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Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Apr 2016 /  #961
lunatic fringe

The lunatic fringe want to speed up the rush towards a gigantic clash between the forces of warring Islam and the forces of degenerate decadence. Any bet on who will win?
Ironside  51 | 13127  
25 Apr 2016 /  #962
Do tell...

Ever heard about Sodom and Gomorrah? All things were there a norm - or to put it better there were lack of norm - everything goes. Everything you wish for was there aplenty and those who were talking about some limited morality and need to introduce boundaries (like forbidding incest ) were a laughing stock.

Seem that there were in the past societies who didn't survived and collapsed onto themselves due the their nature. Yet, you supporting those who want to reintroduce fallen ideas - how would you call it if not turning back the clock?
jon357  72 | 23712  
25 Apr 2016 /  #963
Sodom and Gomorrah?

A myth. Do you believe in the pillar of salt, the talking donkey and the jacob's ladder too?

Seem that there were in the past societies who didn't survived and collapsed onto themselves due the their nature

Not one society has ever 'didn't survived and collapsed' to to upholding human rights.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Apr 2016 /  #964
Sodom and Gomorrah?

So you don't believe there were blokes that would eschew the ladies and b*gger other blokes instead ? If it didn't happen, how could it have been written about?
jon357  72 | 23712  
25 Apr 2016 /  #965
b*gger other blokes

There you go again, Po. Interesting that you fixate on that aspect of the myth, and not any of the other parts of the story. But then again, you are fixated on the subject. I wonder why a 75 year old American would spend his days online ranting about such things.

~And it doesn't for even one second alter the cold hard fact that human rights are respected here in Poland.
Ironside  51 | 13127  
25 Apr 2016 /  #966
A myth

In every myth there is a kernel of truth. The dawn of humanity doubtlessly seen many comminutes and societies that introduced varies rules and norms and amongst them surly were those that opted for everything goes for one reason or anther. In the curse of a natural selection those 'everything goes' communities lost the race as many others less cohesive communities, doubtlessly amongst those losers were also some societies that were too strict.

Not one society has ever 'didn't survived and collapsed' to to upholding human rights.

Well, they didn't survive and collapse due to inherited flaws that lowered or nullified their competitive abilities.
A human rights concept without Christian religion to back it up are simply a laughable concept that nobody would take seriously.
In the same way as people of your political persuasion that use that venerable human right concept to gain a political goal in fight for privileges to people just because their sexual practices differ from those of the majority.

Its down right strict me as ridiculous form the logical point of view and what more that has nothing to do with human rights. It simply speaking unfair.
jon357  72 | 23712  
25 Apr 2016 /  #967
In every myth there is a kernel of truth

And in that particular myth, the whole point is about hospitality to newcomers...

A human rights concept without Christian religion to back it up

No single religion 'owns' human rights - in fact the greatest progress has always been made in the face of religious objections, nor are most people so fanatically obsessed with the subject as organised homophobes.

And human rights are still respected in Poland, as is the rule of law.
Ironside  51 | 13127  
25 Apr 2016 /  #968

I see we made a nice loop and after you ignored most of my points you moved back to what you are best at - repeating slogans. Have a nice day.
jon357  72 | 23712  
25 Apr 2016 /  #969
ingrain most of my points

Because they aren't really points connected to this topic since yes, Poland does respect human rights.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Apr 2016 /  #970
Poland does respect human rights.

Who said Poland does not respect human rights, among the right to free speech which the PC dictatorship often tries to suppress,? But pre-natal murder and calling abnormal sexual hook-ups marriage are not rights, they are crimes and aberrations. And here it will stay that way because Poland fortunately chose to opt-out of EU interference in family legislation. Ireland opted out on military matters, Britain on labour laws and things.
Marsupial  - | 871  
25 Apr 2016 /  #971
There is human rights and there is extra righrs for special humans. Laws for harrassment of people should be applied evenly. I don't think homosexuality was ever outlawed in poland? Try further east. I hope it's not backward muppets asking these questions who still in the 60s were custrating war hero's for being gay?
jon357  72 | 23712  
25 Apr 2016 /  #972
Laws for harrassment of people should be applied evenly. I don't think homosexuality was ever outlawed in poland?

Yes, they're applied evenly and Polish laws have generally been fairly sensible - ahead of a lot of other places.

who still in the 60s were castrating war hero's for being gay?

We should all of us be very angry about the persecution of Alan Turing. The guy invented computers and cracked the wartime Enigma FFS, if he'd lived a few more decades the world's technology may have been very different.

But pre-natal murder and calling abnormal sexual hook-ups marriage

Based on some of the things you write and the appallingly inflammatory language you use - intended to offend, the internet term is 'flaming' - you come across here as very much a bitter and unpleasant individual disappointed with life, utterly without redeeming features and perhaps with things to hide. Sooner or later someone less discreet than myself will first take offence at your comments and then take pleasure in discussing certain things here on the forum.

So far, you've ranted on about 'sodom and gomorrah', 'excretory orifices', 'perversion' and now you've inexplicably started banging on about the evils of family planning, another of your favourite subjects.

Anyone sensible and moderate who reads those rants is likely to take the opposite view - as I've said before, you do yourself no favours.

And although you'd doubtless like there to be no human rights in Poland, as it was in your heyday, there is no going back at all, and reforms in Poland - as in the rest of Europe - will continue in a direction that you dislike.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Apr 2016 /  #973
family planning

Your so-called "family planning " via infanticide clearly shows you hail form the land of "1984". Wasn't the propaganda ministry there called the Manistry of Truth and others were also unaptly named? Herr Hitler had his "final solution"; Ceaușescu called the desturction of traditonal village life a "systemisation campaign", "Family plannign", "marriage equality" even the term "gay" are all clever euphemisms designed to sugar-coat reality.

As for discussing things on the forum by those less discreet, I'm all for it. I know you did your share of snooping, lurking in the shadows at night and even following me to church one Sunday. Still, feel free to spill the beans. Rememebr I proposed we all use our full names and contact data on PF and neither you nor any of your tagteam mates seconded the motion. Got something to hide?
jon357  72 | 23712  
25 Apr 2016 /  #974

Is a very important principle in Poland. Sometimes it falls down, however essentially the law is observed and above all human rights are respected, however much that scares you.

even following me to church one Sunday.

Really - I wonder why you think that. In fact I don't even know which church you attend.

snooping, lurking in the shadows at night

Likewise. Though as you know, we were neighbours once and you don't exactly have a low profile in that bit of Warsaw for various reasons best not gone into here.

Evidently accuracy and truth matter little to you; this has been proven by your 'sharia zones', 'armed attack dogs', 'cosy corners' etc, etc...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Apr 2016 /  #975
'sharia zones', 'armed attack dogs', 'cosy corners' etc, etc...

All suppressed by teh PC dictatorship. Except the attack dogs were never armed. That's your concoction. Do you imagine they gave each member of K-9 a mini-kalashnikov?! The PC fanatics think they can wish thingn away by changing their names or pretending they don't exist. Some fools actually fall for that ruse, apparently you're among them.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
25 Apr 2016 /  #976
however essentially the law is observed and above all human rights are respected, however much that scares you.

God's Law supersede Mans law jon, that is what scares you.
That is why you have to profess to be an atheist to avoid this dilemma.

and reforms in Poland will continue in a direction that you dislike.

With expats as yourself promoting such ilk that contradicts the Church of Poland and it's culture that makes sense.
Poland may have to start being like Russia and start throwing the perverts out to save their culture.
jon357  72 | 23712  
25 Apr 2016 /  #977
God's Law supersede Mans law jon, that is what scares you.

Being neither an atheist nor scared, that doesn't make much sense.

Poland and it's culture

Poland and its culture are far more complex and multifaceted than you may think...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Apr 2016 /  #978
the Church of Poland

Which church would that be, then?

Seems pretty obvious that Johnny Reb's not a Catholic, eh Jon?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Apr 2016 /  #979
ou come across here as very much a

You come across here as very much a biased, opinionated, one-sided individual fixated on promoting libertinism and undermining the heritage and values of the country that gave you safe haven. Like the bloke who came to dinenr and then tried to take over the place.
jon357  72 | 23712  
25 Apr 2016 /  #980
undermining the heritage and values of the country

The problem with that, Po, is that Poland is and has always been a plural society with a rich and very varied heritage and values. Not just your skewed interpretation of a Poland that never was.

gave you safe haven

Safe haven from what?

One thing about Poland (the side of Poland that you despise), that same Poland that gave you safe haven, is that it has both a centuries old liberal tradition and a respect for privacy, the law, the constitution (which you pretend to loathe) and, of course, human rights. Including for people who identify as LGBTI.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
25 Apr 2016 /  #981

So there is an extra letter in it now? I'm not sure what Intersex means, I'm sure this forum has at least one expert who could explain.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 Apr 2016 /  #982
They're always adding letters... just a week or two ago I heard the word 'cissexual'... I don't think i even want to know what that means..

every letter except N for Normal...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
25 Apr 2016 /  #983
just a week or two ago I heard the word 'cissexua

It looks like cissexual means normal or as someone prefers not transsexual.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Apr 2016 /  #984
has always been a plural society

There have always been fringe groups, indeed. But the mainstream of Polish society was ethncially Polish and Roman Catholic, as reflecetd by its cultrue, tradition and morality. Other ethnic groups -- Jews, Ruthenians, Armenians, Tartars, etc. -- existed in their own communities and did not integrate much with ethnic Poles by mutual consent. Ethnic Poles sinning agaiast nature (ie homos) were dealt with by the Church. Not sure how Jews and others handled the problem.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 Apr 2016 /  #985
ot sure how Jews and others handled the problem.

Homosexuality is highly forbidden in Judaism - yet they propogate this in our society because as they say 'That's for the goys!'

Brother Nathaniel - Why Jews Push Gay Marraige
25 Apr 2016 /  #986
People bang on about normal, what constitutes normal or abnormal.

Well if you are a genuine red blooded heterosexual man why on earth would you take a vow of celibacy?
That is completely abnormal.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
25 Apr 2016 /  #987
Well if you are a genuine red blooded heterosexual man why on earth would you take a vow of celibacy?

Orthodox priests are allowed to be married.
Crow  155 | 9736  
25 Apr 2016 /  #988
in talks about reunion of Catholic and Orthodox Christian Churches, one of things that is in consideration is that in reunited Church priests can be married.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Apr 2016 /  #989

What happened to the Q?
jon357  72 | 23712  
26 Apr 2016 /  #990
It's hiding in your closet...

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