I bet the Polonius, Johnny, Lokek and anti equality consorts, do not know any gay and therefore have no idea what they go through in Poland.
I know of a few gay people and even have a couple of gay friends.
They keep their gay life to themselves since it is a private matter and really no one's business.
They live in peace.
Just like I don't go around telling everyone that I am "openly hedrosexual Christian" for attention.
Do I DEMAND my rights for being a persecuted Christian by the Liberals and DEMAND the laws be changed ?
But when the homosexuals march down the street flaunting for attention DEMANDING to be accepted against the laws of the land, against the laws of the church, against the laws of nature, against the culture
of the country and being they are only 1.5% of the population what do they expect.......to be accepted by society with open arms.
People who have children get to use each child for a tax credit.
Do you see people marching down DEMANDING since they have no children that they want the equal
benifits of people with children.
It's a persons choice on the life style they want to live and by making that choice understand that consequences come with choices and you have to be responsible and accountable for those choices.
When the 1.5% of Gays have kept their PRIVATE sexual preferences to themselves it seemed no problem until they wanted to "express" themselves for attention and DEMAND equal rights with their "Progressive"
thinking and demands.
Wouldn't it be nice if the people without children got the same tax break for those that didn't have any.
Wouldn't it be nice if our soldiers got paid as much as a McDonalds worker.
Wouldn't be nice if the Christians weren't being persecuted.
Wouldn't it be nice if we all had the same equal rights no matter even if we were only 1.5% ofthe population.
It would take a fairy living in a fairyland to think otherwise.