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Poland's democracy defenders in Brussels turned out to be EU employees.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jan 2016 /  #31
That's exactly what they're doing - and they aren't transparent about it at all.

The problem is that once we're finally free of this menace, removing all these puppets and undoing all the mess is going to cause even more problems. I've already spoken to one friend that has a fairly senior (but not senior enough to be affected by the change in the law) civil service position, and she says that the general atmosphere can be described as "sod it". Everyone knows they won't get promoted to top jobs without being friends with PiS, so they're simply going to do the bare minimum and not a thing more.
jon357  72 | 22979  
23 Jan 2016 /  #32
Everyone knows they won't get promoted to top jobs without being friends with PiS, so they're simply going to do the bare minimum and not a thing more.

Just like the old days. A passive aggressive regime producing a passive aggressive response among bureaucrats. So basically stasis ensues.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jan 2016 /  #33
Exactly. There's no motivation for anyone to do anything because they won't want to be subjected to a witchhunt (if they're not PiS members), so they'll keep their heads down, they won't use any initiative and the country goes back to the bad old days. Entirely what PiS want, of course - because it means there's no effective opposition.
jon357  72 | 22979  
23 Jan 2016 /  #34
And no decisions will be made at all, and the PiS mafia (especially at town hall level - Europe is too complex for them) will be as corrupt as they ever have been.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jan 2016 /  #35
It's open season for them really - they know fine well that Duda will pardon any PiS member before they get near the courts, so they've got 4 years to commit as much fraud and corruption as they want. It also gives them plenty of time to cover up what they've done before vanishing into the night.
jon357  72 | 22979  
23 Jan 2016 /  #36
It's open season for them really - they know fine well that Duda will pardon any PiS member before they get near the courts, so they've got 4 years to commit as much fraud and corruption as they want

I've a suspicion that immunity will be lifted and pardons reversed - eventually.

And if they start trying fraud with EU funds, they may find they've bitten off more than they can chew, despite silly allegations about pro-democracy protesters all being "EU employees" or not...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jan 2016 /  #37
the PiS mafi

You guys are hilarious -- the two-man tag team. One kicks PiS in the shins, the other one in the b*alls, then the first one kicks their bum, then the other one -- their teeth, etc,. etc, ad nauseam. Never heard either of you ever mention the PO mafia. But very soon it'll all be out in the open when parliamentary inquiries get launched into their scams and misdeeds- So make some popcorn, uncap a cold Heineken, sit back and enjoy the show. The Platfusy will be sweating up a storm as they're grilled on the rotisserie and it serves 'em right!
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Jan 2016 /  #38
The original post is a non-story to say the least

LOL ! If that was really a non-story, you wouldn't try to hide it so desperately. There's a journalist of the pro-ex government TV station admitting that "defenders of democracy in Poland" demonstration in Brussels are EU employees sent there by the previous gov. That's what "defenders of democracy in Poland" are all about. Likely a significant part of those tiny crowds "demonstrating" each weekend in Poland are public employees working for local/regional authorities still held by now opposition. Guys that lost democratic elections now "defend democracy", what a joke.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jan 2016 /  #39
tiny crowds

Poor attempt, Greggy. 10k alone in Gdansk today.
23 Jan 2016 /  #40
10k alone in Gdansk today.

10k in 500k city is exactly tiny. Additionally many of them don't even live in GdaƄsk. Tiny tiny.
OP Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Jan 2016 /  #41
10k in 500k city is exactly tiny.

They had less than 30k people across the whole country, no kidding. There are just several (those with strong support for PO and PO mayors) cities where the whole thing goes over 1k.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jan 2016 /  #42
PO mayors

PO mayors and councils fear they will not get re-elected considering Poland's present pro-Polish anti-bankster Zeitgeist.
24 Jan 2016 /  #43

30k makes it global. Hahahahhahahah
jon357  72 | 22979  
24 Jan 2016 /  #44
Yep, and 30,000 ordinary people out on the streets. Could PiS muster that?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Jan 2016 /  #45
Could PiS muster that?

They couldn't even get more than around 10k on the street for their yearly march, and that was despite getting people to come from places like Cieszyn!
24 Jan 2016 /  #46
They couldn't even get more than around 10k

Yup. The reason behind it is that 5.7 million of voters are happy and feel winners. Only the few losers whine in public. It's simply psychology. The minority is always most vocal.
jon357  72 | 22979  
24 Jan 2016 /  #47
even get more than around 10k on the street for their yearly march, and that was despite getting people to come from places like Cieszyn

The hilarious thing is when they tried to bus people in from the boondocks and they all went to the shopping malls instead!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Jan 2016 /  #48
people out on the streets

So herding people into the streets is some kind of contest or competition? It surely does not improve a single thing in the country, deosn't help raise the GDP, reduce poverty or smog. Its only redeeming element is getting people to exercise in the "fresh" city air (better than couching in front of the telly) and gives hacks something to report.
Crow  154 | 9260  
24 Jan 2016 /  #49
According to Polsat news reporter, people demonstrating in Bruessels, claiming that "democracy in Poland is in danger", so called "grassroot protesters" were mainly EU employees

As you can see dobri pane Grzegorze, events develop exactly as me myself announced to you Poles long time ago. How is this possible? Very simple. We Serbians personally experienced abnormal and malformed ways of EU ruling establishment (ie western Europe). If they were capable to ruin Yugoslavia and portioned Serbia side by side with Arab and Turkish extremists. If they were capable to transport mujaheedines onto Balkan. If they were capable to use depleted uranium against Serbian civilians. If they were capable to move enormous propaganda machinery and even to create international court (even to killing people in that court), just to be able to justify their own expressionistic plans. If their representatives were able to butcher Serbian civilians for organs. If they pledged to create Muslim caliphate in Bosnia and Nazi puppet state of Greater Croatia, as well as Wehabbi Greater Kosovo. Etc, etc evil deeds, which normal person even can`t comprehend how are possible to happen in the middle of Europe, in 21 century. That they done.

So, Grzegorze, brate moj, why are you surprised that EU (ie western Europe) works against Poland. Its old news. It even isn`t started properly. Just wait
jon357  72 | 22979  
24 Jan 2016 /  #50
herding people into the streets

Only PiS tried your 'herding' idea and it failed miserably.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Jan 2016 /  #51

One needn't crack a literal whip but simply brainwash and delude people with all the high-sounding albeit deceptive thetoric into believing they are somehow defending democracy to herd them into the streets. In general people are conformists and go with the flow.
25 Jan 2016 /  #52
Crow its very simple. Western Europe just wants to use and abuse Poland for its own benefits.
And sadly Poland has let in too many radical leftist Brits here. They are loud, homosexual, very antiPolish and antiCatholic. Possibly some type of spying group/agency from England pretending to be English teachers. They have lived here for long time and with their greed dont bother to learn the language or customs of the nation.

Just look what they did to the Natives in America and around the world.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
25 Jan 2016 /  #53
Possibly some type of spying group/agency from England pretending to be English teachers.

Precisely! It wouldn't be the first. :D
Think about all those opportunities position of a teacher makes available to them. For example recruiting their pupils into their cabal or cells.


What thetoric? Do you mean rhetoric ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Jan 2016 /  #54
For example recruiting their pupils into their cabal or cells.

Yep. It's well known that many spies found excellent cover as teachers, because it's such an inoffensive profession that also allows you to access many circles.
jon357  72 | 22979  
25 Jan 2016 /  #55

Whatever 'thetoric' is, you still can't do anything more than rant about people being "herded" despite no evidence of that and all evidence to the contrary.

many spies found excellent cover as teachers

Must be why Kuklinski carried a cane and mortarboard...

Seriously, many more are/were journalists.

Though hard to believe one claiming all the people at a Polish pro-democracy rally were "EU employees".
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Jan 2016 /  #56
Seriously, many more are/were journalists.

Yes, very much so. Plenty of them found work outside of their home countries writing the line that their adopted country wanted them to write. Even today, look at how many journalists at RT/Sputnik are willing to push the Russian view of things even when it's obvious nonsense.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Jan 2016 /  #57
all the people

The term "all the people" is rarely ever true. But it is not inconceivable that the bulk or at least a significant number were EU employees. Just as in Poland "all the KOD" marchers are not ex-PZPR types, but they do represent a significant number. And one can "herd with the word" not only with an electric cattle prod. People can be told they are defending democracy when in fact the image of disgruntled mobs streaming through the streets all over the country simply conveys to the outside world the imrpession of chaos and instability.
jon357  72 | 22979  
25 Jan 2016 /  #58
But it is not inconceivable that the bulk or at least a significant number were EU employees

It's actually nonsense, the usual hysteria from dingbat PiS followers.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Jan 2016 /  #59

Any proof? When lacking evidence, resort to insults -- a good commie tactic!
If (Wilde) were alive, he might say: Insults are the last resort of the clueless!
Ktos  15 | 432  
25 Jan 2016 /  #60
When lacking evidence, resort to insults -- a good commie tactic!

No a commie tactic, don't you know whose tactic is that? And I don't mean homosexuals. I don't know Wilde but Jon should.

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