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Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story?

Ironside  50 | 12334  
23 May 2012 /  #331
You comparing soviet Poland with independent (or so they say )Poland, you do understand the difference between those two?

Persoanlly ive never seen so many bloody banks in one single country,

Yes, bloody banks.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
23 May 2012 /  #332
Of course Polish people are better off then 20 years ago. We all are!!! Look at the Irish 20 years ago and look at them now, look at the Greeks 20 years ago and now! The rise in GDP doesn't mean squat if you can't work.

I tell me Polish collegues that in the 70's and 80's in the UK we had shops brimming with all the riches that we could possible want but not a pound in our pockets to buy them. My father and mother (an engineer and a nurse) in the late 60's and early 70's went without meals to feed the kids...but at times then the UK was booming! And we all know what happens after a boom.

In Gdynia there is a monstrosity of a tower block 'sea towers' which is 2/3 empty... there are a lot of building programs and developments that are standing half empty, alot of empty shops and businesses closing...boom my arse! Banks and business that arn't 'state controlled' are being bought up by foreign companies left, right and centre.

The Supermarkets are on a whole foreign owned Beidronka, Tesco, Auchan, Netto, Carrefour, Spar, Intermarche, Bomi! Peterweg...you tell me how a country can survive and by allegidly successfull when the majority of it's earnings are going back out of the country? Polish people don't invest outside of Poland, they tend to on the whole be very insular when it comes to business with foreginers unless it's a handout!

Polands economy is built on cheap labour, free handouts and easy access to Germany..nothing else... take away one of these 3 things and the whole house of cards will fall.
milky  13 | 1656  
23 May 2012 /  #333
take away one of these 3 things and the whole house of cards will fall.

Don't forget the billions being pumped into the economy by Poles working in the West,,and the fact that the government deals/dealt with its massive unemployment by exporting its young people. If the millions abroad,who left since 2004 returned. The house of card would be exposed.
Hipis  - | 226  
23 May 2012 /  #334
you tell me how a country can survive and by allegidly successfull when the majority of it's earnings are going back out of the country?

What about the British economy. Most of the water companies are foreign owned, Nestlé, Kraft Foods, T-Mobile, Nissan, Vauxhall, oh, and not forgetting those traditional "British" supermarkets Lidl and Aldi are all foreign owned. Even Dyson Vacs moved their manufacturing over to China years ago so if you think Poland's economy is built on dodgy foundations then what do you think the British one is? Oh yeah, British economy is officially in double dip recession, isn't it? Anyway, if things are so bad over in Poland feel free to come back to the UK.
Bostico  - | 3  
23 May 2012 /  #335
All good news for you guys :)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 May 2012 /  #336
Ohh do you work in Poland then? we both know you dont and probably never will.

I hope that I will, i guess we shall have to wait and see.

That doesnt cut it im afraid, big businesses setting up does not help the people

Sorry but you completely lost me. So you mean that if only small businesses set up up that's good but big ones are bad. Are sure you weren't tired when you wrote this, perhaps a bit sleep deprived, all of your mental faculties working in order?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
23 May 2012 /  #337
Interesting, there was an article in a newspaper saying the US was on the edge of its won recession, regardless of the rest of the world.


Sorry but you completely lost me. So you mean that if only small businesses set up up that's good but big ones are bad. Are sure you weren't tired when you wrote this, perhaps a bit sleep deprived, all of your mental faculties working in order?

Its the mental gymnastics required to deny the obvious.
Wroclaw Boy  
23 May 2012 /  #338
I hope that I will, i guess we shall have to wait and see.

I hope that you will too, what kind of trade would you be looking for? the hit in wages and cost of a decent living in Poland are not very appealing, no?

Sorry but you completely lost me. So you mean that if only small businesses set up up that's good but big ones are bad. Are sure you weren't tired when you wrote this, perhaps a bit sleep deprived, all of your mental faculties working in order?

I first wrote the post as you implied that Poland was booming as a result of witnessing numerous construction sites. the post was in direct response assuming that the construction you had witnessed was mainly associated with big business.

However seeing as you are attempting to nail me down, i feel a basic economic business lesson is in order for you. It goes soemthing like this: Big businesses only care about themsleves, they only set up in Poland to further exploit the people, its mostly "pay peanuts get monky's" types of deals. Germany owns, manufacters and sells their own products and theyre good at it, that's why they are the NO:1 global exporter. Poland mostly, merely accommodates, the big profit for the big business goes overseas.

Many major player speculators pounced on Poland the moment they entered the EU, the ramifications of this are still playing out and will continue to do so for a long time. Its a double edged sword.

Its the mental gymnastics required to deny the obvious.

and that would be what - weg, 57 POLISH babies born in the UK everyday and more to come? from those 50,000 POLISH migrants.

Your idiocy is matched only by your hypocracy.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
23 May 2012 /  #339
I don't understand your point, what has babies and migrants got to do with this subject
Ironside  50 | 12334  
23 May 2012 /  #340
Booming economy means plenty or work and people starting families. Am I wrong ?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
23 May 2012 /  #341
Booming economy means plenty of work ?

Debatable. All economies seem to be able very good growth and large unemployment at the same time. There is many reason for this, for instance the unemployability of some sections of society due to lack of skills and lack of physically mobility (not live where the jobs are), or the black market economy (which is huge in place like Italy, near 30% of the economy).

and people starting families. Am I wrong ?

Maybe, probably but it depends on demographics - for instance - old people don't have babies.
sascha  1 | 824  
23 May 2012 /  #342
right now not a single economy in europe is booming. stagnation or recession would be more adequate.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
23 May 2012 /  #343
Big businesses only care about themsleves, they only set up in Poland to further exploit the people, its mostly "pay peanuts get monky's" types of deals. Germany owns, manufacters and sells their own products and theyre good at it, that's why they are the NO:1 global exporter. Poland mostly, merely accommodates, the big profit for the big business goes overseas.

Sorry this has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with a irrational rant.
Wroclaw Boy  
24 May 2012 /  #344
Call it as you will, we basically have a difference of opinion nothing more. What do you want me to do, agree that Polands economy is booming? I lived there for five friggen years, no boom boom for me. No boom boom for you either by the looks of it.

I understand how unpleasing it must be for natives to hear unpleasent things about their country.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 May 2012 /  #345
All economies seem to be able very good growth and large unemployment at the same time.

Okay, let's assume for a moment that there is really a boom in Poland. Who profits from it? Not the 13.5% unemployed, not the retirees, not the millions that left the country ... so who? Just curious.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
24 May 2012 /  #346
I understand how unpleasing it must be for natives to hear unpleasent things about their country.

No, I just feel sorry for you for missing out.
Wroclaw Boy  
24 May 2012 /  #347
ahh the "everybody i know has been given a flat by their grandparent" guy, you have no credibility here.

What do you do in Poland again?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
24 May 2012 /  #348
Call it as you will, we basically have a difference of opinion nothing more.

No we don't, but you do. No mainstream economist would substantiate your claim that foreign direct investment by big business is "bad". You can try and prove me wrong if you wish though, good luck. So like I said totally irrational.

I understand how unpleasing it must be for natives to hear unpleasent things about their country.

It would be. If the unpleasant things were grounded in rationality, but in your case they are not. So not really, you can go on repeating your 'unpleasant things'. But if Poland is that unpleasant, are you sure it makes sense for you to live in the country? It seems to me that if you were convinced by your own logic, you would have never set foot in this country in the first place.
Wroclaw Boy  
24 May 2012 /  #349
No mainstream economist would substantiate your claim that foreign direct investment by big business is "bad".

and who would have thought the world would be in such a financial crisis with all these experts around.

So like I said totally irrational.

That wasnt irrational but this is - come back to Poland you traitor, you fair weather Poles are all the same talk the talk but when it comes to stepping up to the plate.

If the unpleasant things were grounded in rationality, but in your case they are not.

How can you be so sure? perhaps i need to take some train journeys and look at construction sites, would that be suitable for you?

But if Poland is that unpleasant, are you sure it makes sense for you to live in the country?

Come on man, read the posts. BTW I didnt say unpleasant, i liked/like Poland on many levels.

It seems to me that if you were convinced by your own logic, you would have never set foot in this country in the first place.

One may not sign up for the army either if they had known that it would involve a military tour of Vietnam and actually killing people. Hindsight my dear chap - its bloody marvelous.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
24 May 2012 /  #350
Hi Hipis

What you fail to understand is the amount of foreign investment that the UK has abroad. Unlike Poland. Dyson sell the VACS worldwide and have a head office and research facilities in the UK. As for Supermarket in the UK three of the big '4' are UK owned and run and Probably make up for 10 times the market then Polish owned supermarkets here. I've never said that Britains economy is booming but if we take away the subsidy to the EU and especially Poland the economy would be a little 'better off'!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
24 May 2012 /  #351
I've spent 2 months in Poland this year.

why only 2?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
24 May 2012 /  #352
Declining population puts strain on local budgets

Only three regions (mazowieckie, pomorskie and malopolskie) will record population growth by 2035, according to the Central Statistical Office (GUS) data.

This trend could explain why some peopel have such differing views of the situation

ahh the "everybody i know has been given a flat by their grandparent" guy, you have no credibility here.

What do you do in Poland again?

Your poor thing.

What you fail to understand is the amount of foreign investment that the UK has abroad. Unlike Poland

Poland isn't the UK. The Uk is a top 5 economy, Poland is 20. Comparing it is ridiculous, it will take another 10-20 years before Poland has moved to Western European standards or living.

Poland near bottom of OECD quality-of-life index

When it comes to quality of life, Poland was ranked eighth to last among 34 countries rated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), reported Parkiet.

Poland fared marginally better than Greece and Portugal, but lags behind countries such as Slovenia and Israel.

In particular, the country performed poorly in terms of income, which is below the OECD average, as well as life satisfaction and quality of housing.

Australians enjoy the best quality of life, according to the OECD's second annual Better Life Index.

wbj/article-59221-poland-near-bottom-of-oecd-quality-of- life-index.html?typ=pam

Plenty of way to go..
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
24 May 2012 /  #353
I didnt say unpleasant

Not only are you irrational, but you also seem to have problem with telling the truth, so let me remind you of what you said:

I understand how unpleasing it must be for natives to hear unpleasent things about their country

come back to Poland you traitor

In my own time.

I am still waiting for any sort of substantiation of your claim that investment by big business is bad.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
24 May 2012 /  #354
Poland isn't the UK. The Uk is a top 5 economy, Poland is 20. Comparing it is ridiculous, it will take another 10-20 years before Poland has moved to Western European standards or living

The Worlds in a recession caused by cheap credit and companies opting for cheap (and shoddy) workers taking jobs!

It has taken 100's of years for the UK to develop it's economy from the beginnings of the Empire and the Industrial revoultion to the great inventors and inventions (even now we invent the internet and design the iphone)...Poland will take much longer then 20 years to be anywhere near the UK economy. In fact it probably never will. What you fail to understand is that the UK's economy invests overseas and income from this investment help the UK economy. The UK goverment and companies also invest in 'R and D' and cooperate within the UK with some of the finest Universities and Colleges.

The UK make 'high value' and 'luxury' goods that are exported worldwide and is in competition with the like of Germany whereas Polish owned manufacturers produce cheap goods for use at home (dairy produce, doors and windows). You can't create a brand image the likes of Rolls Royce, BOE or clothing manufacturers like Barbour overnight. Off the top of your head name me 10 Polish things that are exported and sold abroad by foreign consumers? (not foodstuff bought by expat poles and you'll say vodka but in the UK polish vodka is unheard of)

Poland invest zilch outside of Poland and by the time the Polish wage levels get anywhere near to the UK then you'll see two things... jobs returning to the west of europe from Poland and Polish GDP and economy taking a nosedive. They'll never hit the standards of UK, Germany, France, Holland etc...

One last thing...Poland can be summed up in one sentence...

Poland is Europes biggest apple producer and producer of apple juice but doesn't make cider!!! i rest my case!
Kielbasa Kid  2 | 4  
24 May 2012 /  #355
I think that you may be right, because the only thing I have seen in other countries that is made in Poland is Polish Foodstuffs and sometimes small furniture from IKEA.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
24 May 2012 /  #356
Poland is Europes biggest apple producer and producer of apple juice but doesn't make cider!!! i rest my case!

Some case. You can buy Polish Cider,

Mind you, I'll be making some myself this year - there is a market for it.

Poland's agricultural section is vastly under utilized, the potential exists to increase it several fold.
Hipis  - | 226  
24 May 2012 /  #357
It has taken 100's of years for the UK to develop it's economy from the beginnings of the Empire

You mean stealing resources from conquered lands. Yes, i think any country could grow very rich by acting in such a way. So whilst England was growing rich at the expense of it's plunder, Poland was being plundered by our neighbours.

How long did it take Germany's economy to recover after the war? Not long. Maybe if Poland had benefitted from the Marshall Plan money like the Western Allies did, Poland's economy would be on a par with the rest of Western Europe today but seeing as your country sold us down the river to the Russians then all Poland got was Stalinist ideology and the country enslaved to the needs of its Russian overlords. So let's call the UK investment into Poland and accepting Polish workers as small payback for being duplicitous twats during WW2.
milky  13 | 1656  
24 May 2012 /  #358
But if Poland is that unpleasant, are you sure it makes sense for you to live in the country?

I hate statements like this. On a psychological level it's the argument of a bullying husband. Put up with it or else......... Don't complain and know your place, b1tch.


Maybe if Poland had benefitted from the Marshall Plan money like the Western Allies did.

fact is, they didn't. The got shock therapy from the Chicago Boys,end of story. The wolf made the rules.
The poorest quarter of Berlins population is still a lot richer than the richest quarter of Warsaw.

Poland invest zilch outside of Poland and by the time the Polish wage levels get anywhere near to the UK then you'll see two things... jobs returning to the west of europe from Poland and Polish GDP and economy taking a nosedive. They'll never hit the standards of UK, Germany, France, Holland etc...

The statement is very true.
Ironside  50 | 12334  
24 May 2012 /  #359
Poland's economy is not booming but could be on its way to be booming if ....if she would enjoyed a rational and good government since1989.Unfortunately commies and their secret police have been given right to meddle or put themselves into such position by force and cunning.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
24 May 2012 /  #360
If you are so in Love with the UK, then perhaps its time for you to go back. This thread is not about the UK it is about Poland.

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