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Czech drug legalisation threatens Poland

4 Sep 2012 /  #61
The real enemy is the one who says drugs are cool

And yet again you utterly miss the point: people don't take recreational drugs because recreational drugs are cool; people take recreational drugs because recreational drugs are fun.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Sep 2012 /  #62
It depends on how one defines 'fun'. Mainly it is the celebs, entertinament industry, rock sector, dealers and peer pressure that are defining it, and stupid people are taken in and go with the flow. 'Najpierw pomyśl -- to nic nie kosztuje!' is what should be promoted, not just senseless fun and games!

The tele-marketers that ring and ask. 'Does anyone between 16 and 30 live there?' are right on the mark. Teens and young adutls are the most gullible suckers around and the easiest to fleece. Just tell 'em it's 'fun' or 'cool' and they're ready to reach for their (or theri parents') credit cards.
antheads  13 | 340  
4 Sep 2012 /  #63
fun for the first few years, then it becomes slightly less fun and more of a bad habit
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
4 Sep 2012 /  #64
I've never ever, ever treated anyone in my 25 years of being a physician (a sizeable portion of that time in inner city clinics) for a pot-related emergency/illness!
I can't say the same for nicotine and alcohol.........You guys can do the math on the meth, crack and heroin.

well said, thanks
peterweg  37 | 2305  
4 Sep 2012 /  #65
No, they all started with caffeine. And from there they virtually all moved on to alcohol.

In fact its nicotine is the lead in drug for hard drugs. One doctor said he'd never seen a Heroin addict who didn't smoke.

The real solution is a demand end one. Why do people reach for drugs? If we all joined to destroy the motivation, then dealers would be swepeing floors at McDonald's to make a living. The real enemy is the one who says drugs are cool, be it a peer, dealer, celebrity or media outlet.

Thats some hallucinogenic you're smoking..
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
5 Sep 2012 /  #66
I know, but if you stamped yours and a million otehrs joined in, we COULD make a difference!

You would still be out numbered by lovers of freedom.
Im guessing you are pro guns?
so why anti drugs?
Its all about personal freedoms.
I dont want to stick chemicals in my body (any more) but if i did who has a right to say I cannot ? If i commited crimes to fund that habit,fine,charge me with those crimes,untill then leave me the hell alone to live my life how i want to,same with guns,if i try to use it on a civilian by all means shoot me but give me the respect to be like 99 % of people who would never dream of doing anything negative unless in self defence.

the problems with drugs are the wrong people take them....
An artist taking some drugs comes up with fantastic art, someone trying to hold down a 9 to 5 in an office takes days off and maybe produces crap art in a drawing pad during the come down,everyone loses there :)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Sep 2012 /  #67
America's gun permissivneess is insane. Poland's got much more sensible guns laws with greater screening of potential gunowners.

Re freedom, Polish makes a poignant and salient distinciton between swoboda (liberty) and swawola (anarchic licentiousness).
The druggie and boozer is free to get wasted in the privacy of his home, but the mintue he starts staggering down the street , sleeping in the gutter or puking on someone's car, he is contaminaitng pulbic space, just like the graffiti creep defacing someone else's property..

Besides, rarely does a substance abuser live on a desert island (no dealers there!), so his habit usually poisons the life of his wife and kids, maybe the neighbours as well. So instead of stupidly and deliriously shouting 'Freedom, freedom!', maybe it would be better to see what could be done to promote decency, clean living, mutual consideration and altruism. It seems too many try to push things to the limits of the law or see what they can get away with. Wouldn't it be better to see what can be done to make the world a better place?
pantsless  1 | 266  
5 Sep 2012 /  #68
Drugs and now guns. Hey, how about abortion Polonious? Please share your views with the internet on abortion.
5 Sep 2012 /  #69
The druggie and boozer is free to get wasted in the privacy of his home

Not in Poland.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Sep 2012 /  #70
So he is defiling public space. No citizen should be forced to view a wasted, puked up drunk in the gutter. But thern I forgot about the pommie larger louts who invade Kraków and Wrocław and defecate on the pub floor. Sorry -- I reckon you regard that as normal behaviour. To each his own!
5 Sep 2012 /  #71
No citizen should be forced to view a wasted, puked up drunk in the gutter.

And how exactly are you forced to look at that?

the pommie larger louts who invade Kraków and Wrocław and defecate on the pub floor.

No doubt you can provide as many reliable sources to support that racist claim as you can to support your racist claim about Gazeta Wyborcza.
f stop  24 | 2493  
5 Sep 2012 /  #72
No citizen should be forced to view a wasted, puked up drunk in the gutter.

Polonius.. you might not believe it, but a great majority of us manage to have some wine with dinner without puking in gutters
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Sep 2012 /  #73
Don't knock it till you've tried it, there is nothing like finishing off a duck a l'orange, swiging down am auld bordeaux and then puking it up in front of PS3.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Sep 2012 /  #74
You must be hitting the strong stuff at present if you don't know the difference between a glass of burgundy with dinner and a wasted drunk lying in the gutter. Why not join your compatriots who are keeping the Union Jack (and the puke) flying over Kraków and Wrocław on UK stag nights. God save the Queen!
5 Sep 2012 /  #75
the pommie larger louts who invade Kraków and Wrocław and defecate on the pub floor.

Still waiting for those reliable sources which prove that the above comment isn't simply the latest in the long line of racist bollocks you've taken to polluting this forum with. I expect we'll be waiting until hell freezes over.
pawian  224 | 27236  
5 Sep 2012 /  #76
I've never ever, ever treated anyone in my 25 years of being a physician (a sizeable portion of that time in inner city clinics) for a pot-related emergency/illness!
I can't say the same for nicotine and alcohol.........You guys can do the math on the meth, crack and heroin.

But it is normal that junkies start with light stuff before they switch to hard.
You haven`t treated anyone with pot problem because they had changed to crack long before.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Sep 2012 /  #77
You haven`t treated anyone with pot problem because they had changed to crack long before.

You're logic is flawed, you are saying all crack users started with pot and all pot users go on to use crack.
What about the millions of pot users who do not use crack, why didn't the doctor ever treat any of them?
smurf  38 | 1940  
5 Sep 2012 /  #78
because they had changed to crack long before.

There isn't one single bit of hard solid evidence to say that weed leads to harder drugs. Certainly nothing that comes from objective research anyway. I'm sure you'll find plenty of research that says it does but you should dig deeper and find out who funded it, therein will lie the answer.

Weed is not addictive and therefore cannot and will not lead people onto harder drugs, however nocotine or alcohol are, do they lead onto harder drugs? No, they don't either.

People choose to move onto harder drugs. They do not ever do it because of what they've taken before.
Every drug is different. If you take cocaine and like it but want something stronger you don't automatically try heroin because the highs from both drugs are totally different. You'd simply buy some higher-quality coke.
5 Sep 2012 /  #79
If you take cocaine and like it but want something stronger you don't automatically try heroin because the highs from both drugs are totally different. You'd simply buy some higher-quality coke.

Either that or combine your dopamine reuptake inhibitor with a substance which stimulates dopamine release.
pawian  224 | 27236  
5 Sep 2012 /  #80
Myth! [quote=smurf]There isn't one single bit of hard solid evidence to say that weed leads to harder drugs. Certainly nothing that comes from objective research anyway. I'm sure you'll find plenty of research that says it does but you should dig deeper and find out who funded it, therein will lie the answer.

No!! I firmly believe it does, seeing how my attitude to alcohol has evolved over decades. I started with beer and rum as a young boy and see where I landed today?: whisky!

Weed is not addictive and therefore cannot and will not lead people onto harder drugs,

Incantations, incantations.....

People choose to move onto harder drugs. They do not ever do it because of what they've taken before.

Wrong! Do you ever read any books? If so, I recommend you to read an excellent book by a German ex-junkie girl who excellently describes her progress from soft drugs to heroine.

Sorry, your case is lost.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Sep 2012 /  #81
or combine your dopamine reuptake inhibitor with a substance which stimulates dopamine release.

Amazingly enough, yet logical, we have in our brains small quantities of all drugs, illegal and legal.
The body produces them naturally and uses them when necessary, that is why they effect us in the first place.

I firmly believe it does, seeing how my attitude to alcohol has evolved over decades. I started with beer and rum as a young boy and see where I landed today?: whisky!

Same drug, alcohol.
Do you smoke? it might give you a browny point for going on to other drugs :)
5 Sep 2012 /  #82
we have in our brains small quantities of all drugs

Which is why it is technically illegal to have a brain in the USA.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
5 Sep 2012 /  #83
good one!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Sep 2012 /  #84
There isn't one single bit of hard solid evidence to say that weed leads to harder drugs.

That's probably because you are wallowing in urban legends. I chatted with Kotański and he could have told you a thing or two. Check out the people who deal with these probelsm on a daily basis such as Krajowe Biura ds. Przeciwdziałania Narkomanii . The ones peddlign the view that 'soft' drugs are innocent, harmless and fun have a vested interested in suckers swallowing that line. They are the cartel bosses, media people on the take and dealers who inject such lies into the mainstream ,and there are plenty of numbkulls ready to believe it. Are you one too? The MDs serving as apologists for the drug trade are either potheads themselves or are getting kickbacks.

Evidence more reliable than pothead myths and urban legends: justthinktwice.com/factsfiction/fiction_marijuana_is_harmless.html
Funky Samoan  2 | 181  
6 Sep 2012 /  #85
I know dozens of people who smoke Marihuana or Hash on a regular basis for years or even decades. They all have jobs, a family and still are law abiding citizens and valuable members of society. I don't think their intelligence has decreased. Good, it may be harmful for your lungs but so is Nicotine too.

Some people can cope with it some people can't, just like it is the case with the use of Alcohol. No matter how you look at it: Cannabis products are not more dangerous than Alcohol! And I know what I am talking about because I did it myself for quite a while on a daily basis, and personally I still prefer a good joint over a beer or a glass of liqueur.

And the "Cannabis is a starter drug" argument does not convince me either. The problem is since Marihuana is illegal in most countries you have to buy it from dealers and they are the ones that bring Cannabis users in contact with hard drugs.

Look at countries like Holland where Weed is legal and free to pruchase for decades. Has the rate of drug addicts increased there? No, it is stable for years.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Sep 2012 /  #86
My uncle did such and such, and I know an eternally faithful homosexual couple celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary -- is hearsay and not evidence. If you watch a '60s Polish or any other film everybody is smoking. You don't' see that too much on the screen more. Nicotine is harmful and is fortunately no longer glamourised. But pot still is. Alcohol is also glamourised with actors playing supposedly upscale sophisticates going round and sipping their cocktails.

The difference is that nicotine harms only the physical health whilst alcohol and drugs including pot have behaviour-alterating and brain-damaging consequences. Talk to drug experts not pot-promoting apologists.
6 Sep 2012 /  #87
The difference is that nicotine harms only the physical health whilst alcohol and drugs including pot have behaviour-alterating and brain-damaging consequences. Talk to drug experts not pot-promoting apologists.

Show me a drug expert who can demonstrate MDMA having brain-damaging consequences. Same for LSD. Of course, we all know that both those substances are very much behaviour altering!
Funky Samoan  2 | 181  
6 Sep 2012 /  #88
The difference is that nicotine harms only the physical health whilst alcohol and drugs including pot have behaviour-alterating and brain-damaging consequences. Talk to drug experts not pot-promoting apologists.

Did you ever try pot yourself? I did! So I can't take it too serious if you write about things you don't know. In my opinion you will do a great disservice on young people if you over-dramatize the negative side-effects of Marihuana because then some of them will believe really dangerous drugs like Heroin, Cocaine, Crack and Meth are not too dangerous also.

The majority of studies analyzing the long-term effects of cannabis products on consumers prove that it is not more dangerous than alcohol.

I live in Frankfurt/Germany, a city that is liberal towards the use of re-creational drugs and decriminalized it pretty much. People in Frankfurt have the right to possess 5 grams of Marihuana or Hash and the Police will let you walk away with it. I know clubs and bars where it is tolerated that people consume marihuana, almost everybody I know has experiences with smoking pot, and our society is still functioning pretty well. It's not considered a big deal.

Of course Cannabis is a drug and like every drug it can be dangerous and harmful. I don't want to downplay this. Drugs are nothing for children, adolescents and for people who are mentally fragile! This must be clear! Now you will probably say who knows who is mentally fragile and who will be able to cope with it. I don't know myself but drugs in Frankfurt are so ubiquitious the mentally fragile will get their drugs anyway. By partially legalizing soft drugs the state at least regained a little bit of control over the illegal market back.

If you write all drugs, including alcohol and nicotine are dangerous and should be prohibited than I can comprehend that, but a society without the right for rush would be a pretty boring one. This is my point of view. ;-)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Sep 2012 /  #89
Saying that pot leads onto harder drugs is like saying alcohol leads to smoking cigarettes, so I ask any of you, does drinking alcohol lead to smoking? Why/Why not?

Why not join your compatriots who are keeping the Union Jack (and the puke) flying over Kraków and Wrocław on UK stag nights. God save the Queen!

They say when you lose a sense another can become heightened.
It appears your lacking a sense of humour has heightened your sense of self importance.

The problem is since Marihuana is illegal in most countries you have to buy it from dealers and they are the ones that bring Cannabis users in contact with hard drugs.

This is the only valid argument so far.

is hearsay and not evidence.

Nice one for ignoring the physician's post. There's that heightened sense of self importance again.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Sep 2012 /  #90
Show me a drug expert

It is not immediately known whether you are so desperately defending marijuana's alleged harmlessness to justify your own addiction or have a vested interest (dealer, kickback, etc.) in keeping the public bamboozled. But you don't have to be a scientist to know that students don't get much out of a lecture or symposium when high on grass. It is a well-known fact that marijuana use impairs concentration and damages the brain's memory and learning capacity. But if you need evidence, here is some very fresh findings from Ozz:


Another link:


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