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Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?

jon357  72 | 23712  
26 Jun 2015 /  #451
Sibling marriages - who knows? Your second suggestion sounds unlikely.

Anyway, great news - Poland will follow before the decade is out.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Jun 2015 /  #452
just imagine polonius seeth

Nope. I have said decadence is currently on the upswing, but upswings don't last forever. All kinds of ideologies and movments have emerged, taken on steam, reached their apex and then gone into decline. The altersexual establishment is no exception.

The reason I have equated the LGBTQ establishment with totalitarianism is because they have used exactly the same tactics that every other totalitarian system has thus far: stick and carrot, friendly persuasion,appeals to peer pressure (everybody is for it!), intimidation and blackmail. It has worked every time until there comes the day of reckoning which has always been and this time too is inevitable.
Crow  155 | 9736  
26 Jun 2015 /  #453
Polish homosexuals are Poles and Slavs and so share destine of their Polish and Slavic people. So, Polish homosexuals don`t need to trust to western Europeans when they pretend to protecting rights of Polish homosexuals. Its just another joke on the account of Poles. This time plan is to divide them, even over the lines of sexual priorities. Shall west of Europe apologize to Polish homosexuals when one day (as if), that very same west of Europe, recognize independence of Silesia?

That's right, Crow,

of course that i am right. We Serbs are often right. Why do you think that western Europeans and USA magnates committed genocide on Serbs, while sinisterly demonized Serbs in mass media?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Jun 2015 /  #454
before the decade is out.

...If the LGBTQ establishment lasts that long! In the short run, a PiS victory will provide a secure bulwark against the spread of the pansexualist plague.
jon357  72 | 23712  
26 Jun 2015 /  #455
the LGBTQ establishment

The what?

a PiS victory

You are a tonic sometimes, really!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Jun 2015 /  #456
Great news!

This is a sad day for America and the world, because as America goes so do many other countries. What's next: sibling-marriage "rights" (in Germany that movement is building up steam), bisexual trios, legalization of man-boy liaisons, maybe even harems? The only consolation is that every upswing leads to a downswing. May it occur ASAP!
jon357  72 | 23712  
26 Jun 2015 /  #457
oh joy and I can just imagine polonius seeth :)

Looks that way...

@FlaglessPole; in Poland it is a matter of when, not if.

The wheels are turning fast.
Crow  155 | 9736  
26 Jun 2015 /  #458
Let all of us Slavs hug Polish homosexuals and lesbians to prove them that we love them, that they belong to us
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Jun 2015 /  #459
wheels are turning fast

Enjoy it quickly before they grind to a halt!
Polsyr  6 | 758  
26 Jun 2015 /  #460
@Polonius3; nothing is going to halt this because nothing can. Most of us are going to see same-sex marriages happening in Poland in our lifetime.

The church in Poland in particular will need to rethink its relationship with society and instead of being a bully (which is what they do when they get involved in politics and in certain legal disputes), they should go back to what the church originally was, a point of spiritual assembly. They should try to appeal to people with logic, reason and more importantly kindness and acceptance. Fewer and fewer people are willing to change who they are to fit into the church's mold. Gone are the days where people take things for granted - everyone has internet now and they can research and pretty much make up their own minds about stuff. I don't know whether you've noticed or not, but other than on special occasions, churches are practically empty these days, save for a few retirees.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Jun 2015 /  #461
same-sex marriages happening in Poland

I do not deny that. That is a defintie possibility in the short run. Even jon has not ruled out the legalisaiton of brother and sister marriage at some point, and maybe the man-boy thing will also appear. It's a Pandora's Box effect. But only up to a point. All upswings are followed by downswings, decline and demise. There is no reason to believe that the LGBTQ project will be the first in mankind's history to last indefinitely. Whether ISIS, an STD epidemic, an internal backlash or some other event or circumstance cuts it short -- remains to be seen.
jon357  72 | 23712  
27 Jun 2015 /  #462
Even jon has not ruled

Given that I'm not a legislator (nor a German voter) it isn't for me to rule out (or in) anything. I certainly won't get as hot and bothered as you, whatever they do.

In Poland, despite the rural traditions of incest I doubt it will be considered a human right, at least in the short term. Right now, we need to concentrate on protect those rights we have and being positive about creating equality under the law for all - not an impossible objective.

And in a religiously conservative culture, common sense has triumphed as it will in PL.

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InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Jun 2015 /  #463
Well done, the USA! :). 21 countries are truly democratic.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Jun 2015 /  #464
21 countries

They won't be truly democratic until they let brothers and sisters marry, then man-boy hook-ups must be legalised and then, who knows, maybe pets?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Jun 2015 /  #465
christ almighty Polonius are you STILL banging on about this>?
HOnestly anyone would think it was some kind of obsession or fantasy.
let it go now, will you please, you are just making yourself into a laughing stock
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Jun 2015 /  #466
obsession or fantasy

Why don't you use those terms to describe what is probably the paid LGBTQ lobby on PF, obsessively promoting the homo agenda? Do you think the sole dissenting voice of one crying in the wilderness should also be silenced?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Jun 2015 /  #467
Do you think the sole dissenting voice of one crying in the wilderness should also be silenced?

oh get a grip
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
27 Jun 2015 /  #468
Polonius has a very firm grip on this.
When he challenges the Liberals here about human rights in Poland the Liberaals
use their tactic of name calling with rasist, homophobe, bigot and then finally hate speech to
turn it into a hate crime that Polonius gets put in jail for.
I can only hope the Polish people are wise to this tactic and stand strong against immorality in Poland
so they don't experience such a sorrowful day as the United States just did by having State law (the People are the State) be over turned by an appointed (by gay Obama) Supreme Court that was in direct violation of

what the United States Constitution stands for.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Jun 2015 /  #469
Polonius has a very firm grip

lol yes he wishes
Marsupial  - | 871  
27 Jun 2015 /  #470
An unelected panel of 5 voted yes by.a tiny margin of 5 to 4. Hardly a win, more like burn the.constitution.
jon357  72 | 23712  
27 Jun 2015 /  #471
Of course if it was 5 - 4 the other way, you'd doubtless defend the decision...
Marsupial  - | 871  
27 Jun 2015 /  #472
No, because I don't live in that country and could not care less about it or it's broken constitution.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Jun 2015 /  #473
you'd doubtless defend

Righteousnes and decency should always be defended, depravity and abomination -- never, nigdy, niemals, jamais, jamás, никoгдa!
jon357  72 | 23712  
27 Jun 2015 /  #474
could not care less about it or it's broken constitution.

So why suggest burning it if you couldn't care less?
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
27 Jun 2015 /  #475
Of course if it was 5 - 4 the other way, you'd doubtless defend the decision...@ jon35

Yes because that would mean following the laws of the Constitution which they did not.
ONE unelected person that was appointed by the president to tell the whole country that
the Constitution that it was founded upon nolonger applies.
What a shame, learned men who have never read the Bible.
If they had, they would know God says marriage is between a man and woman.
What part do they not understand ?
Marsupial  - | 871  
27 Jun 2015 /  #476
5 people overwrote it by a tiny margin. Its worthless now.
jon357  72 | 23712  
27 Jun 2015 /  #477
Still as good as before - the decision was made according to the constitution. If a minority don't like it, they could always campaign against the majority.

Though that's in a foreign country. In Poland, where there has long been a stronger tradition of respecting civil rights, the journey is just beginning.
Marsupial  - | 871  
27 Jun 2015 /  #478
Well cool if poles vote it in fine. No problem. Americans certainly did not and no amount.of lies or propaganda changes this.
jon357  72 | 23712  
27 Jun 2015 /  #479
Well cool if poles vote it in fine. No problem. Americans certainly did not

Actually they did, since it was in the pre-election manifesto.

no amount.of lies or propaganda

Plenty of that from the antis.

When it comes to Poland, and it will, it'll be just the same. It might take a bit longer due to the rural population. But happen it will.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
27 Jun 2015 /  #480
But happen it will.

Hopefully not as it would be a very sad thing for Poland.

Actually they did, since it was in the pre-election manifesto.

No jon, no truth to that.

the decision was made according to the constitution

No, no it was not jon, that is a flat out lie.

Plenty of that from the antis.

No actually it's the libs that decieve just like you are trying to do now.
We are not going to change our practices or patterns to fit the whims of the Supreme Court.
They must follow the Constitution of the land just like Poland democratic voice must be heard.
Conservatives call for resistance to the high courts ruling , which tramples on the Bible and Constitution's protection of States rights.
The Bible says that a man laying with a man or a woman laying with a woman is an abomination to God.
Bishop Joe Vasquez of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Austin Texas stated; "Regardless of the courts decision, the nature of the human person and marriage remains unchanged and unchangeable."

Hopefully the same message will be given in Poland by the bishops there.
Now we have each had our six posts for the day jon, let's sit back and let others voice their opinions
so as not to hog the thread by challenging every post.
Everyone already knows our opinions.

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