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Poland's Department of Defense reports 24th anniversary of Radio Maryja

5 Dec 2015 /  #1


Minister of Defense Antoni Macierewicz took part in celebration of 24th anniversary of Radio Maryja. He wasn't the only high ranking official in there - there was also Zbigniew Ziobro (Justice), Mariusz Błaszczak (Internal Affairs), Jan Szyszko (Environment), and a couple of well known politicians.

Radio Maryja is a well known and controversial Roman Catholic radio station, known for antisemitism, bigotry and politics. Department of Defense felt obligated to write about Radio Maryja anniversary on its front page.
Crow  154 | 9566  
5 Dec 2015 /  #2
Radio Maria is ultimate radio. One may be even surprised by the achievements of that radio. In a time when EU and NATO magnates were on the top of their power, when they sought to destroy Yugoslavia, Radio Maria was among those free media that raised their voice in defense of Serbians and spoke openly about German (western European) involvement in dissolution of Yugoslavia. Representatives of Polish intellectual patriotic elite founded shelter there and were able to air their thought exactly thru Radio Maria.

That is my perception of this radio.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
5 Dec 2015 /  #3
That is my perception of this radio.

Can we ask if you are a catholic Crow? If you understand Polish, you might know it is (just a little) obsessed with mentioning Jesus in every sentence...:)

As well as separating senile old people from their pensions (allegedly).....

They play some cracking classical music though:)
Crow  154 | 9566  
5 Dec 2015 /  #4
Can we ask if you are a catholic Crow?

i am Orthodox St. Sava Christian and as all know we Serbians in our faith preserved elements of old Slavic rodoverie in its Christianized form. little bit of Jesus, little bit of Svetovid and you get spirit that is spirit of one Novak Djokovic.

If you understand Polish, you might know it is (just a little) obsessed with mentioning Jesus in every sentence

Jesus is Jesus.

i somewhat understand Polish, most of it over similarity of these two Slavic languages. i was able to listen Radio Maria in Polish on youtube, with and without translation in English or in Serbian. Then, we in Serbia also listen Radio Maria sometimes. Mostly elderly population and when political comments occurs then also intellectual elite.

As well as separating senile old people from their pensions (allegedly).....

eh? i never heard of it before

They play some cracking classical music though:)

its ok. Really
Ironside  50 | 13053  
5 Dec 2015 /  #5
Radio Maryja is a well known and controversial Roman Catholic radio station, known for antisemitism, bigotry and politics

Actually those are simple lies and slander made by neo-Marxist, ex-commie secret police types, oligarchs, progressives and other trash.

Department of Defense felt obligated to write about Radio Maryja anniversary on its front page.

Well, that PiS for you, showing off.

As well as separating senile old people from their pensions

I heard that you were doing the some but to unsuspected students for a change, hence your multiple mansions (allegedly).
5 Dec 2015 /  #6
Radio Maryja is a great radio.

It is awesome that the minister atended the ceremony.

And is also funny to see all the muslims of this forun going nuts just because one of the ministers of Poland (a catholic country) attended the ceremony of a catholic radio
Crow  154 | 9566  
5 Dec 2015 /  #7
Let us give some space to Radio Maria here. This radio of free deserve it, on this forum of free. This was aired on Radio Maria back in 2008 > One needed to be brave to air this >> Admin please leave this link as it is >>>

Rola Niemiec w rozbiciu Jugosławii (Role of Germans in destruction of Yugoslavia) - Prof.dr hab. Jerzy Robert Nowak, Radio Maryja (2008-04-26)


If there was no media like Radio Maria we Serbians maybe wouldn`t make it and our resistance maybe wouldn`t endure against combined Germano-Anglo-Islamic attack.

Radio Maryja is a great radio.

God bless you
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
5 Dec 2015 /  #8
hence your multiple mansions (allegedly).

"Mansions" is a euphemism, which I have made no secret of :) Just because I dislike socialist policies in a poor country doesn't necessarily mean one is financially secure.

I care about my adopted country because I live here and will in all likelyhood die here.

And yourself? :))
Crow  154 | 9566  
5 Dec 2015 /  #9
Radio Maria in Serbia - goes in Serbian language and in languages of nationals minorities: Hungarian, Slovak, ...

Often themes are mutual Christan solidarity and what connects all Christians

5 Dec 2015 /  #10
obsessed with mentioning Jesus in every sentence

Same as the US mentioning their vision of democracy and freedom all the time. Albeit being agnostic i'd prefer Jesus. He doesn't bomb and kill those who think differently.
OP Borsukrates  
6 Dec 2015 /  #11
Jarosław Kaczyński just said there would be no victory without Radio Maryja. And that there can be no Poland without (catholic) Church.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Dec 2015 /  #12
no Poland without (catholic) Church.

And he's right. If people of the cosmopolitan/globalist Church-bashing Brit Bully ilk had predominated during the partitions and the Church had not kept the national spirit alive, probably no Poland would have emerged after World War I. So too Radio Maryja has served as a counterweight to the Millers, Michniks and Biedrońs of this world by providing patriotic Catholic Poles with their own information, cultural and spiritual media outlet.
OP Borsukrates  
6 Dec 2015 /  #13
being agnostic i'd prefer Jesus. He doesn't bomb and kill those who think differently

That's just not true. Do you know about the 11/27/2015 Colorado Springs shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic ? 3 dead, 9 wounded. The article doesn't specify any details about the shooter's motives, but it's easy to figure out.

Not counting the above, Christian defenders of life killed 8 doctors and other workers at abortion clinics. There were also 17 failed attempts.
Check out Eric Rudolph, James Charles Kopp, Scott Roeder.
National Abortion Federation reported 153 attacks, 100 attacks with acid, 41 planted bombs.

Christians attacking other faiths in US:
September 2012 - Wade Michael Page shot 6 people in a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
2008 - Jim David Adkisson killed 2, wounded 7 in a unitarian church in Tennessee.
1995 - Timothy McVeigh parked a truck loaded with explosives at admnistration building. 168 killed, 700 wounded, 324 destroyed or damaged buildings. It was retribution for the ranch of Branch Davidians (Waco), an offshoot of seventh-day adventist church. McVeigh himself was roman catholic.

Anti-balaka in Central African Republic. Destroyed hundreds of mosques, performs genocides (over 1000 people) and even cannibalism. Amnesty International reports several thousands were forced out of the country. After a couple of pogroms in Bangua the number of Muslims in the city dropped from 138000 to 900. Humanitarian organizations estimate 600,000 people had to leave their homes in Central Africa due to Christian terrorism. The country has 4700000 people total.

Uganda - Lord's Resistance Army, several dozen thousands killed, kidnappings, massacres, rape, torture, slave labor. Their goal is a theocracy based on the Decalogue. They wear rosaries and read Bible before battles.

India - National Liberation Front of Tripura - converts people by force. They're armed by a local Baptist church. Several dozens killed, including a popular priest Shanti Kali. 11 attacks on his churches, orphanages and schools.

NCSN - ethnic purges against Kuki, killing almost 100, currently deals in drug trafficking to Birma, arms trade, kidnappings, etc. Their motto: "Nagaland for Christ".

China - Eastern Lightning (Church of Almighty God). Riots, assaults, especially on children, who are particularly susceptible to possession. Blinded a 6 year old boy.

Anders Breivik - called himself a cultural christian. He cared enough to condemn Pope Benedic for trying dialogue with Islam. Bombed 8, shot 69 to death.

Verdict - Nope, Christianity isn't special. Those are just recent examples, everyone knows about Ku Klux Klan or genocides in Africa and North America. They were done in the name of Christ. Even buddhist monks went to war en masse.

Szwilpo  - | 2  
7 Dec 2015 /  #14
Albeit being agnostic i'd prefer Jesus. He doesn't bomb and kill those who think differently.

You're right, instead he threatens to burn people for an eternity who think differently than he does.
Atch  22 | 4299  
7 Dec 2015 /  #15
Jesus never preached anything about hell. Quite the opposite. 'This is my blood, it will be shed for you and for all men so that sins may be forgiven.'
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Dec 2015 /  #16
sins may be forgiven

He also said when absolving the prostitute's transgressions: "Go and SIN NO MORE!"
Those trying to bend Catholicism into justifying their own libertine permissiveness act as if he had said: "Go and keep on sinning!"
Forgiveness requires contrition, the acknowledgement that what one was doing was sinful, penance and a firm resolve to "clean up one's act"!
7 Dec 2015 /  #17
Poland is now being run the same as any Islamic totalitarian state. If you're not a Catholic right-winger get out while you still can. The separation of church and state was mostly a fiction here anyway.
7 Dec 2015 /  #18
falafel_akbar I think you are quite right, I do not think that you can separate the church from the state in Poland, and I am sure that both are very important to the Polish people, so it is not surprising that Radio Maryja has the support of some politicians and government departments.

I guess it is the same as in many islamic countries where religion and politics a closely tied together, but I tend to look at this as diversity and freedom of choice in action, people can choose to live in a Liberal country such as uk,germany,france or a more traditional spiritual country, It is good to be able to choose to live in a country that suits you best.
G (undercover)  
7 Dec 2015 /  #19
Poland is now being run the same as any Islamic totalitarian state.

Yes, infidels need to pay a special tax, women can't drive cars, Macierewicz personally carry out public execution and Duda push homos off the roofs :))))))))
OP Borsukrates  
8 Dec 2015 /  #20
Radio Maryja is a great radio.

It aspires to be a Catholic radio. But it's quite common to hear hate speak on Radio Maryja. On one occasion a person called and said (former president) Komorowski is "worse than Hitler". The host did nothing to distance himself from that, quite the opposite Rydzyk chimed in that "Hitler also had his proffessors". Finally he heartily thanked the caller, giving an impression it's okay to call president like that. A president whose crime was allowing in vitro.

Hitler ordered genocides and initiated wars. So Komorowski was worse than that ? Really ? To give some perspective, people felt it was okay to shoot and throw bombs at Hitler. If we let people talk like that about a person who killed no one, someone's going to try and kill him.

So how is it okay for a catholic radio to spread hate ?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 Dec 2015 /  #21

Oy vey !

hate speak

Isn't it "hate speech" ? Go and do some review of your commie vocab...

If we let people talk like that about a person who killed no one, someone's going to try and kill him.

So far the only (at least officially) political assassination in post-commie Poland was that of a PiS politician.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Dec 2015 /  #22
your commie vocab...

Remind us who appointed a PZPR member to lead a human rights commission?
OP Borsukrates  
8 Dec 2015 /  #23
How does it fit Catholic radio to call an ordinary president "worse than Hitler" ? Explain. Why does a Catholic radio incite hatred against presidents, Jews, gays, etc ?
Ironside  50 | 13053  
8 Dec 2015 /  #24
In the USA you would be found guilty of slander and forced to part with a large chunk of your money. In Poland you are save as Judicial system is based mainly an commies and their progeny.
OP Borsukrates  
9 Dec 2015 /  #25
Yes, infidels need to pay a special tax

PiS plans to remove broadcasting fees for social broadcasters. Full list of social broadcasters below:

Radio Maryja 467 tys. zł
Radio Fara
Radio Jasna Góra 6,5 tys. zł
Radio Orthodoxia 1 tys.
Katolickie Radio Rodzina
Radio Rodzina Diecezji Kaliskiej 1,2 tys. zł
Radio Katolickie Zbrosza Duża 215 zł
Ain Karim Radio Skomielna Czarna
Telewizja Sadyba
Katolicka Telewizja Serbinów

Catholic broadcasters in bold. Honorable mention - Radio Orthodoxia, which is not catholic but christian orthodox.
9 Dec 2015 /  #26
In the USA you would be found guilty of slander and forced to part with a large chunk of your money

Actually no, truth is always an absolute defence against charges of slander or libel.

PiS plans to remove broadcasting fees for social broadcasters.

So basically it's a half million zloty bribe to Radio Maryja; how very surprising.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
9 Dec 2015 /  #27
Actually no, truth is always an absolute defence against charges of slander or libel.

Actually yes because he tells lies.

So basically it's a half million zloty bribe to Radio Maryja; how very surprising.

Tell us more Harry as evidently you are an expert on bribes.

Catholic broadcasters in bold.

Cannot STAND religion move to North Korea.
OP Borsukrates  
9 Dec 2015 /  #28
Cannot STAND religion

Cannot STAND democracy move to Białoruś, North Korea, China, Hungary or Russian Federation.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
9 Dec 2015 /  #29
No, you cannot stand religion and democracy majority of Poles are Christians and have nothing against region you are in minority and a freak, you move to North Korea where you belong.

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