good spirit. Anyway, we all know that all EU countries aren`t European powers. There are leading powers within EU, followed by others. Today`s Poland follow. Tomorrow? Well, who knows. This thread is suppose to be about it.
You know, I think that there are people in Poland who do have ambitions to see Poland as true European power and not just some country that follow more powerful EU countries. Not to say that EU isn`t same as Europe. EU is political organization, while term `European` has its cultural and geographical meaning.
In a search to restore its old glory, those Poles who have true ambitions are obviously ready to rely equally on west as well as on east of the globe. Isn`t this the real sign of Poland`s true intentions? Yes, Poland wants to emerge as new big player of the European continent.
China urged to 're-industrialise Poland 'Polskie Radiothenews/1/12/Artykul/172035,China-urged-to-reindustrialise-Poland
A delegation of Chinese industrialists has been welcomed to Poland by the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ).
"We want Chinese industry to take part in the re-industrialisation of Poland," said chairman of PAIiIZ Slawomir Majman, while addressing the delegation on Monday.
"We want Chinese firms in Poland, and above all we want them to invest in production in our country," he stressed.
Monday's meeting drew together representatives of the machinery, mining, engineering and energy sectors of both China and Poland, in what's been billed by PAIiIZ as "matchmaking" event.
Currently, PAIiIZ runs 7 Chinese Foreign direct investment (FDI) projects worth 59.5 million euros, and the agency is looking to boost cooperation.