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Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?

Polsyr  6 | 758  
5 Jul 2015 /  #661
Stalinist or Hitlerite

Knowing how both were extremely brutal towards homosexuals, how can you say such a senseless thing?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jul 2015 /  #662
a senseless

Totalitarian tactics were being highlighted. Regardless of whether the agenda is promoitng Naziism, Stalinism or sexual perversion, the tactics rarely vary and include stick & carrot, friendly persuasion, pressure, intimidation, blackmail, counting on peer pressure and comfomrity and if that doesn't work.. then BANG, POW, CRASH!!!
Lolek222  - | 79  
5 Jul 2015 /  #663
Very eloquent. Not.

So you say. I think I just nailed it proper, no pun intended.
jon357  72 | 23712  
5 Jul 2015 /  #664
Knowing how both were extremely brutal towards homosexuals, how can you say such a senseless thing?

Indeed. Not one word is grounded in fact or reality. It really does come across as an unhealthy preoccupation by someone who just can't accept that Poland, as with the whole European Union, respects the rights of LGBT people.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jul 2015 /  #665
fact or reality

Pray tell then what was the step by step procedure whereby something unthinkiable in 2000 when pro-DOMA sentiments prevailed led to bloeks being allowed to marry. Did it relaly happen overnihgt by the wave of a magic wand. No-one put any effort into it, spent no money, created no PR copy? LGBT doesn't exist, there is no agenda and no lobby?

If it doesn't pertain to Poland, then maybe you're saying Polish gays will do somethign different to ahcieve their goals than propaganda, pressure, intimidation, threats, etc. used int eh West and maybe strat torching churches. In one breath you repeatedly say "what does this have to do with Poland?" and in the next -- this is unstoppable.
jon357  72 | 23712  
5 Jul 2015 /  #666
Public opinion evolved, Pol3, despite massive lobbying by the bigots - who were so rabid that they did themselves no favours in the end. And lost dismally. Rather like your coarse rants here and the effect they have on a disinterested reader...

People can and do make their own mind up - and the tide is turning in Poland. LGBT people are no longer in hiding, and the non-LGBT majority can see that they are perfectly normal people and form their own impressions.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jul 2015 /  #667
despite massive lobbying by the bigots

There was no massive lobbying by the "progressives", was there? There were no mawkish Hollywood films and soaps baout the nasty US army major father who threw his homo son out of the house but his kind-hearetd mother (sob, sob) brought him food where he was staying... People jsut all of a sudden made up their own mind. But what about LGBT tactics, concrete measures...that's what the question was about. In life nobody just gets a medal or Oscar or Noibel Prize and few if any laws just get passed without plenty of behind-the-scenes haggling, deal-making, palm greasing, etc. Judges also know which side their bread is buttered on.
jon357  72 | 23712  
5 Jul 2015 /  #668
People like true stories...

In life nobody just gets a medal or Oscar or Noibel Prize and few if any laws just get passed without plenty of behind-the-scenes haggling, deal-making, palm greasing, etc. Judges also know which side their bread is buttered on.

Codswallop - if they'd voted the other way, you'd have been praising them.

And in Poland, the constitutional framework for full equality already exists...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jul 2015 /  #669
constitutional framework

Yes, and only the framework which means pervs won't be marrying hereabouts anytime soon. And after IV RP is fully in place....look forward to a Poland for decent, patriotic, family-minded Poles true to their Catholic heritage.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2015 /  #670
Fortunately, there's no chance of the IV RP happening. Even PiS have more or less forgotten about the whole idea, not least because it's completely unelectable.

Let's not forget that much of the anti-LGBT stuff coming from PiS was just for the consumption of the media and the uneducated classes and not backed up with any real intent.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2015 /  #671

The project to cleanse Poland of post-commie and post-PO grime and scum may be called something else, but it's the ultimate outcome that counts.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2015 /  #672
And who will they be replaced with? PiS supporters, of course.

Nice to see that you advocate removing ordinary people from their jobs for the sake of political patronage.
jon357  72 | 23712  
6 Jul 2015 /  #673
decent, patriotic, family-minded

Precisely the people who support equal marriage, i.e. the majority...

The project to cleanse Poland

That's so funny.

Nice to see that you advocate removing ordinary people from their jobs for the sake of political patronage.

Well, some people are used to that sort of thing, aren't they...
6 Jul 2015 /  #674
It's true that evil contains the seeds of its own destruction. People in Poland look at those who are frothing at the mouth and ranting about same-sex marriage inevitably leading to people being forced to marry their own dogs and for four-year olds having compulsory mutual masturbation lessons at kindergarten; then they look at the likes of Biedron and Grodzka, who are clearly good at their jobs and normal, especially when compared to the frothing ranters. That really helps the cause of Poland's LGBT citizens.

It really does come across as an unhealthy preoccupation by someone who just can't accept that Poland, as with the whole European Union, respects the rights of LGBT people.

Fortunately our guests who can't accept it can always go back to their own countries. Here in Poland there are fewer and fewer people every month who don't respect the rights of LGBT people in Poland (and outside Poland).
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2015 /  #675

So Grodzka turns you on? Interesting! À chacun son goût!

who will they be replaced with

Also PO members finally realising their party was little more than a front for crooks and scam artists, Jerzy Buzek's relative for one has joiend the Gowin group. Not all Platfusy are nitwits!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2015 /  #676
People in Poland look at those who are frothing at the mouth and ranting about same-sex marriage inevitably leading to people being forced

Yes, you're definitely right. The vast majority of sane people will see people like Biedron actually standing up for them, while the foaming mentalists have done absolutely nothing for them. The logical conclusion is that LGBT citizens are good, while foaming raving mentalists are clearly bad.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2015 /  #677
who support equal marriage

Poland is among the fortunate countries that havecourageously withstood pro-homo brainwashing and sledge-hammering and not only disallows the distortion of marriage in its own terrtiory but also does not recognise those pseudo-marital hook-ups on paper contracted abroad. A PiS/United Right victory will surely help protect the country from the pervert onslaught. The only loser will be Poland's pink wig & feather industry!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2015 /  #678
Polonius, may I ask (given your prolific contribution in this thread) - what is your personal experience with LGBT citizens?
6 Jul 2015 /  #679
Poland is among the fortunate countries that havecourageously withstood pro-homo brainwashing and sledge-hammering and not only disallows the distortion of marriage in its own terrtiory but also does not recognise those pseudo-marital hook-ups on paper contracted abroad.

Actually, Poland does recognise the marital rights of same-sex couples; in fact, Poland is legally required to recognise the marital rights of same-sex couples. Some Polish officials might think that they can still discriminate against same-sex couples, but the reality is that they cannot. The only question is how much of the taxpayer's money will be wasted before that lesson is understood.

A PiS/United Right victory will surely help protect the country from the pervert onslaught.

There is no pervert onslaught in Poland; there never has been and there never will be. As for a possible PIS government, I'd prefer to see a government led by a homosexual who was honest about his sexuality than by a closet homosexual who completely denies his sexuality.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2015 /  #680
prolific contribution in this thread

Exactly the opposite of your and your Brit Bully mates' obsessive promotion of legalised perversion. You and your cohorts have been deluded into believing that the breakdown of the family, the undermining of morality, the anarchisation of society through the promotion of "anything goes" lifestyless are somehow goals to be striven for. All true Chrsitians believe the supreme values to be the traditional married family raising their own "biological" children, a religion-based ethical system, social stability and human decency. It's a simple as that.
jon357  72 | 23712  
6 Jul 2015 /  #681
Actually, Poland does recognise the marital rights of same-sex couples; in fact, Poland is legally required to recognise the marital rights of same-sex couples.

This is the key to the whole thing. Poland does respect the civil rights go LGBT people, whether Pol3 and his ilk like it or not.
6 Jul 2015 /  #682
Poland does respect the civil rights go LGBT people

Personally I'd like to see public officials who make decisions which result in Poland losing court cases being held responsible for the costs of those cases. Poland is certain to lose any cases which are brought by same-sex couples whose rights have not been respected by Polish public officials, but the public officials who made the decisions will suffer no negative consequences as a result of their bigotry; however, tax-payer money will be wasted as a result of those decisions.

whether Pol3 and his ilk like it or not.

Well, some of those people can always just go back to their own countries if they no longer like being guests in Poland.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2015 /  #683
I'd prefer to see a government led by a homosexual

It's quite obvious from your forceful, downright obsessive and horse-blinkered promotion of so-called altersexual "rights" that you'd welcome Grodzka for President and Biedroń for PM. Dream away, there's no law against it!

One wonders, however, how many votes such a ballot would attract.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2015 /  #684
One wonders, however, how many votes such a ballot would attract.

Certainly. A good reminder is the Slupsk mayoral election, in which Biedron defeated the PiS candidate in the 1st round and then defeated the PO candidate in the 2nd round.
6 Jul 2015 /  #685
It's quite obvious from your forceful, downright obsessive and horse-blinkered promotion of so-called altersexual "rights" that you'd welcome Grodzka for President and Biedroń for PM.

I would welcome the right person for any job, regardless of their sex, sexuality or race. It's a pity that you can't say the same.

However, I would very much think that a homosexual man who lies to the world about his sexuality wouldn't be a good choice for a position of trust, and for that reason I wouldn't support such a man for such a post. Apparently you do, in some cases anyway.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
6 Jul 2015 /  #686
Personally I'd like to see public officials who make decisions which result in Poland losing court cases being held responsible for the costs of those cases.

It was the bigots (moral) that elected the bigot (moral) public officials in a vote to represent them as bigots (moral) as they saw fit so therefore the Homo's should be held responcible for those costs for causing the losses to the bigots (moral).

Replace the word BIGOT with MORAL which help you understand your mis-use of the word bigot Harold.
It sure sheds a new light on your rants dunnit ?

however, tax-payer money will be wasted as a result of those decisions.

It's the tax-payers money being wasted period on something so IMMORAL.

Well, some of those people can always just go back to their own countries if they no longer like being guests in Poland.

I was wondering why you are staying in Poland, As A Guest, with all the bigots (moral) around you there Harold.
6 Jul 2015 /  #687
It was the bigots (moral) that elected the bigot (moral) public officials in a vote to represent them

No, that's the way it works in your country. Here in Poland public officials are not directly elected. For example, the official who recently decided that the child of a Polish woman cannot have a Polish passport because the child is the daughter of two married women was not elected by anybody. Perhaps it would be better if you limited yourself to only commenting on things that you have a vague clue about?

I was wondering why you are staying in Poland, As A Guest, with all the bigots (moral) around you there Harold.

I'm not a guest here: I have the legal right to be here, just as same-sex couple have the legal right to have their human and civil rights respected here. And there are fewer and fewer bigots here every month, which is one reason why the few remaining ones are frothing more and more at the mouth while they rant about same-sex marriage inevitably leading to people being forced to marry their own dogs and four-year olds having compulsory mutual masturbation lessons at kindergarten. It's all getting quite amusing really.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jul 2015 /  #688
the child is the daughter of two married women

Have you come onto somwthing no-one else has. Maybre you'll qualify for a Nobel. Two women having a child is quite a feat. How did they do it?
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
6 Jul 2015 /  #689
How did they do it?

Only one way Pol3, with seed from a male as God intended. (Husband & wife as defined in Marriage)

I'm not a guest here: I have the legal right to be here,

All guest have legal rights, such as yourself, to be in Poland Harold.
You are really no one special Harold.

while they rant about same-sex marriage

Absolutely as it is a Liberals tactic to stay relentless on a subject until they get what the want.
Like little kids stomping their feet for ice cream.
They drive their parents bonko nuts with their crying rant until their parents give in.
This is what the 1.5% of the Homo's have done.

It's all getting quite amusing really.

I concur as the libertine's replace the word moral with bigot.
The Polish people are seeing what "Progressive" Liberalism has done to "enrich" neighboring countries.
Some "guests" from those neighboring failing countries move to moral Poland and bring with them to promote not only immoral behavior but what has destroyed their home country and promote it in Poland.

So I ask you, "Why would the Polish people respect such immoral behaviors that they have seen first hand
help destroy neighboring countries culture ?"
So yes, I do agree, it has become most amusing to listen to your endless rants to promote such filth to a Christian country.
jon357  72 | 23712  
6 Jul 2015 /  #690
For example, the official who recently decided that the child of a Polish woman cannot have a Polish passport because the child is the daughter of two married women was not elected by anybody

They're going to clear up in compensation because of that, and I can see case after case in Strasbourg.

I'm not a guest here: I have the legal right to be here, just as same-sex couple have the legal right to have their human and civil rights respected here.

Worth mentioning that the OP in this thread isn't a Polish citizen or even an EU one at all! That's by the by though - Polish law respects the human rights of all who are there, LGBT or not, Black, white, Xian, Jewish, Muslim etc - human rights are absolute and not negotiable.

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