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Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland

Bieganski  17 | 888  
3 Jan 2017 /  #91
Part of the modern anti-racism religion is that all western countries need large amounts of immigration (don't ask why, it's an article of faith).

This is very true. Many multiculturalists treat their ideology as a religion where they declare themselves to be unquestionably virtuous so as to attract praise from peers while delivering judgment and scorn upon those who do not convert and submit to their polluted leftist beliefs.

Middle Easterners are mc-immigrants...countries like Sweden and Germany can still congratualte themselves on how tolerant and anti-racist they are and how attractive they are as immigrant destinations.

I would add that the true racists are the white liberals in places like Sweden and Germany who objectify non-white, non-European McMigrants as things to be pitied and fawned over by the public at large while comfortably knowing that they themselves can do so from their ivory towers where the site of McMigrants are limited to their own ephemeral need for taxi drivers, cooks or cleaning staff.

What the leftists fail to comprehend is that McMigrants have no desire for themselves or their children to stay at the bottom rung of any society they go to.

Leftists will only change their tune when their own positions of power in politics, the media, finance, etc. are subjected to the same scrutiny and criticism of being "too white" and demands made upon them to give up their own seats for the sake of "diversity and "inclusion".

but with this global warming taking place on the planet, people with darker skins will be better adapted to a new environment coming up

That would only make sense if the ozone layer was being depleted and UV radiation was increasing. However, global warming is being attributed to manmade greenhouse gases being trapped in the atmosphere and absorbing solar heat increasing ambient temperatures not levels of UV radiation itself. Even then climatic changes with what some critics say will be "runaway" global warming there is no evolutionary way that humans would ever be able to adapt to any future changes. Having darker skin won't protect anyone from ever increasing levels of CO2, rising sea levels, frequent catastrophic storms and expanding desertification where no flora or fauna can exist. And it is a complete myth anyway that people with darker skin are immune from skin cancer.
3 Jan 2017 /  #92
Diversity is not the only deleterious side effect of multiculturalism. Another is to perpetuate population growth because immigration is part of the quid pro quo offered ethnic minorities in exchange for liberal party votes. Perpetual large scale immigration cannot be sustained for well-rehearsed environmental reasons. In the end failure to regulate population growth causes severe suffering and social and economic dislocation as is becoming evident in Germany & Sweden. It follows that multiculturalism should be counteracted as part of a responsible population policy. The conflict between the two policies is also evident. The charge of racism is often directed at recommendations for reducing immigration overall, even without changing the ethnic mix. For the millions of Europeans who have no other nation to fall back upon or financial means to emigrate, multiculturalism is almost an insult. It is divisive. It threatens social cohesion. It could, in the long-term, also endanger National military security because it sets up enclaves which in a crisis could appeal to their own homelands for help or mount guerilla warfare.
OP mafketis  38 | 11137  
3 Jan 2017 /  #93
For the millions of Europeans who have no other nation to fall back upon or financial means to emigrate, multiculturalism is almost an insult

almost? and the EU leadership has made it a point of honor to stress how much they dislike that type of European, this might have something to do with the current problems - the quickest way for the EU to regain support is to act like they like European people - but that options seems off the table
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
3 Jan 2017 /  #94

Oh, brave, brave polish patriots decided to take revenge on the accused's girlfriend- her, and her boyfriend, flat and boutique she owns was vandalized.

hail, brave rycerze ortalionu!

As a collective punishment goes, a Bangladeshi kebab-shop worker got hit by the unknown thug.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
3 Jan 2017 /  #95
This thread is almost a duplicate to the "If EU let Refugees into the EU" thread in Off - Topic.
I tried to go back and reference some of the same things that have been said in this thread, that we were saying last year, however I found that well over 200 of my posts have been deleted in that thread.

(Maybe the mod that took the liberty to do that explain why when the those posts are now being allowed a year later in this thread ???)

Levi who started that thread got banned for posting the same things that have been posted in this thread.
One of the interesting things that I posted was:

One of the wealthiest Muslim countries in the world refusing their own Muslim people who speak the same language and have the same religion.
That would be like Poland refusing fellow refugee Catholic Poles from Ireland who spoke Polish when Poland had 100,000 air conditioned tents and lots of money to feed them.

Islam, the religion of love and peace alright.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
3 Jan 2017 /  #96
Oh, brave, brave polish patriots decided to take revenge on the accused's girlfriend- her, and her boyfriend, flat and boutique she owns was vandalized. hail, brave rycerze ortalionu!

Oh, the poor, poor Tunisian Muslim migrant finally admitted to stabbing Daniel in the chest after he and his fellow Muslim migrants chased him down in the street.

The poor, poor Muslim migrants even admitted to refusing to help Daniel after their frenzied attack and instead barricaded themselves in a bar and in true cowardly fashion initially denied to the police that they knew anything about what happened.

Source: pikio.pl/tunezyjczyk-z-kebabu-prince-w-koncu-zdradzil-jak-i-dlaczego-zabil-polaka/

You obviously hold the unshakeable belief that Poles should be like German victims and respond to their Muslim tormentors by handing them flowers in response to their despicable attacks:

Cologne Attacks: German Women Respond By Handing Out Flowers To Refugees

Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk/2016/01/22/german-women-have-been-handing-out-flowers-to-refugees_n_9050840.html

Or perhaps be like the British "Angel of Woolwich" who took the time to talk to the Lee Rigby's blood splattered killer rather than tend to Lee Rigby's dying body:

'Angel of Woolwich' says confronting Lee Rigby's killers ruined her life - Ingrid Loyau-Kennett says she suffers from such severe PTSD she can no longer get out of bed

Source: independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/lee-rigby-murder-angel-of-woolwich-regrets-confronting-killers-ingrid-loyau-bennett-a7043441.html

Nah, Poles would rather see Poland and Poles protected from unwelcome migrants who foolishly, arrogantly and ungratefully believe they are above the law:

3 Jan 2017 /  #97
I know some address of tunisens here comme we will go to revenge and kill them
Bieganski  17 | 888  
3 Jan 2017 /  #98
No thanks RubasznyRumcajs. As shown in the photo above law abiding Poles would rather see out of control "above-the-law" migrants be arrested and then answer for their crimes in a court room.
3 Jan 2017 /  #99
In france too ,muslims and africans keep knifing and raping women. But leftist do not care and like to release poor muslims killers and rapists from jails.

The poor hard working french people have to suffer without saying anything from violents scums from Africa.

A french from Cameroon origin knifed 99 times a man :

French people are apathic and do nothing. They are like cows waiting to be killed by muslims/africans.

But you proud Polish have some balls !
You have what we call common sense ! No tolerance for ******** !

Another crazy stuff french must endure : destruction of cars every year for new year eve :

This year is 19% increase of damage. 500 people were arrested ! Most of them are africans but of course you should not say the truth !
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
3 Jan 2017 /  #100
Most of them are africans but of course you should not say the truth !

Of course not, that wouldn't be "Politically Correct" even though it is a fact.

But you proud Polish have some balls !

Yes they do, very big balls.
Poles are a conservative no nonsense proud ethnic country.
The rest of the EU is Politically Correct Liberal Socialist Butter Cups and Socialism DOES NOT work.

I tried to go back and reference

I have repeatedly posted to Keep Poland Polish.
I have also posted that in the near future that Poland will be a "Sanctuary Country" for white Europeans.
The aristocracy will be moving (bringing with them their wealth) to Poland for their safety.
Poland will eventually be the only country left in the EU that demands to keep it's ethnic culture.
Will Poland eventually have to build border walls to keep out the undesirables ?
I admire all the proud patriotic Polish posters here for standing up to keep Poland Polish.
For to long we had to listen to the expats jon357, Harold and his side kick delph struggle to try to brainwash this forum with how Poland is a Liberal Socialist Country. (NOT !)

Fortunately that's not the case with Poland (or other countries lucky enough to survive communism).

Communism lifted it's leg on Poland which made Poland patriotically strong not to ever let anyone do that to them again.
That is why Poland has big balls to put the hammer down on these invaders.
This is why Poland will eventually be the most powerful country in the EU IMO.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
3 Jan 2017 /  #101
Oh, brave, brave polish patriots

You know I respect everyone's right to their own opinion. However you crossed the line here. WTF is wrong with you? I'm a patriot and I think you are a nasty worm with mental issues that should be named and shamed. Are you by any change a cultural neo-Marxist?

Shut up you creep!

Bangladeshi kebab-shop worker got hit by the unknown thug.

Boo hoo! "Bangladesh is reeling from a wave of murders of secular and liberal activists, and religious minorities, that have left more than 40 people dead in three years."

"A Christian was knifed to death after Sunday prayers near a church in northwest Bangladesh"

As much as I would rather people obeyed the law and I don't condone any assault for whatever reason, you should show some sense.

The poor hard working french people

Hmm ...come on just cool down.
Crow  154 | 9463  
3 Jan 2017 /  #102
What? Is that war already in Poland?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
3 Jan 2017 /  #103
For to long we had to listen to the expats jon357, Harold and his side kick delph struggle to try to brainwash this forum with how Poland is a Liberal Socialist Country.

Indeed, and it VERY telling how these otherwise daily-posting multiculti supporters with all their shaming tactics used against other PF members who disagreed with them have now been absolutely silent on this thread. I'd like to think they know they have been wrong this whole time and are now too embarrassed to admit their ideological beliefs are completely indefensible. But given their ignominious reputations on here I wouldn't past them to be out celebrating every day since news of Daniel's unjustified murder became headlines.

Therefore I challenge each of them to come back on the forum and tell us all what they would say to Daniel's family and the community of Ełk about the merits of diversity and multiculturalism and how it is a strength and benefit to Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
3 Jan 2017 /  #104
they have been wrong this whole time and are now too embarrassed to admit their ideological beliefs are completely indefensible.

You mean with posts like this one.

One thing today is very heartwarming, the number of people turning out for the Day of Support for the Syrian refugees.

Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
3 Jan 2017 /  #105
You mean with posts like this one.
jon357 - One thing today is very heartwarming, the number of people turning out for the Day of Support for the Syrian refugees.

He has been trolling such nonsense on here for years. He knows absolutely nothing about Polish thought, sentiment and realities in Poland. Even those who don't know any Poles or never been to Poland can easily find regular independent polls showing that an overwhelming number of Poles do not want refugees from around the world in Poland.

And when you look at the boatloads of these so called "Syrian refugees" they are anything but. To say they are would mean that Syria has the most diverse and single largest diaspora in the history of the world running into millions and millions of people and spanning the globe in places like Tunisia, Algeria, Nigeria, Eritrea, Ghana, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
4 Jan 2017 /  #106
He has been trolling such nonsense on here for years.

Thank goodness we finally have some decent moderators.
Remember when you didn't dare remark about the expat English teachers (the Limey Lounge) here in fear you would be suspended.
I do.

of these so called "Syrian refugees" they are anything but.

You are correct, these are not refugees, they are "economic opportunist invaders" and terrorists.
When 75% of them are men of fighting age with clean cloths and cell phones who refuse to eat the food given to them by victims relief............

The economic refugees are well fed with new cloths, the look alone on the dirty faces of the war torn legitimate Syrian refugees is quite a different story

Why aren't these single men of fighting age back home fighting for their independence like every other country in the world has done ?
terri  1 | 1661  
4 Jan 2017 /  #107
The latest news is that the authorities now believe that the fault lies with young people playing violent video games. The aggression which they experience (playing for a long time) spills over into real life and they vent their frustration caused by the violent games on anyone they see.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
4 Jan 2017 /  #108
Why aren't these single men of fighting age back home fighting for their independence like every other country in the world has done ?

Because they are self-serving dysfunctional misfits from violent failed states who know they can always find a bleeding heart in Europe - be it a local national they will stab in the chest on a whim or a self-loathing liberal who will do all the apologizing for them.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
4 Jan 2017 /  #109
The latest news is that the authorities now believe that the fault lies with young people playing violent video games.

Rubbish and that is why you didn't provide any sources.

All we know so far is the flimsy excuses the killers have given - that Daniel didn't pay for a beverage and then that a firework was set off.

And remember it was reported in the news (see above link I provided) that the killers initially denied to police that they even knew anything about Daniel being stabbed to death.

We don't have Daniel's account of course because these North African migrant murderers decided he no longer deserved to live.

So if you are going to attribute this unforgivable crime to video game playing then it would be equally fair to claim that the killers singled out their victim and asked him if he believed that there is no god but allah and that mohammed is his messenger. When he said no they killed him for being a kafir. Given the prevailing terrorism being committed across Europe by Muslim migrants this is a more plausible reason than your straw-clutching theory that video games are to blame.

So just stop seeking excuses for these murderers. They already confessed to stabbing Daniel and so their convictions will be secured. Their actual motives are only of secondary importance now and any reason they give cannot possibly justify their crime. Never.
Honest Pole  
4 Jan 2017 /  #110
Well arabs are hotblooded and often violent and so are poles.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
4 Jan 2017 /  #111
As a collective punishment goes, a Bangladeshi kebab-shop worker got hit by the unknown thug.

Funny how you wouldn't say a fcuking thing if it was a Polish kebab shop worker punched by a thug.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
4 Jan 2017 /  #112
patriots decided to take revenge on the accused's girlfriend-

terri  1 | 1661  
4 Jan 2017 /  #113

I can only go off the view of the learned Professor who has this opinion. This was shown yesterday in Interia.pl and the article is still there.
smurf  38 | 1940  
4 Jan 2017 /  #114
I can only go off the view of the learned Professor who has this opinion

I hate that crap, video games are not the problem it's like blaming spoons for knife crime.
4 Jan 2017 /  #115
Terri, I personally believe the article is disrespectful to the family of Daniel, the crime is murder. Unless your good doctor is suggesting the four kebab workers are sitting playing video games all day long... This is so typical of academia to forget origin of the action and focus on the symptoms of the reaction. In Poland patriotism is in the dna, running so deep its like the lettering on a piece of Blackpool rock. In some people patriotism blends into a more extreme form of nationalism, in small towns like Elk you are more likely to find a higher degree of nationalists, this normally goes hand in hand with a more extreme point of view of who was to blame for Poland's occupation by the Russians and a 101 view of Poland's modern history. This trait is not endemic of Poland only, its the same of all countries which have recently been forcefully occupied or have not recouped their full independence, I could give Ireland or Palestine as an extreme.In Poland there is a deep mistrust of anything which represents order ( Police,Government,Judicial ystem) or foriegn. Looking at the pictures from Elk,one cant help but see the candles outside the cafe, so what started as a vigil for Daniel turned into a manifestation and moved on to a social disturbance. Only the people in Elk on Jan 1 know what motivated the social disturbance , I am sure none of the arrested would cite video games as their defense.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
4 Jan 2017 /  #116
Remember that when you speak with a leftist and use words such as "nationalism", "patriotism", "sovereignity", "independence" etc. all they hear is babling. They purposely removed those words from their consciousness since they have no values beside money and their own selfish welfare.

I myself believe you are 100% spot on though.
Marsupial  - | 871  
4 Jan 2017 /  #117
Hopefully they will get a fair trial and not be sent into a right wing lynch mob.
4 Jan 2017 /  #118
The prosecutors are going to have their work cut out on this one,they are caught between the rock and the hard stone no matter the outcome of the trial, those on the right will believe the penalty was lenient and those on the left will believe the judgement was too harsh.People have to realise the 'Elk 4' are to be prosecuted on the basis of their crime under the criminal justice code, NOT for reason of ethnicity,religion or being part of an invading army.
4 Jan 2017 /  #119
In Poland patriotism is in the dna

Unfortunately that isn't true. If it were true, Poles would do more to help fellow Poles. However, data shows that Poles volunteer at far far lower rates than other countries. Instead far too many Poles mistake pseudo-patriotism for actual patriotism, as shown by the morons who think they are helping their country by attacking a Hindu owned restaurant etc etc.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
4 Jan 2017 /  #120

With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, PolandArchived