Borg knows what Borg doing.
Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
4 Jan 2017 / #122
In my previous post is an excellent video for sobering up and awakening the duped and dumbed-down masses.
Western Europe has a terminally ill disease.
The consequences of political correctness, the affirmation of multiculturalism policy of open borders... and other libtard's b/s.
Western Europe has a terminally ill disease.
The consequences of political correctness, the affirmation of multiculturalism policy of open borders... and other libtard's b/s.
i think that Clinton's and alike USA and western European magnates underestimate determination of rest of humanity. So, we see changes in the world now. See, this tensions in Poland are all part of conflicts between magnates. Its- `what to do with Poland.` What I want to tell you- PRAY.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
4 Jan 2017 / #124
The "beauty" of multicultural Europe of open borders
I remember there was some news where Chinese tourists were shocked when they were visiting Paris because they could not see the real French... and in this video we have a Japanese woman who was surprised. When they are surprised and shocked - it speaks for itself what is the situation in Europe.
I remember there was some news where Chinese tourists were shocked when they were visiting Paris because they could not see the real French... and in this video we have a Japanese woman who was surprised. When they are surprised and shocked - it speaks for itself what is the situation in Europe.
johnny reb 49 | 7888
4 Jan 2017 / #125
Western Europe has a terminally ill disease.
It's called "SOCIALISM" that does not work.
Try to tell the 'Politically Correct' Liberals that though.
Another name for that terminally ill disease is, "Cultural Enrichment."
Poland is a "Conservative Country" which is the reason they don't allow the 'destruction' of their culture with "Culture Enrichment".
Keep Poland Polish.
RubasznyRumcajs 5 | 495
4 Jan 2017 / #126
Nah, Poles would rather see Poland and Poles protected from unwelcome migrants who foolishly, arrogantly and ungratefully believe they are above the law:
yes, that's a great reason to punish someones girlfriend.
not to mention that, you know, there is plenty of other choices than either being servitudial or thugish.
Shut up you creep![/quote]
You know I respect everyone's right to their own opinion. However you crossed the line here. I'm a patriot and I think you are a nasty worm with mental issues that should be named and shamed.
oh, you have told me!
And seriously- I have too much to do with the bold headed Polish "patriots" that are supporting collective punishment based on religious beliefs to even respect them in any way.
And no, I do not consider myself a "cultural neo-Marxist".
Boo hoo! "Bangladesh is reeling from a wave of murders of secular and liberal activists, and religious minorities, that have left more than 40 people dead in three years."
As much as I would rather people obeyed the law and I don't condone any assault for whatever reason, you should show some sense.[/quote]
yeap. that's why punching strangers in their faces makes so much sense.
but hey- this and other cases (like: Pakistani getting beaten up in Ozorkowie) are just a prime examples of patriotic activities of shaved head idiots (ya know- the same type who replaced their HWDP/JP100% hoodies for the "Polska Walczaca" ones).
I challenge them to come back and tell us all what they would say to Daniel's family and the community of Ełk about the merits of diversity and multiculturalism and how it is a strength and benefit to Poland.
"Your thug son tried to be smart, but trafila kosa na kamien". is that enough, or will you shed more tears for that thug, and pretend you actually care about him or his family?[
Funny how you wouldn't say a fcuking thing if it was a Polish kebab shop worker punched by a thug.
if it would be Pole punched by another Pole, there would be no topic about it on PF
oh, I love photos like that. sure, the ones shearing were, quite often, even more guilty of collaboration than the shorn women (many of them were forced to prostitution, but nevermind), but hey- it takes attention of us.
And, I see, you do not agree with people dating whomever they wish, right?
4 Jan 2017 / #127
Harry, according to research Poland has the highest number of Pro EU voters, now if those people understood that being part of the EU was not only about receiving EU funds or having the freedom to travel visa free or work freely in any of the other EU states. If they understood that the EU is essence a blueprint for a federalist superstate, a pre-post nationalist Europe... How many of those voters would still be Pro EU? In respect of your question regarding the lone wolf attack on a Indian eatery or the Indian entrepreneur being physically abused, I believe it is not acceptable and the perpetrator should be dealt with according to the law. Just as I believe all the drunken louts who abuse Indian and Pakistani waiters each and every weekend in the UK should be dealt with by the law for hate crimes.
4 Jan 2017 / #128
Harry : "If it were true, Poles would do more to help fellow Poles. However, data shows that Poles volunteer at far far lower rates than other countries."
Maybe they do not volunteer because they are not as well off as in western societies !
They do give money for the church though. Church do help the poor.
I know for a fact that polish people have solidarity between them. They let the elderly go first in buses for instance and take their seats.
Kids are very polite too.
I feel there is more respect between generations in Poland than elsewhere in western societies.
Besides polish people tend to gather to fix problems. In Western societies nobody is gonna help you if an african or muslim attack you.
I have witness solidarity bewteen people against asocial behavior. I have never witnessed it in western societies.
They do not try to help their neighbor in western societies. At least that what i have seen.
RubasznyRumcajs : in truth we all know that if a polish would use fireworks in a polish restaurant , polish waiter would not try
to kill this thug . They would be no story because violent crimes are low in Poland
Comparing to France Poland is a peaceful nation. Why is that ?
Compare immigration level of muslim population in France with Poland.
A study found that arabs are two times more likely than french of similar status to be criminal.
The same study state that black are four times more likely to be criminal.
You have to realise that this violent beahvior of these north african is a pattern seen all over Europe.
They rape woman right next to the Eiffel tower(three algerians)
Maybe they do not volunteer because they are not as well off as in western societies !
They do give money for the church though. Church do help the poor.
I know for a fact that polish people have solidarity between them. They let the elderly go first in buses for instance and take their seats.
Kids are very polite too.
I feel there is more respect between generations in Poland than elsewhere in western societies.
Besides polish people tend to gather to fix problems. In Western societies nobody is gonna help you if an african or muslim attack you.
I have witness solidarity bewteen people against asocial behavior. I have never witnessed it in western societies.
They do not try to help their neighbor in western societies. At least that what i have seen.
RubasznyRumcajs : in truth we all know that if a polish would use fireworks in a polish restaurant , polish waiter would not try
to kill this thug . They would be no story because violent crimes are low in Poland
Comparing to France Poland is a peaceful nation. Why is that ?
Compare immigration level of muslim population in France with Poland.
A study found that arabs are two times more likely than french of similar status to be criminal.
The same study state that black are four times more likely to be criminal.
You have to realise that this violent beahvior of these north african is a pattern seen all over Europe.
They rape woman right next to the Eiffel tower(three algerians)
oh, you have told me!
I believe I told you. Shame I don't know your real name that would work even better.
I have too much to do with the bold headed Polish "patriots
Stop backpedalling, you said what you said and even use of inverted commas this time around is questionable and doesn't change your meaning. Mocking patriots and patriotism is a first sign of a neo-Marxist wastrel.
I do not consider myself a "cultural neo-Marxist".
At this point is doesn't really matter what you considers yourself. That is what you're.
that's why punching strangers in their faces makes so much sense.
So after a Muslim dude stabbed to dead a Pole in some unfortunate runabout with all that Muslim hysteria and terrors acts that you can see on the news - you can find only one example of a dark skinned man punched in the face in the 40 million nation? Even if you assume that there is a correlation between that incident and Elk.
I would say that it shows a sense and restrain of the general population in Poland.
All other 'incidents' revolved in one way or other around actual perpetuators/r.
There was, years back an incident when community rinsed against a criminal that terrorized them for years and killed him. However it was a Pole killed by the Poles and no local ideologist or foreign enemies deem to use it against patriots and Poland and few knows or care about it.
If you're not neo=Marxist you are mighty confused.
All those people that actually assault people or attack someone or their property should be apprehended by the police and charged in the court of law. Harshly. That is clear.
The fact that this particular stabbing rise a ruckus in this town is not something that should be scorn or judged harshly. Those emotions and actions should be addressed wisely apart from punishing of all those people who acted against the law.
A separate issue is a fact that those Muslim people in Elk (or a one of them) acted widely outside what is an appropriate,adequate reaction in Poland to the situation that faced
You have to realise that this violent beahvior of these north african is a pattern seen all over Europe.
Are you saying that northern African are more criminal minded and prone to violence than other people? Even if you're right what of it?
Those who commit crimes should be bright to justices. There is no other way.
What is your point beside ranting?
Pakistani getting beaten up in Ozorkowie
What did he get beaten up for? You'd prefer a Pole getting beaten up by Pakistanis... sad
4 Jan 2017 / #132
Ironside: My point is avoid mass immigration from Africa and Muslims district at all costs. Do like Trump said : no muslims immigration until we have figure out what is going on with muslims. That what he said right ? You have to protect your country and learn from bad experiences in Western Europe. At least you can learn from Western Europe and do not make the same mistakes.
Liberal mindset seems nice at first : all cultures are equals : racism is bad. you can learn from other cultures !
But it is just a fairy tale. In real life it brings only death(as you can see) rape, and so on.
It is like a neo communism that we destroy our way of life, culture and so on.
But we can see it leads to mass criminality, islamism , terrorism , no go zone !
Cosmopolitism was great in the eighties when people thought multuculture bring you different restaurants (kebab,chinese food) in your town ! But now you have to be a fool to be pro multicultural society and pro mass immigration !
Thats my point !
Polish people : do NOT make the same mistake as WE westerners!
Liberal mindset seems nice at first : all cultures are equals : racism is bad. you can learn from other cultures !
But it is just a fairy tale. In real life it brings only death(as you can see) rape, and so on.
It is like a neo communism that we destroy our way of life, culture and so on.
But we can see it leads to mass criminality, islamism , terrorism , no go zone !
Cosmopolitism was great in the eighties when people thought multuculture bring you different restaurants (kebab,chinese food) in your town ! But now you have to be a fool to be pro multicultural society and pro mass immigration !
Thats my point !
Polish people : do NOT make the same mistake as WE westerners!
My point is avoid mass immigration from Africa and Muslims district at all costs.
I think there is no danger of that happening in Poland in the foreseeable future.
4 Jan 2017 / #134
I am surprised no one noticed Harry's error he confused ' Patriotism' with 'Compassion' helping others is being compassionate to your fellow man. The pope suggested all Parishes around Europe should take in a Syrian family, this would show compassion. The idea of compassion comes to us because we're made in the image of God, who is ultimately the compassionate one. Anyone who is not religious may not fully understand the true sense of the word compassion. Working for a NGO or association is not being compassionate, you are being paid to do a job, you may do a Job which helps those in need, its still not compassionate as there is financial gain on your side,you may have a feel good factor about what you do, but its still not compassionate,its your job.A breakdown truck driver goes out to help drivers every day,one could never say he is compassionate because of his job, he serves a purpose and gets paid for it. Patriotism is showing allegiance/loyalty to one's country. Glad we cleared that one up.
Honest Pole
5 Jan 2017 / #135
What did he get beaten up for?
For being ciapaty.
The "beauty" of multicultural Europe of open borders
yes, that's a great reason to punish someones girlfriend.
Do you and her really think that her gender alone should grant her a free pass? LOL!
Why are making a fuss about this anyway? Plenty of your fellow leftists on here have for years supported the idea of collective punishment of Poles for alleged grievance both old and new.
If she has a complaint then that is a matter for the local police. And as we have seen so far the police in Ełk have been pretty even handed in investigating and making arrests all around.
The reality though is that plenty of women are attracted to the "bad boys" in society. This girlfriend freely made her choice of association and it turned out to be a North African killer. I'm sure we would all like to know what she REALLY KNOWS about the North African Muslim villain she was dating. She has to know something because no one goes about chasing someone down in the street and savagely stabbing them to death with a knife without having the temperament, determination and perhaps premeditation to do so. Did she know of an explosive personality? Did she witness a pledge to jihad? If so then why didn't she report him to the police? If she is going to talk to the police at all then it should be to help them profile Daniel's killers and strengthen the case against them more.
But you shouldn't worry about this girlfriend. It's a pretty safe bet she will dump her Tunisian ruffian now anyway and move on with her life. Not that she would hold any shame for what he and his cohorts did or even have any sorrow for the dead victim. The fact is that with the "love of her life" now tucked away behind bars (and very likely for life) there will no longer be any extra cash being generated to find its way into her purse. And so her locked-up criminal boyfriend is going to find out really fast that Daniel isn't going to be the only disposable male in this bloody tragedy.
"Your thug son tried to be smart, but trafila kosa na kamien". is that enough, or will you shed more tears for that thug, and pretend you actually care about him or his family?[
A grieving Polish family needlessly lost their son in the prime of his life. A Polish community is understandably upset but united over the unjustified murder of a fellow Pole in cold blood. So you can look down your nose at Daniel and his family all you want but that only proves how much of a no-name petty snob you are.
It further calls your character into question when you attempt to make distractions away from what these rampaging Muslim murderers did. You are wasting your time too because what they did to Daniel can never be justified or forgiven. If they can murder Daniel like that they would have murdered any Pole like that.
johnny reb 49 | 7888
5 Jan 2017 / #137
Anyone who is not religious may not fully understand the true sense of the word compassion.
pope suggested all Parishes around Europe should take in a Syrian family
I have compassion for MY family first and not possibly put them in harms way of having my ten year old daughter or son raped by one of these people.
Patriotism is showing allegiance/loyalty to one's country.
Exactly so why would I invite people into my home or country when all I am to them is an infidel that should convert to Islam or die ?
The pope suggested all Parishes around Europe should take in a Syrian family, this would show compassion
This year, in the church where my family and I went for midnight mass, there were several families of Christian Syrian and Irakis refugees who sung hymns in Syriac language. That was amazing.
I have compassion for MY family first
Like Crnogorac 3 and others, you are just a self serving egoist with no sense of compassion. That you pretend to be Christian just shows how deluded you are..
NoToForeigners 6 | 948
5 Jan 2017 / #139
That was amazing.
To you.
johnny reb 49 | 7888
5 Jan 2017 / #140
you are just a self serving egoist with no sense of compassion
One more reason for you to stay in Turkey and not come America.
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
5 Jan 2017 / #141
"Europe must accept Diversity or face War": Timmermans in EU Parliament: No more Nation States
Sooner or later there will come a time when Polish government officials will have to face off and take a firm stand against EU cultural Marxsist commisars such as Timmermans who was already in previous times issuing threats to Poland. If Poland refuses to comply with their orders and accept the migrants quota it could face potential EU sanctions.
Then again Poland is not Hungary, it is a nation of 40 million people and is a force to be recogned with.
"Europe must accept Diversity or face War": Timmermans in EU Parliament: No more Nation States
Sooner or later there will come a time when Polish government officials will have to face off and take a firm stand against EU cultural Marxsist commisars such as Timmermans who was already in previous times issuing threats to Poland. If Poland refuses to comply with their orders and accept the migrants quota it could face potential EU sanctions.
Then again Poland is not Hungary, it is a nation of 40 million people and is a force to be recogned with.
5 Jan 2017 / #142
I have never really had much time for Timmermans, in this video extract he contradicts himself again 'accept diversity' or 'Europe will not remain Europe for very long.' By being a fully inclusive multicultural society, you are in essence accepting and becoming post-nationalist, so the norms of traditional and culture are being eradicated. If the so called progressives want diversity let them go and live in Canada,London,Paris or New york. The problem with federalists like Timmerman is they are always searching for 'Utopia' Timmerman only has to look to his own country and witness the social problems in Amsterdam or Rotterdam, to understand multiculturalism has its boundary. As an add on, it was interesting to read the comments of the outgoing European President Schultz, who admitted the EU had underestimated the cultural differences between Eastern/Central and Western Europe, he went further to add that most of those in Brussels had lost touch with reality and are living in a bubble. He alludes the only way he has remained grounded is by living in the same working class district as his former electorate. Here is a link to the article:
"Europe must accept Diversity or face War"
I think a lot of Europeans are going to choose..... war.... against Timmermans and Merkels and Hollandes and Junckers.
Timmermans in EU Parliament: No more Nation States
This goes for western Europe, maybe. But not for Slavs. We Slavs are people, not nation. Those nations on the west of Europe actually originate mostly from Slavs anyway. So, they once already changed their ethnic being and culture and, why not change it again. As for Slavs, we shall stay people. Just that. As people, we shall stay more normal, more human. No more and also no less.
I am surprised no one noticed Harry's error
The man is a sum of his errors. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that not very many people are actually reading his posts and even less care for what he says.
The question is whose interests he servers anyway. Beside ideology there are vested interests in the EU that influence politics and politicians. Not to mention meddling by the outside forces.
johnny reb 49 | 7888
5 Jan 2017 / #146
Sooner or later there will come a time when Polish government officials will have to face off and take a firm stand against EU cultural Marxsist commisars
The EU is already getting very nervous knowing that the EU is falling apart.
They are requesting NO MORE REFERENDUMS !
EU leader begs nations to STOP votes fearing union will COLLAPSE
Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico has pleaded with the remaining 27 nations to cease giving citizens the power to decide their own future.
Fico pointed to the recent examples in the UK and Italy, which saw the countries turn away from the EU.
The constitutional reforms Italians shunned has led the populist 5Star movement to call for a referendum on the country's continued membership in the eurozone.
Poland in the same way will have to stand firm against the EU to keep Poland Polish.
There is no way the EU will survive IMO.
The "beauty" of multicultural Europe of open borders
Have you even watched the videos you post or do you understand them??
5 Jan 2017 / #148
Crnogorac3 : Poland is not 40 millions strong but 38,483,957 in 2014 and probably less by now.
Polish people should try to have more chidlren because they are the future of the nation. By 2050 it will be 33 millions strong
By 2100 it will be 22 millions . How many muslims by that time in Europe ?
Europe's Muslim population, boosted by large families and immigration, will nearly double, from less than 6% (43 million people) in 2010 to more than 10% (71 million people) in 2050, the forecast estimates.
Imagine how many muslims by 2100 : will it be 150 millions ...
Poland should really focus more on children.
I know that many polish women want career and all. But you can see that these statistics are worring..
Polish people should try to have more chidlren because they are the future of the nation. By 2050 it will be 33 millions strong
By 2100 it will be 22 millions . How many muslims by that time in Europe ?
Europe's Muslim population, boosted by large families and immigration, will nearly double, from less than 6% (43 million people) in 2010 to more than 10% (71 million people) in 2050, the forecast estimates.
Imagine how many muslims by 2100 : will it be 150 millions ...
Poland should really focus more on children.
I know that many polish women want career and all. But you can see that these statistics are worring..
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
5 Jan 2017 / #149
Poland should really focus more on children.
I know that many polish women want career and all. But you can see that these statistics are worring..
I know that many polish women want career and all. But you can see that these statistics are worring..
maybe 'Poland' should focus more on retaining its population, for a start.
5 Jan 2017 / #150
Maybe but :
Poland : 1.30 births per woman (2012)
It is even lower than Russia :
1.59 births per woman (2012)
Nigeria :
6.00 births per woman
5,14 births per woman
Another mass immigration waiting to happen !
Poland : 1.30 births per woman (2012)
It is even lower than Russia :
1.59 births per woman (2012)
Nigeria :
6.00 births per woman
5,14 births per woman
Another mass immigration waiting to happen !