How did they do it?
Only one way Pol3, with seed from a male as God intended. (Husband & wife as defined in Marriage)
I'm not a guest here: I have the legal right to be here,
All guest have legal rights, such as yourself, to be in Poland Harold.
You are really no one special Harold.
while they rant about same-sex marriage
Absolutely as it is a Liberals tactic to stay relentless on a subject until they get what the want.
Like little kids stomping their feet for ice cream.
They drive their parents bonko nuts with their crying rant until their parents give in.
This is what the 1.5% of the Homo's have done.
It's all getting quite amusing really.
I concur as the libertine's replace the word
moral with
The Polish people are seeing what "Progressive" Liberalism has done to "enrich" neighboring countries.
Some "guests" from those neighboring failing countries move to moral Poland and bring with them to promote not only immoral behavior but what has destroyed their home country and promote it in Poland.
So I ask you, "Why would the Polish people respect such immoral behaviors that they have seen first hand
help destroy neighboring countries culture ?"
So yes, I do agree, it has become most amusing to listen to your endless rants to promote such filth to a Christian country.