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Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?

Crow  154 | 9463  
13 Jul 2015 /  #811
Its not that horrible if somebody is homosexual but, i call Poles to refrain themselves from it. Much better is to love vagina and to have children.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Jul 2015 /  #812
Its not that horrible if somebody is homosexual

But it's nothing to be proud of!
Crow  154 | 9463  
13 Jul 2015 /  #813
sure, sure, its something private. i love vagina privately and don`t scream on the street about it. For example i don`t scream: ``io voglio donna, io voglio donna!``
14 Jul 2015 /  #814
Was there democratic Polish disrespect for Lesbians human and civil rights in this case?
How did I NOT see that coming !
damn.............. there's GOT to be MORE Liberal Political Correctness involved here...... somewhere !
(as in "abusing Co-owned Domestic Property" or...... abuse of a 'Male-Oriented' or..... abuse of Synthetic - "Partner".
This is all getting so confusing.
jon357  72 | 23361  
14 Jul 2015 /  #815

Is that in Poland? A link or it didn't happen. Not that it's even half interesting or relevant to human rights...

i love vagina privately and don`t scream on the street about it.

Do you 'scream on the street' about much?

This is all getting so confusing.

Why would you need to 'understand' other people's private lives?

This is all getting so confusing.

I suspect you're used to that...
Englishman  2 | 276  
14 Jul 2015 /  #816
Much better is to love vagina

So you support lesbianism? Gay women love vagina too, not just us straight men :-)

Seriously, why would it matter to you who someone loves or what they like doing in bed, provided they don't try to impose their preferences on your right to enjoy yours? I'm not gay, but I have nothing against people being that way.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
14 Jul 2015 /  #817
@Englishmman: Well said! In short "live and let live".
Atch  22 | 4299  
14 Jul 2015 /  #818
Seriously, why would it matter to you who someone loves or what they like doing in bed,

Englishman, if you read more of Crow's posts you would see that he's not homophobic. He has quite an easygoing attitude about it. I think you've misunderstood. Although he's a bit of a crazed pan-Slavic nationalist he seems quite sensible in some respects!
jon357  72 | 23361  
14 Jul 2015 /  #819
Englishman, if you read more of Crow's posts you would see that he's not homophobic. He has quite an easygoing attitude about it.

That's how I read his posts.

So you support lesbianism?

A very valid point - women seem to be ignored in this thread
InPolska  9 | 1796  
14 Jul 2015 /  #820
I do too believe that Crow is not homophobic. He sures loves women but has nothing against gays and lesbians. As a matter of fact, I am surprised because nationalists and on top of that in that part of Europe are strongly anti homosexuals.
jon357  72 | 23361  
14 Jul 2015 /  #821
Most likely he's one of those people who simply never thinks about it. Whereas those people who don't identify as LGBT but think about it rather too much are a different story...
InPolska  9 | 1796  
14 Jul 2015 /  #822
@Jon; It is not normal to be obsessed by other people's sexuality, even if not 24/7 like someone does here ;).

Probably crypto or bad experience with ONE person that happens to be gay/lesbian so he puts them all in same bag ;).
jon357  72 | 23361  
14 Jul 2015 /  #823
other people's sexuality

@InPolska, but is it truly "other people's", that's the question.


Bingo. And hates that about themselves and causes them too much stress which they externalise.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
14 Jul 2015 /  #824
It is not so easy to acknowledge one's homosexuality (family, work, society....) even in more tolerant environments so it leads to frustration and hatred. It is always interesting to "study" the homophobes....

Polsyr  6 | 758  
14 Jul 2015 /  #825
Shh... now he will come and blast us with a lecture from his JK49, slippery slope style, on how he sees us reaching incest and beastiality via LGBT rights.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
14 Jul 2015 /  #826
@Polsyr: I don't have anyone in mind ;). I just talk in general ;).

We have either the crypto or the guy/woman whose spouse left with someone of the same sex or whose kid happens to be gay/lesbian.

Hatred for a group is not a coincidence.

The only way to break that hatred is to meet and interact with others.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
14 Jul 2015 /  #827
@InPolska: I don't have anyone in mind either :) I love all people equally.
johnny reb  49 | 7971  
14 Jul 2015 /  #828
It was the feminist movement that caused guys to go gay.
It became so overbearing that women made themselves obsolete to the mama boys.
The Lesbains now have their boyfriends BOB. (battery operated boys)
The Gay men have each other.
This is the Liberal Progressive Agenda to guarantee human rights to
"enrich" the cultues of the world.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
14 Jul 2015 /  #829
@Polsyr: ;).

But seriously, such hatred is not normal.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
14 Jul 2015 /  #830
@InPolska: it is not hatred, it is confusion...
InPolska  9 | 1796  
14 Jul 2015 /  #831
@Polsyr: probably, but it beats me when I hear/read so much hatred. I know I'm very naive ;)
johnny reb  49 | 7971  
14 Jul 2015 /  #832
What is so confusing about Christians hating SIN ?
Atch  22 | 4299  
14 Jul 2015 /  #833
Johnny, the posters as we know, are talking about the views of a particular person on this forum, not about Christians in general. That person really seems to loathe homosexuals. I can honestly say that living in a Catholic country myself, I have never heard such bitter, angry, hostile words coming out of the mouths of my fellow Christians as I have from you-know-who. You certainly don't come across that way. You come across to me anyway, as a conservative, traditional person with some fears and concerns for the future of the USA but you don't seem to be a hateful person. In fact I would say you are a kind-hearted individual with more good feeling towards your fellow man than bad feeling. You have a sense of humour and enjoy a good old confrontation. The other poster never seems to show anything other than disgust, contempt and anger towards almost everyone on this forum and the world at large.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jul 2015 /  #834
nothing against people being that way.

Does that include those who get people sacked, demoted or fined for not agreeing with the LGBT agenda?
14 Jul 2015 /  #835
Before we can assess whether it included any Polish people who are sacked, demoted or fined for not agreeing with the "LGBT agenda", you'd need to show us that such people exist. Instead you tell us about people from your own country who you claim to have been sacked, demoted or fined for not agreeing with the "LGBT agenda" but in reality were sacked, demoted or fined for committing crimes such as assaulting a subordinate or distributing hate speech publications to subordinates.

That person really seems to loathe homosexuals.

Self-hatred is very common amongst people who have spent their lives in a closet.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jul 2015 /  #836
any Polish people

Foolish are those incapable of antiicpating what is (according to jon) unstoppable. Poland is no exception. All pathologies and problems found in other countries eventually seep into Poland. When the LGBT crowd strengthens its stanglehold ihere, freedom fo speech will also be threatened and the same abuses will occur in Poland. It's best to be prepared rather than being caught off guard.
Englishman  2 | 276  
14 Jul 2015 /  #837
Polonius, I'm against people being penalised for not supporting 'the LBGT agenda'. I'm also in favour of penalising people who discriminate against, persecute, threaten or insult those different to themselves. You have a right to an opinion, but you have no right to behave offensively.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
14 Jul 2015 /  #838
I agree wholeheartedly, Englishman! That having been said, I must conclude that certain topics here on PF tend to bring out the more animalistic instincts among us, and regrettably, civility tends to go out the window:-)

Let it be said therefore, that I support the rights of those who live alternatively to live as alternatively as they jolly well please. Although I might not concur with their choices, certainly the Church ought not prevent them from joining Communion. After all, it was G_d who created them, not the bloody Church!!

Remember, man proposes, G_d disposes (Człowiek strzela, pan Bóg nosi kule.)
Crow  154 | 9463  
14 Jul 2015 /  #839
How did I NOT see that coming !

horrible. Good that my grandmother didn`t sow that scene. She would get trauma and after that would at least one year (if not till the end of life) speak about `last days`.
Englishman  2 | 276  
15 Jul 2015 /  #840
It was the feminist movement that caused guys to go gay.
It became so overbearing that women made themselves obsolete to the mama boys.

Really? Can you prove it? And how do you account for men who love feminist women (and vice versa)?

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