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Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?

ziuta  1 | -  
20 Oct 2011 /  #1
Hello guys,
My name is Joanna from Koscian (Poznan area) but living and studying in London. I am doing module on International Human Rights and need to do research essay. I am aware of cases when a polish teacher was fired from work only because he was gay, when people were beaten up only because they participated in Rainbow parade... Please post your views on my research question: Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights? Of course we all know the answer but need more resources, examples, personal experiences (no need for personal data)! If you know some good valuable pages please post me a link! Thank you for your time! all the best Joanna
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
20 Oct 2011 /  #2
Under Polish law,yes,it does for the LGB part, the T part is only covered if the said T also identifies as L or G......no Gender clause in the particular Human right clause.

But seeing as a T seems to have polled well in the recent elections maybe that is moot.
What you are asking is two questions.
1,Is there legal protection,answer, yes.
2, Have times and people changed because of a few laws, answer, I have no idea, over to someone else.....

1 point though before any trolls make it, laws in the UK have not stopped violant attacks on people.
21 Oct 2011 /  #3
It does not as compared to the scandinavian standard, but by and large we're progressing here even if without any legal assurances. Look up: Anna Grodzka and Robert BiedroĊ„, and formulate your opinion then. And... although unrelated... for the first time we have two black guys who are MP's in a country that's 99,?% white :-)))
peterweg  37 | 2305  
4 Jul 2012 /  #4
Merged: Civic Platform to introduce LGBT protections in Poland

Civic Platform to introduce LGBT protections
4th July 2012

Poland's LGBT community may soon finally receive protection against hate speech crimes as the result of a new amendment to Poland's penal code that Civic Platform (PO) plans to submit to parliament early this month.

The code currently penalizes hate speech motivated by race, ethnicity or nationality. Those found guilty can face punishments from a fine to as much as two years in prison.

The proposed amendment will extend categories that qualify for protection under the code to include "natural characteristics" such as sexual orientation, sex, disabilities and health conditions,said PO MP Mariusz Witczak in a statement.

jon357  72 | 22979  
4 Jul 2012 /  #5
At last. Generally they've been trying to avoid the subject.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 May 2015 /  #6
Merged: When will Poland approve homosexual marriage?

Ireland have voted in a referendum in favour of same-sex marriage. When will Poland join the 21st century and follow suit. In fact, since it has been so backward so far, maybe Poland should do something progressive for a change and become the first country to legalise bisexual married threesomes.
24 May 2015 /  #7
I will never understand that fight of some "minorities" for supposed human rights.

Human rights are rights for safety, vote and justice.

Does the police deny service to LGBT? No.
Does the LGBT are not allowed to vote? No.
Does the LGBT are denied to use the justice system? No.

Soo everytime that you see someone fighting for LGBT "rights" , pay attention. But pay very close attention. Most of times they dont want rights.

They want privileges.
24 May 2015 /  #8
Same-sex marriage is not gay privilege: it's equal rights. Privilege would be something like gay people not paying taxes. Like churches don't.
24 May 2015 /  #9
Same sex marriage isn't a right norr a privilege, it is a twisted sense of rebellion.

In the UK civil partnership exists for same sex couple's protecting them in the eyes of the law the same way married heterosexual couples are protected. That should be all that is required.

Why ANY gay, bi or trans person would want marriage in the eyes if god is beyond my comprehensive thought. It states clearly in the bible " No man shall bed another " basically but still it seems they want to force it onto religion.

I am against it 100%, its a stupid idea, it changes nothing !! The words in the bible are the same today as they were yesterday and it will never change.

Two gay people marrying in the eyes of god makes a mockery of heterosexual marriage and the church !. God doesn't want, you he says that in the bible, have civil partnerships and be glad you don't belong to such a fear invoking practice as religion.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2015 /  #10
In the countries where homosexual marriage is legal, percentagewise very few take advantage of the opportunity. Some say it is just to capture yet another beachhead as part of their step-by-step strategy to destroy the family, as the keystone of any nation, undermine religion and effectively anarchise society and turn things on their head.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
24 May 2015 /  #11
Same sex marriages have been recognized as legal only in those countries which have become predominantly gynocentric due to the absence of any internal and external existential threats.

But since the Russian bear is still growling outside of Poland's doorstep there will be no nationwide movement among Poles to follow the Sirens call emanating from such libertine bordellos as Brussels, London, Paris, The Hague and now Dublin.
24 May 2015 /  #12
"Same-sex marriage is not gay privilege: it's equal rights. Privilege would be something like gay people not paying taxes. Like churches don't."

The church maintain, just in Poland, around 1200 charity institutions.

Do you know any LGBT charity institution?
24 May 2015 /  #13
Do you know any LGBT charity institution?

Yes, I volunteer work for one.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
24 May 2015 /  #14
Yes, I volunteer work for one.

who do they provide help to ,harry,homeless? children?poor??
OR themselves
Atch  21 | 4149  
25 May 2015 /  #15
Do you know any LGBT charity institution?

Do you mean charity, in the sense of fund raising for the whole community or for the LGBT community. The latter would be frankly ridiculous. As for general fund raising gay people just take part in charitable works alongside their hetro peers. They don't set up their own charities such as 'Gays For Cancer Research'. Why would they??
jon357  72 | 22979  
25 May 2015 /  #16
Exactly - and nobody compiles the stats of LGBTQID people involved in mainstream charities. Interesting now that the Urzad Skarbowy is interested in people who have got married outside PL to people of the same gender - evidently money talks if the tax office is recognising the marriages.
GodWhy  - | 5  
26 May 2015 /  #17
Ireland have voted in a referendum in favour of same-sex marriage. When will Poland join the 21st century and follow suit. In fact, since it has been so backward so far, maybe Poland should do something progressive for a change and become the first country to legalise bisexual married threesomes.

Ewww, I hope not!!!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2015 /  #18
Merged: Sejm bins pro-homo legislation

The Sejm has voted not to process pro-shackup legislation which would have legalised homosexual partnerships. 215 deputies voted against the measure.
The president may have no direct influence on the initial legislative process, but the still PO-dominated parliament apparently feels the Zeitgeist of the new coming times foreshadowed by Duda's election as head of state.
26 May 2015 /  #19
@Polonius: No, it does not concern homo couples only but ALL couples. In Poland, non married couples are de facto not recognized. Should something happen to one partner, the other partner has no rights whatsoever. For instance, one partner is hospitalised, the other one cannot even get information about the sick's health because not family.

Stop saying non sense, this would have applied to ALL couples.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2015 /  #20
pro-shackup legislation

That term applies to all couples shacking up, living in a concubinage. That includes both hetero and homo couples, bisexual threesomes, swinger foursomes and what have you. But the government should do nothing to promote or facilitate unwed cohabitation. If they don't feel strongly enough about each other to sacramentalise their love, then let them do it on the sly and at their own risk. It is not the state's business to institutionalise such going-on.
26 May 2015 /  #21
@Polonius3; since it concerns ALL couples, why are you obessed by homosexuals? Are you too shy to get out of the closet? Usually the worst homophobes are "krypto homosexuals.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2015 /  #22
The state should not legalise or in any way facilitate, aid, abet or institutionalise unwed concubinages of any kind.
26 May 2015 /  #23
@Polonius: since you say ALL couples, why did you put 'homo" in your title? Your view of a society is very close to the way Iran's.... I bet you expect the woman to be at home, raising a lot of kids and going to Church. Welcome to the middle-ages!
26 May 2015 /  #24
since you say ALL couples, why did you put 'homo" in your title?

You really need to ask that question? Seriously?
26 May 2015 /  #25
@Harry: nie rozumiem! Yes, since the bill concerned ALL unmarried couples, why singling out the gay couples? I understand Polonius, like 98% of the PF members is homophobe but his title was wrong.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 May 2015 /  #26
The state should not legalise or in any way facilitate, aid, abet or institutionalise unwed concubinages of any kind.

LOL! In what century are you living?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2015 /  #27
Because of the homo-normative homo-promoting propaganda that is trying to show that deviation is somehow normal. At least shacking up by a normal couple is natural, albeit illicit. And the hetero shackers-up are not going into daycare centres and schools to sing the praises of unwed cohabitation. But LBGTQ agitators are very much involved in such propaganda efforts; what's more the youngsters' parents are not only not consulted but kids are actually told not to tell their parents about it.

It is the combined impact of homosexuals, radical feminists, abortionists, pornographers, recreational drug promoters and all other purveyors of the lewd, prurient and decadent that are undermining the sanctity of the family, anarchising societal norms and unravelling the very fabric of society. By the same token, whether knowingly or not, they are inspiring Muslim fanatics to step up their terrorist assault on corrupt western civilisation, accelerating the day of its ultimate collapse.
26 May 2015 /  #28
@Polonius: what is your problem with gays? Have you met any? I know quite a few gays here in Poland (I am not gay) and believe me, they are all great.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2015 /  #29
Knowing or being friends with anyone is not the question at had. It is the society-wide implications of a tiny 3% minority that wants to impose its views and values on the rest of society. Let them do what they do but why shove their unwanted propaganda down people's throats? Why parade their lewd preferences in the streets -- hetero couples don't do that but mind their own business. What right has this tiny minority to get people fired (in the US) for disagreeing with the LBGT agenda and depriving them of freedom of speech.
27 May 2015 /  #30
@Polonius3: I doubt that you can be friend with gays ;). Gays do not want to 'impose" their way but they want EQUALITY, which they don't have in Poland (and in most countries). What they want is the right to be able to marry so they have the same rights as anybody else. Gay (and all other unmarried couples) couples don't have the choice and have to file as 2 singles and thus more tax than if they had been married. Also, when a gay has his/her partner at the hospital, they cannot get medical info since "not family". This goes too for non married heteros but these have the right to get married.

A society which does not treat their citizens the same way is not democratic.

Being gay is not a choice but results from a variety of factors (upbringing, biology...) and thus why discriminating against them?

This goes obviously for any kind of minorities but since you seem fascinated by gays, I am talking about them.

PS: I am not gay ;)

.... I mean 'they have to file as 2 singles and thus PAY more tax.... "

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