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Poland's democracy defenders in Brussels turned out to be EU employees.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Jan 2016 /  #1
According to Polsat news reporter, people demonstrating in Bruessels, claiming that "democracy in Poland is in danger", so called "grassroot protesters" were mainly EU employees: "As I see - I know many of them personally - these are mainly EU employees..."

Z tego co rozpoznaję - bo wielu z nich osobiście znam - to w dużej mierze są unijni urzędnicy, z którymi bardzo często rozmawiamy, od których zbieramy różne informacje na temat tego, co dzieje się w Europie.


18 Jan 2016 /  #2
Grzegorz_ Not surprising the EU has been spending millions on targeting children with its it's propaganda for decades now, you can see the result when you read some of the postings here on PF.

luckily I am of a generation before the EU propaganda machine, so I am still able to be proud of my country its history traditions and its religion without being made to feel guilty.

It is a shame that Europe is using it's propaganda machinery to derail the democratically elected Polish government. but not surprising.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 Jan 2016 /  #3
Well, that was obvious, just another proof that the KOD circus is set up thing.
jon357  72 | 22979  
18 Jan 2016 /  #4
That or highly educated Poles living and working in Belgium who are as upset as most other people about some of the appalling things the current regime are trying to get up to.
G (undercover)  
19 Jan 2016 /  #5
highly educated Poles

You mean they work for EU so they are "highly educated" ?
jon357  72 | 22979  
19 Jan 2016 /  #6
Unless recruitment policies there have changed, I think we can say yes.

A silly thread really, since it's based on a throwaway comment on a TV station.

Perhaps some of the usual suspects will suggest next that the tens of thousands of people who attend the Polish pro-democracy rallies are all "EU employees"...

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jan 2016 /  #7
democracy in Poland is in danger

A taxi driver today told me: The KOD people are afraid of two things: law and justice. That makes sense, but it applies mainly to the KOD leadership, the wheeler-dealer shakers and mover and their media toadies (Michnik & Co.) who are whipping up all the frenzy. The poor OAPs, school teachers and small shopkeepers lower-case is always shedding crocodile tears over are simply useful idiots, those who've allowed themselves to be deluded that they're somehow marching for democracy. Its the in-the-know KOD leadership, the post-nomenklatura types, PO losers, leader wannabes (Petru) and others who undeservedly have enjoyed the main benefits of the roundtable arrangement that know what the score is and it's spelt: T.R.O.U.G.H.!
jon357  72 | 22979  
20 Jan 2016 /  #8
A taxi driver today told me:

What about a bloke in the pub?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jan 2016 /  #9
Dunno, I ain't a pub crawler.
jon357  72 | 22979  
20 Jan 2016 /  #10
And was your taxi driver (doubtless the fount of all insight) a VIP?
20 Jan 2016 /  #11
The KOD people are afraid of two things: law and justice.

As opposed to the PISed-up, who just ignore both (a stance which is going to come back to bite them, given the shortness of their immunity versus the length of the statute of limitations in Poland).

I ain't a pub crawler.

You should try going a few times, you might learn how to and not to speak to/about people, although I fear those might be painful lessons.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jan 2016 /  #12
taxi driver

Dunno, we didn't get beyond a few poltical quips. It's the first time I heard anyone call Petru a "szalony cygan". Learn something every day.

Anyway, wtih PiS at the helm, we can all sleep safely.
jon357  72 | 22979  
20 Jan 2016 /  #13
given the shortness of their immunity versus the length of the statute of limitations in Poland).

I suspect we will see immunity lifted, given the seriousness of their crimes.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jan 2016 /  #14
pro-democracy rallies are all

No, they are all either the cynical niche leadership (a small minority) who know what the score is and the throngs of deluded marchers aka "useful idiots" whom the former have whipped up into a frenzy and convinced they are marching for democracy. There are also the Michnikite demagogues stirring up unrest behind the scenes. Quite a motley collection!
jon357  72 | 22979  
20 Jan 2016 /  #15

No, Po, the EU 'leadership' do not take part in the Polish pro-democracy rallies.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Jan 2016 /  #16

I was referring to the trough defender leaderhip -- the Petrus, Lises, Schetynas, Kijowskis, those ranting into mikes and Michnikite-style demogogues stirring up unrest in the background.
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
21 Jan 2016 /  #17
There are more EU employees in Brussels than (other?) Poles, so I'm not surprised. In any case, I would appreciate if she didn't use weasel words like "w dużej mierze" (largely). How many ? Not even a rough estimate like 2/3 ? If she recognizes them, she should take several photos and label those she knows by name.

And no, it's not Targowica because I don't see any Catholic bishops.

A simple way to fix it in Poland would be cutting down bureaucracy. There are about 500,000 bureaucrats in Poland.... a 38,000,000 country.

I was referring to the trough defender leaderhip -- the Petrus, Lises, Schetynas, Kijowskis,

Maybe they're in the Warsaw marches ? I haven't seen any leader on any KOD demonstration. Just a formless mass of people.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
21 Jan 2016 /  #18
I don't know about Brussels per se although I know quite a few Poles who have moved there but I know that there are a lot of Poles working in building sites in Belgium
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Jan 2016 /  #19
cutting down bureaucracy

And PO greatly contributed to it. The Tusk govt reportedly added about 100,000 pencil-pushers to Polish clerkdom. But that is one way to cut back unemployment and reward political cronies.
21 Jan 2016 /  #20

Reported by whom? The same sort of sources that write about things that don't exist?
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
21 Jan 2016 /  #21
Reported by whom?

He meant "wishfulthinkedly".

Every single government increases the number of penci-pushers in Poland. Sad but true. PiS is doing it, too, to reward vassals of Jarosław Kaczyński. And I think no law will ever be passed that reduces the rights or wages of members of Sejm. They're szlachta - gentry.
G (undercover)  
22 Jan 2016 /  #22
A silly thread really, since it's based on a throwaway comment on a TV station.

So you say Polsat is a part of some grand conspiracy of PiS ?
22 Jan 2016 /  #23

Have you forgotten who owns Polsat?
22 Jan 2016 /  #24
It's run by Petru 2.0
G (undercover)  
22 Jan 2016 /  #25
Come on, don't be so anti-semitic...

I mean H.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Jan 2016 /  #26
Every single government increases the number of pencil-pushers

That may be true, but there is one crucial difference. No-one ever remembers you thrashing PO when they increased the number of pencil-pushers* by 100,000.
Nor for that matter PO's VAT rise, gambling scandal, unfinished road building ahead of Euro 2012, Sowa & Co. tape scandal, OFE heist, illicit TK appointments and many, many more. A former PO MP has recnetly been indicted on corruption charges.

*Maybe keyboard punchers or tappers would be more up to date.-
23 Jan 2016 /  #27
No-one ever remembers you thrashing PO when they increased the number

Because I didn't know about these forums back then, Einstein. Your ability to acquire new information is hopeless, so the only thing left is to post this reply over and over. It's as if you were paid for every post or were determined to 'chat flood' these forums. You're not rational. Your posts don't add value to the forums because they're not constructive.

If PiS manages to add new voievodships, this will mean more bureaucracy. They will like to do that, to reward their supporters in eastern parts of Poland.

If PiS meaningfully reduces the number of bureaucrates, I will be first to report it.

Sooo, if PO was so horrible, why is PiS not changing the country for the better ? Only for worse ? Of course there will be even more corruption charges because a politician convicted of abuse of power has become the head prosecutor. The question is, will accusations raised by a convicted criminal hold any water... or just **** ?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jan 2016 /  #28
changing the country for the better

They are through their reform of law enforcement, the judiciary, civil service and the TK. More is on the way and only the disentitled trough defenders represented by Petru, Schetyna & Co., backers of the ancienne régime are weeping -- boo-hoo, sob-sob....
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jan 2016 /  #29
They are through their reform of law enforcement, the judiciary, civil service and the TK.

All of which are designed to put power solely in the hands of PiS and to remove any independence that those institutions have.
jon357  72 | 22979  
23 Jan 2016 /  #30
That's exactly what they're doing - and they aren't transparent about it at all.

Mods, I wonder if the thread title ought to be changed. The original post is a non-story to say the least and the thread is now about something different.

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