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Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia

Marsupial  - | 871  
10 Apr 2016 /  #121
I will say again europe combined is strong. It is not up for debate by some pro russian troll, pessimist anti democratic, depressing bollocks more like it. We all have friends who are not at all polish and poland plays a very good economic role of stable growth and is an active voice for unity and freedom even now in this new phase.

Jealous commies?
InPolska  9 | 1796  
10 Apr 2016 /  #122
As to me, when I wrote Poro will be out, I mean by his people. Putin - whom I put into same bag as Poro - will not need to do it.

Hard to talk with Americans who know nothing re other countries but what I am saying is that Poro is as corrupt as the others. I don't care about Putin but Americans should open their eyes, Putin is getting very popular in western Europe
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
10 Apr 2016 /  #123
You are so ignorantly brainwashed about America it is almost comical.

you have never been to Europe, normal that you are so ignorant about our things.

Don't have to go there to know you couldn't begin to defend yourself against Putin without the Great United States of America to defend you.

With your ***** attitude I think the United States ought to just give France to Poland as a day gift.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
10 Apr 2016 /  #124
For Americans, it's either white or black, they are the good ones and the others are bad. Start traveling and meet people so you'll get clear picture of the reality!
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
10 Apr 2016 /  #125
For Americans, it's either white or black

Not true as we have Latino's too. (brown)
You really should start traveling the modern world more.
A lot has changed in the last fifty years.
For the French there are the lazy ones and then there are the ones with no motivation.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
10 Apr 2016 /  #126
@Johny: who is brainwashed???? I lived almost 10 years (altogether) in the us and all my life I've been around Americans (thank your god, they are not all like you).

You have never lived in Europe, never lived in France (don't speak any European language other than English) so how the ...can you know about Europe? Come to Europe and meet us instead of swallowing fox sh@@@t
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
10 Apr 2016 /  #127
I lived almost 10 years (altogether) in the us and all my life I've been around Americans

I trump you as I have lived in the U.S. much longer than you plus I am an American.
You are way behind times as things have changed since you were here fifty years ago and have been brainwashed by your Fefee news.
We have since set a man to the moon and invented cell phones and computers if you can imagine that.
We since have created NATO (which IS the United States) to protect you from Putin.

how the ...can you know about Europe?

Why ask when you claim The Polish Forum and FOX news are my only source of information.

Come to Europe and meet us

"Us", why would I want to be around such overbearing abrasive people that think their farts smell like flowers making them think they are an authority on the world today.

Not really an exciting priority on my things to do list.
You are the one that needs to get out more as you are still living in the OLD DAYS.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Apr 2016 /  #128
We since have created NATO (which IS the United States) to protect you from Putin.

Putin became President at the turn of the millennium. NATO was created just after WW2.

History isn't your strong point, is it?
InPolska  9 | 1796  
10 Apr 2016 /  #129
Johnny: you may have lived longer than I in the Us but you have never lived in Europe and also knows nothing re whole European continent.

You are what in Europe we call an ugly American. You believe that the Us should rule and impose their will to the whole word and whatever country disobeys, it'll be bombed. This is imperialism.

As to NATO, France was out for many years until sarkozy joined again but most French are against NATO and more generally against wars. As to Russia, if you inform yourself, you'll know that Front National is financed by Putin...

Well as lack of knowledge, you'll go again with your xenophobia and racism
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
10 Apr 2016 /  #130
Johnny: you may have lived longer than I

No, you seem to be much older and wiser than I am.
I don't even have to ask. :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Apr 2016 /  #131
You believe that the Us should rule and impose their will to the whole word and whatever country disobeys, it'll be bombed.

Couldn't agree more. There's really not much difference between Russia and America really - both like to interfere, destabilise and abuse for their own purposes.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
10 Apr 2016 /  #132
The problem johnny is that you are a typical "ugly American" with no respect for other countries unless they are run by American puppets.

Do realize that in western Europe, a lot of people get near Russia as a result of Us policies. I'm sure that your us media don't tell you about it and about Russia financing political parties.

Trust me, things are not as simple as you believe

Yes, Delph, the "ugly American" as called in Europe gives the US a bad reputation all over the world. The "ugly American' is usually a fat-a.... guy with a IQ of a 6th grader and has been brainwashed from birth on that the US have a "divine mission" to be the world's gendarme.

In France (since I know the place) Putin is seen with a more favorable eye than .... Obama is... and most of the French believe that Putin has the right approach in Syria...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Apr 2016 /  #133
What the f.s think is irrelevant, they and poodles will fall into full scale civil war within several years.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
10 Apr 2016 /  #134
poor ignorant who of course has never lived in Western Europe! Without Western European money, what would you do? ;)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
10 Apr 2016 /  #135
Couldn't agree more. There's really not much difference between Russia and America really - both like to interfere, destabilise and abuse for their own purposes.

If you say so, I can see no reason why the UK or France still remains in the NATO alliance rather than try to join an alliance of Russia and Belarus. Russia is a bit closer to your countries of origin, so if it doesn't make a difference ...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Apr 2016 /  #136
poor ignorant

There's an army on the streets of Paris, Brussels etc. and it will only get worse in the coming years, no matter how many times you repeat your xenophobic rants.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
10 Apr 2016 /  #137
yes, poor Grzegorz! The army is to protect from terrorist attacks. Do you know what a "civil war" is??? I doubt! How do you expect to have one part of the population against another? Terrorists are only a handful in each case (I know even 1 is too many) whereas the whole population is on the other side. So basically it would be let's say 10 against ... over 66 millions. Do you call that a ... "war"????? I have a (Polish) client who went to Paris 2 weeks ago with her boyfriend and she said to me that he had been amazed (it was his very first time there) to see that people are mixed, that they all interact in their daily life no matter their origin. Yes, contrary to what you believe, people are used to interact with each other (at work, in schools, hospitals, administrations, sports, etc etc...) . I'm going there shortly (I'll visit places, I'll do shopping .. because it is the normal life). What do you think, that I'm going to risk my life??? "lol"

I know that media's work is to make money so they need attention catching titles and articles to sell. Last January, right after the attacks against the Charlie's journalists, one (very educated) Polish guy was surprised when I told him that most of what you call "muslims" are (secular (some are even atheists) and respectable citizens as he expected them to be ... terrorits. There are also a lot of mixed couples (including muslim and jewish) and NO problem.

Of course, terrorism is a huge problem (and nobody is in "favor" of it) but neither Belgium nor France nor anyother country can "collapse" because of a few attacks. Israel is in a much more dangerous situation and people lead normal lives there.

Geez! How ignorant a lot of people are in PF!! Pitiful
Crow  154 | 9207  
10 Apr 2016 /  #138
No, Poland isn`t counterweight to Russia, neither Russia see Poland as threat. Time of chaos is over, because it suits to Serbians. New order. Order of the Dragon.
johnny reb  46 | 7516  
10 Apr 2016 /  #139
things have changed since you were here fifty years ago - We since have created NATO

History isn't your strong point, is it?

More like reading comprehension isn't yours.

The problem johnny is that you are a typical "ugly American"

That is what most jealous illiterate people call us.
Face it, France is the arm pit of Europe and no other country in Europe looks up to you in any way.
France offers nothing. Hell the women still haven't even learned how to shave their armpits yet.
Now America, everyone wants to come to America.
Poland stands in the way of Putin taking anymore of Ukraine.
France however is insignificant as a counter weight.
If war broke out with Russia you can bet France would send their usual 50 troops and two jets justifying they have done their part.
Get over yourself dummy.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
11 Apr 2016 /  #140
@Johny: no need to be a Nobel Prize winner to understand that you are an extremist with a narrow mind and full of prejudices. Not only you hate whole groups of people WITHOUT knowing them (pure stupidity) but also you hate women. When MEN have the guts to disagree with you, you don't insult them but since I am a woman, you feel free to show me that you don't have ba... ;). Well, I know, you and your fascist buddies have no b... ls and they don't dare insulting men ;).

UNRATIONAL hatred always reminds me of Hitler's hatred towards the Jews. Well, it had something to do with a traumatism during his childhood as part of his family was Jewish and he was from a broken home.
cms  9 | 1253  
11 Apr 2016 /  #141
The statue of De Gaulle is for his personal heroism during the Polish Soviet war when he was posted to the French military advisors - Poles respect that, but if you told them that the US defence guarantee of Nato was now replaced by a French/EU one then I think you might see some worried looks !
InPolska  9 | 1796  
11 Apr 2016 /  #142
@Cms: just for info, the "d' of "de" does not take any capital letter. Only American talk about wars all the time. In Europe people are peaceful and want good relationships with everybody and that was the idea behind the EEC in 1957. How many wars on European soil? As to "nato", although since 2002, French has had pro-American goverments, most people are against nato and want France out (de Gaulle had the cojones to get out of nato and to close American bases in France, which was and is still approved by at least 99.98% of the population) and quite a few prefer .... Putin and Russia (financing Front National - fully acknowledged by FN's leaders ;)).

The western world is threatened by Islamist terrorism and nothing else!
Polson  5 | 1767  
11 Apr 2016 /  #143
Poland doen't support Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. Leaders of both parties are clear on this.

You really don't want to answer my questions, do you?
You're incapable of questioning your own certainties and there's no way to make you see things from a different perspective. Pity. Really. We could have had an interesting conversation, instead of this never-ending childish game.

And the content cited to you was respectable and neutral

How could I know? I don't know where your quotations came from, except that you found them on Google.

So what? Most people in Southern Ireland have English as their primary language. Would that excuse us invading them again?

Ireland was not created a few decades ago. Ireland has its own history and culture. Ireland's population is not 50% English. As of 2011, there are more people originating from Poland in Ireland than from the UK. Should I go on?

Not comparable.
Also, if Russia really wanted to invade and annex the whole country, they would be done by now.

Now America, everyone wants to come to America.

And they are quickly disappointed ;) It's always nicer on TV.
There are at least as many migrants in the EU as there are in the US anyway.
People around the world are more and more wary about the US. America used to be seen as a positive power. But these times are long gone. Too many questionable and criminal wars, and too much blood on your hand, my friend.
jon357  72 | 22778  
11 Apr 2016 /  #144
You really don't want to answer my questions, do you?

I only answer real questions, not rhetorical ones.

You really are flogging a dead horse if you're trying to pretend that Russia is not a threat to the region.

I don't know where your quotations came from,

All there in black and white.

Ireland has its own history and culture.

As does Ukraine. A history and culture of which they are very proud. And a sovereign state who have friendly relations with Poland.

Looks like their next Prime Minister, assuming his appointment is ratified, is one of the good guys too.
Polson  5 | 1767  
12 Apr 2016 /  #145
I only answer real questions, not rhetorical ones.

There's nothing rhetorical in "please tell me what threat Russia represents to Poland's security nowadays".
You keep telling me that it's obvious, but you can't tell me why. You should ask yourself some questions, Jon ;)

All there in black and white.

Again, you only mentioned Google, and we both agreed, Google is not a "source". Give me valid sources.

As does Ukraine. A history and culture of which they are very proud.

That's true especially for western regions of Ukraine. Not as much in the East.
Historically, Western Ukraine has "always" been pro-EU, while Eastern Ukraine tends to be more pro-Russia. This alone can explain why the situation is not as simple as we may think, and why all Ukrainians were not pro-Maidan.

(Btw, Ireland's history as a nation/state is much longer than Ukraine's, but it's not really relevant here, I must admit ;))

Looks like their next Prime Minister, assuming his appointment is ratified, is one of the good guys too.

Who is it?
jon357  72 | 22778  
12 Apr 2016 /  #146
"please tell me what threat Russia represents to Poland's security nowadays".

See all posts above, pointing out the recent occasions in which Russia has demonstated itself to be a threat.

Again, you only mentioned Google, and we both agreed, Google is not a "source".

Don't be silly, google it yourself...

Historically, Western Ukraine has "always" been pro-EU, while Eastern Ukraine tends to be more pro-Russia.

And all regions of Ukraine are part of the same sovereign state. this is acknowledged by Poland and the world community, hence the sanctions on Russia.
Polson  5 | 1767  
13 Apr 2016 /  #147
See all posts above, pointing out the recent occasions in which Russia has demonstated itself to be a threat.

To Poland? I said "a threat to POLAND's security". Poland is no Ossetia or Crimea. You really can't answer my question, can you?

Don't be silly, google it yourself...

No, I shouldn't be the one to check YOUR sources.

And all regions of Ukraine are part of the same sovereign state. this is acknowledged by Poland and the world community, hence the sanctions on Russia.

As Kosovo was a part of the same sovereign state. As Irak was a sovereign state when it was invaded and destroyed in 2003, which was a violation of international law.

Why aren't there sanctions to all countries who "break" the rules?
jon357  72 | 22778  
13 Apr 2016 /  #148
To Poland? I said "a threat to POLAND's security". Poland is no Ossetia or Crimea.

Well..... They've actively threatened Poland as demonstrated already. Not to mention the economic sabre-rattling...

As Kosovo was a part of the same sovereign state

Kosovo's sovereignty is recognised by most countries including yours and mine. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is not, hence the international sanctions.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
13 Apr 2016 /  #149
Kosovo is

... the right armpit of Europe, with Albania being the left armpit . Also, dozens of countries still don't recognize Kosovo including China, India, Algeria, Greece, Argentina, Brazil, Israel (big surprise), Mexico, Spain, Indonesia, and many more. It's mostly western countries that recognize Kosovo - about 1/2 of Africa while most of Asia, and most of S. America don't recognize Kosovo. I believe around 100 of the 190 (just over half) of the UN member states recognize Kosovo.

If they wanted some semblance of an economy and stability, they should get on their knees and beg the Serbs for forgiveness and return all the kidneys, lungs, and other organs they cut out in the Yellow house.

Also, most the of the Ukraine war has been resolved - most of the territories are in the process of being returned to Ukraine, except Crimea which the Russians will most likely keep. I'm not an expert on history on Crimea, but from what I understand this was Russian territory since the late 1700's and was part of Russian SFSR till like the 50's, then it was given to Ukraine SSR, then turned into like a 'special city' that belonged to Ukraine but housed the Russian fleet.

The only people that are benefiting from this war are the investors that purchased Ukrainian state assets during their fire sale to raise capital to fight the Soviets. If I didn't have other duties at the time, I too would've purchased some machines or whatever else I knew I could make a quick profit on.
jon357  72 | 22778  
13 Apr 2016 /  #150
Rather off-topic, as per usual. The important thing is the triumph of democracy, and the role of Poland (which cherishes democracy) as a counterbalance to the geopolitical ambitions of Russia.

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