like we read so often here show psychogical disorders...
You mean the abnormal homosexuals.
InPolska, does this describe you by any chance ?
all of them unbelievers, all of them ex-pats to Poland, all of them try to convince the P.F. that the Polish people accept such ilk
How about this one ?
which blew their pat answer of, "you don't live here, you have never been here so how would you know", out of the water.
Your pat repley again and again and again that is meaningless.
Yes, Johnny who has NEVER been to Poland and who does NOT speak a word of Polish
You really should get some new material.
Johnny and others: stick to what you PERSONALLY have experienced if you want to be a tiny bit credible!
Better idea, accept the fact that you are a ex-pat in a foreign Christian country and want to change their culture with immorality from the Godless country you come from.
You really should stop promoting your personal beliefs in Poland and do as the Poles do or go back home.
I have yet to talk to a Polish person in America or in Poland that approves of the LGBTLMNOP's.
It's very nice that you live in Warsaw however your self authoritive opinion holds no more water then mine.
The last thing the Polish people want is to chance their culture to be like France. Ewww !
Now go feed your chickens.