this.

My personal opinion is that he will probably either not win or not be allowed to win. On the other hand, my gut feeling is that he is not an end in and of himself but a beginning and the longer the political establishment fights him the worse it's going to be for them when it reaches critical mass.

It's the same thing in Europe, the currently ascending populist parties* that the establishment is frantic to keep out of office aren't that extreme - the real extremists will show up when it's clear that there's no way for the emerging nationalist populist movements to work within the system and then all hell will break loose.

Oddly, although PiS is sometimes included in that group I don't think they are and don't think there is a similar group in Poland (yet). As much as post PRL losers hate them, they're only slightly less nationalistic than PiS and the globalist-nationalist divide has yet to really hit in Poland and it might not ever happen unless the EU succeeds in importing vast numbers of non-European migrants which I don't see happening.
land of thunder  
15 Oct 2016 /  #264
If the purpose of Soros and Rockefellers and Rothschild Cabal is to establish a NWO then they would not bother with a Nuclear war; this would be pointless. The Globalists 100 years ago decided that the land island of Russia, West of the Urals, is the perfect place on the planet, and Russia has great natural wealth and it is clean. The perfect environment for Agenda 2030 and the 4th World, with a world population of 500 millions. So, no nukes.

As for war, there will be many and constant and choreographed. The deliberate dumbing down of education the use of controlled media. People confused about the turmoil, who can only see their narrow, little worlds, and can't join the dots. Dreaming up explanations and then believing them, and never seeing the elephant in the room.

Stupid stuff, like Poland as a bastion against Russia. Poland would be dead meat.
Ukraine is a recent artificial construct, 3/4 Russian speaking. The people in Crimea, NOW, not 1,000 years ago in cuckoo land, voted 90% to be Russians. The Zionazis have not finished with the Slavs, and will turn Poland into Ukraine II; devastated.

@ Western Media, it is 100% run and owned by Jews. They say this themselves. Jews own Hollywood, et al.
@ Saudi Arabia - the Saud family is Crypto Jew. They never run (((MSM)))
@ (((--))) = 3 parentheses have a specific meaning. Using two means nothing. They represent the 3 psy-ops used against White People by the (((tribe))).
@ Poland has no Elite. Yes it has, but (((Gazeta Wyborcza))) will never expose them =
Wladzimieraz Cimoszewicz = Dawid Goldstein, [communist]....Andzej Duda = Aaron Feigenbaum, [UPA]
Mateusz Kijowski = Izaak Rosenberg......Andzej Rzeplinski = Abraham Kauffman.....
Michal Kaminski = Benjamin Horowitz [Mossad spook]....Kamila Gasiuk Pihowicz = Hajka Salomon
Grzegorz Schetyna = Ozeasz Schwarz [German spook]...Michal Boni = Jakub Bauer
Antoni Macierowicz = Izaak Singer [Mossad]...Hanna Suchocka = Hajka Silberstein
There are many more of these, and they form various Jewish lobby groups which organize only for Jews in Poland.
mafketis  38 | 10868  
15 Oct 2016 /  #265
but (((Gazeta Wyborcza))) will never expose them =

I think you forgot Beniamin Kalkstein = Jarosław Kaczyński...

Just as the DDR (GDR, NRD) was made up of people spying each other, it seems that Poland is in all actuality a bunch of Jews hiding their Jewish identities from each other. Who'd of thunk it?
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
15 Oct 2016 /  #266
Poland is in all actuality a bunch of Jews hiding their Jewish identities from each other.

The Polish sure do it in the United States as I have witnessed it first hand on MANY occasions.

The latest says that he is totally finished.

Sad to hear that as it is not true.
Back when Raegan and Goldwater were running the liberal media said that Goldwater had a 23% lead in the polls.
Raegan ended up winning 48 out of the 50 States.
Polls mean nothing.
The more of Hillary's hacked e-mails that WikiLeaks releases (daily now) the tighter the race is getting.
Poland should understand that the media "IS" war monger Clintons campaign.
Russia wants Trump for a reason and that is to avoid war.
Obama and Hillary are on the verge of starting one with Russia in Syria which should concern Poland immensely.
The headline news in Poland should be about a possible WW3 rather than about who's ass Trump may have pinched.
15 Oct 2016 /  #267
Obama and Hillary are on the verge of starting one with Russia in Syria which should concern Poland immensely.
The headline news in Poland should be about a possible WW3 rather than about who's ass Trump may have pinched.

Not a word of truth in it. Russia and formerly Soviet Russia, contrary to what is saying mainstream propaganda, is a staunch and reliable supporter of the West and especially the US. Particularly in Syria, Putin is not only saving his face after Ukraine was dragged out of Russia's control, but working as usually as a brutal eastern barbarians blamed for all countless crimes the beginning of which was as always greed but mainly not on the part of Russia but on the part of the West - that is the policy to control the natural resources of the region by applying the old imperial method of divide and conquer.

And Poland on the West is viewed not as a part of it but as the part of that barbarian East, barbarian and primitive.
Marsupial  - | 871  
15 Oct 2016 /  #268
Johnny. The headline here is Trump is Toast. It wasn't my opinion just what the damn paper says. Those are the exact words.

Nowy poster I disagree.
cms  9 | 1253  
15 Oct 2016 /  #269
land of thunder I think that our soccer team is also controlled by the zionazis

Robert. Lewandowski = Ruben Levinson
Kuba Blaszczykowski = Jacob Blashwitz
Lukasz Piszczek = Leopold Fishcake
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
15 Oct 2016 /  #270
Russia beefed up with India today and calling it citizens home.
India and Russia signed billions of dollars of defense and energy deals on Saturday at a summit that sought to inject new life into a relationship that has been tested by shifting global alliances and conflict in the Middle East.


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