Poland plays no role in world politics (and economics) so no threat to them and no interest whatsoever in Poland.
Yes they do - what are you talking about? Poland has the 21st largest economy - over $1 tril GDP... Poland is in a very important geopolitical place because it is on the border of NATO allied countries and Russian allied countries.
Yes, ISIS did threaten Poland in one of their videos stating that any country allied with the US against them is a target. I'm not an ISIS commander but I think it's safe to say that Poland is low on the list of targets. It's one of the more recent videos they released - it'd post a link but I'm at work and don't want the IT guys to see me watching ISIS videos. Now, if we allow a bunch of 'refugees' to come into Poland it's only a matter of time before there is an incident.
The multi-kulti crowd loves to say - 'Oh well, the terrorists and extremist are only 1% of the Muslim population at most' ISIS said flat out that they're going to send operatives mixed in with refugees. I think people should listen to that considering the huge amount of Muslims that have entered Europe and the fact that there's already been too many innocent citizens killed by ISIS affiliated individuals in just the past 1-2 years. Almost 200 in just the 2 most recent large attacks! Yes, maybe there 5,000 operates or whatever number ISIS said that infiltrate Europe is too high but it doesn't really matter. Let's use the Polish figure of how many refugees they told the UN they'd let in - 2,000. If as the liberals say, only 1% of the Muslims are terrorists and extremists, that leaves you with 20 terrorists/extremists by that calculation. It only took 3 guys to murder 35 in Belgium just a few days ago and I believe 6 or so to murder over 100 in Paris. So yes, Poland is in trouble and is in danger and the more Muslim refugees that are let in the larger that 1% number becomes. They aren't in as grave danger as perhaps Germany, France, Belgium, etc. because the Muslim refugee population is much higher, but that doesn't mean there's no risk at all of a terrorist attack committed by Muslim extremists posing as refugees. Furthermore, the refugees in Poland are in a society where they are not accepted and their communities are very small. There's no areas like Molenbeek in Poland, yet, thank goodness, where they are the majority in an area. However, the individuals that aren't liked by Polish society may all the more be inclined to commit some act since they are not liked by the society and want revenge.
Poland isn't in as much danger as perhaps Belgium, France, England, etc. because thank goodness the people half some common sense and didn't allow their country to get invaded by a group with opposing religious views and customs. I'll take my Polish soccer hooligans over Salafists with Sharia 4 Poland banners anyday.
Polska dla Polakow
Poles want to believe that the nasty Russians have shot the plane down
There is a video online of Russian soldiers shooting survivors of the Smolensk crash. I don't know what exactly happened and whether the Russians were involved or not. I can't say for certain but I do know that the Russians have repeatedly blocked investigation efforts by the Poles. Why would they do that if they had nothing to hide? Also, this video and the media reporting on it raises some further questions. I'm not saying for 100% the Russians shot it down and I'm not saying for 100% that it was pilot error. I am saying though there is a lot of things though that are being hidden from a proper investigation.
same video but enhanced and a bit longer: British article about this video:
witness who shot this video apparently committed suicide:
You need to stop taking everything at face value and believe everything that the media tells you. I'm not saying to walk around in tin foil hat - as there are some very ridiculous conspiracy theories. However, the point is they ask questions they don't just blindly believe.
Quite frankly, citizens were told that we were safe from ISIS. I believe the shootings in the US and Europe prove otherwise. Poland ought to protect itself considering they let in some refugees. They may not be in as much danger as other invaded Western countries. That's something for the government, military, and intelligence agencies and citizens as well to determine how to react appropriately. Let's put it this way - Poland is at a much higher risk of an Islamist terrorist attack then they were 5, 10, 20 years ago because of the refugees they let in. It only takes a few individuals, even just one, to kill a bunch of innocent people. Granted yes, most of them were Catholic but there were a bit of Muslims as well. A lot of the refugees that Poland actually let in would get some money, get set up for a while, and then go to Germany anyways.