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Deepening of the neo-liberal model of market de-regulation in Poland

milky  13 | 1656  
11 Jun 2011 /  #1
I watched the U Tube and it sounded like a piece of blackmail. I am not familiar with the Telecom case but the general pattern at the moment is pressure from global elites for a deepening of the neo-liberal model of market de-regulation.

The term they use is 'structural adjustment' which is the same that was used by the World Bank and the IMF to open up developing countries to foreign capital.

The main thing I got from the U Tube was that Shapiro was trying to align the Polish legal system with something akin to the American one. In other words that it should not offer any obstacle to the 'smooth' take over of private capital.

11 Jun 2011 /  #2
The main thing I got from the U Tube was that Shapiro was trying to align the Polish legal system with something akin to the American one. In other words that it should not offer any obstacle to the 'smooth' take over of private capital

Shapiro, advises governments on how to make their country more attractive for FDI, he is a very smart guy, he has been a friend of Poland for over 20 years, over the last two years he has gone on record, about corruption and unresolved business disputes in PL, being dragged through the courts for years. Basically he is saying, that unless Poland cleans up its act, FDI is going to pass it by and countries like Slovakia, Czech and Hungary, will benefit at Poland's expense.
OP milky  13 | 1656  
13 Jun 2011 /  #3
Is this Shapiro coercion not identical to what the IMF said to SE Asia around 1999 when their economies started collapsing, from been an experiment for the west and their cheap money experiment. Didn't the IMF ask the Thai govenment to cut government spending,get rid of corruption and nepotism, in return for a massive rescue bail-out. Then look what happened...Its not because he loves Poland..

Is Shapiro thretening Poland here???
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
24 Jun 2011 /  #4
Shapiro just another globalist Jew...'Neo-liberal' means 'let the Jews buy up cheap'.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
24 Jun 2011 /  #5


You are obsessed. There's no suggestion that his background has any role in his views on this matter.
OP milky  13 | 1656  
24 Jun 2011 /  #6

He is 'this' for sure.

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