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Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
16 Jan 2011 /  #1
In the third quarter of 2010 Poland reported a 4.2 percent economic growth in comparison with the same period in 2009. "Further growth of the Polish economy is expected," Christoph Witte, head of German Kreditversicheres Delcredere, told Die Welt.

Only slowly the Germans can get used recently to apply again as the economic engine of Europe . Maybe because it calms a little , it still right next door is another engine that is a bit smaller , but even runs faster : Poland . "Together with Germany , Poland is the driving force of Europe" , says Christoph Witte , Germany - Chief of the credit insurer delcredere ." In the third quarter of 2010, the Polish economy has grown year on year by 4.2 per cent - so Poland is the Eastern European country with the strongest economy ."

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
16 Jan 2011 /  #2
Yeah...Germany/Poland is becoming the "terrible duo" of Europe ;)

Belarus Accuses Poland, Germany of Takeover Plot

MOSCOW - Belarus accused Poland and Germany on Friday of plotting to overthrow President Aleksandr G. Lukashenko and impose a puppet government with the aid of paid provocateurs from the Belarussian opposition.

guesswho  4 | 1272  
16 Jan 2011 /  #3
No wonder, both Slavs, lol
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
16 Jan 2011 /  #4
Nah....germolishe super power! ;)

..or so...
guesswho  4 | 1272  
16 Jan 2011 /  #5
I'd say ... or so...lol

Now all you got to do is to get out of the EU and create a new country Germland or so
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
16 Jan 2011 /  #6
It makes a lot of economic sense for Poland and Germany to work together. This is good (present) Polish leadership to move forward and put away old bad blood.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
16 Jan 2011 /  #7
This is good (present) Polish leadership to move forward and put away old bad blood.

OK, that's true. Anything is better than another war. Then again 6.8bln people is too much for the earth to handle ;-)

This will be a great thread PennBoy, just wait until the insurgents will join it. You know who I mean, the Nostradamus 2011 and his gang. The end of days mafia.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
16 Jan 2011 /  #8
Yeah...Germany/Poland is becoming the "terrible duo" of Europe ;)

"Belarus Accuses Poland, Germany of Takeover Plot" HAHA Lukashenko has been isolated for so long he's developing schizophrenia.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
16 Jan 2011 /  #9
What do you expect, he probably "watched" The end of Belarus movie.

The end of something is pretty popular recently.
George8600  10 | 630  
16 Jan 2011 /  #10
And that fool Balcerowicz would like to torpedo this achievement by drastic cutting of a moderate government deficit, when that spending is helping drive the economy. An ideologue who has learnt nothing from his own mistakes.

No wonder, both Slavs, lol

Germans aren't slavs.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
16 Jan 2011 /  #11
Germans aren't slavs.

"I've learned" on this forum that Germans are Slavs. (lol)
Marek11111  9 | 807  
16 Jan 2011 /  #12
no they are not they have some Slav blood in them as Slavs have some German blood in, but totally different ethnic groups.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
16 Jan 2011 /  #13
She's being sarcastic about Crows comments that Germans are basically Slavs.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Jan 2011 /  #14
"I've learned" on this forum that Germans are Slavs. (lol)

Nah,cant be true,Ive "learned" on here that the celts were slavs as well,being as Britain is largely populated by germano celtic types I cant see certain members accepting the English as Slavs can you,their argument collapses in a spluttering of lemon tea :)
guesswho  4 | 1272  
16 Jan 2011 /  #15
no they are not they have some Slav blood in them as Slavs have some German blood in, but totally different ethnic groups.

Thanks Marek11111, at least I can depend on your knowledge. I knew I can't learn anything on PF.

Nah,cant be true,Ive "learned" on here that the celts were slavs as well,being as Britain

We've been misled. That's not nice. I don't understand why they constantly do it to us.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Jan 2011 /  #16
We've been misled. That's not nice. I don't understand why they constantly do it to us.

Its a conspiricy,must be true though as every time Ive been to Poland everyone Ive met presumes Im of Polish heritage(same thing happens when I meet russians ...) coming back to visit "my roots". Ok,I maybe understood the time I visited when I was sporting a huge 'tasch,or the time when I was dressed in full uprising gear for a memorial event,but the others were a puzzle to someone who can trace their family back 12 hundred years to an area of england 60 miles from my house. Maybe this whole thing about a "Slavic look" is either all part of the conspiricy,or completly true,I look Slavic because my celtic and viking ancestors were really Slavs,wow! ;)

ps,I wish Id known this when Peter Weir was casting for Master and Commander,maybe he's in on the conspiricy too(remember,he's an aussia,and rupert murdoch shows you cant trust them), maybe I could have joined the 20+ Polish actors he cast because they looked like 18th century english peasantry/rough tough sailors.... :)
guesswho  4 | 1272  
16 Jan 2011 /  #17
Its a conspiricy,

I look Slavic because my celtic and viking ancestors were really Slavs,wow! ;)

Well, when they tell you here that you're a Slav then of course it's true. I'm using this forum strictly as a source of wisdom and I take everything for granted whatever I "learn" here.

Recently, I started having my suicidal thoughts since I've found out here that "The end of America" is coming soon.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Jan 2011 /  #18
Recently, I started having my suicidal thoughts since I've found out here that "The end of America" is coming soon.

lol,dont panic too much, the end of the british empire happened 50 odd years ago,since then we had the Beatles,invented the mini skirt,gave David Bowie to the world,had one of the first female leaders,produced me,defended 12 inbreds and 15milion penguins and sheep from a south american dictatorship,won a strange game called cricket (and a small tub of wood ash)that goes on for weeks a couple of times from a country with 1/8th our population and gone bonkers over it,given HBO most of its lead actors,.......

The closing of one door leads to the opening of another :)
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
16 Jan 2011 /  #19
I've found out here that "The end of America" is coming soon.

Yes and if it doesn't happen there's going to be some very disappointed Europeans and Canadians apparently.

Sad.. but whatever gets you through the night.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
16 Jan 2011 /  #20
lol,dont panic too much

How can I ignore all the "facts" presented by the Nostradamus 2011 and his "The end of days mafia" on PF? It would be an insult toward their "authority"?

I've found out here that "The end of America" is coming soon.

That was my post (sorry).

and if it doesn't happen

You meant, when it doesn't happen :-)
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Jan 2011 /  #21
Yes and if it doesn't happen there's going to be some very disappointed Europeans and Canadians apparently.

The majority of competent Americans are well insulated from any issues that might come out of falling US bond sales (and the inflation that follows). Don't worry, we'll be just fine. Those living in debt however, well, dumb decisions bring about the pain. It will probably suck pretty hard for those people that decided to live off of borrowed money instead of building up capital of their own in what is probably the easiest market in the world. Ah well, c'est la vie, I'm not paying for the stupidity of others. In the mean time, I'm doing pretty well, I'm guessing most competent people over there are too.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Jan 2011 /  #22
Just incase you misunderstood me,I dont want to "lash out" so to speak and cause any offence here(god,that must sound so english to you pete)but;

Glad you said some europeans,I for one would much rather have a strong and stable US than an unchallenged China,or even say Brazil,sure I often disagree with the policies your leaders implement just as I do with my own countries but when I cant stand Tony bLiar it hardly stands to say I cant stand all my neighbours...

presented by the Nostradamus

crikey,must be true then!!!!!

Sad.. but whatever gets you through the night.

I find posting meaningless drivel on here does that,yep.

Those living in debt however, well, dumb decisions bring about the pain. It will probably suck pretty hard for those people that decided to live off of borrowed money

True enough here too,Im just glad my grandparents had such an influence in my childhood,they were of the generation that the word Credit was worse than the F word. Proud to say Ive made it 34 years without a credit card,Im by no means rolling in money but I own my home outright so although I do worry a bit about this down turn Im able to ride it out,even being out of work temporarily.

Sorry,but the western world just went mad for credit ,literaly bonkers,cant live on the never never for ever.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
16 Jan 2011 /  #23
crikey,must be true then!!!!!

Yes and that's what makes me so sad. I just hope that when we'll go down, we won't be left alone and our Slavic brothers from the UK and Germany will go down with us.
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Jan 2011 /  #24
Proud to say Ive made it 34 years without a credit card,Im by no means rolling in money but I own my home outright so although I do worry a bit about this down turn Im able to ride it out,even being out of work temporarily.

Amen to that. That kind of follows the German/Polish business mindset of careful expansion and paying your own way. The consumer mindset on the other hand....

Anyway, you're in a much better position in any situation being debt free. Most German and Polish SMEs are completely debt free. They'll have (and are having) a field day cashing in on their fiscal discipline during the "downturn".
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Jan 2011 /  #25
Amen to that. That kind of follows the German/Polish business mindset of careful expansion and paying your own way. The consumer mindset on the other hand....

exactly,maybe it was the combination of their generation and the national stereotype,heck,theres even a phrase in Polish about being as mean as a Scot isnt there :)

Its funny though because Im the first to admit im rubbish with money,I dont save as much as I should and though I can seem tight sometimes I can just as easily blow all I have on silly extravagances. But I think thats the difference,When its gone its gone,I dont expect anyone to give me any more till Ive earned it and its cash in the bank so to speak.

It helps that I dont have a family to support,thats a whole different ball game,been there (in a "step" way) and know the games different then,but our parents or grandparents did it. They basically started with nothing but their wedding presents and took years to fully furnish their houses,it was only in the 50s for the US and 60s for the UK that it all got turned into the got to have it right now mindset.

If somethings worth havng its worth waiting for.

Yes and that's what makes me so sad. I just hope that when we'll go down, we won't be left alone and our Slavic brothers from the UK and Germany will go down with us.

Crikey,thats a bit Gotterdamerrung,sure your not a German? Oh wait,germans are Slavs,silly me.....
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
16 Jan 2011 /  #26
Yeah...Germany/Poland is becoming the "terrible duo" of Europe ;)

In that German article I see quite a few references to "Deutschland und Polen". That's interesting. The new bad boys of Europe? LOL At least according to a certain country.

Yeah maybe German-Polish relations and cooperation, though not perfect, is better then thought.

No wonder I've been liking Germany more lately LOL
guesswho  4 | 1272  
16 Jan 2011 /  #27
Crikey,thats a bit Gotterdamerrung,sure your not a German? Oh wait,germans are Slavs,silly me....

well, according to the "facts" presented on PF, the Germans and Celts are Slavs. I'm just repeating what I've "learned" on PF and I told you that to me, the PF is the only acceptable source of wisdom.
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Jan 2011 /  #28
But I think thats the difference,When its gone its gone,I dont expect anyone to give me any more till Ive earned it and its cash in the bank so to speak.

Absolutely. Spend what you got, borrow to make more. Borrowing money to spend it would have garnered a smack from my grandparents.

In that German article I see quite a few references to "Deutschland und Polen". That's interesting. The new bad boys of Europe? LOL At least according to a certain country.

There exists a very good synergy between German capital and expertise, and Polish labor that is cheap, and more importantly, very adapt to learn (and progress). Plenty of entrepreneurial Poles are taking the knowledge gained (and that was already there), and using their connections to German capital to bring it to market. It's a good system that is mutually beneficial. Labor costs are rising in Poland, but so is the quality of labor. German companies aren't just investing in Poland because it's cheap... You can see quite a bit of middle management in German companies with investments in the 'wild East" coming from Poland.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
16 Jan 2011 /  #29
Segments of the economy rely on investing. Most people cannot invest without borrowing. If you don't borrow, you don't grow the economy. Simple as that.
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Jan 2011 /  #30
Borrowing to invest is night and day to borrowing to consume.

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