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Poland's election winning party: PIS proclamations

OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Nov 2015 /  #91
I have just been watching some of Donald Trumps' speeches in the last week in America. This explains a lot about the views of some of our resident PIS voters on this board.

The only difference between Trump and Kaczynski seems to be 10 billion dollars.........
Who copied who? Both are witless public speakers, that is a fact.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Nov 2015 /  #92
Trump and Kaczynski

Trump is a loudmouthed buffoon and blowhard (reminiscent of a certain PF poster whose name I will not mention). Wholeheartedly devoted to the cause of a strong, flourishing Poland, Kaczyński is a true patriot displaying little regard for personal amenities or comforts. And that is a colossal difference!
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
21 Nov 2015 /  #93
Problem is though, to many a disenfranchised US voter out there, bloody sick and tired of "business as usual", much of Trump's agenda, i.e. refusing to allow immigrants who then take jobs native-born US taxpayers should rightfully have, is starting to sound just dandy!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Nov 2015 /  #94
Kaczyński is a true patriot displaying little regard for personal amenities or comforts.

While that might be true in the case of Kaczyński (at least according to his financial statements) - it's certainly not true for other PiS members.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
21 Nov 2015 /  #95
Many ex-pat Poles with whom I've spoken hate Ms. Szydło, chastizing their fellow countrymen for electing a party which "ruined" Poland's economy years before! "Wstydźcie się, rodacy!", cry the pack:-)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Nov 2015 /  #96
enrich their own

No other party has done more to enrich members of its own clique than PO, including many crooked businessmen and exploitative entrerpreneurs. Their oldboy network has greatly expanded over the past 8 years. Fortunately the Polish people have finally realised the truth, hence their popular support is gradually declining and now stands at 18%. Within a week or two it could well drop into the single-digit bracket and by 2019 may not even clear the 5% threshold.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Nov 2015 /  #97

Remember Polonius, it's PiS that have a convicted criminal heading the secret services.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Nov 2015 /  #98
it's PiS

And it's PO that have a coaliton partner now charegd with several counts of corruption -- Jan Bury I believe his name if. Most of the PO's own crooks and scammers are just too devious and crafty to get caught -- I have to hand it to them! Their hayseed mates are somewhat less clever in that regard.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Nov 2015 /  #99
And so we see the "defence" of the State Forests.


Essentially, PiS have chosen a relative of Jaroslaw Kaczynski to be the director of the State Forestry Service. PiS, as always, are rotten to the core.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Nov 2015 /  #100
relative of Jaroslaw Kaczynski

What do you know about his talent, qualifications and passion for defending Poland's woodlands? Nothing. But it was a good opportuntiy to engage in your favourite pastime: PiS-bashing. And Super Express I see is among one of your credible and trustworthy sources of information. Even "Gówniane Wieści" is more reliable!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Nov 2015 /  #101
Is it or is it not a fact that someone related to Kaczyński has been chosen to direct the company?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Nov 2015 /  #102
Is it or is it not a fact

All we know is that SE alleges that to be true. Does someone's relatives a priori disqualify a person's ability to hold a given post? Do you know he was not the best person available for the job? Youdon't really care and aren't interested are you? The only point is to bash PS, innit?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Nov 2015 /  #103
Does someone's relatives a priori disqualify a person's ability to hold a given post?

Absolutely. The top jobs in state owned companies should not be going to the relatives of the leader of the party in government.

Interestingly, a quick look reveals that he's already resigned in the past from a governmental post over some scandal.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Nov 2015 /  #104
some scandal

Interesting. And here everybody thought scandals were a Platfomrer speciality (to mention only the gambling affair, ill-considered, road-building tenders, tape scandal and OFE heist in broad daylight, unreported assets of PO politicians, etc., etc.).

Not to mention nepotism on an unprecedented scale. As this link clearly shows, "in the course of 8 years of PO rule state losses caused by scandals, scams, corruption or incompetence have been in excess of tens of billions of złotys."

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Nov 2015 /  #105
OFE heist in broad daylight

You haven't seen the latest? The Constitutional Tribunal ruled that the OFE funds are revenue from taxes and not "our" money - and PiS are already thinking about taking the remaining money out of the OFE system.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Nov 2015 /  #106
You haven't seen

What I have never seen is you saying a good word about Poland's most patriotic "clean-hadns" party which liek Piłsudski is about to sanitise the mess left by their scammy predecessors.
22 Nov 2015 /  #107
their popular support is gradually declining and now stands at 18%.

What a coincidence, 18% is also the percentage of Poles who voted for PIS!

Poland's most patriotic "clean-hadns" party which liek Piłsudski

I can't remember Pilsudski getting caught defrauding the Polish taxpayer, can you go into any details about that? As for clean hands, are you referring to the hands of the convicted criminal running the secret service? Or those of the convicted criminal running the road network? Or those of the paedophile enabling commie era prosecutor of dissidents who's in charge of human rights? Or those of the forestry boss who got the top job and is coincidentally a relative of The Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
22 Nov 2015 /  #108
Does someone's relatives a priori disqualify a person's ability to hold a given post?

Yes. In a transparently functioning democracy this is a safeguard against nepotism. You would be the first to complain if PO made such appoinments.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
29 Nov 2015 /  #109
Merged: PiS is not a nationalistic conservative or Catholic party. Why would foreigners believe otherwise?

I'm often surprised by the way how a foreign press describe PiS. Conservative, nationalistic, Catholic are just but few overused words in such a description.

Would that be only a result of unsuccessful attempt at translating realities in Poland for foreign reader? Would that be rather a complete and utter failure on the part of an commenter to grasp a meaning of the political life in Poland.

On the other hand even foreigners living in Poland share to a great extant similar misinterpretation of the polish reality.
I wonder....would that be the language barrier or would that be a cultural thing.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Nov 2015 /  #110


The latest survey by pollster Estymator for Newsweek showed Poles' political preferences as follows:
Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
(including Solidarna Polska & Polska Razem) - 42%
Nowoczesna - 17%
Platforma - 16%
Kukiz'15 - 8%
Korwin, PSL & United Left - 4%

The results clearly show that Poles are thoroughly fed up with PO and their temper tantrums and theatrical gestures such as storming out of the Sejm and holding a bile-spewing presser on the stairs outside. There have been predictions that the Platform may find itself at or below the 5% threshold by the next election. At this rate, that may occur within the year. As Lincoln one put it, "You can't full all the people all the tinme!"

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Nov 2015 /  #111
Many ex-pat Poles with whom I've spoken hate Ms. Szydło

Do they wear sidelocks ?

Conservative, nationalistic, Catholic are just but few overused words in such a description.

For similar reason opponents of Kremlin are commonly called "fascists". Black PR to discredit the opponent.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Nov 2015 /  #112
fed up with PO

The 4Bs (Bufoonish Brit Bully Badmouths) who usually have a ready answer for everything are somehow strangely silent as they see their beloved crook & scam party Platforma disntegrate before their very eyes. Here' s a suggested argument: PiS won the 25th Oct. election only because all its elderly supporters still have landlines. Oops, that won't work. Voting by phone still isn't an option. LOL!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Nov 2015 /  #113
The 4Bs (Bufoonish Brit Bully Badmouths) who usually have a ready answer for everything are somehow strangely silent as they see their beloved crook & scam party Platforma disntegrate before their very eyes.

Not really. Nowoczesna have been all over the media in the last couple of weeks, and Petru has been delivering soundbite after soundbite to the media. PO are in the process of renewal, and I wouldn't expect them to rebound politically for 12-18 months until they've had a chance to regroup.

Anyway, this thread is about PiS, and the latest hilarity : PiS are now suggesting that it won't be 500zł for the second child and beyond, but rather 500zł in "vouchers". It seems that PiS know fine well that they won't be able to find the money needed to pay for their electoral promises, so they're looking for desperate ways to water down the legislation.

Szydło is still claiming that the programme is on track, but she's also making comments about the budget not being able to cover the cost of it. It's almost certain that PiS will impose some sort of income limit, turning it into a welfare policy.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Nov 2015 /  #114

Rebound and regroup? Nice euphemisms for the Three DS: decline, disintegration and demise!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Nov 2015 /  #115
Polonius, how many times do you need it explained to you that PO still have very, very strong structures in place and haven't just gone away? Do you seriously think that all the local PO organisations said "oh, we lost, time to quit PO"?
29 Nov 2015 /  #116
PO are in the process of renewal, and I wouldn't expect them to rebound politically for 12-18 months until they've had a chance to regroup.

The good thing for PO is that they have PIS as their opponents, and simply not being PIS makes it hard for them to lose. No doubt 4A Poisonoius3 will pop a blood vessel when he sees the results of the next election.

Szydło is still claiming that the programme is on track, but she's also making comments about the budget not being able to cover the cost of it.

So, yet another promise broken, how many is that now? Is it more or fewer than the number of criminals, paedophile defenders and commie-era persecutors that they've appointed? Perhaps 4A can tell us?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Nov 2015 /  #117
looking for desperate ways

If they went ahead with 500 zł for every child, even the first and even those of wealthy parents, you'd be ther first to attack them for being reckless and financially irresponsible. But since PiS has tempered their social sensitivity with financial realism, your ilk are fuming that they are not keeping their campaign promises. The bottom line is that PO toadies like yourself are not interested in a fair and balanced evaluation but only in desperate nit-picking and fault-finding. Funny that you kept silent at all the abuses, misdeeds and ill-considered moves of the Platformers over the past 8 years.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Nov 2015 /  #118
But this isn't about PO, it's about PiS. I'm not sure why you keep trying to divert attention away from PiS and their broken promises.
29 Nov 2015 /  #119
But since PiS has tempered their social sensitivity with financial realism

They didn't promise the voters a means tested benefit; they promised a payment of 500zl per child. And now they are breaking that promise. Surely even a 4A like you (yes, one of those As is for American, I'll let the readers decide about the remaining ones themselves) can understand that governments should do what they promised to do.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
29 Nov 2015 /  #120
Funny that you kept silent at all the abuses, misdeeds and ill-considered moves of the Platformers over the past 8 years.

You didn't, so what's wrong with holding your party to account when it's in power? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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