Laws for harrassment of people should be applied evenly. I don't think homosexuality was ever outlawed in poland?
Yes, they're applied evenly and Polish laws have generally been fairly sensible - ahead of a lot of other places.
who still in the 60s were castrating war hero's for being gay?
We should all of us be very angry about the persecution of Alan Turing. The guy invented computers and cracked the wartime Enigma FFS, if he'd lived a few more decades the world's technology may have been very different.
But pre-natal murder and calling abnormal sexual hook-ups marriage
Based on some of the things you write and the appallingly inflammatory language you use - intended to offend, the internet term is 'flaming' - you come across here as very much a bitter and unpleasant individual disappointed with life, utterly without redeeming features and perhaps with things to hide. Sooner or later someone less discreet than myself will first take offence at your comments and then take pleasure in discussing certain things here on the forum.
So far, you've ranted on about 'sodom and gomorrah', 'excretory orifices', 'perversion' and now you've inexplicably started banging on about the evils of family planning, another of your favourite subjects.
Anyone sensible and moderate who reads those rants is likely to take the opposite view - as I've said before, you do yourself no favours.
And although you'd doubtless like there to be no human rights in Poland, as it was in your heyday, there is no going back at all, and reforms in Poland - as in the rest of Europe - will continue in a direction that you dislike.