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Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?

21 May 2016 /  #301
"Leaving an explosive on a bus doesn't fit the MO of Muslim terrorists"

Tell that to the more than 100 people killed by your muslim brothers in London few years ago.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 May 2016 /  #302
We need to wait for the official police report in order to discuss this matter further, there is no use in blaming anyone now.

We don't need to wait - the police already released images of some white guy that they want to find.


In the case of detonation Wroclaw police looking for approx. 25-year-old man who is about 180 cm tall, it is slim, his face was lean, slender, beardless, dark brown hair rather short.

Sorry Adrian, but as I said from the beginning, it's likely to be connected to the ongoing protests against the police in Wrocław.

Rather there is a major provocation brewing and conduct of the police in Wroclaw should be examined and heads of the brass should roll.

Ah, I love it. PiS-controlled police vs hooligans, it just doesn't get better than this :D

Adrian, perhaps you'll want to apologise to Wrocław's Muslim community?


The manhunt continues for a man who may have a relationship with a bomb on the bus

Funny how Adrian was so quick to blame Muslims when - as has been said all along - it was likely to have been an act of terror by your typical moronic "nationalist".
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
24 May 2016 /  #303
Adrian, perhaps you'll want to apologise to Wrocław's Muslim community?

For one, it didn't specify if he was Polish, Catholic, Muslim, whatever. The Boston bombers looked as white as just about any other college kid in Boston.

They should apologize to me for building a disgusting Saudi funded mosque in the middle of my city. At least the local Polish Defense League and soccer hooligans keeps the muzzies on their toes. You'll never see the Muzzies in Poland pulling the same kind of crap they do in western europe - setting up ghettos, sharia zones, marching with sharia 4 poland signs
Crow  155 | 9736  
24 May 2016 /  #304
about an article of New York Times about the influence of Saudi Arabia on Islamists and the spread of Wahhabism on Kosovo. Essentially, within NATO, Poland is forced to cooperate with islamists who on the long run work against Poland. Or maybe some people believe that something good may come out from this situation. Good? For whom?

"Media were silent on truth about extremism in Kosovo".

Source: RTS, Tanjug Tuesday, May 24, 2016 | 11:40

"Tomas Gend, head of the OSCE service from 1999 to 2004" publicly spoke about "Saudi services giving instructions in Kosovo."

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 May 2016 /  #305
For one, it didn't specify if he was Polish, Catholic, Muslim, whatever.

They didn't need to. It was obvious all along, and they've came out and said that it has nothing to do with terrorism.

They should apologize to me for building a disgusting Saudi funded mosque in the middle of my city.

It's quite a good place. I've got friends in Wrocław and they tell me that the shop attached to it does some excellent meat.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 May 2016 /  #306
Most Poles don't want Muslims in their country.. plain and simple, end of story. Even University of Warsaw backs this claim up (69% of Poles surveyed are against non white immigration).

Even the PO government hesitated to take even a few thousand in until Brussels began to threaten and blackmail them.

Out of all the Poles I know in Poland, both on the left and right, I can say that only a tiny amount want Muslims to come into their country and these tend to be the ones who work or volunteer with foreign NGOs.
Levi  11 | 433  
25 May 2016 /  #307
"Out of all the Poles I know in Poland, both on the left and right, I can say that only a tiny amount want Muslims to come into their country and these tend to be the ones who work or volunteer with foreign NGOs."

Namely, the imbeciles of Razem.
(Funded by George Soros, whose dont give a fock about Poland's safety)
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
25 May 2016 /  #308
"Most Poles don't want Muslims in their country.. plain and simple, end of story. Even University of Warsaw backs this claim up (69% of Poles surveyed are against non white immigration). "

non white ≠ muslims, there are white muslims (from Syria even), and catholics who have darker skin tones (also from syria), you can also find similar or other variations in other countries.

btw, they caught the perpetrator of the wroclaw bomb. he's a white and very average pole since his name is paweł R.


we should protect poland against anyone who's named paweł, because it appears that pawełs have tendencies to undertake terrorist acts, I believe that we should put all pawełs under heavy observation
Levi  11 | 433  
25 May 2016 /  #309
"we should protect poland against anyone who's named paweł, because it appears that pawełs have tendencies"

How many pawełs took pictures proudly holding a beheaded head?

How many pawełs recently declared Jihad against all Kaffirs and Mushriqs?

How many pawełs preached at their mosques that there is no Germany, no Sweden, no Europe, but all lands belong to Allah and their believers?

Now, do the same questions with Mohammed or Ahmed instead of Paweł, muslim troll.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
25 May 2016 /  #310
muslim troll.

Fast judging eh ? i'm an atheist from catholic parents

A cirminal is a criminal, I bet that the percentage of criminals named mouhammads and ahmads (out of the total number of mohammads in ahmads) in Poland are much lower than the percentage of criminals named paweł (out of the total number of pawełs)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
25 May 2016 /  #311
A cirminal is a criminal

do wife beaters count as criminals for you? In Poland they do
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
25 May 2016 /  #312
Of course wife beaters are criminals, what's your point ?
Levi  11 | 433  
25 May 2016 /  #313
"A cirminal is a criminal, I bet that the percentage of criminals named mouhammads and ahmads (out of the total number of mohammads in ahmads) in Poland are much lower than the percentage of criminals named paweł (out of the total number of pawełs)"

Because there is almost no Mohammed in Poland. Duh.

But compare the amount of Mohammeds and Ahmed that are criminals in:

- Germany, compared to Franz or Gunther
- Norway, compared to Oles.
- Sweden, compared to Ulfs
- France, compared to Thibaults

And there it goes...
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
25 May 2016 /  #314
Of course wife beaters are criminals, what's your point ?

Point is that Poles are not as advanced as the Muslims.
Islamists provide video's of how to correctly beat your wife.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 May 2016 /  #315
I'm pretty sure by non white immigration they meant anyone who isn't Catholic and from Europe (except the European Muslime countries)
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
25 May 2016 /  #316
Islamists provide video's of how to correctly beat your wife

Do you have statistics concerning wife beating in each muslim country ? I think it's totally different between indonesia, morroco, saudi arabia and turkey, albania... i'm not against pointing out the negativities in each religion especially islam, but you can't assume that a person has certain charactaristics just because he's from a muslim background, you also need to take into consideration, the country, the city, even personal background. each person is different.

I'm pretty sure by non white immigration they meant anyone who isn't Catholic and from Europe (except the European Muslime countries)

what about armenians who have a darker skin tone and are orthodox ? it's becoming ridiculous
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
25 May 2016 /  #317
Do you have statistics concerning wife beating in each muslim country ?

Yup, just google it.


And when you are don't with that go on to read how they enjoy killing dogs by poisoning them and attacking people who are walking their dogs and killing the dogs.

The people in Poland have not "advanced" this far yet in a "civilized society" of Muslim countries I guess.
Crow  155 | 9736  
25 May 2016 /  #318
Poland is truly in desperate situation. Anglos, Germanics and Francs pressuring and assimilate. Islamists arriving with fanfares. Within NATO Poland is forced to be in alliance with mujaheedines. Within EU Poland works against Poles. China is still far. Historically, Poland have no reason to trust to Russia and even trust in Vatican is questioned, as always. Loyal friends of Poland are weak.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
25 May 2016 /  #319
And when you are don't with that go on to read how they enjoy killing dogs by poisoning them and attacking people who are walking their dogs and killing the dogs.

It's the first time that I hear of this !!!?
Can you please specify the countries that do this ? i'm 100% sure that this doesn't apply to Syria, UAE, Lebanon, Jordan...as I have been in these countries and I know many dog owners and never heard of such incedent.

Yup, just google it.

well, as you can see, these numbers differ from one country to a other, and there are muslim countries that haven't been mentioned since there is no significant domestic violence in these countries.

In syria 25%, Jordan 20% , egypt 33%, afghanistan 85%, so as you can see, it differs from one country to another, although all these countries have a muslim majority.

in europe, according to a EU studies, the percentages also vary

poland has a good percentage of 13%, Denmark 32% ,Latvia 32%, Finland 30%, and the EU average is at 22%
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 May 2016 /  #320
in europe, according to a EU studies, the percentages also vary


Poland has 19% of women reporting violence, but the true number is much higher. Perhaps Johnny would like to explain that before trying to criticise Muslim countries?
Crow  155 | 9736  
25 May 2016 /  #321
Leadership of Poland that recognized Kosovo didn`t betray only Serbians but also betrayed Poles. Look stance of Spanish politicians

Spanish FM: My country will never recognize Kosovo
Source: Tanjug Wednesday, May 25, 2016 | 15:36

Spain's support "when times were hard"

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 May 2016 /  #322
Leadership of Poland that recognized Kosovo didn`t betray only Serbians but also betrayed Poles

I'm sorry Crow - at least know that me and my family will always see Kosovo as Serbian. This was Serbian land and it was only thanks to the invading, head chopping massacring Turks that Muslims came to that area.

It's only because Poland is trying too hard to be like the west and imitate what some other western countries are doing in this regard.
Levi  11 | 433  
26 May 2016 /  #323
Kosovo is basically a giant Jihadist cell.

Refugees from Kosovo have a good chance to be Islamic extremists.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
30 May 2016 /  #324
non white ≠ muslims, there are white muslims (from Syria even), and catholics who have darker skin tones (also from syria), you can also find similar or other variations in other countries.

I know and we accept them. We've taken in Tatars and recently we've been taking Chechens - which many are fine in all honesty and assimilate.

Also, Poland has said that they wouldn't mind taking in Catholic refugees from the Arab world - Syria, Iraq, etc. A few have came in but not too many - most people in general though go for the west because it's richer and the culture is friendlier to them.
sam6  1 | 25  
30 May 2016 /  #325

Why do classified people according to their religions

We have in Arab countries


Nationalities of Europeans and Americans , Asians
And religions of Christians Catholic and Orthodox , Buddhists

It's Injustice epithet all Muslims with terrorism

Terrorists are a threat to everyone

And not every Muslim is a terrorist

Terrorism has no religion

By the way

Daash do not represent Islam, does not adhere to the teachings of Islam

They are blowing up the mosques of Muslims in the Arab world

They are a danger to all human
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
30 May 2016 /  #326
Daesh adhere to Wahabi/Salafi schools of Islam...

Saudi Arabia spends hundred of millions to finance mosques in Europe..

Eventually the two will intersect.

Terrorism has no religion

Yes but most terrorist attacks are vastly caused by Muslims. The number of jihadi terrorist attacks versus right wing, IRA, FARC, whatever. It doesn't even compare. Over 20k people a year are killed due to Muslim terror attacks every year now. There's terror attacks every single almost every single day in the Middle East.
sam6  1 | 25  
30 May 2016 /  #327
Yes but most terrorist attacks are vastly caused by Muslims.

Did you forget the people who died in the first and second world wars because of Hitler
Approximately 100,000,000 humans

220.000 killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide Muslims

110.000 Muslims

There is no comparison between the crimes Daash associate Islam with violence

Among those committed by Christians throughout history of crimes

However, it did not qualify Christians terrorists
Our conviction that good and evil exist in all human
Not related to religions

Back on topic - POLAND threatened
2 Jun 2016 /  #328
Muslim found in Ukraine where trying to enter into Europe to commit mass attacks in Europe, killing thousands.

And their plan was to enter EU via... POLAND:


Ukraine's security service says it has uncovered a plot to smuggle Islamic State sympathizers to Western Europe.

The SBU said in a statement Wednesday that it has sent an undercover agent posing as an ISIS sympathizer wanting to get to Western Europe to an apartment in the eastern city of Kharkiv. The agency said a citizen "of a neighboring country" who had posed as a preacher plotted to send the IS sympathizers to Europe.
mafketis  38 | 11288  
3 Jun 2016 /  #329
And not every Muslim is a terrorist

True the vast majority of muslims are not terrorists. But... a much, much higher percentage of terrorists are muslim than any other religion.

So, almost all muslims a person is likely to meet are not terrorists, but if a person does cross paths with a terrorist that terrorist is most likely going to be muslim.
spiritus  69 | 643  
3 Jun 2016 /  #330
By the wayDaash do not represent Islam, does not adhere to the teachings of IslamThey are blowing up the mosques of Muslims in the Arab worldThey are a danger to all human

The Muslim community are part of the problem.

When the Charlie Hebdo murders happened in Paris I didn't see the Muslim world react with rage that a group of terrorists had killed innocent civilians in the name of their religion but when someone prints a cartoon then the whole muslim world is on fire with indignation and demonstrations in the streets !

If the so called "peaceful majority" do nothing to quell the violent minority then they are guilty by association.

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