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Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
21 Jan 2011 /  #181
No,its about the banking crisis in general,being as europe and the US have interlinked econamies the US will naturally pop up as a part of the wider discusion,but your right,as usual,too much focus on having to compare the US and europe,guilty as charged(but I didnt start it.....;) )in the last page maybe,and if you complain that health care is irrelevant many would say its not,we compare euro Social health care to the US's private health care as europe is finding it hard to fund and the US are attempting to put more public funds into theirs to maybe find a middle ground that could work.
sascha  1 | 824  
21 Jan 2011 /  #182
For Germany the forecasts until now look quite g, but since Mrs. Merkel is insisting on the Euro I am not sure how long that will last. The possibility of future bail-outs is too big until the main problem is not solved.

Poland should get a bigger role in the economy because of its geographic position, potential in agriculture f.e.., but I suppose the big 3+1 have other plans...

You are right. Another US&A blabla...boring
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Jan 2011 /  #183
Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe

Nonsense. Poland is getting closer and closer to total collapse.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
21 Jan 2011 /  #184
Misery loves company the Europe is on brink of collapse, there be no more euro currency or even Europe union after this year.
Germany will pull out and bring mark back and welcome to fourth Reich
grubas  12 | 1382  
21 Jan 2011 /  #185
Poland is getting closer and closer to total collapse.

The sooner the better.Poles should learn from Tunisians how to deal with regime.
sascha  1 | 824  
21 Jan 2011 /  #186
Germany will pull out and bring mark back and welcome to fourth Reich

hahahaha...marek, that's unlikely to happen. D is so connected in EU and worldwide that for them there is no single path anymore...sure, they will lean on their economic power, why not? The question is more, how the others will respond to that?
George8600  10 | 630  
22 Jan 2011 /  #187
D is so connected in EU and worldwide that for them there is no single path anymore...sure, they will lean on their economic power, why not?

True, I think the fourth reich thoughts are your nurtured fear of Germans from your parents Marek. Sort of like Turks in Greece....pointless stereotypes.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11685  
22 Jan 2011 /  #188
Misery loves company the Europe is on brink of collapse, there be no more euro currency or even Europe union after this year.

May we meet in two years and all laugh about you! ;)

...I will be here! :)

welcome to fourth Reich

You say that as if that would be something bad....
What do you mean with that? A german dominated Mitteleuropa? Some say it's already there...
Why should we abandon it? ;)
22 Jan 2011 /  #189
A german dominated Mitteleuropa? Some say it's already there...

Hungarians are currently trying to form a Middle European block to oppose the hegemony
of Germany and France, but unfortunately the German puppet - Generalgouverneur Tusk
is not willing to co-operate, so I guess we're stuck with the Vysehrad Group for the time
being. However, when the Generalgoverneur loses power and we have a proper Polish prime
minister, then I guess it'll be possible to draw Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and, in the future,
Croatia and Serbia (possibly Ukraine) to join the V4 and form a strong Central European
Alliance to counter the two gay lovers' France-Germany tandem.

Unless, of course, Germans are wise and want to join the Mitteleuropa Alliance, where their
ties of culture and history are. They would be welcome, but it would require loosening the
ties with France, and I'm not sure if Germany is willing to do that. Probably not...

oh, well... we'll have a Central European Alliance without them then...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11685  
22 Jan 2011 /  #190

Another try for a slavic alliance then? ;)

And we are so not GAY Lovers!!! More like the old grumpy couple...

"Mitteleuropa alliance" sounds nice....And France has it's hands full with the Mediterraneans anyhow...let's do it!

PS: What's polish for "Mitteleuropa"?
22 Jan 2011 /  #191
Another try for a slavic alliance then? ;)

Romanians and Hungarians are hardly Slavic.

What's polish for "Mitteleuropa"?

Europa Środkowa


let's do it!

OK. You bring money, we bring the overall superiority of morality and honour. It might work ;)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11685  
22 Jan 2011 /  #192
*feels like the ugly old virgin which is only courted by doubtful men for her dowry*
22 Jan 2011 /  #193
ugly old virgin

You are ugly and old, all right, but you're hardly a virgin. That's why the dowry is so important ;)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11685  
22 Jan 2011 /  #194
I only hope the concerned groom knows that once he gets the dowry he has also a nagging, grumpy and cantankerous being in the house!

22 Jan 2011 /  #195
There's always a catch, isn't there? :-/

But seriously, with Germany in Mitteleuropa Alliance it's similar as with Russia in Slavic Alliance.
The temptation to dominate and rule may prove too strong and then it will all end up in a mess.
You have to at least try and be more discreet - for example, you can keep Tusk as your
generalgoverneur to rule Poland for you, but for crying out loud - at least don't openly give
him the Best Generalgoverneur prize in Aachen...


...as a reward for being a good puppet. You need more diskretion (if that's the word
I want), BB - much more of it :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11685  
22 Jan 2011 /  #196
You have to at least try and be more discreet

We so try! Can you see it how hard we try???

No other country in Europe is so pushing BELOW it's weight than Germany....really...

at least don't openly give
him the Best Generalgoverneur prize in Aachen...

But..but...but...everybody and his grandmom get's it! Don't sweat it! ;)

You need more diskretion (if that's the word
I want), BB - much more of it :)

Oh manno.... :(
southern  73 | 7059  
22 Jan 2011 /  #197
This crisis will last for very long time because the ones who govern refuse to retire and so noone is going to help them.It is incompetence and they will be overthrown by violent movement.First they must collapse economically go bankrupt and then lose power.

I am surprised that these idiots lasted so long.I waited a collapse earlier in 2007.
sascha  1 | 824  
22 Jan 2011 /  #198
This crisis will last for very long time because the ones who govern refuse to retire

Yes, the shocks on the stocks will repeat until they solve the major issue. Either they listen to independent experts(which you have enough) or the politicians go down the drain, with or without experts...

Anyway, we should prepare for some limping global financial system for some longer period.

Why do we need all that globalization that brought us here and who the fu1kk started this crisis??
Marek11111  9 | 807  
23 Jan 2011 /  #199
Anyway, we should prepare for some limping global financial system for some longer period.

we need to proper for economical armageddon as politicians will not change as they think the music is still playing and they are dancing, it will be war or series of small conflicts around the world.

and who started this crisis?
Clinton sighing , Larry Summers and Rubin by supporting , McCain and Graham by writing the bill and bringing it to vote deregulating banking, that allowed speculation and derivative trade as bets around the world exploded, the rest is history as Goldman such and jp Morgan sold securities around the world. it was the biggest theft from tax payers around the world.

someone said the best way to rob a bank is to own one.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jan 2011 /  #200
It has it's origins in Reaganomics and Don Regan.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
23 Jan 2011 /  #201
Romanians and Hungarians are hardly Slavic.

strange, according to some posters on PF even the Germans are Slavs.
stallion  3 | 15  
23 Jan 2011 /  #202
Give it a rest already.

Some slavs were germenized


Just like you were americanized.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11685  
23 Jan 2011 /  #203
we need to proper for economical armageddon as politicians will not change as they think the music is still playing and they are dancing, it will be war or series of small conflicts around the world.

What makes you think after such an "armageddon" things will change to the better?
What better alternative you have in mind in the first place???

People aren't going to change just because of another catastrophe....
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
23 Jan 2011 /  #204
What better alternative you have in mind in the first place???

The Kingdom of Heaven!
Babinich  1 | 453  
23 Jan 2011 /  #205
Clinton sighing , Larry Summers and Rubin by supporting , McCain and Graham by writing the bill and bringing it to vote deregulating banking, that allowed speculation and derivative trade as bets around the world exploded, the rest is history as Goldman such and jp Morgan sold securities around the world. it was the biggest theft from tax payers around the world.

If you believe that the US started all of this and that's a big if, does one really have to be remained that there are two sides to a trade?

Western Europe's medical care systems, employment philosophy & EU membership slight of hand is the cause for your woes.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
23 Jan 2011 /  #206
If you believe that the US started all of this


What makes you think after such an "armageddon" things will change to the better?
What better alternative you have in mind in the first place???

I do not know if it will change for better but I hope we can learn fro it.

now in U.S. the states are talking about bankruptcy as they do not have money to pay their obligations, i do not think that is good sight.

better alternative system for me would be bank of north Dakota one state that has surplus money.
no more stories like this one.

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jan 2011 /  #207
What I am hoping is North America and the EU get it together and finally work on competing against Asia. That is why we are having so many problems! We import way too much from Asia and we make very little to sell to them. Naturally, there's an imbalance. Not enough is coming in, too much is going out.

It's time to get together and form a trade blockade. That way, we don't have these financial crisis and our standard of living doesn't devolve.

The answer is not to become more like Asia but to beat them at their own game.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
23 Jan 2011 /  #208
The Kingdom of Heaven!

Nah,the muslims and jews own that piece of real estate these days,dont look much fun to me....unless your not actually refering to Outremmer :)

It's time to get together and form a trade blockade.

"We" tried that in the 19th century,those pesky Chinamen just wouldnt buy our class A narcotics any more so we invaded,set up "international" trade cities ,tied up trade in that area for years had soldiers from all over the world forcing china to kowtow,but all that led,more or les directly to China adopting communism..or rather a Moaist splitter version of being communist.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
23 Jan 2011 /  #209
Just like you were americanized.

I guess, it's a first hand information, lol
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
23 Jan 2011 /  #210
What I am hoping is North America and the EU get it together and .. not to become more like Asia but to beat them at their own game.

Getting together is a concept in socialism, not a concept in capitalism which is based on individualism. Dangerous ones are not North nor South America, nor EU and nor Asia, but, Africa. They can eat everythings as they have been hungry for a long time. West should be thankful to China for supporting Africa financially in last years.

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