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Poland's election winning party: PIS proclamations

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
28 Oct 2015 /  #1
Put your amusing and ridiculous PIS "pledges and proclamations" here:)

I'll start (unlike Polonius, I will paraphrase and not quote...)

1. PIS want Roman Polanski to be extradited to the US to face outstanding charges....
Since when does a government of a democracy comment on ongoing court proceedings?

Answer: When it thinks it's outside of accepted convention, and when its name is PIS. The nonsense has started already:)
28 Oct 2015 /  #2
I've just read there are like 460 deputies/posełs in the Parliament of Poland? This is a joke, so many politicians living off tax-payers (the US has 100 senators and 250M more people). For them (and for the EU), the migrant crisis is like oxygen to fire - more money stolen from taxpayers to 'protect' them from even more crisis and to 'manage' the dire situation they created themselves.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Oct 2015 /  #3
Funny, the topic title should go "left wing losers crying about PiS winning the election" comedy gold indeed :-)
jon357  72 | 23706  
28 Oct 2015 /  #4
Interesting that PiS did nothing before and have suddenly announced this in their first week of office.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Oct 2015 /  #5
It's nothing but a blatant "LOOK AMERICA! WE REALLY WANT TO BE YOUR LAPDOG!" attempt.

Still, it shows their mentality that they're quite happy to deport Polish citizens to a country with a notoriously unfair and corrupt legal system. Just like in the days of old, eh?
InPolska  9 | 1796  
28 Oct 2015 /  #6
When I read that PiS was so pro-American, I got shocked because I had thought that PO was closest to the US. I suppose PiS just want to be Obama's chihuahua...
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
28 Oct 2015 /  #7
"Podczas kampanii wyborczej Jarosław Kaczyński obiecał mieszkańcom Koszalina stworzenie nowego województwa."

One of my friends just sent me this.. though I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to create more voivodships other than the administrative costs of creating one..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Oct 2015 /  #8
There's a good argument to create one for Warsaw, as Mazowsze is quite poor outside of the Warsaw area - so they have problems as the voivodship is "wealthy", even though the wealth is mostly concentrated in Warsaw. But then again, Warsaw pays for a lot of things that make Mazowsze a better place - such as their railway company.

The rest - there's absolutely no sense, and it's just Kaczyński playing the populist line yet again. Koszalin only has 100,000 people living there and was never any sort of administrative centre.

Worth pointing out that it was (like most of PiS policies) a feature of the PRL to have endless voivodships.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Oct 2015 /  #9
I suppose PiS just want to be Obama's chihuahua...

That position is already filled by a poodle from an island off the coast of mainland Europe... ;)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Oct 2015 /  #10
This is a joke

Maybe not a joke but a waste for sure. 250, even 200 MPs would be more than enough as would 50 Senators. On condition that the savings were channelled into something socially useful and not to bankroll other bureaucrats or official overhead.

And when the current fleet of BMWs and Audis wears out they shoudl be replaced by less pricey wheels. No, not Citroën C1s, VW Up!s or otehr silly little mini-cars but moderately priced, roomy Opel Astras, Škoda Superbs and such like. A bit of official modesty wouldn't hurt. High-style PO ośmiorniczki, caviare and vintage wines at Sowa &Przyjeciele turn normal people off.
29 Oct 2015 /  #11
A bit of official modesty wouldn't hurt. High-style PO ośmiorniczki, caviare and vintage wines at Sowa &Przyjeciele turn normal people off.

You mean things like flying from Warsaw to Poznan while on personal business and then defrauding the taxpayer for the cost of those flights? Who was it who did that and is now hiding behind immunity?
nothanks  - | 626  
30 Oct 2015 /  #12
> British Liberal breakdown of the PiS party

"It is rightwing in culture, religion, sexual morality (no abortion or in vitro fertilisation), xenophobia (no Muslim refugees please, we're Polish) and nationalism, but almost leftwing in its economic and social promises to the poor and left-behind."

......I like it
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Oct 2015 /  #13
What a sad world you live in. Poles are free to travel. Their choice. Go where the work is. It's so simple. What the hell do you think I am doing in Tri-City? I make more money here than anywhere else i can think of at the moment.

In 23 years in Poland all I have had is the Polish government ******* on my parade. Why would it be any different for Poles?
I have moved house 3 times in the last 3 years. It's a hard life. Nobody but nobody helped me. The opposite of course is true. So why would I want to subsidise people who can't get up in the morning?

In 4 hours I do a 12 hour day. I am 58, and will listerine myself and can manage.

What's others' problem? I don't get it:(
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Oct 2015 /  #14
You think they'll last 4 years? Gowin is already making all sorts of 'interesting' comments in the media.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Oct 2015 /  #15
They lasted 2 years last time because they couldn't agree with the coalition, now they have majority of chairs so there's nothing that can stop them from lasting 4 years or perhaps you believe that your writing nonsense about them on this forum can affect their term of office?
30 Oct 2015 /  #16
now they have majority of chairs

And what a massive majority it is too.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Oct 2015 /  #17
Majority is majority, I hope you understand how it works in parliament.
30 Oct 2015 /  #18
I most certainly do.
The question is whether you understand what happens when a couple of PIS members of parliament leave the party due to ideological differences, one gets ill, a couple get thrown out of the party for being caught defrauding the Polish taxpayer, a few more get thrown out for not being sufficiently loyal to the Dear Leader Kaczynski and a few more realise that their chances of being re-elected on the PIS ticket are less than zero. And let's not forget that the above are all a question of 'when', not 'if'.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Oct 2015 /  #19
a few more get thrown out for not being sufficiently loyal to the Dear Leader Kaczynski

Let's not forget that Gowin is already making statements that run contrary to the official line.

HAHAHA. I've just read that Winnicki (leader of Ruch Narodowy, also known as a far-right extremist) is planning to move to PiS from Kukiz even before the first sitting of the Sejm.

You couldn't make this stuff up :D
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Oct 2015 /  #20
The question is whether you understand what happens when a couple of PIS members of parliament leave the party due to ideological differences, one gets ill, a couple get thrown out of the party for being caught defrauding the Polish taxpayer

But than you seem to not understand that it works both ways, not only for PiS.

I've just read that Winnicki (leader of Ruch Narodowy, also known as a far-right extremist) is planning to move to PiS

Care to share with us where did you read this?


So you're laughing at yourself that you read rags like "gazeta wybiórcza"? Always a good reason.

Jako "zupełne plotki" określił spekulacje na temat przejścia do PiS prezes Ruchu Narodowego Robert Winnicki.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Oct 2015 /  #21
So you're laughing at yourself that you read rags like "gazeta wybiórcza"? Always a good reason.

I'm more amused that you think that Winnicki can be controlled by Kukiz ;)

Jako "zupełne plotki" określił spekulacje na temat przejścia do PiS prezes Ruchu Narodowego Robert Winnicki.

Give it a few weeks.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Oct 2015 /  #22
I'm more amused that you think that Winnicki can be controlled by Kukiz

I have never thought that, in fact I think Winnicki can influence Kukiz.

Give it a few weeks.

Much longer than that It's going to be actually 4 years of you crying on this forum providing you don't get banned for something before which also high posibility.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Oct 2015 /  #23
I have never thought that, in fact I think Winnicki can influence Kukiz.

He might well do. I'm quite interested in how this whole Kukiz-Winnick dynamic will play out.

My gut feeling is that Kukiz will end up in some very public rows with Winnicki, possibly even as early as the 11th November if it gets out of control again.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Oct 2015 /  #24

Winnicki has said he is sticking with Kukiz amid rumours his group may go over to PiS. There are 5 RN-ers in the Sejm so they also have the option of forming their own parliamentary circle (a minimum of 3 MPs are needed). If that occurred, Kukiz could not form a parliamentary club (requiring 15) and would also have to create a Kukiz'15 Circle.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Nov 2015 /  #25
Winnicki has said he is sticking with Kukiz amid rumours his group may go over to PiS.

Winnicki won't stay for long with Kukiz, although you have to wonder whether or not Kaczyński would be stupid enough to accept them into PiS. Doing so would give them a stronger majority, but completely at the expense

Just a small titbit - 2015's budget called for spending of around 343 billion złoty. The 500zł per child (that isn't really 500zł per child at all) will cost 22 billion - so it's a huge part of the budget, and it's completely unfunded.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Nov 2015 /  #26
I don't know re Winnicki but I'm sure that Kukiz won't last long ...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Nov 2015 /  #27
Yes, he was clearly expecting to play kingmaker in the Sejm, but then found himself outside of that.

If history is anything to go by, I think we can expect Kaczyński to become Prime Minister by this time next year, some PiS parliamentarians to leave (possibly Gowin's grouping) and Kukiz with a few others will join PiS to keep their majority. His core electorate will be furious, and he'll be gone in 4 years.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Nov 2015 /  #28
@Delph: although I don't read future in coffee grounds, I don't believe Kukiz will last 4 years. He'll probably make a show at Sejm 1 or 2 times but soon will disappear and return to his music. What can he and for instance Liroy concretely do at Sejm? ;)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Nov 2015 /  #29

Yes, Kukiz is volatile and unpredictable. He mentioned in passing at one point that he'd like to be culture minister but later said he would join no coalition. (Probably PiS would not have him in the first place). But one thing he's got hands-on knowledge about is show business. Polish musicians and entertainers are often as cash-strapped as anyone, adn Polish culture is woefully underfunded. Kukiz himself was seen not long ago at ZAIKS hoping the get some royalties. The point is he understands the plight of the artistic community far better than professional MPs and government bureaucrats do. Whether as an ordinary MP (rather than a minister) he'll be in a position to do anything about it seems quite unlikely.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Nov 2015 /  #30
It could certainly be a good move by PiS to give Kukiz control of the relevant culture ministry, even outside of a formal coalition. They would gain a lot of positive PR for not seizing complete control of everything, yet they could be assured that Kukiz would follow the "correct" (in their eyes) path.

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