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Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Jun 2015 /  #511
Without jon in this thread, who is not Polish, how many native Poles claim to be gay here ? (minus 1% ?)

i do not think they would dare tbh!
jon357  72 | 23712  
29 Jun 2015 /  #512
There have been such posters here, even regular ones.
29 Jun 2015 /  #513
i do not think they would dare tbh!

Given the amount of homophobic abuse and anti-gay hate speech posted here, one would be astounded if any of Poland's LGBT citizens visited PF more than a couple of times each.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Jun 2015 /  #514
that 's right,they would take one look at posts by eg Polonius and run away screaming.
JReb, national stats only come from people who are comfortable saying stuff. Must be loads 'in the closet'.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
29 Jun 2015 /  #515
Given the amount of homophobic abuse and anti-gay hate speech posted here,

Yup, the insulting name calling goes both ways doesn't it Harry.
If any of Poland's Homo's can't tolerate the truth here on the PF then let them stay in the closet where they belong or be ready to face reality.
29 Jun 2015 /  #516
If any of Poland's Homo's can't tolerate the truth here on the PF then let them stay in the closet where they belong or be ready to face reality.

You know less than zero about reality in Poland and you will know that precise amount until the day you die.
Vox  - | 172  
29 Jun 2015 /  #517
@Harry you know zero about any given subject and even less about reality and yet nobody has been harping about that nor harassing you in the way you constantly do unto others.
29 Jun 2015 /  #518
@Harry you know zero about any given subject and even less about reality

I'd say that I know a fair bit more about the respect given to the human and civil rights of Poland's LGBT citizens than most posters here, and far more than those posters who have never so much as set foot in Poland.

Back to the topic everybody
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2015 /  #519
never so much as set foot in Poland.

One can be and not feel. You're like the bloke who couldn't see the forest because of all the trees. You may be physiically in Poland but you live in a sheltered dream world and try to impose alien ways on your host country. YOu may feel reinforced by other expats of similar ilk and wannabe Poles, but that is not the real Poland!
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
1 Jul 2015 /  #520
If I organised a Straight Pride event I would be called a Homophobe. Gay people organising a Gay Pride event are not called Hetrophobes.

When this is changed so straight people have the same rights as gay people then I wouldn't have any problem with Gay Marriage in Poland.

Equality means Equality.
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
1 Jul 2015 /  #521
"Straight" folks though were never at risk for being straight, "gays" were (...and indeed, still very much are) for nothing other than for being themselves!
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
1 Jul 2015 /  #522
If they have more freedoms than a straight person this is not equality.

I can't change what happened in the past but 2 wrongs have never made a right.

Equality should be equality, before Poland changes it's laws both sides should be treated equally.
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
1 Jul 2015 /  #523
Let's give an analogous example. You're outraged that in a majority society, a minority group respectfully requests its right to flex its muscles and exercise equal rights heretofore denied them by the majority.

Same thing here. Straight folks never had to question or certainly defend their identity against a gay majority. Therefore, all gays are asking is equal time for equal pleasure.

I don't see anything wrong with that, do you? If you were a W.A.S.P American (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) and a Jewish, Buddhist or Hindu minority in your town asked for equal time to march in a parade of their own to assert THEIR heretofore marginalized identity, would you really deny them that privilege??
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
1 Jul 2015 /  #524
You are missing the point.

Equality is equality. It cannot swap to the opposite extreme and be called equality.

2 wrongs do not make a right.

The LGBT rights now outweigh the majorities rights, this is not equality.
There are a lot of people in Poland with Conservative Christian Values, why do LGBT opinions over rule the Christian opinions?
If it is the Human Right of the LGBT crowd to have their opinions it should equally be the Human right of the Christian crowd to their opinions.
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
1 Jul 2015 /  #525
What you still don't seem to grasp though, is that gay citizens were NEVER accorded the same equality, for instance that you or I were. For that reason, now they are exercising the opportunity they never had of expressing themselves with much the same freedom as we do. You appear to be complaining about perceived "reverse discrimination", "empowerment" or "entitlement", you seem to think you are being denied.

Is that right?
jon357  72 | 23712  
1 Jul 2015 /  #526
If they have more freedoms than a straight person this is not equality.

In what way do you think LGBT people have more 'freedoms' than non-LGBT people?
Spot on Lyzko.

The LGBT rights now outweigh the majorities rights, this is not equality

They do not in any sense.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
1 Jul 2015 /  #527
You both do not wish to see the point.

If they want Equality then Equality is what they should have.
At the moment the LGBT values are being forced onto the Christians as the Christians are labelled as Homophobes and bigots if they have an opposite viewpoint.

This is NOT equality, everything has just swapped polarity. 2 Wrongs do not add up to being OK.

Before you label me, as you are trying, I am not Homophobic or a religious person.

I am Anti Discrimination, be it Positive or Negative. I advocate true equality only.

They do not in any sense.

Read back up the posts!

If I organised a Straight Pride event I would be called a Homophobe. Gay people organising a Gay Pride event are not called Hetrophobes.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2015 /  #528
Christians are labelled as Homophobes

Precisely! Anyone following the precepts of Christianity is immediatley labelled as intolerant, a bigot and homophobe. Anything that gives this tiny 2% minority more than 2% media, entertainment-industry or curriculum space is reverse discrimination. They make enough noise as if they constitued at least 75% of society. And the noise and hoopla is largely an unwanted intrusion on the normal majority.

In occupations where they are more numerous than 2% (10+%) they feel their strength and immediately start discriminating against non-homos.
jon357  72 | 23712  
1 Jul 2015 /  #529
At the moment the LGBT values are being forced onto the Christians

No they aren't. People of whatever religion are not forced to be in relationships with a member of the same sex, nor are they forced to marry a person they don't want to.

are labelled as Homophobes and bigots if they have an opposite viewpoint.

Nonsense. People can hold whatever views they want. Christians (or anyone else) however, cannot mistreat someone, discriminate against them or deny access to public facilities. This is the same for everyone.

Read back up the posts!

I did, and your 'straight pride' allusion is rather odd. Frankly a bit 'Daily Mail'. Aside from the fact that it's unlikely that anyone except a homophobe would organise a 'straight pride' (this actually happened in Poland and the organisers were indeed an anti-gay group), there are thousands of events around the world every year which are expressions of heterosexuality, from beauty pageants to May Queen festivals, to traditional African matchmaking fairs right through to the Dunmow Flitch and Moonie mass weddings. Thousands. If people don't want LGBT people to have the same fun, then yes, it's homophobic.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
1 Jul 2015 /  #530
I did, and your 'straight pride' allusion is rather odd. Frankly a bit 'Daily Mail'

From this I guess you actually read the Daily Mail however I do not read toilet paper.

It is very evident that you are Pro Gay and Anti Straight people, it would be nice if you could have a balanced argument but that seems to be too far for you. As I stated I want Equality everywhere, I see the issue from both sides and it is now not equal but the opposite way.
jon357  72 | 23712  
1 Jul 2015 /  #531
Pro Gay and Anti Straight people,

There you go again. People are people and rights must be the same regardless of sexuality, skin colour, religion or culture.

As I stated I want Equality everywhere

All decent people do, which is why LGBT rights have been so important in order to achieve this.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
1 Jul 2015 /  #532
The LGBT rights now outweigh the majorities rights,

could you explain how, exactly?
1 Jul 2015 /  #533
this tiny 2% minority

Why do you keep banging on about 2% when the number of people in Poland who are LGBT is so much higher? 2% is only the ones who are publicly out, for each one who is out there are many many more who are not, who are hiding their sexuality (in some cases trying to hide it even from themselves). I really wouldn't be at all surprised if the real percentage of Polish people who have had at least one same-sex sexual encounter (plus the ones such as the person you know well who wanted to have sex with other males but was close to his family and terrified about how they would react) is higher than the percentage of Poles who do the very minimum required by the Vatican from practising Catholics. Of the Polish women I have known well enough to have honest conversations about it, something like 50% have had at least one sexual encounter with another woman.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2015 /  #534
for each one who is out there are many many more

How do you know this? DId you take a survey or is this how you wishfully would like it to be?
You are constantly banging away about some mythical, artificially created "rights" not explicitly enshrined in any constitution. Were they pulled out of a magician's hat?
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
1 Jul 2015 /  #535
could you explain how, exactly?

Search the media, I am not here to do your research.
Maybe if people actually researched both sides of an argument they might have a balanced argument.

There you go again. People are people and rights must be the same regardless of sexuality, skin colour, religion or culture.

You quoted the line I wrote in your post. I think that is what you wrote above and what I have written in all my posts.

I will highlight the main point of my posts in case you missed it.

E Q U A L I T Y ! !
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2015 /  #536
Pro Gay and Anti Straight

Such commentary is indeed now spreading... Normal, decent people or "heteros" as the perverts like to call them, devout Christians and thouhgtful conservatives are being made to feel like exiles in their own country.

1 Jul 2015 /  #537
How do you know this?

A vast number of studies have been done as to the number of people who have had a same-sex sexual encounter. There are other about the number of people who, like the person you seem to know well who wanted to have sex with other males but was close to his family and terrified about how they would react, have wanted to have a same-sex sexual encounter but never acted on their wishes.

DId you take a survey

As said above, my own very limited survey of Polish women revealed something like 50% have had at least one sexual encounter with another woman, which is a lot more than the percentage of Poles who do the very minimum required by the Vatican from practising Catholics, isn't it?

"heteros" as the perverts like to call them

Why are you calling von Krafft-Ebing a pervert? I'm sure he would have simply loved to have met you, and to have written about you.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2015 /  #538
von Krafft-Ebing

Never heard of the bastard but if he's anything like Freudenstein, Kinseyberg or any of the LGBTQ sickies with their brains between their legs, then pervert is an apt description.
jon357  72 | 23712  
1 Jul 2015 /  #539
I will highlight the main point of my posts in case you missed it.

E Q U A L I T Y ! !

So we're talking about the same thing. Strange though that you think:

The LGBT rights now outweigh the majorities rights, this is not equality.

And that in some strange way there's a lack of:

Human right of the Christian crowd to their opinions.

- especially since religions are particularly forthright in expressing their opinions.

Why are you calling von Krafft-Ebing a pervert? I'm sure he would have simply loved to have met you, and to have written about you.

Nail. Head. Bang!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2015 /  #540
LGBT rights have been so important

...so important to the perseuciton of those exercising their freedom of speech.

(jon's sledgehammer is now swinging!)

Since Friday's ruling, there have been numerous warnings of looming governmental persecution against Americans whose religious beliefs condemn homosexuality.

Supreme Court's decision to redefine marriage in all 50 states, the Pentagon is now being urged to "cleanse itself" of chaplains who refuse to support same-sex marriage.

Stalin used the terms "purge", the homo dictatorship prefers "cleanse".

Within hours, the persecution of those who disagree had started, according to a statement from a family group based in Pennsylvania.
"Already we see evidence that we will lose our First Amendment right of free speech simply because we do not agree with today's decision," said a statement released by the American Family Association of Pennsylvania. "What better way to say all are on board with this decision than to silence the voices of those not in agreement?"


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