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Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story?

gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
4 Jun 2012 /  #511
The country has seen a rush of large infrastructure projects ahead of the European football championships which start next week, and in future years there is expected to be an enormous investment in new power generating capacity.

I was in Gdansk at the weekend and what a carry-on. The road from the airport to the stadium is still nowhere near finished and its less then a week to go! As for power generation...the poles are relying on shale gas of which the Polsih government have massively over exaturated the amount of capacity. They are trying to promote Nuclear power which the populous don't want.

again Peter talking rubbish from the Government hymnsheet.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
4 Jun 2012 /  #512
Poland doesn't have shale gas production and won't for years to come. the US provided the shale gas predictions, not Poland and even if the biased prediction from producers (who will claim there is less gas to get a better deal) Poland still has 70 years of gas supply.

Poles are not against Nuclear power, more bullshit.

You do talk out of your arse, and WTF has the state of a road in Gdansk have to do with this??

Unemployment unchanged at 9.9%: Eurostat

Unemployment in Poland remained unchanged at 9.9% in April, after a revision of the March figure to 9.9% from 10.1%, according to Eurostat, the EU's statistics office.

Poland's own unemployment reading in April, based on registrations rather than a labor force survey, was 12.9%, Poland's statistics office has said.

bullfrog  6 | 602  
4 Jun 2012 /  #513
the poles are relying on shale gas of which the Polsih government have massively over exaturated the amount of capacity

Desite the revised downward estimates, Poland is still the 3rd largest country in Europe for shale gas reserves, behind Norway and the Netherlands. Those reserves would cover between 30 and 60 years of current natural gas consumption


They are trying to promote Nuclear power which the populous don't want.

Rubbish again : wbj.pl/article-53704-poles-still-in-favor-of-nuclear-plans.html

gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
4 Jun 2012 /  #514
Poland doesn't have shale gas production and won't for years to come. the US provided the shale gas predictions, not Poland and even if the biased prediction from producers (who will claim there is less gas to get a better deal) Poland still has 70 years of gas supply.

Poles are not against Nuclear power, more bullshit.

You do talk out of your arse, and WTF has the state of a road in Gdansk have to do with this??

I think you are the one 'talking out of your arse'

Firstly, Poles are against nuclear power.... i was in Mielno earlier this year when the Polish government was defeated in a referendum. (Remember, the government is not the people) Poland relies on Russian gas imports and coal. Russian gas that can be switched off at any time and coal that is producing unacceptable polution which has been condemned by the EU.

thenews.pl/1/12/Artykul/90247,Polish-government-accept s-antinuclear-power-referendum-result


Secondly, you quote the Employment figures but disregard the employment figures. Remember that Germany has opened it doors to Poles lately which will distort the Unemployed figures. As i said before employment in Poland has risen by 100,000 people in the last 13 years. (wow!!!) Only an idiot would quote the unemployment figures and disregard the employment figures. In fact if the UK were to change is policy and stop Poles working in the UK then unemployment who rocket and employment since 1999 would probably be 700,000 less....''hardly a success story!!''

Third, they bleat on about Euro 2012 but there is alot of infrastructure still unfinished and that won't be finish.

Peter.... next time you visit Poland open your eyes!

Desite the revised downward estimates, Poland is still the 3rd largest country in Europe for shale gas reserves, behind Norway and the Netherlands. Those reserves would cover between 30 and 60 years of current natural gas consumption

Hi Bullfrog

Maybe, but there still isn't a safe way to tap into these reserves. Pollution from fracking and the threat of earthquakes will probably stop any mass extraction within the EU.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
4 Jun 2012 /  #515
Secondly, you quote the Employment figures but disregard the employment figures.

Unemployement figures are measure and easily available. You don't give any reference

Maybe, but there still isn't a safe way to tap into these reserves. Pollution from fracking and the threat of earthquakes will probably stop any mass extraction within the EU.

for your numbers so there is nothing to debate.

Yes, I notice how the USA has sank between the Pacific and Atlantic due to shale gas extraction.

Poles are against nuclear power....

Of course nobody wants a nuclear power station in their village. But the Polish population are one of the most pro-nuclear in Europe.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
4 Jun 2012 /  #516

Employment is not hard to work out. Everybody who pays tax is employed or registered to pay employement tax with the tax office.

As you well know in the UK we have an unemployemnt rate but this is only worked out on the People claiming benefits. The rate at the moment is about what? but 30.5% of people of working age dont work!!!!

[quote=gdyniaguy]Of course nobody wants a nuclear power station in their village. But the Polish population are one of the most pro-nuclear in Europe./quote]

If they can find a village willing to let them build it. There is a difference between likeing the idea and having it built. Poland is probably pro-nucear because in principal it is a good idea. Try telling that to the Ukrainians or the Japanese!
peterweg  37 | 2305  
4 Jun 2012 /  #517
Employment since 2004 has gone up from 51.7 to 59.7, a major rise at the time of emigration and economic growth.

EU entry date is the starting reference as its a major change in Poland's economy, not 1997.

Basically employment has increase for a decade. Another sign of economic growth
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
4 Jun 2012 /  #518
Hi Peter

Again you are selecting part figures i could select the best period from any country. I was comparing above the figs 1999-2011 with all countries in the EU. There are still only 100,000 more people employed within Poland compared to 1999. I would class 1989 is the major date...EU is the date that Poland started recieving money, utilised its chjeap labour and offloaded the unemployed to the rest of the EU.

Indeed, the fall in Employment after 1999 before 2004 shows a general trimming of state industries. But Poland still has a lot of state controlled industry (ship yards, coal mines, railways etc) which are massively overstaffed. These large public industries will shed a fair amount of staff in the next year or two to get the governments borrowing down. Unemployment will start to rise then.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
4 Jun 2012 /  #519
If they can find a village willing to let them build it

Er.. In fact, many locations were in favour of having it built in their backyard, to the point that hundreds of them werez candidates..
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
4 Jun 2012 /  #520
Name them? In the UK we have sites ready for the building of new Nuclear power stations and you can find them easily on the net.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
4 Jun 2012 /  #521
Three potential sites near the coast, at Zarnowiec, Choczewo and Gaski, were picked from around a hundred proposed locations, PGE chief Tomasz Zadroga told reporters.

peterweg  37 | 2305  
4 Jun 2012 /  #522
gain you are selecting part figures i could select the best period from any country. I was comparing above the figs 1999-2011 with all countries in the EU.

You picked ONE year for comparison, ignoring all the intervening years.

There is only ONE year - 1999 - in the period 1997-2011 when the % age figure was higher than today. the economy in that time has risen by around 200%.

EU funds started in 2004. However, Poland was getting aid BEFORE it joined the EU

http://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=d5bncppjof8f9_&met_y=ny_gd p_mktp_cd&idim=country:POL&dl=en&hl=en&q=poland+gdp#!ctype=l&strail=fa lse&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=aid_flows_at_constant_us&scale_y=lin&ind_y=fal se&rdim=region&idim=country:POL&ifdim=region&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false

Indeed, the fall in Employment after 1999 before 2004 shows a general trimming of state industries. But Poland still has a lot of state controlled industry (ship yards, coal mines, railways etc) which are massively overstaffed. These large public industries will shed a fair amount of staff in the next year or two to get the governments borrowing down. Unemployment will start to rise then.

Random specualtion and the opinions. We will see, as you know privatizations have advantages for the economy, as Maggie F***ing ***** Thatcher proved.

gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
4 Jun 2012 /  #523
Random specualtion and the opinions. We will see, as you know privatizations have advantages for the economy, as Maggie F***ing ***** Thatcher proved

Not Random at all, the EU is clamping down on state subsidies as has been shown by the collapse of Malev airlines. They have already warned the Poles regarding the Gdansk shipyards and i dont think the Hungarians will allow them not to punish anybody else. So what does Poland do, privatise and risk high unemployment or keep subsidising them and risk the EU pulling it's finance.

Privatisations have advantages for the economy? What advantages are they? Unemployment, reduced service, higher prices, foreign ownership?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
4 Jun 2012 /  #524
What subsidise's to state enterprises? you are talk about the hypothetical, the government is getting large dividends from its companies.

Unemployment is going down and the economy is growing - they don't have to subsidise.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
4 Jun 2012 /  #525
What subsidise's to state enterprises? you are talk about the hypothetical, the government is getting large dividends from its companies.

Unemployment is going down and the economy is growing - they don't have to subsidise

the ship yards arnt subsidised?


Open your eyes, there's nothing more dangerous then a blind man with a pen!
bullfrog  6 | 602  
4 Jun 2012 /  #526
Open your eyes, there's nothing more dangerous then a blind man with a pen!

oh, yes there is! a blind man driving..
peterweg  37 | 2305  
4 Jun 2012 /  #527
the ship yards arnt subsidised?

Published 07 November 2008


is Szczecin shipyard even government owned anymore??


Agreements concerning the sale of assets of Gdynia and Szczecin shipyards were signed 19 June 2009. The tenders and auctions for the assets of Stocznia Szczecinska Nowa Sp. z o.o. and Stocznia Gdynia S.A. conducted by the Compensation Manager were finally brought to the end. The most valuable assets of the shipyards were sold to investors who won the respective tenders and auctions. Only low-value, insignificant groups of assets were left unsold. The assets required by shipyards to maintain their operation were purchased by a single investor, acting through Stichting Particulier Fonds Greenrights on behalf of United International Trust N.V. The investor declared a will to maintain and continue the construction of marine vessels. Stichting Particulier Fonds Greenrights ? the investor who acquired key assets of the Gdynia and Szczecin shipyards in May 2009, received guarantees from Qatar Islamic Bank, in agreement with Qinvest LLC seated in Doha. QIB is one of the biggest banks in all Arab states, operating among others in Europe and Asia. Qinvest LLC is one of the largest investment banks in Qatar. A 25% stake in Qinvest LLC is owned by QIB.

Nope. Privatized in 2009[/b]
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
5 Jun 2012 /  #528
I don't think i mentioned which shipyard. So technically being a liar doesn't count!

Poland has been warned by the EU since 1994 (the magical year in your eyes) for subsidising state industry and therefore creating unfair competition within the EU, disregarding EU rules regarding pollution in regard to Coal fired power stations. Poland has also been referred to the European court of justice regarding it's telecom industry and thats just the start of it.

It seems that Poles will loving hold out their hands to EU money with very little in return. (every expat in poland can vouch for how difficult it is for foreigners)

It's about time the EU told poland to f off!.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
5 Jun 2012 /  #529
Poland has been warned by the EU since 1994 (the magical year in your eyes) for subsidising state industry and therefore creating unfair competition within the EU,

No, EU entry was 2004. Any violation after that would be a issue, however, give me some examples of state subsidies today and how they might affect jobs in future as you claimed.

It seems that Poles will loving hold out their hands to EU money with very little in return

Sorry to disappoint you but this is what the EU is all about, Bringing all the countries up to the standards; Spain, Ireland, Greece, Italy etc all had funds to repair/build/improve their infrastructure. This policy works. Germany has a huge market to sell its goods and the standard of living in the poorer countries has increased considerably. In return Ireland, for instance, is now in a position to contribute funds to the EU after 20 years of hand outs (bailout notwithstanding).

If you don't like the EU, tough ****.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
5 Jun 2012 /  #530
European Union is ****! There is no way on Gods earth that these countries could even be of the same standards. The reason the North of Europe is rich and the South is poor is through inovation, work, prudence and nothing else. This can't be changed by some overpaid burocrats in Brussels.

Living standards!!!! fgs...tell that to Greeks that are commiting suicide or giving their kids away!

All the EU does is doing is creating a selling platform for German goods. Nothing else. And as for bringing standards up that is a load of rubbish which has been shown lately with the Euro crisis. Ireland was always a poor nation and the celtic tiger economy was based upon the housing market which was never sustainable. The Euro zone was expanded by the Germans gerrymandering the figures to allow nations that were never anywhere near ready to enter and effectively bankrupt themselves in doing so. Countries like Ireland is contributing money to Europe with money that it is getting in loans from the ECB...look at this...

Ireland joins Euro - ireland try to reduce in Public spending and debt caused by the EURO - ireland borrows money from ECB - ireland pay's money to EU - ireland is skint - so ireland borrows money from ECB - ireland pay's money to EU - ireland is more skint!, so so ireland borrows money from ECB - ireland pay's money to EU - ireland is more skint!, so ireland borrows money from ECB - ireland pay's money to EU - ireland is more skint!, so ireland borrows money from ECB - ireland pay's money to EU - ireland is more skint!, so ireland borrows money from ECB - ireland pay's money to EU - ireland is more skint!, so ireland borrows money from ECB - ireland pay's money to EU - ireland is more skint!... Instead of ireland you can substitute italy, spain, portugal or greece.

It's great!!!!...... you must be so naive if you can ever imagine such a flawed financial system to work. All the while you have to ask yourself how do the RICHirish people pay back the ECB... if they have no means of stimulating the Economy (of course they can reduce wages to Polands level to claw back jobs that have been lost to Poland! what happens to the European success story then?)

As an economist tell me the greatest tool that a country has in order to stimulate its Economy?

Yes you're right its CURRENCY. What has the EU taken from the economies of the likes of Spain, greece and Ireland...your right it's CURRENCY. Therefore, all these countries can do is cut public spending, raise taxes and borrow from the ECB.

And these countries are getting richer!!! Indeed they are richer in debt and their governments are being effectively controlled and put in place from Berlin...

There is a reason why people like us fought the third reich.... and a reason why idiots like you are allowing the 4th reich.....Your not Naive, your dangerous!

as i said before... when Germany wants to build its own pyramids the Poles will be the new slaves.

Hopefully in my lifetime the UK will pull the plug on this whole 'socialist mess of a gravy train' and the whole house of cards will tumble. It will happen.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
5 Jun 2012 /  #531
It will happen.

No, it won't. Tough ****.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
5 Jun 2012 /  #532
It already is! Trough ****. (as in PIGS troughs)

And it will get worse. It's going to take something monumental to change it and the idiots in Brussels are clueless as to how to stop it.

What makes you think that the Eurozone countries will ever be able to dig themselves out of this mess? What is your solution to the sovereign debt crisis in the PIGS countries?

Yes i tell you what.... let's throw more money at it! ..... Socialists are good at spending other people money badly.

Get back to your Graudian and your cheap Champagne Trotsky!
Ironside  50 | 12333  
5 Jun 2012 /  #533
There is a reason why people like us fought the third reich.... and a reason why idiots like you are allowing the 4th reich

What do you mean by us and you in above sentence.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
5 Jun 2012 /  #534
'Us' an in the 'anti-facist', 'anti-communist' countries and 'you' as in Peterweg and his love of the German ran 'European dis-union'.

Wait until Germans start dictating who is the Premier of Poland. (it may already have)
Ironside  50 | 12333  
5 Jun 2012 /  #535
Us' an in the 'anti-facist', 'anti-communist' countries and 'you' as in Peterweg and his love of the German ran 'European dis-union'.

Well, speaking about WWII - Poland was both anti-communist and anti-fascist. France was anti-Fascistic, Russia was communist and anti- fascist .
Britain is part of the EU, Russia is not ! If you want to say something you should think it over first !Also when you discus ideology you shouldn't mix counties and people !

Wait until Germans start dictating who is the Premier of Poland. (it may already hav

Probably they have already.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
5 Jun 2012 /  #536
Why not Enoch Powell and Ken Livingston both lived in London. I wasn't mixing ideologies i was simply saying that the germans are using the 4th reich that is the EU in order to control through a socialist ideal their will. As i've said before the extreme sides of both Nazi's and Communists are one in the same. Hitler and Stalin were both homicidal maniacs trying to take over the planet.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
5 Jun 2012 /  #537
Yes, I can agree with that ...
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
5 Jun 2012 /  #538
Ironside join the club. When i'm leader you can be my second in command. Only thing is that you have to agree with everything i say.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
5 Jun 2012 /  #539
There is a reason why people like us fought the third reich

How old are you? 110? :)

i was simply saying that the germans are using the 4th reich that is the EU in order to control through a socialist ideal their will.

Funny that the majority of countries in the union are more than happy to take the German taxpayer's money, isn't it?

France was anti-Fascistic

Philippe Pétain anyone?
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
6 Jun 2012 /  #540
Funny that the majority of countries in the union are more than happy to take the German taxpayer's money, isn't it?

Im not 110... my point was that countries in the past including close family members of mine did fight for the freedom that the EU is eroding daily. (ps.my grandad is alive and 89 and a veteran)

The German people on a whole arn't..the English definately arn't.. the Poles are... If you give me 50zl's of your friends money i'd be happier then him for it. You must be a getter then a giver to come up with that!

When the English stop giving Poland will be in deep *****. It will happen.

The Poles are being led blindly into a whole socialist ideal. Wait til the Germans want something back in return ... Pomorania???
Poland is making it's own bed a will lie on it alone next time. I for one won't be picking up a gun to fight for Poland... your people deserve what will come.

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