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Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Oct 2015 /  #1
Media organisations in Mazuria and Podalsie, where US-Polish manoeuvres are being held, have been receiving threats from islamist sources, polskatimes reports. One such threat reads.

"Allah Akbar! Godis Great! Pray, Black Friday in Orysz is at hand. The dirty American and Polish dogs will burn up in the Sacred Fire. Death to American and Polish soldiers. Victory to the State of Islam!"

Polish security circles are taking the threat very seriously and heightening their vigilance.

Módlcie się, Czarny Piątek w Orzyszu nadchodzi. Brudne psy amerykańskie i polskie spłoną w Świętym Ogniu. Śmierć amerykańskim i polskim żołnierzom. Zwycięstwo Państwu Islamskiemu" - mailami tej treści zasypywane są podlaskie i mazurskie media.

Crow  154 | 9260  
22 Oct 2015 /  #2
It is very sad that Poland suffer due to greed of USA magnates
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Oct 2015 /  #3
Poland suffer

Poland will never suffer under the Stars and Stripes of the USA. Poland's NATO membership and special security relationship with Ameirca are the best things that ever happened to Poland.

And all the badmouthing and villification of NATO cannot change that. You should resent the fact that Serbia's leadership engaged in genocidal atrocities that forced NATO to come to the aid of the hapless victims. Too bad all the Serbian warmongers responsible for those crimes have not been brought to justice and duly punished!
Polson  5 | 1767  
22 Oct 2015 /  #4
Poland's NATO membership and special security relationship with Ameirca are the best things that ever happened to Poland.

Until the first terrorist attack taking place in Poland. Hopefully not in a too near future...
Islamists would have no reason to threaten Poland if Poland hadn't accepted to come and destroy Afghanistan and Iraq with the US & co.
polish activist  
23 Oct 2015 /  #5

Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland? This can result from a threatening letters received by the polish military command, US troops and the local media in Warminsko-mazurskie Province. "Black Friday is approaching Orzysz. Dirty American and Polish dogs will burn in the sacred fire. Death to the American and Polish soldiers! Victory to the Islamic State!" the Dziennik-polityczny.com quoted a fragment of the letter.

Does NATO activity in Poland, all these exercises deserve lives of polish people?
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Oct 2015 /  #6
Your post will be taken more seriously if you register. Otherwise you may be dismissed as a troll.

Terrorist attacks are a possibility in any country. Poland is no exception.
Crow  154 | 9260  
23 Oct 2015 /  #7
Poland will never suffer under the Stars and Stripes of the USA.

Stars and Stripes of the USA. What a level of delusion. Man, USA itself is real terrorist organization that sponsors other terrorist organizations. It is kind of modern piracy. Like it was in past when England had its own army of pirates. Those are Anglos. They knows how to take money. Money loves them. For now

Now, imagine Poland and Poles in all that grabbing. For sure, their safety is last thing that preoccupies mind of pirates.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Oct 2015 /  #8
USA itself is real terrorist organization

Crow, you are so hopelessly Serbocentric that you know next to nothing about general history. If it wasn't for the USA there would be no Serbia and probably no Poland today. Uncle Sam had to bail out the clueless squabbling Europeans who embroield thermselves in two world wars. Had the US stayed out of it, as many Americans advocated, the Kaiser and then Hitler would have turned Europe into the Untied States od Germany. After The Great War Woodrow Wilson helped create independent European states and Herbert Hoover headed up a relief campaign for war-torn Europe. Without Lend-Lease Hitlerl would have won the war. After WW2 the Marshal Plan helped rebuild the Old Continent. During the decades of communist enslavement the US kept the torch of freedom burning thanks to Voice of America and Radio Free Europe as well as bearing the financial brunt of the NATO alliance. The US supported the Solidarity movement morally and with substantive albeit clandestine aid. So unless you would prefer to speak German at present rather than your Serbian lingo, think twice before badmouthing the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave -- the one country that has consistently defended freedom and democracy world-wide.
Crow  154 | 9260  
23 Oct 2015 /  #9
It only means that today`s USA betrayed its heritage.

On the other side- what heritage? Heritage of genocide over native Americans.

No my dear. USA just doing what is suitable for USA magnates. From time to time, its good for you and me and, from time to time we may suffer.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Oct 2015 /  #10
Heritage of genocide

Yes, the genocide of the Amerindian population and the importation of African slaves are definitely stains on America's reputation, But what country has no such faults and skeletons in their cupboard?. Perhaps what happened starting in the early 20th century has made amends for those early crimes.
24 Oct 2015 /  #11
As long as Poland keeps the animals (Muslim extremists) out things should be safe.

As for Polonius... Yes the US did help save parts of Europe. But like many American-Poles you dismiss that Russia played the biggest role in Europe to save or "save" many people from the Nazis. The US had little involvement in Europe (compared to the Soviets/Russians). I do admit that the US though played a major role in the Pacific theatre. The "great" America did absolutely nothing for Poland during and after the war. It sold Poland out. Only during the late Communist times did the US and Vatican play their role in freeing Poland.

Lets not forget that US industrialists (like Ford), politicians (grandpa Bush), and bankers (like Warburg) were actually "aiding" both sides (Allies/Soviets and Nazis) during that war. It wasnt for love of Europe at all.

America has only interests that it wants to achieve. They wanted Europe to be weakened (primarily the Germans and Russians).

Here is what the pyschopath (most US politicians are) Truman said:
""If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible. . . ." he said as a Senator in 1941. This basic attitude prepared him to adopt, from the start of his Presidency, a firm policy." (nytimes)

If the US cared about Poles, Poles wouldnt have VISA problem,
if the US cared about Poland, they would not be destablizing Eastern Europe right beside Polands border.
if the US cared about Poland, they would give lots of equipment, weapons and technology (like Israel) but they dont.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
24 Oct 2015 /  #12
ISIS said that London would be their first target.
My guess Berlin will be second.
From there I suspect that they will move onto softer targets like France and Poland.

If the US cared about Poles, Poles wouldnt have VISA problem,

The Poles brought that on themselves by not going back home and disappearing in American society.
Poles are now considered a high risk of not going back when their VISA's expire.

if the US cared about Poland, they would not be destablizing Eastern Europe right beside Polands border.

You would rather have Putin continue to march west ?
If it wasn't for the U.S. all of Ukraine would now be under the Russian flag.

if the US cared about Poland, they would give lots of equipment, weapons and technology (like Israel) but they dont.

Oh yes the U.S. does have lots of military equipment and personnel in Poland.
Why do you think the U.S. should just "give" Poland all this when all you ungrateful that bad mouth the U.S. only like the U.S. or E.U. when they are giving you something.

GIVE us visa's, GIVE us military equipment, GIVE us NATO protection, GIVE us GIVE US is all America hears.
When is America going to be given something besides burdens and bad mouthing from other countries ?

As long as Poland keeps the animals (Muslim extremists) out things should be safe.

To late for that, Europe is now infiltrated with them with millions more of them to follow.
You will be begging for America's support again when all hell breaks out so be nice.
24 Oct 2015 /  #13
Poles are now considered a high risk of not going back when their VISA's expire.

Ya sure blame everyone but yourself.

If it wasn't for the U.S. all of Ukraine would now be under the Russian flag.

Oh boy. Why do you Americans always think in such simple ways. Its either liberals or conservatives, east vs west, 0 or 1, etc for you isnt it?

I am not a fan of Russia or the US. Both are imperialistic jackasses, nation destroyers, and baby murderers.
The fact is though that the US supported the color revolutions and coups (in Ukraine and countless other places).
and now people are fighting to their deaths in Eastern Europe. Nuland herself said **** the EU.
Why cant the fat elephant just mind his own business and stay the **** out of Europe??

Why do you think the U.S. should just "give" Poland all this when all you ungrateful that bad mouth the U.S. only like the U.S. or E.U. when they are giving you something.

The only thing the US gave is membership to NATO and we dont even know if that helps because the US could simply dump Poland if it wanted to (see WWII).

Lets compare:
Your politicians suck up to the Jewish Zionist and AIPAC lobbies and send billions of $$$ to Israel.
You give them dozens and dozens of fighter jets, tanks and military support. I dont see you complaining.

What did the US send to Poland? A few broken f16s... its a big joke.
If this was a real alliance the US could actually send something serious to protect Poland.

The world is tired of the big players (like US, Russia, etc) using and abusing smaller countries for their own interests.
24 Oct 2015 /  #14
Who cares

Why cant the fat elephant just mind his own business and stay the **** out of Europe??

Those who do not remember history are condemned to relive it . We should have stayed out in WWI .
Crow  154 | 9260  
24 Oct 2015 /  #15
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
24 Oct 2015 /  #16
ISIS's threats aren't serious unless they make a video about it, and a random e-mail doesn't prove that it's related to ISIS, the arabic part that was shown in the e-mail had grammar mistakes which makes it less credible.
24 Oct 2015 /  #17


As an Agent Provocateur you are amazingly incompetent .
gregy741  5 | 1226  
24 Oct 2015 /  #18
is he? or maybe you are blind?

  • hmm..is that USA presidential candidate?one of most powerful guy in USA?
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
25 Oct 2015 /  #19
Ya sure blame everyone but yourself.

No, the facts put the blame where it belongs. I had nothing to do with it.

Why cant the fat elephant just mind his own business and stay the **** out of Europe??

I'll ask Obama first thing Monday morning.

The only thing the US gave is membership to NATO

How generous to protect you from Uncle Putin.

Your politicians suck up to the Jewish Zionist and AIPAC lobbies and send billions of $$$ to Israel.

They are our greatest allied because they are the only one with any balls to carry their own weight.

What did the US send to Poland? A few broken f16s... its a big joke.

What did Poland send the US ?

If this was a real alliance the US could actually send something serious to protect Poland.

We did YoYo, the US did put the missile defense in Poland you cried to take it out because it would make you a target for Uncle Putin.

Israel would have said, "thank you".
What in your mind makes you so deserving ? In Jamaica the saying is, "Nothing for Nothing".
Who do you fear invading you ?

The world is tired of the big players

I bet they are but when you have countries with life styles of a 32 hour work week and countless holidays while the big players countries work week is 40 to 60 hours per week with minimum holidays..........well you reap what you sow.

Everything that has built the US you are jealous of.
You hate capitalism, you call us dumb, you mock our ways as the most successful and greatest country in the world and then when the wind blows the other way you cry because you think the US should pay for and send all new military equipment along with billions of dollars to you because ?

Now fuzz nuts either join the PF as a member or don't expect another reply from me.
samipl  2 | 15  
25 Oct 2015 /  #20
America is very cleaver, whats major source of income America. sold weapons and other side he occupied on Petrol and got his monoply on Petrol...

thats why America wants 3rd wold war in this wold and want to kill innocent people again.......
in Afghnistan, Iraq war few Americans soldiers kill in lat13-14 years as compare to other soldiers (eu countries)
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
25 Oct 2015 /  #21
whats major source of income America.

In reverse order:
3: Taxes
2: McDonalds
1: Selling Crack

Please back on topic
Levi  11 | 433  
25 Oct 2015 /  #22
Yes, they are. And the Saudi-sponsored construction of mosques have ONLY ONE goal: Radicalize more youngsters. Radicalize those that lost their faith, to embrace Islam in its purest (and more radical form), the Wahabbism, to later destroy anything that doesn't accept Islam.

But the islamists are not plotting against Poland because Poland is part of Nato.

They are not plotting against Poland because Poland is allied with USA.

They are not plotting against Poland because Poland refuse more "refugees".

The Islamists are plotting against Poland for the simple reason that the Poles are, for them "Kuffar", "Sinful Pig-Eaters" and all other things that i heard living here at middle east.

Simple as that.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
25 Oct 2015 /  #23

Long time no see Levi. I will give you one thing: I personally find it difficult (or impossible) to trust anything "Saudi sponsored". The version of Islam they want to promote (even enforce) is... (edited).
mafketis  38 | 10911  
25 Oct 2015 /  #24
I personally find it difficult (or impossible) to trust anything "Saudi sponsored" The version of Islam they want to promote (even enforce) is highly destructive.

Has it always been this way or is this primarily the fruits of the Grand Mosque seizure in 1979? It's an event that people largely forget about but it seems in retrospect to have changed the course of the kingdom from (very, very slow and gradual) modernization to ever more harsh retrograde enforcement of religious rule and attempts (too successful) to export their peculiar version of Islam.

As recently as the 1960s most Muslim intellectuals were in favor of westernization (to some degree or other) and that seems to have changed so radically (and not for the better).

I'm hoping against hope that Tunisia can hold it together (despite the sabotage coming from the peninsula) and become a real functioning democracy (which would be a first in the Arab world).
samipl  2 | 15  
25 Oct 2015 /  #25
The Islamists are plotting against Poland for the simple reason that the Poles are, for them "Kuffar", "Sinful Pig-Eaters" and all other things that i heard living here at middle east.

Simple as that.

@ Levi
I do not believe it that Islamist are against of kuffar???

do you know how many innocent muslims (small children, womens, old people) killed after 9/11 till now.

this is war for power, Amerca want to controll all reserves of Petroll.

They have their independence country, culture and relegion. Islam does not allowed to kill innocent people.

please watch and Islam is not against christanity.

Polsyr  6 | 758  
25 Oct 2015 /  #26
Has it always been this way

The Al-Sauds have had a violent history from the start, including the promotion of violent/oppressive interpretations of religion to achieve political goals.
Levi  11 | 433  
25 Oct 2015 /  #27
" Islam does not allowed to kill innocent people.

please watch and Islam is not against christanity. "

Pakistani Guy, you forget that i live at an Islamic country. I don't need (and i don't want) you to educate me about what it is.

And you say that Islam doesn't allow kill of innocent people.

But for the Wahhabist Islamics, WE, KUFFARS, are not innocent. As i said, for them, i am a sinful pig eater that deserves to die unless i convert to Islam (or revert, like they say).

Hence, for them, they are allowed to kill us. And all the population of Poland that refuse Islam.
samipl  2 | 15  
25 Oct 2015 /  #28
Bro I am really very sorry for that what are you saying.....
But I believe...
In holy Quran Suraj Almaidha chapter 5 verse Allah says.........
if any one kill (muslim or non muslim) he kill all humanity. if any one save a ( muslim or non muslim) he save all humanity.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
25 Oct 2015 /  #29
i am a sinful pig eater that deserves to die unless i convert to Islam (or revert, like they say).

Not accurate, if you're christian you are considered from "al dallin" which means the "lost" , in a sense that you have been misled into believing that jesus is the son of god, so if you live under the rule of islam you have 3 choices, 1- you pay "al jzya" which is the special tax for christians because they don't have to fight in the muslim army and muslims are "protecting them" 2-you convert into islam 3-you should get out or you would be killed .
Polsyr  6 | 758  
25 Oct 2015 /  #30

Nothing good can come out of Wahhabism.

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