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Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story?

milky  13 | 1656  
8 May 2012 /  #211
No I'm claiming that Poland has by far the highest emigration in Europe, because of the disastrous economical situation in the country, that forces people to emigrate. The heading of thread states Poland is booming,that is a complete nonsense. A country with mass emigration could hardly be doing well never mind booming.My link posted above make this quite clear.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
8 May 2012 /  #212
What else can they do? The Brits are somewhat isolated and the rest of Europe believes that their politicians are simply a nuisance like a feckin horsefly.

Until they want another loan to help bail out certain tax-avoiding Mediterraneans, that is; or when they want a dumping ground for the world's unemployable criminals, of course.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 May 2012 /  #213
I didn't say you are not useful... :)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
8 May 2012 /  #214
we have given £14 billion for the bail out of the PIGS because of a currency we dont have and dont want...so Id say we are slightly more significant that what you are making out...

Stupid thing is Poland has put about the same amount up.

A country with mass emigration could hardly be doing well never mind booming

The UK has had similar levels of emigration and a booming economy.
8 May 2012 /  #215
peterweg: But not any skill worthy of employment. I wouldn't employ you after sitting on your arse for three years, anyone with any gumption would have found work pretty easy, I have NEVER been unemployed in the IT industry since leaving univercity. Software Engineers were decided as the easiest job in the world, just recently

If there is work, then there is no work. Talking that there in some sort of economy BOOM is nonsence, when people cannot find any work for YEARS. That BOOM allows the owners of pitiefull, little companies to abuse the situation, denamding quality work for begger's like wage. Once I have tried to work for one of them, managed to bear the ******* of the boss for almost 2 months, untill I colud not take anymore and set the idiot straight with couple of well chosen words. Got fired the next day, on some made up excuse, big company owner could not bear being out-talked by mere emploee.

Never again. I still have savings, to survive another 3 years. If by that time there is still no proper job, I am going to end up with it, with dignity. Probably will drunk myself into stupor, then jump from some high building.

But reading someone babling about BOOMs, or growth, it is damn irritaring.
sascha  1 | 824  
8 May 2012 /  #216
peterweg: The political class in the UK are looking at Euro members, Germany in particular, as self-deluded fantasists. Pathetic.
What else can they do? The Brits are somewhat isolated

look at the map and you will understand how unimportant it is what cameron has to say. her should try to stay in power...

Until they want another loan to help bail out certain tax-avoiding Mediterraneans, that is; or when they want a dumping ground for the world's unemployable criminals, of course.

too much black and white and too simple. better clean your own house before spitting in others ;)

In every country around the world investors are attracted by low wages (amongst other factors), but not so in Poland according to our "forum economist"... ;)


we have given £14 billion for the bail out of the PIGS because of a currency we dont have and dont want

why dont you built a big wall around your island and start behaving like 1000 years ago? ;)

Nobody in Germany (and some other countries of the Euro zone) were asked if they actually wanted the new currency or not.

f.e. noone asked me. i didnt want this monopoly sh1t money. i'd stick to the DM and would have made a union based on economy and trade. thats it. like the old hanse... ;)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
9 May 2012 /  #217
If there is work, then there is no work.

Impressive, at least you have your dignity and you can leave your mark on the pavement for us to remember you.

Until it rains.
sascha  1 | 824  
9 May 2012 /  #218

Out of Bulgaria and Romania Wave of Immigrants Overwhelms German System

Worlds are colliding as a flood of impoverished Bulgarians and Romanians stream into Germany, overwhelming authorities. But efforts to help integrate the new residents have been sluggish and many of the immigrants find themselves awash in a system they don't understand.

i see clearly now. the number of immigrants is increasing, of course not from poland, because of its boom...and gernany faces recession...hit!
milky  13 | 1656  
12 May 2012 /  #219
Polish economy is booming ???? LOL
Compare economical life in an average city in Poland to a really nice city in Ireland.
fifth of your wage on rent in Galway and 40% in Lublin.
oxon  4 | 164  
12 May 2012 /  #220
So nice of you to share this and dispel the myth that the Polish have no dignity and behave like refugees in Western Europe. I like the part where it says that the Polish always have answers to their problems and try and do whats best for the country's interests.

Perhaps you can tell me why the Polish couple who live above me are on the dole in the UK claiming housing benefits?
milky  13 | 1656  
12 May 2012 /  #221
and in Berlin,,,compare with Lublin.

sorry oxin, I don't argue with Nazis,,deep down I think they just doubt their sexuality,,,full of conflicting urges, maybe you get a hard on looking at Polish men and this is the root to your bitterness and illogical thinking.
oxon  4 | 164  
12 May 2012 /  #222
It's nice to know that the Polish are not the third world refugees that everyone thinks they are. I'm sure they have a plan set in place to ensure a prosperous future. If things go belly up they can always return to the UK and receive welfare benefits from a country that they have never contributed to.

Why can't the Polish be more like the Germans, French, Italians, Spanish etc and conduct their lives with dignity? They are a shameful species.
sascha  1 | 824  
12 May 2012 /  #223
always funny to see the arrogance of some posters here on pf who think the material welfare of their homecountry gives them the right to ethnical offensive.

that is usual punished here by suspension.

nevertheless, this kind of let's call it 'new self confidence' or 'pride' is in general promoted by the politics in bruxelles. in some way the eu becomes more and more to a two class society, even though those here in this thread are ven not member of that organization. they seem to live from achievements its country made in the past, long ago past forgetting that the smell under its own carpet is barely standable.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
12 May 2012 /  #224
Polish economy is booming ???? LOL
Compare economical life in an average city in Poland to a really nice city in Ireland.

Boom=increase in wealth. If you have one mud hut and you earn a new one you would still be living in a mud hut, but you will be richer. That is a 'boom'.

Conversely, a Billionaire would be devastated to become a millionaire. Still rich but economic disaster, not a boom.

Can you please try and understand that its an increase in wealth not your current wealth that defines a boom?
sascha  1 | 824  
14 May 2012 /  #225
Germany's economy may be the strongest in Europe, but its large segment of working poor has failed to feel the positive effects of that prosperity. The country's lack of a minimum wage has been cited as one reason for their suffering, but that may soon change

All Work and Low Pay Getting By Without Minimum Wage in Germany


...but in poland everything is cool, right? ;)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
14 May 2012 /  #226
but in poland everything is cool, right? ;)

Yeah, got much cooler now. I'm even missing the 32C temps now.
thehoops61  - | 2  
14 May 2012 /  #227
poland really are the only country in the eu now that is coming out of this recession unscaved!
Wroclaw Boy  
14 May 2012 /  #228
those euro billions helped out hey
Ironside  50 | 12334  
14 May 2012 /  #229
yeah few people become billionaires!
What about your resource based economy ?
Wroclaw Boy  
14 May 2012 /  #230
What about your resource based economy ?

yeah, what about it?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
15 May 2012 /  #231
those euro billions helped out hey

Sure does, as does the sun, water and soil.
sascha  1 | 824  
15 May 2012 /  #232
Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story?

maybe poland is profitting of the unexpected growth of the german gdp of .5%? ;)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
15 May 2012 /  #233
"European powerhouse Germany saw its economy expand in the first quarter at a robust clip of 0.5 "

LOL, half a percent! Lets party!
sascha  1 | 824  
15 May 2012 /  #234
since you seem to be here the "economic expert" LOL, tell us about polands increase of the gdp, real one. no fukced up data like you like to present.

since the euro zone is almost everywhere 0% growth and germany shoulders most of the financial dwarfs...

on this map your 'euro wonder' poland is not even on the map you 'expert' LOL
of course, they are not yet in the euro club. that might even not be a minus.

milky  13 | 1656  
15 May 2012 /  #235
For this argument,,the link below is proof that Poland is NOT booming.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
15 May 2012 /  #236
So, the price of beer in Gdansk determines the state growth of an economy.

Domestic Beer (0.5 liter draught) 2.10 $

Thats about 7pln. Ok, what price would it be if Polands economy was booming? 6pln? 8pln? 100pln or 1pln??

What is the price of beer in Gdansk in a booming economy and non-booming economy?

I don't understand the logic, please explain it to me.
milky  13 | 1656  
16 May 2012 /  #237

Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 307.57 €

Median Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax) 511.96 €

Median Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax) 619.00 €
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 369.84 €

Rent Per Month [Edit] Avg.
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 687.63 €
Median Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax) 1,739.81 €

Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 457.29 €
Median Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax) 1,875.38 €

The above simply verifies that Poland is suffering compare to other countries,,,and by no stretch of the imagination is it booming...Growing after 1989,yes there is no famine,I admit.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
16 May 2012 /  #238
Eonomic growth is defined as an increase in the size of the economy.

Thats nothing to do with the current cost of living or wages.

How much does a cabbage cost per Kg?
sascha  1 | 824  
16 May 2012 /  #239
Eonomic growth is defined as an increase in the size of the economy.
Thats nothing to do with the current cost of living or wages.

yo man, what a logic! that might be useful for the market place. of course costs of living have to do sth with the economy.

f.e. the prices are rising, but the salaries not. how is that called? :)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
16 May 2012 /  #240
yo man, what a logic! that might be useful for the market place

Hey, don't ask me to explain logic to you, its not your thing.

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