Its the clash of civilizations, people. Tensions everywhere. Somewhat as Samuel Huntington predicted. Among else, in forming of global civilizations he desired that Poland finish within Anglo-Germanic world. Let us hope that he miscalculated and that Poland have strength to prevail and prove itself as the epicenter of one branch of Slavs, great Slavic civilization such could be new Commonwealth.
Once Bosnian islamists were sponsored by the USA, NATO and EU in deal with Saudi Arabia, to be used against Serbians (the very heart of Europe), in order to segment Yugoslavia and Serbia, to bring down the Slavic South. In all their propaganda, why they doing this, was the hint of idea (that very much suits to mind-set of their public) that they doing that in order to harm Russia. But, Russia had and have huge maneuverable space, tools and resources to deal with any attempt to harm her interests. It is well known fact. So, what western Europeans and USA didn `t want to announce publicly is that they actually, when working against Serbians, works on the first place against Poland, on the long run. Against Poland, because without Serbians, Poland losing maneuverable space to escape total assimilation by Anglos and Germanics. Without Serbians, strategically weakened Poland losing potential to attract numerous countries that would be willing to join around Poland in order to form new Commonwealth, ie Intermarium.
Anyway, those who once were sponsored by USA, NATO and EU now turning against their sponsors. Its because USA, must be under pressure of Vatican, losing interest in support to worldwide islamic terrorists. Where is Poland in it now? Well, its about to be seen. But, for sure, being or not being under USA control, islamists would always work against Poland an Poles. Its by default. Don`t ask why
Bosnian jihadi makes threats against U.S. citiesSource: B92,, Jutarnji List Tuesday, June 28, 2016 | 12:40b92/eng/news/region.php?yyyy=2016&mm=06&dd=28&nav_id=98450

"Rise up Muslims, kill Christians and their servants, in their cities and in their countries. Place explosives under their cars, in their homes, in their offices... Kill them with snipers and silencers, kill them, even if with a knife, and do not differentiate between soldiers and civilians,"
Parents support Bosnian jihadi who made threats against U.S.Source: Monday, July 4, 2016 | 11:09b92/eng/news/region.php?yyyy=2016&mm=07&dd=04&nav_id=98507
The parents of a Bosnian member of Islamic State who recently made threats against U.S. cities are supporting him "in what he is doing."
Glory to the all Serbian defenders of Slavic South, entire Sarmatia and Christianity, for we shall know no fear!
an article of Warsaw Voice... presentation of book by Marek Orzechowski
Our Islamist

I am not trying to frighten anyone, because life itself is scary enough and so are phenomena that we're losing control of. The processes you mentioned are driven by the tremendously expansive Islamic ideology.