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Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?

Levi  11 | 433  
3 Nov 2015 /  #91
Admins, i think that this is a clear post showing support for ISIS.
3 Nov 2015 /  #92
I certainly don't support ISIS but what if I did? Is freedom of speech not allowed on this forum?
Levi  11 | 433  
3 Nov 2015 /  #93
Support a terrorist group is not freedom of speech, your morom.

And this group is a privatte forum, not some park in London where some radical muslim preacher can openly call for the extermination of infidels.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Nov 2015 /  #94
And this group is a privatte forum

Supporting ISIS isn't banned here.
Yosemite  2 | 88  
3 Nov 2015 /  #95
sorry to break the news for you, but there is no god,

ha ha. im gonna use that in the future, you're a smart kid Dany. Hope things are working out in Poland for you.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Nov 2015 /  #96
support for ISIS

The problem of expanding aggressive Islam would not exist in its present form were it not for the clueless fuzzy-brained liberals and bleeding-heart leftists. Apparently they do not realise that when Islam takes over it is the libs, leftists, libertines, pornographers, feminists, homos, cross-dressers and other freaks who will be first in line for decapitation. The West's ISIS-backers are like moths flying into a flame!

Please stick to the topic - is Poland really in danger of terrorist attacks?

Please stick to the topic

At this time Poland does not seem directly threatened. But since Polish troops had taken part in US-led military expeditions to Muslim countries and only one or two extremists suffice to launch a high-fatality attack -- that can never be ruled out.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Dec 2015 /  #97
Islmists have "better" things to do than dealing with ... Poland. They deal with "big" fish... In Europe, only France, Belgium, UK, Germany and maybe also Rome because of Vatican can be hit.
Levi  11 | 433  
1 Dec 2015 /  #98
So why they exploded Argentina some years ago? By the way, it was the biggest ever attack at the country. And Argentina is not even part of any coalition against them.

Same can be said about the explosions in Madrid. Spain is not even close to be a "big fish" but still was cowardly attacked.

In Fact, Poland is at an increasing risk. The main reason for that is that Poland have close borders with Germany. Germany received almost 1 million (!!!!) illegal immigrants until now.

Even with their high standards, there is simply no possibility, i repeat, NO POSSIBILITY that the german secret services can track all of them.

And once they do an attack, one of the primary escape points will be Poland.

And we know that the pattern is that, once they do an attack, they do consecutive ones until they get captured, and most of those will be at their "escaping routes" (remember the kosher attack?).

So, unfortunately, Poland as never been at such high risk like it is right now.

Thank you for that, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Dec 2015 /  #99
@Levy: don't mix up Argentina and even Spain with Poland ;). 1. I suppose in Argentina a significant Muslim popupalion AMONG whom possible to have islamists 2. Spain does have a large Muslim population (Spanish territories in N. Africa and also Spain is only a few km away from N. Africa) and re Spain at the time they had huge problems, including terrorism, from ETA and as a result the - islamist - terrorists used the situation to bring confusion in Spain since they could use the ETA isssue, which the (right wing) government did since blaming ETA (half of my family comes from Spanish Basque country (Bilbao, Santander... so I know).

Since then how many attacks in Argentina or Spain??? ZERO. In France, the islamist attacks started in the mid 1980's (I have personally "lived" bomb attacks in the Paris metro and several bomb threats in Paris) and it is unfortunately most common. This is NOT new (and probably you were not born then ;)) and people have "learned" to live with that... How many bomb attacks or even threats in Poland since ... 1945??? Zero

Yes, islamists have bigger fish to deal with. Poland is a 2nd category country.

PS: Although Belgium is a small country in size, 1. there is an islamist nest with weapon arms smuggled from former Yugoslavia and 2. Brussels hosts most (+ Luxemburg and Strasbourg (in France since you don't know geography) EU offices.

PPS: islamist terrorists also are very publicity seekers and blowing up Paris, London or NY "looks better" than blowing up ... Warsaw or Kielce ;)

PS: Poor Levy: also in Argentina, a large Jewish population so like in France (3rd largest Jewish population after the US and Israel) radical Muslims and Jews "sometimes" continue their Middle-East war. How can we possibly compare with Poland?????"lol".
Levi  11 | 433  
1 Dec 2015 /  #100
@Levy: don't mix up Argentina and even Spain with Poland ;). 1. I suppose in Argentina a significant Muslim popupalion AMONG whom possible to have islamists .

1st: You are supposing wrong. Less than 2% of the argie population is muslim (This is waaaay less than France or Germany for example). But as usually, you are talking things that you know nothing about.

Still being only 2%, it was a lot of mess. And dozens of dead bodies.

In France, the islamist attacks started in the mid 1980's (I have personally "lived" bomb attacks in the Paris metro and several bomb threats in Paris) and it is unfortunately most common.

So you are saying that french people should take those attacks as the "new normal" and not fight against it?

What a lack of balls and pride the frenchies (specially those like you) had become.

No surprise that you country is freaking damned. What is ridiculous is that you also want to impose that same weak, "Let's all SURRENDER" view at Poland.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Dec 2015 /  #101
Yes, poor Levy! To summarize, 1. get informed instead of usual ********* and 2. Poland depends so much upon also French money. How many French companies in Poland? How many billions of Euros paid through the EU? Same goes for Germany and UK who have spent so much money to help Poland so a minimum of respect would not be too much

OK, need to go (to French company) so good day with your Muslim friends! :)

PS: maybe the Jewish pop is not that numerous in Argentina but is kind of "elitist" so powerful ;)
1 Dec 2015 /  #102
I thought this thread was about whether ISIS are planning terrorist attacks in Poland?
Neither of the bombings you mention are connected to ISIS at all, as they didn't exist back then.

Poland as never been at such high risk like it is right now.

Can't see it myself.
ISIS are targeting countries who they deem to be interfering as a result of their foreign policies e.g France, UK ( even higher risk than we have already if the vote to bomb ISIS in Syria goes ahead ), US etc

Travel advice from GOV.UK website says there is a low threat from terrorism for those travelling to Poland, but you apparently know better?
Yes, you can never 100% rule out terrorism anywhere, but Poland is hardly a country of interest to ISIS when there are so many better targets unfortunately.
1 Dec 2015 /  #103
Poland has incredibly lax security procedures. On some major airports abandoned luggage is fenced and left there for up to several hours, until traffic calms down. Then the airport is closed down. There's also an airport where people with hunting license are allowed.

Weapons are being smuggled from Ukraine. A few weeks ago a random check found some in a bus.

And don't forget the Smoleńsk crash.

This means that Poland is only safe as long as nobody wants to explode in Poland.

As far as Islam goes, India is an interesting country. 14.2 percent of India are Muslims. Yet there are NO Muslim terrorists in India. Muslims themselves are a target of violence, last notable event was in 2002.
Levi  11 | 433  
1 Dec 2015 /  #104
Poland has incredibly lax security procedures.


THAT is why Poland is such at a high risk.

Risk is a function of menace and vulnerability.

While the menace factor in Poland is not so high, Poland is now EXTREMELLY vulnerable.
1 Dec 2015 /  #105
Poland is only safe as long as nobody wants to explode in Poland.

Well yes, but as i said earlier, why would Poland be of interest to ISIS when they have much bigger fish to fry?
Levi  11 | 433  
1 Dec 2015 /  #106
Because those much bigger fish to fry (USA, UK, etc) are much less vulnerable than Poland.
jon357  72 | 23670  
1 Dec 2015 /  #107
Well yes, but as i said earlier, why would Poland be of interest to ISIS when they have much bigger fish to fry

Exactly. The FCO who are belt and braces careful consider Poland to be low-risk.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
1 Dec 2015 /  #108
The FCO who are belt and braces careful consider Poland to be low-ri

the only reason Poland is low risk of terrorism,only one,nothing else,is because there are few muslims in Poland.nothing else matter..Polands international politic doesn't matter at all...null zero...no muslims-no terrorism.simple..Sweden was under threat recently,Denmark..what those countries wronged muslims????? nothing,yet they under attack.

keep diverting people from simple truth..anyone with fraction of brain knows,see it. and more ppl in the west starting to realize it.
1 Dec 2015 /  #109
there are few muslims in Poland.

There are tens of thousands of Muslims in Poland. And there are more and more every year. Those of us who live here like that.
jon357  72 | 23670  
1 Dec 2015 /  #110
the only reason Poland is low risk of terrorism,only one,nothing else,is because there are few muslims in Polan

Nope, try again.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2015 /  #111
There are tens of thousands of Muslims in Poland.

{Gregy741 furiously scrabbles away, off-stage, trying to find some propaganda that disputes this reality.....}

Obviously Gregy will be gone for some time then :)
Ironside  51 | 13113  
1 Dec 2015 /  #112
Those of us who live here like that.

A Hardly surprising stance for blind lovers of progressivism and neo-Marxism. However overwhelming majority of Poles do not share your prejudices.
Levi  11 | 433  
1 Dec 2015 /  #113
the only reason Poland is low risk of terrorism,only one,nothing else,is because there are few muslims in Poland.

Good Point!
1 Dec 2015 /  #114
Because those much bigger fish to fry (USA, UK, etc) are much less vulnerable than Poland.

How is Poland more vulnerable? Is Poland conducting air strikes in Syria? No. Anything else you can think of? There is no reason for ISIS to target it, Poland hasn't done anything to warrant it, I don't know why you can't see that. If there was a genuinely high risk from terrorism, then that would be reflected in travel advice to Poland, but there isn't, which is why Poland is classified as being at low risk.

Other countries are far more vulnerable as reflected in the recent Paris attacks.
Levi  11 | 433  
1 Dec 2015 /  #115
How is Poland more vulnerable?

At the function Risk = (Menace;Vulnerability) conduct or not airstrikes in Syria change the level of menace, but not the vulnerability.

Poland is vulnerable because:

1st: Doesn't have a proper inteligence service.
2nd: Have a relatively vast field with roads with low vigilance
3rd: Is the neighbour of Germany, a country that is a potential target and received almost 1 million illegal immigrants.

4rd (And most important): This border with germany is open and non-vigilated, so after any attack in Germany, Poland would be the perfect route to escape and hide.

Which means that, even Poland not being a topdog target of terrorists, the fact that is much more easier to attack the Metro of Warsaw than the metro of London make it a potential target.

Pretty much what happened in Madrid, for example.
2 Dec 2015 /  #116
1st: Doesn't have a proper inteligence service.

They have the Internal Security Agency, ABW.
Wasn't this the agency that thwarted the planned terrorist attack on 4 Polish churches back in 2003?

3rd: Is the neighbour of Germany, a country that is a potential target and received almost 1 million illegal immigrants.

Travel advice for Germany states there is a ' General threat from terrorism '. Even Germany is not considered to be high risk.

Poland not being a topdog target of terrorists, the fact that is much more easier to attack the Metro of Warsaw than the metro of London make it a potential target.

I really can't see why they would bother tbh.
Plus there are much easier targets in the UK than the London Metro. Who says they have to pick London? They could choose any large UK city for equally devastating results, and if today's vote on whether to go into Syria goes ahead, that would immediately raise the threat level towards the UK.

Sorry, but I think Poland is pretty much off the map as far as ISIS is concerned, unless of course Poland does something to p1ss them off.
2 Dec 2015 /  #117
something to p1ss them off.

Like not creating halal zones in primary school cantins or not accepting burkas in indoor public places so CCTV can record any offender? Refuse to build a mosque? Or maybe selling ham in supermarkets? Those guys are incredible. Never happy and never satisfied. Neither back home and abroad. There are only few things that don't offend them. Even less if the host country is Western. It's just a question of time till one of our officials accidently farted in their presence after having a HAMburger. KABOOOOM!!!
Levi  11 | 433  
2 Dec 2015 /  #118
Those guys are incredible. Never happy and never satisfied.

That is exactly how i see it. First they ask for Halal (a extremelly cruel way to slaughter animals by the way). Then mosques. Than to woman cover themselves (even nom-muslim).

At the end, if you don't obey, your country is in Danger.

So yes, Poland is in Danger.
Polson  5 | 1767  
2 Dec 2015 /  #119
Poland is in Danger.

Not as much as Western Europe. But Poland's participation in the 2003 Iraq invasion and destruction could be a 'good' pretext for a terrorist attack unfortunately.

they ask for Halal (a extremelly cruel way to slaughter animals by the way)

Our meat is not cruelty-free, really.
3 Dec 2015 /  #120
If ISIS planted a bomb on a Polish airfield, someone would steal it.

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