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Doctors' surgeries and many clinics closed here in Poland - pretty chaotic

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
5 Jan 2015 /  #1
How are things in you area of Poland?

There is some dispute between the Poland government and physicians or clinics (I am not sure exactly) and as a result the surgeries (doctor's offices) near me are mostly closed and the 1 or 2 that are open aren't taking any patients and say "go to accident & emergency" and then just hang up, or simply don't answer the phone. One of the local surgeries has a sign outside saying "closed indefinitely". Phoning round the remaining doctors and open clinics, the response is "no appointments left" or "go to A & E".

That's if a person can get through, as the lines are engaged and it takes a lot of redialling to actually speak to someone.

I should think the queues/lines at A&E are on to the street.

Any comments on what this mess that's causing a lot of patient hardship is about exactly, and what the likely outcome or resolution might be (and when!).


(Here's a summary of the situation in English, but it seems far worse than just 1 in 5 in this area
Looker  - | 1129  
5 Jan 2015 /  #2
The abolition of oncology limits and the fight against queues - these are just some of the demands set by the doctors of Zielona Gora Agreement. The Federation has published a list of six points, with the implementation of which is willing to fight in the talks with the Ministry of Health. But that do not end their demands.

1. The abolition of oncology limits.

The limit is only 30 patients in 3 months.

2. Abolition of the possibility of unilateral modification of a contract by the NHF

3. Changing insurances verification rules by the NHF

Many patients recognized by the NHS system as unauthorized actually has the right to insurance.

4. Restoration of the existing model of care for patients with diabetes and chronic diseases of the circulatory system

5. Restoration of the right to treatment at the dermatologist and eye specialist without any referral

Referrals cause only queues being transferred for family doctors "without shortening in the specialist clinics."

6. We do not want queues in PHC (Promary Health Care)

Due to lack of agreement between the Ministry of Health and Zielona Gora Agreement (that brings together GPs) on contracts for 2015, some physicians after January 1 did not open their clinics and offices. Conflicting points include: family doctors new responsibilities related to the entry into force of the oncology package and funding POS.

source: tvn24.pl/wiadomosci-z-kraju,3/protest-lekarzy-z-porozumienia-zielonogorskiego-szesc-glownych-postulatow,503427.html
terri  1 | 1661  
5 Jan 2015 /  #3
One thing is for sure.
This is not a time to be ill in Poland, unless you have MONEY and access to a private doctor or clinic.
If you are unwell - go straight to Accident and Emergency....do not suffer in silence.
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
5 Jan 2015 /  #4
Looker, thank you

One thing is for sure.This is not a time to be ill in Poland, unless you have MONEY and access to a private doctor or clinic.If you are unwell - go straight to Accident and Emergency....do not suffer in silence.

Although I acknowledge there are many dedicated medics caught in the middle of this mess, I must agree with you.

The headline in the local paper says 64 clinics closed. Let me tell you, dear reader, Wroclaw is not as big as you may think and 64 seems to be a very large proportion of them, so there seems to be nowhere to go in effect.

Local paper headline

Wroclaw: 64 clinics closed. Hospitals do not want to issue prescriptions for refundable drugs

Although from Friday in Wroclaw does not work up to 64 GP practices, for now citizens of Wroclaw, do not listen to the appeal of the Minister of Health - they do not change massively physicians for other. Few people use the assistance of a hospital. But hospital doctors have already warned: it will be a problem with the issuing of prescriptions for refundable drugs. Without the medical records is difficult to risk, because after all NFZ will account us for it.

pigsy  7 | 304  
5 Jan 2015 /  #5
If you are unwell - go straight to Accident and Emergency....do not suffer in silence.

Sounds like in new york,the emergency room wait sometimes exceed 24hrs,so most new yorkers prefer to call ambulance and get priorty.
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
5 Jan 2015 /  #6
But as you can guess, there is the danger that someone who's seriously ill won't get an ambulance because it's called out to something comparatively trivial. And I speak with bitter experience from my time in the UK.
pigsy  7 | 304  
5 Jan 2015 /  #7
But as you can guess, there is the danger that someone who's seriously ill won't get an ambulance because it's called out to something comparatively trivial

Do you think it doesnt happen??? very common there esp in some neighbourhoods.Its worth to buy medicover health plan for 500pln a month which even gets 2 calls a year from a doctor visiting you at home,but prescriptions are not covered.
Marsy101  1 | 24  
5 Jan 2015 /  #8
ts worth to buy medicover health plan

Definitely, and it's more affordable than many people think. Both our kids have the full whammy hospital insurance. 375 pln pcm for our 3 year old and 475 for our 6 month old (dropping back down to 375 after a year or so).

A bit off topic but these situations do, particularly during the periods of germs spreading like wildfire, make medicover seem like an absolute bargain!
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
5 Jan 2015 /  #9
Definitely, and it's more affordable than many people think.

Well, I'm not asking for sympathy but that wouldn't be affordable for me, even if it is loose change for someone high-ranking at Credit Sewers. Those of us on local and unremarkable money cannot hope to afford it.

Tens of thousands of patients in Poland are without medical care after some doctors shut their surgeries in protest at new cancer treatment procedures...Hundreds of doctors refused to sign the new plan and have kept their surgeries closed since Jan. 1, mainly in northern and eastern Poland. They are getting growing support from doctors across the nation.


Yes, it's spread here, certainly seems to be a lot of closed surgeries, and there's now talk of a wider strike in the news media.

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