Its always been this way they punched above their weight in the 20s and look what happened.
What happened? Do you have some magic formula that in you mind would have changed situation that Poland was in before the war? There was no good path for Poland to follow at the time. It is true that Poland's gov at the time was not the best and made some unwise choices. Has there been other way that would result in a better ending for Poland? I doubt it. Look at Hungary, they chose a pragmatic way - somehow it didn't work for them that well. They ended up in the some barrel with Poland.
By the way it has nothing to do with punching. It has to do with Poland sovereignty. . IF you cannot see that, its very much devalue all your opinions on the subject.
ts amongst all people.
Nah, not all people. Maybe all people down under but who cares about their opinions. Sure, you don't even speak the language of the country. Why would you even be interested in its affairs? Nice that you have some sentiment but you're obviously engrossed in some other stuff, good for you and Godspeed Mr Australian.
not even when you were busy slagging every female on this board.
What are you even talking about? I thread everyone the same on this forum. I take into account a content of their posts. Some females obviously cannot handle debate without female privileges they enjoy in the real world. Other than that I think you have mistaken me for somebody else.
I work in academia
Who cares? I think most poster here works. Oh do you want to impress me with academia? lol! I have met my share of really not that bright academics and some were really dumb costumers. Worse still that believe themselves to be crème al la crème of the intellectual crop just by the virtue of holding some teaching position. Whilst not dealing with students they are out of their element.
come here for an easy discussion,
let be honest you came here to vent and to enlighten others with you wisdom. The problem is nether your rant nor your wised has any currency here. I don't take this forums debate death serious either. So MY easy discussion and YOU easy discussion obviously are not on the same plane ....