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Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story?

Wroclaw Boy  
27 May 2012 /  #451
Weg a foreigner with a foreign income says Poland is booming, Hag a foreigner with his rich faimly of Doctors and currently livingh in Australia says Poland is booming, Pip a foreigner with her hotshot real estate husand (who doesnt get out of bed for less than 5000 PLN) and who supposedly runs her own business says Poland is booming.

Funny that....
sascha  1 | 824  
27 May 2012 /  #452
still arguing about pl is booming or not? maybe the economy is better compared to the time being in the ussr block, BUT almost all countries are aching about recession or depression, economy powerhouses are happy to have a mild increase. that completely bs.

that article in the spiegel quoted here is sth for blurring the eyes and making a 'good climate' with the neighbor.

this thread is quite funny after all :)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 May 2012 /  #453
Funny that....

And everybody else, except for miserable gits who left Poland and is now scared he made a mistake

Still, steeper prices are not stopping Poles from spending - one of the reasons that the economy continues to outperform most of its EU counterparts. The government's statistical agency finds that retail sales grew by 13.7 per cent in Februarycompared to the same period a year earlier. The biggest gains came from non-specialised shops like supermarkets and hypermarkets, which saw sales grow by an annual 33.9 per cent.

The numbers should continue to be fairly solid for April, as Poles show no reluctance to cut back their Easter spending. Andrzej Falinski, head of the Polish Retail and Distribution Organisation, tells Rzeczpospolita that retailers expect an increase of Easter sales of about 5 per cent this year over 2011.

Poland: still defiant in the euro gloom

The Greek storm is buffeting the world's economy, but Poland has not yet fallen victim to the gloom. New industrial production numbers for April show a 2.9 per cent increase over the same period a year earlier.

Particularly strong were exports of things like chemicals, electronic products and machinery, all the sorts of products that are fed into the maw of German industry and which help make Germany the world's second exporter after China.

"Industry is not doing too badly, especially in areas producing for export," said Malgorzata Starczewska-Krzysztoszek, chief economist with Lewiatan, the Polish employers confederation.

The numbers look even better once seasonal factors are stripped out. Economists with Bre Bank calculated that seasonally adjusted industrial production expanded at a 5 per cent annual pace.

"We expect that Germany's strong exports will help sustain Poland's production exports, which could also be helped by the latest weakening of the zloty," wrote Paulina Ziembinska of Bre Bank.

Wroclaw Boy  
27 May 2012 /  #454
And everybody else, except for miserable gits who left Poland and is now scared he made a mistake

Ohh shut up weg, you know absolutely nothing, stick to copying other peoples work with your links cos you really dont have a clue mate. The above may mean something if you could actually tell me what YOU would do if your IT related FOREIGN income stopped. That shouldnt be hard in a boom economy.

The point i was trying to make which you seem to have totally missed is that its the foreigners of this forum commenting how great Polands economy is, the actual Poles who live and grew up in Poland seem to have a different view.
pip  10 | 1658  
28 May 2012 /  #455
Pip a foreigner with her hotshot real estate husand (who doesnt get out of bed for less than 5000 PLN) and who supposedly runs her own business says Poland is booming.

actually, He wouldn't get out of bed for less than 10,000 per month. And I do run my own business.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 May 2012 /  #456
I was talking per week....

What is it with kept women getting to a certain age and then all of a sudden thinking theyre interior designers?
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
28 May 2012 /  #457
gdyniaguy: Polish workers are generally lazy and tend not to think outside of the box! But are cheap ;)
Write what you see not what you think. Thinking is not your forte obviously.

I live and work in Poland. They still havent got over the communist mentality were factory workers would sit playing cards all day. The have trumped up exam results, massive amount of public sector paper shufflers, indeed go to any branch of rtveuro and you have to have your purchase scanned and an invoice produce by one member of staff which is then taken to another. I have seen countless examples of bad workmanship especially in the dire state of roads and pavements (poles have never heard of compacting the hardcore and therefore all roads have cart-grooves).

In the UK we have a higher percentage of people in work so this whole the 'british are lazier' then the Poles doesn't wash with me. If a Pole is due to work 9-5 he starts at 9.05 and finishes at 4.55...in the UK we go in earlier and finish later. Unpaid overtime is the norm in the UK. Generally service in shops and restaurants is so slow that i usually take a pillow!

As for them being cheap!! why else do companies relocate here? 1) lower business taxes (condemned by the EU and 2) lower wages that are killing some other EU economies.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 May 2012 /  #458
I live and work in Poland. They still havent got over the communist mentality were factory workers would sit playing cards all day.

When did you visit a factory in Poland the last time ?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #459
Don't worry, he just full of bullshit. he's an English troll who is only here to racially abuse Polish people. Doing it in a Forum full of non-Poles is just his way of saying 'I have no clue'. i doubt he has even been to Poland from his inaccurate comments.

Ohh shut up weg, you know absolutely nothing, stick to copying other peoples work with your links cos you really dont have a clue mate.

'Shut up', 'you don't have a clue', 'women of a certain age'

Maybe you should try put a reasoned argument instead of abusing everyone who doesn't agree you.

Description of Ad Hominem

Translated from Latin to English, "Ad Hominem" means "against the man" or "against the person."

The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).

hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
28 May 2012 /  #460
I remember the first time that i went out in Poland after moving here and some idiot was blaming me for Yalta...and it's not the first time.

So just because you had a bad experience, you have decided to transfer your emotions by denigrating everything Polish, now I understand.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 May 2012 /  #461
Wroclaw Boy: Ohh shut up weg, you know absolutely nothing, stick to copying other peoples work with your links cos you really dont have a clue mate.

Other than the "shut up weg" he's hasn't strayed from the mark very much. Why don't you reply to the actual scenario he put forward to you?

It's a good point he's made and I'm enjoying reading this thread so I'm curious how you'll respond:

... tell me what YOU would do if your IT related FOREIGN income stopped. That shouldnt be hard in a boom economy.

Really though, this thread is the same as in life. No one is willing to compromise their opinion, even in the face of facts. There is a boom for some but there is not a boom for many many more. This is based on personal observation. Most of the professionals I know, do not feel like there is a boom and worry about their mortgages or are still trying to find their own place. When the city hospital closes due to prolonged mismanagement then you can't tell me there's a "boom" in these parts. When doctors still aren't getting paid then I find it hard to accept there's a rising tide lifting all boats. These are people with young families and degrees, they've put in the work, are worth a lot more to society than real estate speculators, yet they're the ones taking the hit.

Who cares how cheap flat screens are when fuel, utilities and food are becoming more expensive?
Hooray, more affordable home electronics! ...oh by the way, the equipment wasn't working properly -you're baby got sick and died.
milky  13 | 1656  
28 May 2012 /  #462
The question then is, why are so many people obviously lying that the economy is booming; people on here, the Polish government, and every time I go home to Ireland I am always bombarded by sneering remarks from Irish people "I hear the feckin Polish are loaded now, after robbing all our cash" sort of thing. When I tell them the actual situation for the average Poles \as in them having practically no disposable income compared to western Europe they are shocked and sort of relieved. I meet the same people a year later and they spin the same yarn"Poland is booming and we're not bla bla bla, now I just tell them f0ck off
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 May 2012 /  #463
They're not lying, they just can't see life here from any perspective from their own. Maybe they can't because it's not possible, maybe they can't because they won't try. But I wouldn't be too quick to simply call them liars without really thinking it over.

Government members, those with big business ties and those with political affiliation are, of course, lying. Why? Hey, if they really told the truth, there'd be an armed overthrow in 13 minutes.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #464
List of countries by GDP (PPP) per hour worked


The title of this thread, Poland's economy is booming, will be reflected by Poland increasing productivity against countries like the UK, Spain's falling GDP. The chart will reflect Poland's increasing GDP and others relative decline.

why are so many people obviously lying that the economy is booming;

Can prove the Polish Government, the EU, the Polish and international media, the financial industry, the UN and every other international and national body are lying and that you and a couple of other crank pots on these forums are telling the truth?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 May 2012 /  #465
^dude, you're calling people names when you just tried to e-slap WB for something similar. *Thanks for passing on the vote of confidence from politicians, they never get anything wrong.* Sorry for posting real events instead of copy and paste statistics- *I'm sure there's only one way to interpret statistics*

Some people don't view Poland as person and so GDP doesn't tell illustrate how the majority of people's lives are different now than 5 years ago.

Why don't you reply to WB's scenario he put to you?

tell me what YOU would do if your IT related FOREIGN income stopped. That shouldnt be hard in a boom economy.

Ironside  50 | 12333  
28 May 2012 /  #466
I live and work in Poland. They still haven't got over the communist mentality were factory workers would sit playing cards all day

If you live in Poland then you are aware that is a nonsense. With high unemployment, workers need to be buzzing about to keep their job.

If the play cards all that it means they can, and it hes nothing to with mentality but all with management. Hell any workers in Europe would do the same if they could.

ndeed go to any branch of rtveuro and you have to have your purchase scanned and an invoice produce by one member of staff which is then taken to another. I have seen countless examples of bad workmanship especially in the dire state of roads and pavements (poles have never heard of compacting the hardcore and therefore all roads have cart-grooves).

That is a different matter, that is just exploitation of Poles in progress by ex-soviets and opportunist who used all tools at their disposal to sit themselves pretty.Do not mistake them for Poles.

In the UK we have a higher percentage of people in work so this whole the 'british are lazier' then the Poles doesn't wash with me.

What percentage has to do with anything ? I wouldn't say that British are lazier, all depend on circumstances and people involved.

As for them being cheap!! why else do companies relocate here?

Don't be daft !
What are they suppose to do starve to make a point !? Employers would employ Ukrainians or Romanians in their stead !

ower business taxes (condemned by the EU and 2) lower wages that are killing some other EU economies.

I think that you suffer from immigrant syndrome, after two years of residence you hate everything and everybody in your host country.Either you get it over or leave !!!

By the way
Most people on PF ARE NOT POLISH !
rozummiemnic is English from her toes to the top of her head, and at lest ten years your senior....
and jasondmzk: is a Yank !
Wroclaw Boy  
28 May 2012 /  #467
Perhaps some kind of bet is in order here, neither sides are going to budge and weve all been members for a while now so probably not going anywhere within the next few years.

The boys had a similar long term bet in the property thread.

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per hour worked

Do you ever have any opinions/thoughts of your own?

The title of this thread, Poland's economy is booming, will be reflected by Poland increasing productivity against countries like the UK, Spain's falling GDP. The chart will reflect Poland's increasing GDP and others relative decline.

that doesnt make sense, what exactly are you trying saying? I think ive got it, just need conformation.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #468
Why don't you reply to WB's scenario he put to you

Because its impossible for me to say, I've never had a job where I've worked for someone else. I've only been self employed all my life and thats what I'm doing now, setting up a business in Poland.

The boys had a similar long term bet in the property thread.

Aren't you on the losing side of that as well?

that doesnt make sense, what exactly are you trying saying? I think ive got it, just need conformation.

Yes, it was gibberish.

I meant to say Poland's productivity will increase with its GDP. Spain and UK productivity is falling with its GDP.

These facts confirm that Poland's economy is booming as it reflected in its increasing GDP/productivity
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 May 2012 /  #469
Because its impossible for me to say, I've never had a job where I've worked for someone else. I've only been self employed all my life and thats what I'm doing now, setting up a business in Poland.

fair enough. Well that settles that, peterweg is experiencing a boom
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #470
My person experience is to always make lots of money, ever since I left university. Hardly a independent position to judge the rest of the world, so I use third party sources.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 May 2012 /  #471
Well if GDP is high there must be a boom or something like, I suppose. Tell me, what exactly does having such a "boom" in a country translate to?
Wroclaw Boy  
28 May 2012 /  #472
My person experience is to always make lots of money

and others want to what, not make lots of money?

setting up a business in Poland.

what kind of business?

Aren't you on the losing side of that as well?

Nope, im not involved in that bet.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #473
what kind of business?

Software development

Interesting overview of Poland up to 2022

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 May 2012 /  #474
Usually 3 times a week!

Interesting. Please provide more details. Thank you in advance.

Labor productivity in Poland is much lower than average in EU, It's a fact everyone here knows, so what are you trying to "prove" ?

However if the pound shop scenario was the case then how do you explain Polands lower productivity to the other ex-communist countries?

Please prove it. Please define ex-communist countries and show that Poland has lower labor productivity than them. Thank you in advance.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
29 May 2012 /  #475
Please read my post on productivity and then come back and say you've understood. Ex communist countries = behind the old 'iron curtain' although this shouldn't really need explained to you.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
29 May 2012 /  #476
is there a comment to accompany this ?
milky  13 | 1656  
30 May 2012 /  #477
and others want to what, not make lots of money?

peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 May 2012 /  #478
is there a comment to accompany this ?

Graphical display of Polands economic boom.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
30 May 2012 /  #479
is there a comment to accompany this ?

Peter. It's about time you stopped listening to the smiling polish economists who invite you to shirt and tie functions in Poland in order to gleam selected facts and figures to show how fantastically well the Polish economy is doing. Economists are like Politicians and Enviromentalists. They all have an agenda and all make money from Gerrymandering the figures. If the Polish press/government gave and idea of the true situation in Poland then their would be riots on the streets.

From now on ask the 'real' polish people who are 'living' in Poland what the reality is...

Falling unemployment is due to mass emmigration on a whole and nothing else.

The number of people in work in Poland has hardly fallen as the GDP has been 'dramatically' rising take a look at the Employment rate.....

15-64 year old in employment
1997 58.9%,
2011 59.7% a massive rise of 0.8%!

(so 0.8% of 30million is 240K people and you have to remember that it will be less then this as it's only the 15-64 year old range...so probably at most 200,000k extra jobs). So with a minimum wage of less then gbp300 per month and the perceived mass investment in Poland this is hardly an indicator of a highly successful economy.

When you compare these figure with UK (with a decrease of GDP and a recession and companies leaving for cheaper production) 1999 71% and 2011 69.5% a drop of 1.1% (although with mass immigration there are probably more people employed)

as a futher example here are how some of the old eastern bloc countries fare against poland....

slovenia 58.1 to 59.5 (up 1.4%)
estonia 61.5 to 65.1 (up 3.6%)
bulgaria 50.4 to 58.5% (up 8.1%)
eu member states (27) 61.8 to 64.3% (up 2.5%)

Therefore as an economist what can you gleam from the fact that the Polish economy in the past 20 years has seen a lower rise in Employment then it's other neighbours?

You should never look at the unemployment figure as a representation of how well an economy is doing. As you well know goverments tend to 'massage' figures for their own means.
Wroclaw Boy  
30 May 2012 /  #480
Poland is booming for peterweg and his foregn related income, its also booming for cmareon and his family of Doctors. But speak to normal Polish people on the street and its a different story.

i used to be a proud member of the Poland is getting better crew (i never said booming), and hell during 2006 - 2008 it was growing nicely. But life experieneces in Poland proved me wrong. In my kitchen right at this very moment is a Polish person related to my wife who we are helping set up in the UK to escape Polish poverty.

Software development

Youre setting up a software company in Poland to sell to the Polish market? That will be tuff, real tuff, considering the highly qualified Poles and the massive language advantage they will have over you.

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