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Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?

Lyzko  44 | 9731  
1 Jul 2015 /  #541
The same folks here in the States who scream about "equality" and such, are the same white European Christians who claim to feel "surrounded" by so-called minorities fast becoming the majority.

Recently met a middle-aged woman whose last name, Jensen, was noted by a passer-by as Danish, to which this woman replied, "Yes, that's right! We're a minority groups too."

The problem with people who claim to be homophILES under the guise of desiring "free expression", is that W.A.S.P. expression was always free....everybody else's wasn't:-)
1 Jul 2015 /  #542
Never heard of the bastard

So you have never heard of somebody but you still want to call him a bastard. Do you think that that is showing respect for somebody? If that is the respect you show for people, it's no wonder that you show zero respect for the human and civil rights of Poland's LGBT citizens.


There was no catastrophic ruling on marriage last Friday. There instead was a ruling which is widely supported in your country and which will has been warmly welcomed by a lot of people here in Poland; just have a look at people's Facebook profile photos if you doubt that.
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
1 Jul 2015 /  #543
Harry, I think they were joking. Probably "bastard" was being used as when one says, "Kraft-WHO?? Never heard of the bloke!
jon357  72 | 23712  
1 Jul 2015 /  #544



So in fact more hysteria from a dodgy far-right source.

There was no catastrophic ruling on marriage last Friday. There instead was a ruling which is widely supported in your country and which will has been warmly welcomed by a lot of people here in Poland; just have a look at people's Facebook profile photos if you doubt that.

26 million Facebook likes so far for those coloured profiles. And the latest surveys show a clear majority of support for the Supreme Court's ruling that equality means exactly that.

Fortunately, in Poland, something like WND would have a small audience - far-right homophobic media sources are less popular than more enlightened ones
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2015 /  #545
warmly welcomed

Warmly welcomed by perverts worldwide.And why wouldn't they welcome more perversion and depravity -- lay it on mates!

a pervert?

A pervert is anyone who engages in perversion, and perversion is anything that goes against nature.
The rectum was designed solely for one-directional excretion. Constantly inserting something into an organ not equipped to handle such trauma is obviously cancer-producing. If that is not a perverison, nothing is.

A non-conservative, non-Chrsitian and purely medical site states:
Gay and bisexual men are at significant risk for developing anal cancer, and testing them for the disease would save many lives, says a new study in the American Journal of Medicine.

jon357  72 | 23712  
2 Jul 2015 /  #546
Constantly inserting??!?

obviously cancer-producing.

In what way does this nonsense relate to human rights legislation in Poland?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2015 /  #547
n what way does this nonsense relate

It relates to the conspiracy of silence by LGBTQ propagandists like yourself also in Poland. All this information -- the high-risk factors, health hazards and medical research -- IS BEING DELIBERATELY SUPPRESSED for propaganda reasons.

We only hear the high-sounding slogans -- freedom, democracy, rights, equality -- and the lie that gays are just like anyone else. Obviously not in the field of health. Concealing the facts from the public is like saying no Catholic priests are guitly of sodomy or paedophilia, It's like Auschwitz denial or the Katyń lie. We can call it the BIG GAY LIE -- only PR and window dressing but no hard, objective facts. Additiomnally, that movement's totalitarian image is really falling into place with reprorts of attempts to silence and even remove those who refuse to repeat the GAY LIE. Jon's sledgehammer is indeed swinging.
jon357  72 | 23712  
2 Jul 2015 /  #548
the conspiracy of silence by LGBTQ propagandists


he high-risk factors, health hazards and medical research

And what? None of those things have the slightest impact on human and civil rights in Poland or elsewhere.

Additiomnally, that movement's totalitarian image

In your mind
Polsyr  6 | 758  
2 Jul 2015 /  #549

Quote from the above:
"transsexual people may experience specific barriers in access to health care services"
2 Jul 2015 /  #550
perversion is anything that goes against nature.

Let me guess, you're posting via a completely natural computer, right? It's powered by a wind turbine and made entirely of things which were made by nature.

Anyway, if you're so opposed to same-sex marriage in Poland (and in your own country), why do you give money to companies which support same-sex marriage?
Polsyr  6 | 758  
2 Jul 2015 /  #551
companies which support same-sex marriage?

Would that include the Roman Catholic Church, the world's largest tax-exempt business?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2015 /  #552
Roman Catholic Church

Is one of the institutions that have remained steadfast in calling sodomy sodomy and marriage a union of man and woman. And that despite heavy-handed pro-homo propaganda, threats and reprisals like the sacking of US army chaplains true to their faith.

natural computer

Hitting the bottle or snorting coke this early int he day? You may not be the brainiest bloke around but comparing an inanimate man-made object to human misbehaviour, perversion and indecency is worse than apples and oranges. It's like comoaring a glass of milk to a bulldozer.
2 Jul 2015 /  #553
Is one of the institutions that have remained steadfast in calling sodomy sodomy and marriage a union of man and woman.

Well, that's not entirely true, is it. The RCC is more than happy for a marriage to be between a man and a child, isn't it.

Which raises an interesting point, when Poland's LGBT citizens are finally given the right to marry the person of their choice here in Poland, do you think the age limits which should be placed on them should be the age limits pursuant to Polish law or to Vatican law. If one were to apply Vatican law about ages to same-sex marriage in Poland, it would be possible for Polish children to marry each other!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2015 /  #554
on human and civil rights i

Since you have repeatredly used that ruse ot back out of providing substantive arguemtns, why not start a thread specifically devoted to the gay community in Poland and elsewhere. You'd be the ideal person to do so. Since you are promoting them so intensivwly, shouldn't the rest of society learn more about that group? For instance income level (suppsoeldy high becuase they are said to be luxophiloic, but maybe that's only an urban legend). Educaitonal level, gravitation towards certain professions, attitudes to politics, religion, marital, fideltiy, promsicuity, life expectancy, typical hobbies and pastimes, etc., etc.

Why keep them cloaked in mystery?
jon357  72 | 23712  
2 Jul 2015 /  #555
hy not start a thread specifically devoted to the gay community in Poland

Read the title of this thread.

ou'd be the ideal person to do so

Actually, Pol3, the dozens of existing threads on here are all started by yourself...



Why keep them cloaked in mystery?

What mystery?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2015 /  #556
Read the title

It goes on and on just about "rights" -- a political concept. What about attitudes, econ and educational status, profressional life, political preferences, religion and a myriad other things outside the realm of just "rights".
jon357  72 | 23712  
2 Jul 2015 /  #557
The title is unimportant.

Perhaps we should ask the mods about that one.

not just clowns in pink wigs and feathers marching in parades.

Ooh no. Some of them are clowns in golden mitres, black & red birettas and violet chasubles marching in processions.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2015 /  #558
dozens of existing threads

But they have not generated any meaningful input from you and others. We still don't know the median income and educaitonal status of gays in £ódź or Białystok compared to local non-gays.

BTW, that should have been luxophilic (luxury loving).
jon357  72 | 23712  
2 Jul 2015 /  #559
he median income and educaitonal status

In what way does either of the above affect human and civil rights in Poland?

These are broadly respected for all citizens, residents or visitors regardless of income, age, educational level, race, religion or other superstition, skin colour, nationality, sexuality or gender.
Atch  22 | 4299  
2 Jul 2015 /  #560
We still don't know the median income and educaitonal status of gays in £ódź or Białystok compared to local non-gays.

And who cares? Apart from yourself. A desperate effort to keep this thread alive so that you can carry on talking about your favourite subject. 'Now if I can just get them to buy into the idea of 'researching' the gay community in Poland, sure I can go on and on about homos for another six months at least on this thread alone'. Oh woe is me.......
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2015 /  #561
And who cares?

So you also belong to the sweep-everything-under-the-rug faction, bring on the sugar-coated slogans and to hell with the truth. There's no law against it!
2 Jul 2015 /  #562
There's no law against it!

Maybe, but there certainly is a law in Poland against violating the dignity of Poland's LGBT citizens.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
2 Jul 2015 /  #563

Yet some are in total denial and have clearly lost their wits. The question that is the title of the thread has been well answered.

The rest is essentially a couple of people trolling or spreading hate speech because they are not satisfied with the answer, and a few people trying to keep the trolls and haters under control.

If you don't like the fact that the law in Poland protects all citizens then you don't have to live in Poland. But sitting several thousand miles away in USA or KSA and whining about it won't change anything. If you have something hateful to say there are many portals for your hate speech with plenty of losers listening/reading/watching. This forum is not one of them.
Atch  22 | 4299  
2 Jul 2015 /  #564
So you also belong to the sweep-everything-under-the-rug faction,

Stop your nonsense, I mean who cares how much homosexuals earn?? Comin' over 'ere takin' our jobs and our men...........hee,hee!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2015 /  #565
the dignity of Poland's

And Poland's Catholic communtiy which some PF-ers like to ride rough-shod over.
Re your head-count obsession, I thought someone would clue you in by now but I reckon nobody has becuase you're still harping on it. Contrary to your misconcpetion, the sole condition of being in good stead with the Church is to do one's annual Easter duty. You don't know what that means, so tough luck!
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
2 Jul 2015 /  #566
So far as I've been brought up, G_d hears the prayers of us ALL, be they gay or straight; it's the Church that seems to have gone deaf:-)
Wroclaw Boy  
2 Jul 2015 /  #567
Ohh Lordy Lord:

Lyzko  44 | 9731  
2 Jul 2015 /  #568
Christian in name only, don't forget!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Jul 2015 /  #569
same-sex marriage in Poland

Sodomitic "marriage" will never be legalised in Poland in your lifetime. That is because it is unlikely for parliament to be dominated by enough radical leftist/liberal MPs constituting the 2/3 majority required to change the constitution. Until such time, only normal marriages will be performed.
jon357  72 | 23712  
3 Jul 2015 /  #570
Maybe, but there certainly is a law in Poland against violating the dignity of Poland's LGBT citizens.

This is key to it all really.

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