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Poland could emerge as new European and world power. If?

Pinching Pete  - | 554  
26 Sep 2010 /  #91
Not only that we European Americans have all our American traditions that bind us together.

Yeah but things aren't always peaches and cream over here.. we bicker and fight too. We just try and tell the Europeans we don't. However, for the most part there is mostly cohesion between the European American. Sadly, we waste a lot of time trying to appease the African American.

I don't think the Europeans are nearly as cantankerous towards each other as they were in the past. The British are probably the only lone holdouts in that area.
richasis  1 | 409  
26 Sep 2010 /  #92
Today, many Americans of European ancestry couldn't even find "Europe" on an atlas...
that said, most have adapted quite well to the ways of their African-American brethren.
southern  73 | 7059  
26 Sep 2010 /  #93
In USA you have to leave the parts of national identity which are not commercial and don't make sense.Greek Americans are much more american than greek.
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61  
26 Sep 2010 /  #94
The Vatican has been a world power since 400AD, the Roman Empire never went away it just changed its name to the Holy Roman Catholic Church with a larger Empire.

No, that is completely wrong.
"Neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire"

The Holy Roman Empire was only really formed in 955, after the battle of Lechfeld; The big push was caused by the Magyars: they would drive the German Princes to unite togeather, and after Otto I's victory to accept him as Emperor.

Charlemagne's regime actually had very little impact on HRE's formation, contrary to many histories.
OP Crow  154 | 9489  
30 Oct 2010 /  #95
Merged thread:
Which kind of steps lead Poland to the position of the European power?

Well? What kind of steps?
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
9 Nov 2010 /  #96
So things stand pretty good for Poles! Poland has the best programmers and mathematicans and even more important, Poles tend to be patriotic. With western europe sinking in multicultaral nightmare, usa and japan in late roman decadence, china will be the only competetor! And given the world beeing as big as it is, we would split 50:50, china gets africa and 'asian' asia+Australia, Poland the rest.

Geez please. Can't you see that economics is just breaking down political borders which don't mean much anyway...

And how do you account for the Arabs...?

Btw, China/ India will own your arse before the next decade is up. Accept it, Europe's had its hey day....

And as for Poland... Poles do more good abroad. Especially considering the lack of diplomacy exhibited in your post.
OP Crow  154 | 9489  
31 Jan 2011 /  #97
Merged thread:
What is necesery for Poland to become serious European power?

what we think? we think?
31 Jan 2011 /  #98
Bomb Serbia: all the serious European nations have done it, so Poland clearly needs to.

So if you'd just be so kind as to invade another one of your neighbours to indulge in your traditional Serbian hobbies of rape and murder, Poland can show itself to be a serious European power. Although you are rather running out of ones to invade, perhaps you could send a force of mighty Serbian heroes to take on the Vatican city? Actually, those Vatican's Swiss Guards do look a bit tough for you lot to take on, why not have a crack at Liechtenstein? They have no army at all (just like every single other country which you've invaded).
OP Crow  154 | 9489  
31 Jan 2011 /  #99

to put cross on myself (fast and several times), Harry, you are crazy as electricity
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
31 Jan 2011 /  #100
to put cross on myself (fast and several times)

do you need any nails..?
31 Jan 2011 /  #101
Harry, you are crazy as electricity

Yes, the idea of Serbs being brave enough to invade a country like Liechtenstein where people are rich enough that the might be able to afford guns is a bit of a stretch. Why don't you brave boys invade Antarctica? There aren't many people for you to murder there but there are plenty of penguins for you to rape.

Can we get back to the actual topic, please. It's the bin otherwise. Thank you .
OP Crow  154 | 9489  
31 Jan 2011 /  #102

you know, you are very limited man. i sense that. Don`t impose your frustrations on me.

and, stop spreading NATO/EU/Islamic league anti-Serbian war propaganda. Serbians resisted to their anti-Slavic policy and so they were demonized in media and then even openly attacked.

time to bring your thread back on topic.
NorthPolish  1 | 16  
1 Feb 2011 /  #103
Only and Only, if Poland stay HOMOGENEOUS
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
1 Feb 2011 /  #104
Poland is already a power who can stay on their own legs. I am sure Poles are stronger than Brits, etc.

Serbs can keep holding their hands of their big Russian brothers.

Ps: You can learn to hunt the birds from Putin while he is farting gas.
Putin is probably thinking now where they did mistake about socialism. But, with Berlusconi-like friends, he may not have time to think about such things, but, the pictures like Southern-likes sent.
OP Crow  154 | 9489  
1 Feb 2011 /  #105

NorthPolish  1 | 16  
2 Feb 2011 /  #106
Poland has a verry high IQ average, is about 106, the 2nd higher in Europe.
Whats wrong with Poland ? The education, the people have to work, a verry good example is Germany.
We have the tools, but we dont know how to use it.
Ironside  50 | 12817  
2 Feb 2011 /  #107
Now im going to write an inteligen answer.

You are trolling.
George8600  10 | 630  
2 Feb 2011 /  #108
Poland has a verry high IQ average, is about 106, the 2nd higher in Europe.

There's other studies that have it down to 95, even 92. I've done extensive course-work on IQ and ethnic/race issues. Individualism, and nurture play much more of a role believe it or not.
Ironside  50 | 12817  
2 Feb 2011 /  #109
There's other studies that have it down to 95, even 92.

Sure, even communism was better for Poland than globalist rule !
sovereign_man  - | 19  
2 Feb 2011 /  #110
Poland would never be the absolute world power because there are forces too powerful against that. They are called the Bilderbergs and their plan is for some "New World Order". There have even been reports of them wanting to eliminate the US dollar and merge it with the Euro to create the "Amero".

Here is the wikipedia link so you can educate yourself on who these devils are:

NomadatNet  1 | 457  
2 Feb 2011 /  #111
"New World Order".

Are you happy with this World Order, that the gunners dictate you what to do? It is not even an order, a disorder. Whatever you do, doesn't matter, you can't make the gunners happy. New World Order is needed. Any idea? At least, those you mentioned are working and also have some idea.

Being a world power requires responsibility. Without knowing what to do, you can find yourself among those permanent members of UN who are in troubles now. I am sure they too are trying to resign permanent memberships and to be equal with every others.
Pierdolski  - | 31  
9 Feb 2011 /  #112
Poland was and always will be between Russia and Germany, but that could be an advantage. One of the biggest problems is low rate of literacy in English, a standard business language. Poland needs to become fluent in English and/or German in addition to their native tongue. Roads need not only repaving but widening. Poland needs to clean-up and build-up similar to how Hitler rebuilt Germany, but on a smaller scale. I think the Poles can do it.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
24 Sep 2011 /  #113
I was looking up older topics and found this very interesting thread...

History has a habit of repeating itself. Poland was a formidable regional power and used to have borders with the Ottoman Empire and shores on both the Black and Baltic seas.

Geopolitics worked against Poland when Russia and the Austro-Hungarian empires wanted to expand, and again when Russia and Germany wanted to expand. The specific geography of Poland makes it difficult to defend against an invasion from BOTH East and West at the same time.

The biggest historical problem for Poland over the last few hundred years has been Russia. Poland only got weaker when Russia got stronger.

However, this is set to change. While Russia might look strong, she is getting weaker from inside, because the very fabric that holds Russian society together is dissolving with the sharp and rapid decline in Russian population, in addition to problems that were introduced during the life of the Soviet Union but were not (and are not likely to be) resolved now. Russia is going to implode, and it is only a matter of time. Since Eastern European countries like Belarus and Ukraine are too weak and too unorganized at the moment, it is in my opinion (and in the opinion of analysts like George Friedman) likely that Russia will lose strategic superiority and eventually strategic parity with Poland within the next 20-40 years.

When Russia falls, Turkey and Poland will inevitably compete for influence in Central & Eastern Europe and in the Balkans - which is not historically new. Germany is likely to stand with Turkey against Poland (surprise!). However, it is logical that other nations (Western European nations and the US) will be significantly less tolerant to German movement this time around and this will backfire at Germany very quickly and very decisively. The US will already be annoyed with Turkey because Turkey will be (and has in fact already started) trying to spread her influence in the oil rich Middle Eastern countries like Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This is a big no-no for the US and she will go as far as she has to to defend her strategic interest in the region, even if it means falling out with Turkey or outright war with Turkey.

So just like Western European nations are not likely to allow Germany to move, the US is not likely to allow Turkey to move. Which pretty much allows Poland to spread her influence (uncontested) throughout Eastern and Central Europe and in the Balkans.

I think that WWIII will be mainly between Poland and Turkey and will take place between 2030-2060. Eventually, most of the Western world will stand against Turkey due to religious xenophobia.

So in answer to the original post, yes, Poland is rising again. But the ride might be quite bumpy...
OP Crow  154 | 9489  
30 May 2014 /  #114

Does Poland have ambitions to become European power? Discussion

I opening discussion on this topic- Does Poland have ambitions to become European power?

What you people think?
Sparks11  - | 333  
31 May 2014 /  #115
I think that Poland is, technically a "European power" just like all countries in the EU. I suppose it hopes to continue to gain wealth, power and prominence on the world stage, just like all countries.
OP Crow  154 | 9489  
31 May 2014 /  #116
good spirit. Anyway, we all know that all EU countries aren`t European powers. There are leading powers within EU, followed by others. Today`s Poland follow. Tomorrow? Well, who knows. This thread is suppose to be about it.

You know, I think that there are people in Poland who do have ambitions to see Poland as true European power and not just some country that follow more powerful EU countries. Not to say that EU isn`t same as Europe. EU is political organization, while term `European` has its cultural and geographical meaning.

In a search to restore its old glory, those Poles who have true ambitions are obviously ready to rely equally on west as well as on east of the globe. Isn`t this the real sign of Poland`s true intentions? Yes, Poland wants to emerge as new big player of the European continent.

China urged to 're-industrialise Poland '

Polskie Radio

A delegation of Chinese industrialists has been welcomed to Poland by the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ).

"We want Chinese industry to take part in the re-industrialisation of Poland," said chairman of PAIiIZ Slawomir Majman, while addressing the delegation on Monday.

"We want Chinese firms in Poland, and above all we want them to invest in production in our country," he stressed.

Monday's meeting drew together representatives of the machinery, mining, engineering and energy sectors of both China and Poland, in what's been billed by PAIiIZ as "matchmaking" event.

Currently, PAIiIZ runs 7 Chinese Foreign direct investment (FDI) projects worth 59.5 million euros, and the agency is looking to boost cooperation.

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