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Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Apr 2016 /  #271
Anyone saw anything more about it?

Nothing, because it's not true.
Crow  154 | 9525  
24 Apr 2016 /  #272
more rapports about illegal Albanian Islamic fighters organizing in region where is stationed Polish mechanized brigade `Zawisha Czarny`, between Serbia (Kosovo) and Macedonia. Fanatics ready themselves for attacks.

These are their own propaganda films > just spot them >


Joy! Happiness! Great blow onto the interests of ISIS and Islamists. Good news for my Polish Slavic and Christian brothers who likes to see how Slavdom and Christianity winning. Dream of Greater Sharia Mafia Albania falling in oblivion

ha ha ha ha, Serbian elections are organized also on Kosovo. OSCE accepted. Serbian state coming back.

OSCE Agrees to Run Serbian Elections in Kosovo
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
24 Apr 2016 /  #273
genocide Serbs carried out at Srebrenica

The only genocide was of Serbs committed in the valley prior to July 1995. The figure of 8,000 Bosnians dead is simply impossible because there simply

There's little to no problem with terrorism in Bosnia.

You have got to be kidding me... All the top Al-Qaeda dudes including Bin Laden himself had Bosnian citizenship. Bosnia was the cradle of European Jihadism - even the US State Department is now admitting this. Look up the case with the Saudi High Council - how the Saudi government funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to jihadists in Bosnia. Bosnia was a fantastic location for jihadists as they could launch attacks on the rest of Europe - now Bosnia has been replaced by Brussels as the center of European jihadism thanks to multi-kultism.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Apr 2016 /  #274
The only genocide was of Serbs committed in the valley prior to July 1995. The figure of 8,000 Bosnians dead is simply impossible because there simply

It's not impossible. There's plenty of evidence that shows Srebenica happened - the only question that we had up until recently is whether Srebenica was an act performed by the VRS alone, or whether it was backed by the political leadership. Karadzic's conviction confirms that it was indeed an act of genocide led by the political leadership of the Republika Srpska.

If you know anything about the Bosnian War, you'll know that by the time of Srebrenica, Milosevic was pushing the leadership of the RS into a permanent settlement. I'm pretty certain Serbian intelligence knew about the impending Operation Storm and had passed it on - meaning that the RS had to try and consolidate their territory within Bosnia before the inevitable defeat in the RSK. Srebrenica was in effect a play to try and secure territory, and to do that, they had to eliminate the Bosniak forces.

You have got to be kidding me.

If there was, the Serbs and Croats would have dealt with it by now. It's not exactly a big secret that they're watching the Bosniak plurality like a hawk.

All the top Al-Qaeda dudes including Bin Laden himself had Bosnian citizenship

That's pretty much meaningless, because those citizenships were either revoked or in the process of being revoked. They were awarded during wartime and in a situation when the Bosniaks were struggling to survive.

Bosnia was the cradle of European Jihadism

That's like saying Northern Ireland was the cradle of Catholic terrorism. Numbers were comparable, after all - about 200-300 men were estimated to be on active service in Northern Ireland for the nationalists, and a similar number in Bosnia.

Back on topic please
Ironside  50 | 12928  
24 Apr 2016 /  #275
There's plenty of evidence that shows Srebenica happened

Happened but what had happened exactly? Putting aside propaganda.
Was those ONZ or NATO havens for noncombatants used by Muslims as a place they would recuperate, resupply or hide in a case of a military drawback. Just to launch a surprise attack against a local Serbian population.

Wasn't that the truth that military and political brass in charge of those so called "refugees protected areas" refused to cooperate with the Serbian military and political brass to prevent Muslim fighters from using them to their advantage?

Isn't that a fact that while Srebrenica takeover most men present there were purposefully set into panic by the Mujahidin who wanted to use their flight as a cover for their escape?

That some Muslim men who weren't fighters were killed in the ensuing chaos is a fact but it was nothing like a certain propaganda would us have it.

That's like saying Northern Ireland was the cradle of Catholic terrorism

That would be a nonsense as there are not and never was as you put it 'Catholic terrorism'. Those organizations that used terror as their chosen tool in that part of the world. Have done so basing their ways and philosophy on the Maoist ideology and were ideologically akin to those terrorists movements in the South America.
Crow  154 | 9525  
24 Apr 2016 /  #276
Back on topic please

Admine Pane but its on topic. Topic develop Pane, on the behalf of this forum and free world. What needs to happen that is Pan Admin convinced how are events in Bosnia and Kosovo strictly connected with Poland and Poles? That Islamists of ISIS start to killing Polish soldiers on Kosovo and that soldiers from other NATO countries refuse to support Poles on terrain, by same recipe as NATO sided with mujaheedines of Islamic league against Serbians?

For influence (ie interests), in last 600 years, here in the region Poland always had to compete with Islamists and Germanics and now recently with entire western Europe and USA. Interestingly, on Balkans (to be precise- Serbian lands aren`t only on Balkans but also in Central Europe, in Panonian basin), Poland never had to compete with Russia. Russia had its influence here but, Russia always respected Serbian choice that Polish interests have primate here. Only here, where Serbians dominated (positive domination), Poland had status of European power. This Serbian choice was (and is) always corner-stone of balance within Slavic world and Eastern Europe. That is why you have phenomenon that ultra-right Catholic circles (not only them of course) in Poland, traditionally support Serbians who are in majority Orthodox. Being above religious antagonism, stronger then it, some call it `Sarmatian connection`, old Polish-Serbian alliance.

Now, Islamists in face of ISIS (some others. too) and western European schemes threaten to absolutely annul interests of Poland.
Levi  11 | 433  
25 Apr 2016 /  #277
"That Islamists of ISIS start to killing Polish soldiers on Kosovo and that soldiers from other NATO countries refuse to support Poles on terrain, by same recipe as NATO sided with mujaheedines of Islamic league against Serbians?"

Good point.

The Bosnian Islamists would not hesitate in burn a polish catholic church full of polish kids as much as they didnt hesistate in burning orthodox cathedrals full of serbian kids.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
25 Apr 2016 /  #278
The Bosnian Islamists would not hesitate in burn a polish catholic church full of polish kids as much as they didnt hesistate in burning orthodox cathedrals full of serbian kids.

There is no need for flaming - really.
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 Apr 2016 /  #279
This is what Islamists gave to Slavs on Kosovo, practically in the heartland of Europe. One of the greatest scandals that Europe ever ever sow

Media and official evidence of butchering of Slavic people in Kosovo for human organs- Why the West ignored these atrocities !?


Carla Del Ponte`s book The Hunt: .... before killing Serbs and members of other ethnic communities, Kosovo Albanians removed their organs to sell for transplants.

U.S. and German special forces knew ......... As they didn`t do anything to fix the situation, we should assume they also were involved in the trafficking network. Enough facts had been dug up to indict Kosovo`s former Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, current head of state Hashim Thachi ....

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 Apr 2016 /  #280
There's little to no problem with terrorism in Bosnia.

John Schindler, a professor at the U.S. Naval War College and a former National Security Agency analyst, argues in his book "Unholy Terror: Bosnia, Al-Qa'ida and the Rise of Global Jihad" that's not true.
25 Apr 2016 /  #281
John R. Schindler;s blog,


Has some good opinions, just ignore the cock pictures story
Ironside  50 | 12928  
25 Apr 2016 /  #282
ISIS's threats aren't serious unless they make a video about it, and a random e-mail doesn't prove that it's related to ISIS, the arabic part that was shown in the e-mail had grammar mistakes which makes it less credible.

Could be someone who wants to do it in a guise of ISIS but in fact has nothing to do with them.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
26 Apr 2016 /  #283
I recently saw an article with a jihadi in Syria posing in a picture in my city (Wroclaw). Can't remember the news outlet that reported on this though...
Crow  154 | 9525  
10 May 2016 /  #284
Albanian (Squitar- as they call themsleves) islamists continue to provoke

Mustafa: Kosovo to have army soon; Serbs uninformed

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa has announced that Kosovo's armed forces would be formed "very soon."

on that, Serbia gave middle finger to islamists and their EU sponsors. There is the hint for Poles what should they do themselves- give middle one to EU.

"Serbia in EU with Kosovo - or not at all" - president


Serbia is firmly on the path towards full membership in the EU, but wants to enter Europe as an integral whole - either that or nothing, says Tomislav Nikolic.

Western Europe stimulates islamists. Its obvious. They are practically in a state of conulingus with them.
Levi  11 | 433  
19 May 2016 /  #285
"I recently saw an article with a jihadi in Syria posing in a picture in my city (Wroclaw)"

Do you know it the mosque of Wroclaw was also financed by Saudi Arabia to radicalize youth? That would explain.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
19 May 2016 /  #286
Do you know it the mosque of Wroclaw was also financed by Saudi Arabia to radicalize youth?

Yes, Saudi Arabia has donated some $200-$300 million to the migrant crisis - however, that money is to be used solely for the purpose of building mosques...
Hellooo  - | 28  
19 May 2016 /  #287

Interesting that this is a very old thread resurrected by a known Brazilian black N troll.

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
19 May 2016 /  #288
Western Europe stimulates islamists. Its obvious. They are practically in a state of conulingus with them.

They have ever since the Soviet invasion, then the Yugo wars, and now in Syria.

The US spent some $500 million to arm 'moderate rebels' yet only like 12 ended up completing the program. The majority of the weapons that the US gave to the 'moderates' ended up in the hands of Al-Nursa and Al-Qaeda, whose fighters are being treated in Isreali hospitals by the way...
gregy741  5 | 1226  
19 May 2016 /  #289
Wroclaw finally enriched culturally...explosion on bus stop reported today..bus driver found suspicious package in bus and throw it out the bus..package exploded.

well done dudkiewicz and his leftist trash in Wroclaw.bring more culture to wroclaw
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 May 2016 /  #290

Probably done by a PiS supporter.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
19 May 2016 /  #291
Rather by some of your Muslim friends..
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 May 2016 /  #292
Any proof that the bomber (if it is real) is a. Muslim (not that many here) or b. a friend of mine?

Probably the same creep who did the fake bomb scare to try to disrupt one of the Polish pro-democracy rallies.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
19 May 2016 /  #293
Any proof that

Exactly. Do you have any proof that it was a PiS supporter? Glad you noticed that your claim is supported only by the hot air.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 May 2016 /  #294
Probably done by a PiS supporter.

Gossip online suggests that it's connected to the recent violence by far right hooligans towards the police after that drug dealer died in police custody. Leaving an explosive on a bus doesn't fit the MO of Muslim terrorists - it's far more likely to be committed by a cowardly "patriot".
Levi  11 | 433  
20 May 2016 /  #295
"Yes, Saudi Arabia has donated some $200-$300 million to the migrant crisis - however, that money is to be used solely for the purpose of building mosques..."

I suspected that.

So the Mosque of Wroclaw was also built by Saudis with the purpose to spread Wahabbism and violent Islam....
Ironside  50 | 12928  
20 May 2016 /  #296
Gossip online suggests that it's connected to the recent violence by far right hooligans towards the polic

Rather there is a major provocation brewing and conduct of the police in Wroclaw should be examined and heads of the brass should roll.

by a cowardly "patriot

You are talking nonse. What have you being doing on the day that bomb was planted? Speaking of which wasn't Harry in the vicinity?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 May 2016 /  #297
Probably done by a PiS supporter

So far the only political assassination since the SB stopped killing priests was the work of a Platformer who killed a PiS office worker in Łódź. Short memory, eh?
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
20 May 2016 /  #298
onduct of the police in Wroclaw should be examined

Hah don't even get me started on this...

Leaving an explosive on a bus doesn't fit the MO of Muslim terrorists

HAHAHA that's laughable... perhaps you never heard of the London bus explosions, the multitude of bus explosion in Israel (21 killed in just the one in April 2016 alone) - Jaffa Bus bombing, Beersheeba Bus bombing, and many others...

By the way, the bomb found was a pressure cooker bomb filled with nails and such - the same kind that the Boston Bombers used for which directions are easily accessible through Al-Qaeda's online magazine.

Lemme guess, next you'll say that cutting infidel's heads off doesn't fit the MO of Muslim terrorists..

There was already one picture of a Muslim released a few months ago standing in the Wroclaw square who was known to have come from Syria and fought for terrorist groups...

Thankfully, the Muslim population in Wroclaw is still small... although I fear it will grow. Too bad the Polish police won't do like the Russian police did - find explosives in a mosque or Muslim prayer hall, decide that it's too much trouble to take the explosives outside, and just detonate them inside the building getting rid of the mosque once and for all.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
20 May 2016 /  #299
We need to wait for the official police report in order to discuss this matter further, there is no use in blaming anyone now.
Crow  154 | 9525  
20 May 2016 /  #300
i hope my friends that would soon i be able to tell you `bon appetite`. Sarmatia shall prevail!

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?Archived