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Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story?

Wroclaw Boy  
26 May 2012 /  #421
I will start with my dad's side of the family: Some of them are doing well others not so well, pretty much like every family the world over. My cousin works as a doctor in his mother's practice, my niece is studying medicine in Krakow. My other cousin is still in high school, so are his two sisters. His oldest sister works as a salesperson for a perfume store in London. Two of my aunties are doctors, one is a teacher.

Would it be true to say your fathers side were the Polish equivalent of British middle class? FOUR Doctors and another in medical school! holy crap. What about your father, whats his profession ans why did you move to Australia? Seems a far away place for Poles to emmigrate, quite a strange choice - generally speaking.

I swear i was about to write a few times over the past couple of days that the only people i personally knew with any decent money in Poland were Doctors. I didnt write it because i knew there would be a back lash from people like yourself, not to mention that you probably wouldnt have then come clean about your family history. Doctors generally do very well indeed in Poland. Im sure lawyers and a few other professions make good money too but i didnt personally know any of those.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
26 May 2012 /  #422
Middle class probably describes it best. And yes my dad is also a doctor he currently works as a GP and as a anesthetist here in Australia, incidentally my brother is also a doctor-but that's beside the point. My dad's first place of work outside of Poland (in Poland he worked In Zakopane and Nowy Targ), was in Zimbabwe-in a Italian mission hospital, then he moved to South Africa and the family followed him there. He was usually contracted with mining companies, either De Beers or Anglo American. We stayed in South Africa and later Botswana for about 10 years, in predominantly rural areas-Afrikaans was the first language is some of the SA schools that I attended.

As we started growing up-my siblings and I, our future came into consideration. And we decided that there probably wouldn't be a future for us in SA, with Government corruption, incompetence, and subtle discrimination at an all time high. So my dad made the decision to move to either Canada or Australia, we got quite used to the warm climate so Australia was our choice of destination.

It's true that doctors do well in Poland, but they tend to do well in most countries, lawyers not necessarily.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
26 May 2012 /  #423
So you feel British when talking of the industrial revolution which took place 200 years ago, but you're not British anymore when it comes to Yalta and South African genocide, which happened 150 years later? That's a very convenient stance

Strzyga...another idiot blaming every English man for Yalta!!! (poles have this 'blame' everybody else culture! blame the russians, blame the germans, blame the jews, blame the english, blame the french...blame it on the sunshine, blame it on the boogie)

I can choose what to be proud of. Yalta wasnt my fault or my ancestors fault. Both of my grandads went to war against an enemy that was threatening another country. POLAND! he was 18 as went through 6 years of hell fighting against a nation that never threatened his village. The polish peole are quick to condemn yalta but on the other had what were the consequences? Maybe Churchill and the British people should have continued the fight against Russia until we were annihalated!! Get real... stop reading your history from your ex-communist school books! The Brits and the French were the only people to stand up against Hitler (apart from Poland) in 1939. What thanks did we get from the Poles that the German didn't wipe the Untermenschen off the face of the planet. I hope one day i can drag your sorry little arse to my grandad house and let him kick the crap out of you you ungrateful little (i wont type what i am thinking about you).

I know personally one of the leader of the Warsaw uprising who spent time in prison in the 50's and 60's (were he self learnt english) and he is thankful to the english people for helping Poland....

Whereas the industrial revolution was built on the sweat of not only foreigners but of 5-6 year old kids working their fingers to the bone in factories, down chimneys and under the ground in the UK... my ancestors. My ancestros made Britain Great and I've got nothing to be ashamed off.

Maybe you should ask questions of the Polish history... before questioning mine.
strzyga  2 | 990  
26 May 2012 /  #424
Strzyga...another idiot blaming every English man for Yalta!!! (poles have this 'blame' everybody else culture! blame the russians, blame the germans, blame the jews, blame the english, blame the french...blame it on the sunshine, blame it on the boogie)

Why are you getting so abusive? I'm not discussing Yalta here. I just used your own words. Could be the Falkland War, or the Boer war with the original concentration camps, or anything else for that matter. What I'm trying to discuss is this:

I can choose what to be proud of.

I don't think so. Your selective concept of "pride in the Britishness" doesn't appeal to me in the least. You, personally, have as little - or as much - in common with the fathers of the industrial revolution as with the British soldiers in the Empire colonies. So, take it all or leave it all. That's all I'm saying. And please, leave out the unfounded abuse. If I want to discuss history with you, I'll use another thread.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 May 2012 /  #425
i can drag your sorry little arse to my grandad house and let him kick the crap out of you you ungrateful little

Your Granddad beat up women does he?

Both of my grandads went to war against an enemy that was threatening another country. POLAND!

We didnt go to war to save Poland, although that is the story you will hear again and again.

My ancestros made Britain Great and I've got nothing to be ashamed off.

Are you not more proud of the advancements GB gave to mankind? I fcuking hate patriotism, its almost up there with religion.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
26 May 2012 /  #426
Its you who refused to accept statical figures and surveys using scientific methods.

Its you who refused to accept the opinions of other because they don't live here,

Its you who attempted to claim that I don't live in Poland and therefore my opinion is worthless

Your experience is what exactly? you have an overseas IT related income, anything else?

And its you who attempt to 'discredit' me (your term) with comments like this

Polands economy is booming, I can see it with my own eyes, so can others who are here.

What exactly is your evidence to disprove this?
Wroclaw Boy  
26 May 2012 /  #427
Its you who refused to accept the opinions of other because they don't live here,

Its you who attempted to claim that I don't live in Poland and therefore my opinion is worthless

those two are basically the same numb nuts.

Its you who refused to accept statical figures and surveys using scientific methods.

Not really weg, my stance is the same and has remained the same throughout this debate.

Polands economy is booming, I can see it with my own eyes, so can others who are here.

I think you need to define your definition of boom industry and link it to Poland. BUT lets assume Poland is booming at the moment, and lets also assume that your overseas income stops tomorrow. What will you do to make a decent living in this booming country? and i dont want to hear anything about teaching English.

What exactly is your evidence to disprove this?

Define a boom industry and answer the other question and i'll address the above.
sascha  1 | 824  
26 May 2012 /  #428
Polands economy is booming, I can see it with my own eyes, so can others who are here.

we should tell that to the people from spain, greece, ireland etc. who dont have a job because of recession and move to the booming economy of poland ;)
Ironside  50 | 12333  
26 May 2012 /  #429
It a stupid argument to make.

At least it is an argument What is yours ?
Some big foreign capital investments are not bad provided government of the country those big corporations invest in are keeping them in check and is no prone to corruption.

Otherwise such investments are bringing few gains and accidental on that to the country.
Being exploited by big firms nor being a marked for foreign manufactured goods are not a prove nor any indication that county economy is booming or growing.

You cannot grasp basics and your knowledge of Polish reality is very limited. In 15 years my ass, to grow you need first to sow, is not only question of time some stupid puppies are prone to believe !

Most of the advancements made during the Industrial Revolution were made by fairly ordinary people (e.g. James Hargreaves) many of whom didn't even make much money out of their work, even if some obtained funding from the rich and powerful.

Britain is not/wasn't grover by a colonial gov , you either take all good and bad in as your inheritance or you don't ! There isn't one without the other.

Deal with it.

I can choose what to be proud of.

No you cannot at lest if you are not an idiot! You cannot inheritance estate without accepting possible debts. What make you think that national pride is different.

Both of my grandads went to war against an enemy that was threatening another country. POLAND!

Is that propaganda is still popular in Britain ?I think I know the reason for it - its flattering but anything couldn't be further from the truth

peterweg  37 | 2305  
26 May 2012 /  #430
we should tell that to the people from spain, greece, ireland etc

Poland to sasha, this is about Poland....

those two are basically the same numb nuts.

No they are not. You refused to accept the opinion of someone (hague1cmaeron) because they didn't live in Poland.

You refused to accept the opinion of someone who does live in Poland (me), by declaring that I don't live in Poland.

Actually you are not going to accept anything,are you? this is you shouting your opinion and abusing anyone and anything that doesn't agree as rubbish.

Define a boom industry and answer the other question and i'll address the above.

Its the economy, not just specific businesses, all of them, as a collection.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
26 May 2012 /  #431
It's not a fair comparison, to be honest

Y'know, I think the merit of this post is being lost on some of you.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 May 2012 /  #432
I will not accept that Poland is booming, even cmareon has kind of admitted that,

I am obviously very excited about the transformation taking place in Poland, its something that would have been never dreamed of 20 years ago. Obviously I realize that the country still has a way to go, but they should reach a standard of living that resembles contentment (if the is possible since Polish people are very hard to satisfy) in probably no more than 15 years time.

I can accept the above, cmareon has Polish heritage and his judgement is quite suitably slightly clouded by his patriotism, but you on the other hand......

Wroclaw Boy:
Define a boom industry and answer the other question and i'll address the above.

Its the economy, not just specific businesses, all of them, as a collection.

Ohh check this guy out all of them are booming now.

Answer the question: what booming business will you do if you're foreign income stopped tomorrow? and nothing associated with teaching English.

Its a booming country that must be a real easy question to answer.
milky  13 | 1656  
26 May 2012 /  #433
I will not accept that Poland is booming,

Saying that Poland is booming in simply insane, maybe the question should be,,Is Poland in a depression??
strzyga  2 | 990  
26 May 2012 /  #434
Y'know, I think the merit of this post is being lost on some of you.

No, I still don't get it. So where exactly does the line go separating the "rich and powerful", responsible for all the evil deeds in history, from the "fairly ordinary people" whose inventions contributed to the well-being of the mankind? How much money do you need to fall into the first category? And what about an average Joe, who murders the family next door because he's found their dog irritating, compared to the likes of Queen Elizabeth I or lord Byron? It's pure absurd. It just doesn't work like this.You can't be "proudly British" (or "proud anything", for that matter) selectively, only when it suits you. Take the thick with the thin or leave it all out.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
26 May 2012 /  #435
No, I still don't get it. So where exactly does the line go separating the "rich and powerful", responsible for all the evil deeds in history, from the "fairly ordinary people" whose inventions contributed to the well-being of the mankind? How much money do you need to fall into the first category?

Yeah you're right, there's absolutely no difference between the policy makers, big business owners and bankers and factory workers, school teachers and dentists when it comes to decisions that affect millions of people around the world. Thanks for setting me straight.

On a side note, I do think it remarkably stupid to be proud of being born somewhere or even trying to be proud of things others have accomplished completely independently of our contributions:/
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
27 May 2012 /  #436
In 15 years my ass, to grow you need first to sow, is not only question of time some stupid puppies are prone to believe !

Before you write, take aside an hour to think and then try to write, and who knows you might write something intelligent, instead of the mindless rubbish you come up with.

Believable or not people do not necessarily become wiser with age, take you for example-you are becoming more foolish with age.

I will not accept that Poland is booming, even cmareon has kind of admitted that,

You shouldn't twist my words, I am firmly of the belief that it is booming. I merely said that it needs quite a few years of boom time before it reaches its potential.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
27 May 2012 /  #437
Before you write, take aside an hour to think and then try to write, and who knows you might write something intelligent, instead of the mindless rubbish you come up with.
Believable or not people do not necessarily become wiser with age, take you for example-you are becoming more foolish with age.


I am firmly of the belief that it is booming. I merely said that it needs quite a few years of boom time before it reaches its potential.

and that - all in the same post !
For everybody to see.
No comments.
Wroclaw Boy  
27 May 2012 /  #438
I am firmly of the belief that it is booming.

Great, you should be able to answer my question then: what business will you become involved in within this booming country?

Boom times are after all where the big profits can be made.

You shouldn't twist my words

You are the master of word twisting, stop copying me, this is what you said:

As to my stance I am guessing you would have worked it out by now. I am obviously very excited about the transformation taking place in Poland, its something that would have been never dreamed of 20 years ago. Obviously I realize that the country still has a way to go, but they should reach a standard of living that resembles contentment (if the is possible since Polish people are very hard to satisfy) in probably no more than 15 years time.

I commented based on the above that you kind of admitted Poland wasnt booming, does anybody else get booming from the above?

boom - definition

A loud, deep, resonant sound.
A period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth.
A long pole or rod, in particular.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
27 May 2012 /  #439
No comments.

Indeed, the less you comment the better for everyone concerned.

what business will you become involved in within this booming country?
Boom times are after all where the big profits can be made.

Come again, you do realize that i am currently not in Poland.

rapid economic growth.

Only the second part of the definition you provided meets the economic definition of a boom. This is a more accurate working definition of a boom:

Period that follows recovery phase in a standard economic cycle. A boom is characterized by an economy working at full or near-full capacity, strong consumer demand, low rate of unemployment, and a rising stockmarket, usually accompanied by rapidly increasing consumer prices

Read more: businessdictionary.com/definition/boom.html#ixzz1w3hdFGjx
Wroclaw Boy  
27 May 2012 /  #440
Will somebody please simply tell me whats booming in Poland?

Come again, you do realize that i am currently not in Poland.

Yes, im speaking hypothetically, lets say youre moving to Poland next month, what will you do there within this booming country.

Try to stop editing so much after youve submitted.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
27 May 2012 /  #441
In regards to the definition provided.

1. Recovery phase: Poland wasn't in a recession so it hasn't gone through the recovery phase.
2. Working at full or near full capacity: Although Poland isn't working at full capacity, based on the previous year's GDP growth rate which was 4.3%, it can be said that it is close to full capacity since anything at 4.5% or above can be said to be full capacity. The economic sweet spot for Poland is somewhere between 4.5%-4.8%, anything above 4.8% will mean that Poland will have serious inflationary problems as supply struggle to meet demand.

3. strong consumer demand: Consumer demand is quite strong in Poland.
4.Low rate of unemployment: Given that the average rate of unemployment for Poland over a period of 10 years is closer to 15%, the current rate of 12% means that unemployment is relatively low.

5. Rising stock market: The stock market can't be said to be rapidly rising, it can be described as achieving low levels of growth. Then again the stock market is not necessarily an accurate reflection of economic reality, especially in a country like Poland.

6. increasing consumer prices: Yes, inflation is on the up in Poland that is why the interest rate is going up.
Wroclaw Boy  
27 May 2012 /  #442
What is the situation with GDP when the companies manufactering the products are owned by foreigners? Do they take into account the profits sent oveseas?

It will also be interesting to see how the property situation plays out, inner city property prices are absolutely crazy.


Following Poland's EU accession so called expert economists used to love makeing all kinds of comparison between Ireland and Poland, they drew comparisons between the overseas work force and the property booms, dont foget this was when Ireland was absolutely booming. I used to meet Irish clients at the airports and listen to many of them saying how similar Poland was to Ireland and how great an investemnt they were about to make was.

WHERE THE FCUK are these people now that Ireland is in the economic toilet? anybody who has been interested in Poland's growth since 2005 have read these pieces. Weg & Hag do you remember these?
milky  13 | 1656  
27 May 2012 /  #443
As the Polish economy is false, all the above is false.

Mass emigration,EU grants, Billions being pumped into the economy from Poles abroad.
Poland is as much a house of card as PIIGS.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
27 May 2012 /  #444
Indeed, the less you comment the better for everyone concerned.

Ok boy you asked for it. You need to learn not to take on Ironside.(Mods - I was clearly provoked )

Before you write, take aside an hour to think and then try to write, and who knows you might write something intelligent, instead of the mindless rubbish you come up with.
Believable or not people do not necessarily become wiser with age, take you for example-you are becoming more foolish with age.

Take your advice put it in the pipe and smoke it. I have never seen poster on this forum to be more clueless than you. There were troll, biased posters, haters, morons, clowns and anything in between.

At first I have mistaken you for a student.
I understand that you are working for your dad, what happened you couldn't make into medical school ? Have you ever worked for somebody who is not family or family friend ?Have ever worked in Poland ? I seriously doubt that ! You are living in the la la land and until you find yourself in the real world you will continue to spread nonsense about booming economy in Poland.

I am firmly of the belief that it is booming. I merely said that it needs quite a few years of boom time before it reaches its potential.

Either is booming or not. Your religious beliefs aside, you are saying that Poland's economy is booming but need a few years to really booming ?What kind of nonsense is that ?It is as if you were saying that you are having sex but you need a few years to actually have intercourse. What don't you say plaint that you are masturbating ?

In this case it is a mind masturbation.

Consumer demand is quite strong in Poland.

Really ? three millions Poles working abroad and sending money, buying properties, building houses, yes that stimulate economy !

Low rate of unemployment

Yes with millions of Poles working abroad rate is low.

GDP growth rate which was 4.3%,

GDP rate means rat ass as indication of the standard of living or wellbeing of an averaged Joe, and anyway it is falsified by the government!

increasing consumer prices: Yes, inflation is on the up in Poland that is why the interest rate is going up.

increasing consumer prices without rise in average wage in Poland means one thing only - that boom exist only in you head!

Would brooming economy needed increasing of the retainment age ?Especially when gov know that they will loose votes because of it !? nay !
Yes some professions are doing well in Poland. Doctors, dentists, lawyers some construction specialist, but those are areas where general population will not be stingy about it as it is a pure necessity to visit a doctor or fix your house.

Lawyers until recently have been protected by the law caste. Anyway the real monies lay in providing big firms with services - mainly it means coming with ways to pay minimum amount of taxes. Not really patriotic job but somebody has to be doing it - especially when the paycheck is handsome !
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
27 May 2012 /  #445
You are living in the la la land and until you find yourself in the real world you will continue to spread nonsense about booming economy in Poland.

How pathetic you have been reduced to guessing what I supposedly do. And no I don't work for my dad, i work in the public service.

Poland's economy is booming but need a few years to really booming ?What kind of nonsense is that ?

Like i said you need to give your thick head an hour to process the information before commenting, I said no such thing. I said that Poland needs a few years of the boom cycle.

GDP rate means rat ass as indication of the standard of living or wellbeing of an averaged Joe, and anyway it is falsified by the government!

Without a growing GDP, the standard of living will not increase fool.

increasing consumer prices without rise in average wage in Poland means one thing only - that boom exist only in you head!

But the average wage has increased you fool. You are making a complete joke of yourself. Take your own advice and refrain from writing.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 May 2012 /  #446
Will somebody please simply tell me whats booming in Poland?

Sure, give me a complete list of all companies that are not booming first.

Ridiculous question.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
27 May 2012 /  #447
How pathetic you have been reduced to guessing what I supposedly do. And no I don't work for my dad, i work in the public service.

What pathetic about that ? I knew that you are doing something like that ...working for your dad, working for the public service... and you got no sense on the top of it!

But the average wage has increased you fool.

over the rate of inflation ?
nay !
pip  10 | 1658  
27 May 2012 /  #448
but there is a boom. It may not be typical of a western style boom but there is one for Poland. This country is in a state of constant construction- in order to accommodate businesses that want to set up here. Jobs are available in all sectors. People are buying homes, goods, cars and loads of other things.

Is it a typical textbook boom- I don't think so but it is also not in recession.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
27 May 2012 /  #449
You are very exited because you are looking at it from the opposite corner of the world. Please come back and enjoy this "boom" first hand.

Obviously I realize that the country still has a way to go, but they should reach a standard of living that resembles contentment (if the is possible since Polish people are very hard to satisfy) in probably no more than 15 years time.

I work with foreigners of many kinds... and we are for sure no worse than "westerners"... to put it mildly... If the Polish transformation to capitalism had been handled properly, we would have already been no poorer than they are. Unfortunately, It was totally messed up, things like sell out of banking sector to foreigners were a crime against the nation. Now we have to first make a huge effort to take back what was given away for pennies. It should happen but will take no less than 25-30 years before we reach a level of economic development of major western countries.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
27 May 2012 /  #450
but there is a boom. It may not be typical of a western style boom

people are buying, selling, living and all that ......call it boom ?I don't think so !
How long will it all last ? Whiteout EU grants with huge debts to be paid , with the enormous number of people employed in administration?

Without a growing GDP, the standard of living will not increase fool.

Growing GPD is one of the indication of growing economy and sometimes of growing standard of living, not other way around.

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