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EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms

Crow  154 | 9463  
21 Mar 2018 /  #421
Crow Poles arent gonna fall for it.

I even don`t know how did Poland found itself in that idiotic situation. Before A-H depended on Germanics, during A-H depended on Germanics and now again depend on Germanics. What f*****g karma is that.

You know, its especially ugly when you know that in today`s Europe only Arabs and Poles depend on Germany. Nobody else don`t give a sh** for stance of Germany. Think about it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Mar 2018 /  #422
I even don`t know how did Poland found itself in that idiotic situation. Be

it's because Poles were duped by the EU. People, including myself, imagined it to be a social and economic union - not a quasi USSR supranational organization that sticks its nose into sovereign nation's politics and pushes far left agendas even if the majority of citizens of a country reject it.

I know i know, it's a BBC video but it explains it rather well:

note how so many polish video's have disabled comments including this one and the one that the Polish government released about migrants. Youtube doesn't appreciate all the badmouthing of migrants and congratulating Poland for resisting
Crow  154 | 9463  
21 Mar 2018 /  #423
Poles were duped by the EU

Duped? Dupe? In Serbian dupe means ass. Literally. By sound, meaning and how you write it. Its even logical. Poles were assed by the EU (no place where Germano-English finger didn`t penetrate). See how is this English just simple version of venerable Sarmatian language. Raped Sarmatian language. And those mutes now wants to command us? To US?

I know i know, it's a BBC video but it explains it rather well:

I know what you mean. BBC is typical product of primitive society but, what can we do, they are useful sometimes.

Anyway, I respect Polish resistance, I do. But would it be enough for the final victory?
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
22 Mar 2018 /  #424
A British NGO, Fair Trials Europe has asked the Irish High Court if they can join in the extradition case being brought before the European Court of Justice. Justice Donnelly says she'll consider it and will make her decision by the end of the week, plus she'll have the wording of her queries to the ECJ ready by then also.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Mar 2018 /  #425

Duped as in fooled. But ya dupa means a$$ also in polish. Bbc = big black cokk, that's essentially whats going in your ear when you listen to their propoganda. They were fairly accurate in their portrayal of poland resistance to eu and embrace of nationalism.

Poles never imagined the eu would stick its slimy socialist nose into our sovereign home affairs. I too never imagined it. But as the saying goes 'take the money and run' thats what poland needs to do, lest the eu is committed to serious change which is unlikely. Theyve already spread their antichristian antitradition antisovereign multikulti dictates. Next step is to decimate the demographics and have murzynek bambos ninjas and bin Laden's outnumber europeans.
Crow  154 | 9463  
22 Mar 2018 /  #426
But ya dupa means a$$ also in polish.

Yes, Poles as decent Sarmatians perfectly understand that Brits tackling their dupa.

But as the saying goes 'take the money and run' thats what poland needs to do, lest the eu is committed to serious change which is unlikely.

That`s what I tries to tell to Polish sisters and brothers here. Poland should use opportunity while Serbs and Russians hold EU and escape while there is still time. This now is perfect situation to Poland. Russia practically doing favor to Poland and Poland didn`t need to humiliate itself to call for Russian support. Simple, interests overlapped and that`s it. I would only add, that`s how it always functioned in history when Serbs were/are in the game. Poles could only expect to profit.

Also, not just that Poland didn`t need to humiliate itself in front of Russia asking for support but also, nobody in Anglo-Franco-Germanic world can`t accuse Poland for collaborating with Russia. Good situation for Poland occurred without direct Poland`s action. What we know of.
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
23 Mar 2018 /  #427
Latest news is that a few cosmetic changes have been made to the judicial reforms as an attempt to placate the Commission and of course their colleagues in the European Parliament. Obviously PIS doesn't want to be completely out in the cold. They're just like naughty children pushing the boundaries to see how far they can go without consequences but...............I'd forgotten, as we all seem to have, about the business with Hungary a few years ago when the EU suspended funding to them and they came back into line pretty quickly - and that was under Orban. When it comes to the crunch he's all mouth and trousers as they say in the north of England. The thing is you see, that quite apart from Article 7, the Commission doesn't need the consent of Parliament, unanimous or otherwise, to suspend funding. Funding to Hungary was suspended under a violation of some part of the treaty of membership of which Poland is already in serious violation. So that's it basically. Once a legal precedent has been set, it can be used again. Obviously the EU would prefer not to do that as they don't like discord and prefer peaceful, diplomatic resolutions but needs must when the Devil drives.

Obviously this sudden back-tracking by PIS is in light of the forthcoming case at the European Court of Justice and also the upcoming meeting of the Commission in April when no doubt the next stage of Article 7 will be discussed.

Despite all their bluster and bravado, they know that they have to keep the electorate sweet for next year's elections. Getting Poland ostracized within the EU and losing the country money is not going to achieve that. So they're playing a stalling game. If they get re-elected, that's when the real horrors will unfold.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
23 Mar 2018 /  #428
a few cosmetic changes have been made to the judicial reforms as an attempt to placate the Commission

In other news, the Polish government assumes that everyone in Brussels is a dithering idiot who won't see through their very transparent attempt to fool them.

And since he's not here, I'll supply Dirk's response: Poland will never let Soros backed migrants in Poland to subvert the Christian faith which I don't follow in the slightest in my continuing effort to stay away from Poland while I make money and drug myself into oblivion..... too harsh? nyah.

I'll save crow the trouble too: Serbia, Poland must help Serbia or the world is doomed, doomed I tell you!.... no that's too sane to capture the bats in his belfry
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
23 Mar 2018 /  #429
drug myself into oblivion..

Did you read the stuff about hooking himself up to a Vitamin C drip when he has a hangover?!! Dear God Almighty...........what's up with that as they'd say in New York :D

their very transparent attempt

Well, as I say, they're very much like naughty children who think they've found some clever way around the rules and that 'teacher' won't notice, but like children, they lack the experience and judgement to know how obvious their efforts are. Also, they have a simplistic outlook on things and mistake the touchy, feely, let's be friends vibe of the Commission for weakness. The Commission has messed up badly by not dealing with this much more decisively and swiftly. They should have invoked Article 7 ages ago but in a way all this has been a good thing. It's a wake up call for the EU executive that part of EU reforms needs to include a mechanism for expelling members in the future and that you can't deal Winnie the Pooh style with the former Communist countries. They still like to feel the lash and that's a fact. That's what they respect. Poland is still a punitive culture based around the stick and not the carrot so deal with them on those terms if you want results.
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
24 Mar 2018 /  #430
Justice Donnelly has finalized the wording of her queries to the ECJ and it's been sent off to Luxembourg. The case will probably be heard in two to three months time by a 17 panel Grand Chamber of judges. Representatives of the Polish embassy in Dublin were in court yesterday to hear the proceedings.

Interesting to see the waffle coming from Morawiecki now that PIS are having to back down over the judicial reforms. Kaczyński is a bit more blunt though, acknowledging that they're taking a leaf out of Orban's book and giving in when faced with unpleasant alternatives. He also acknowledges that it's a bitter pill to swallow. I'd like to think that Ireland bringing the case to the ECJ has helped to bring this about. At least two of the issues raised by Justice Donnelly have been addressed by the proposed concessions - not a coincidence I think. Clearly Poland would have lost the case in the ECJ if they hadn't done anything. They still might.
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
27 Apr 2018 /  #431
An update on this: the European Court will issue a preliminary judgement in the Irish extradition case in July. According to an article in The Economist:

"should it declare Poland's judiciary compromised, the consequences could ultimately extend far beyond the EAW. Agreements that rest on mutual trust between judiciaries, including debt, taxes and family law, could be undermined. Firms could challenge public procurement contracts; investors would frantically call their lawyers. A case could be made for suspending EU subsidies to Poland. "

So no doubt all this has influenced PIS's recent first steps in backing down on the judicial reforms. At the moment though it's still all just talk and more stalling from PIS.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Apr 2018 /  #432
That must be the first time in history a fat dyke saved a polish goon from prison. I bet that dudes rejoicing.
Crow  154 | 9463  
27 Apr 2018 /  #433
EU can`t confirm anything. Its over. Era of slavery and subjugation is over. Re-claimers are about to retake the throne.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
28 Apr 2018 /  #434
All eu can do is threaten Poland with eu funds. That's it. Poland will still be the same regardless - a safe space for white christian hetero poles. There will be no islamic terror, no no go zones, no sharia patrols, no hordes of muslims raping and pillaging. Poles will compromise with eu up to a point. But once the eu pushes too far itll only anger poles. The eu doesnt even realize how much it offends poles. For example eurocrats called the independence day celebrations a march of 60k neo nazis. Thay was deeply offensive to poles who were occupied by nazis and who themselves or their families were put into camps. It only makes the poles support populism and nationalism more and the eu knows that. Thays why they have to walk a tight rope between enforcing eu diktates while not overly upsetting poles so that nationalist populist parties get even more support. Poles and hungarians are fighting the good fight for the independence and sovereignty and now austria, czechy, slovakia, Italy, even some germans are looking more towards populist parties. Most poles dont wish to leave the eu but if the eu keeps pushing poland and its citizens into a corner the opinions will change. There are several red lines and the eu is aware of that. The migrant issue was one of those red lines hence why eu stopped pushed poland to take them in. They know the quota system was an abysmal failure anyway as a mere fraction was relocated. Theyve long given up on the billion eu fine they threatened a year or two ago. Now theyre attacking the campaign promises of pis to reform the judiciary and courts. Theyll always find something to criticize in countries that dont toe the socialist multikulti eurocrat line.
Crow  154 | 9463  
29 Apr 2018 /  #435
All eu can do is threaten poland with eu funds. That's it.

No. Problem between Poland and EU would escalate when EU start openly to support regions in Poland that are opposition to official Warsaw. Beware of any EU meddling in ethnically volatile regions where ethnic Poles aren`t in majority. In my opinion that crisis would be opened when EU ruling elite realize that Poland escaping. Then, grabbing will occur under the slogan ``grab what you can``.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Apr 2018 /  #436
Crow that's already occurring. Germany regularly incites silesians against poles and polish government.
Nonetheless poland is homogenous and in that lies our strength. The eu despises that and wants to change it. Classic divide and conquer. Well like in the past, the poles will end up overcoming as we always have.

One Hungarian city's 'city of culture was cancelled because it wasnt diverse enough rofl. For the eu diverse basically means 'less white christians.' Well theyll have a hard time doing that to fort poland. Thankfully our population is united against refusing migrants from.me and africa. Other europeans and migrants who actually contribute esp from India China Korea etc are of course welcome
kondzior  11 | 1026  
30 Apr 2018 /  #437
ll eu can do is threaten Poland with eu funds.

Now can they? This whole thing seems very weird to me. EU structural funds can't really be used as a leverage, because they are based on algorithms, not anyone's good will.
polishinvestor  1 | 341  
30 Apr 2018 /  #438
They can allocate funds based on the regions ability to follow EU rules and, in particular in this case, the rule of law. The EU is working on ways to get around the Article 7 veto issue and will use other treaties to apply financial restrictions, whereby a majority would be required to reverse or stop such actions. It is of course still just positioning by the EU, an effort to put pressure on PIS, but ultimately its aimed at Polish voters. In Poland, usually money talks and at the end of the day it probably will but it may come to late to influence the next EU budget in a positive way.
G (undercover)  
1 May 2018 /  #439
EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms

Be very affraid, episode 578. Any EUnuch willing to give us an update ? Perhaps If we apologize for electing "totalitarian" gov and promise to choose "correct" one next time... will mighty EU sprare us ? Any chance for that ? Or is it over ? What is the mood in Brussels ? Millions of Poles are holding their breath as we speak... EU will take action... Frans Timmermans is going to release a road map, which will highlight the key elements of the action plan...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 May 2018 /  #440
EU must walk a tight rope between enforcing its far left marxist agenda and alienating more people causing the populist rights ranks to swell even more. The eu only likes democratic elections when their eurocrat candidates win. But God forbid a nationalist candidate wins. Then they sanction the country
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 May 2018 /  #441
EU will take action

The EU will take action by simply making sure that Orban and PiS no longer have EU cash to hand out to cronies. The support for Fidesz will collapse overnight in rural areas if farmers no longer get CAP funds, too, and the same goes for PiS.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 May 2018 /  #442
Perhaps.. either that or it will strengthen their constituents even more since they will be angered that the eu is sanctioning an entire country, an entire people because it disagrees with the campaign promises of a democratically elected eader/party. Even if pis or fidesz lose say 10% even 20% ratings theyre still above the opposition. Fidesz controls a majority in parliament - the rest is split among 6 parties. Same with pis even if say pis support was halved which is highly unlikely at this point itd still be higher than pos. According to mar 2018 CBOS, still 5% above po. Po would need to more than triple its support to be just equal to pis.

Only time will tell really..

Pls 44% PO 14%

Even Wyborcza saying the same - for our non polish speakers title says ' pis has an enormous advantage, po going down'


Honestly with all the abortion, Israel, etc stuff going on I thought pis ratings would fall, but they actually went up. A few months back CBOS stated they were like 40 42%
G (undercover)  
1 May 2018 /  #443
The support for Fidesz will collapse overnight in rural areas if farmers no longer get CAP funds

Mmm so when is that going to happen ?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 May 2018 /  #444
There's a good chance it won't atleast not poland since they've been negotiating with the eu for sometime. Plus theyre mainly concerned about the judiciary stuff. Theyve long given up on their threats of fining poland 2 bil for not taking in migrants and abiding by the failed quota system which everyone in eu even the left agrees was a failure. As long as poland isnt turning into germany, France sweden etc where we have no go zones, nonstop rape, islamic terror and billions of our tax zloty are used to support migrants because they don't feel like working let the eu do whatever.
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 May 2018 /  #445
Crow that's already occurring.


Germany regularly incites silesians against poles and polish government.

That`s how started in Yugoslavia. Germany have that old project of Greater Croatia which is nothing but turning Catholic Serbs into the Croats and when they get them there, it strengthen germanized element in the region. Now, in Poland that`s little bit different. Poland borders with Germany and anybody who isn`t 100% sure of its Slavic identity may prove to be weak point.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 May 2018 /  #446
Yeah but the Silesian community is very small in Poland. There isn't millions of them like Bosnians, Serbs, Croats, etc in Yugoslavia. There's several hundred thousand of them and in general they're well integrated in the overall Polish community. Only a few towns/small cities have a sizeable Silesian population and even there they're still a minority, significant minority but still minority. There is a very very small group of Silesian seperatists but they don't have much support from the overall Silesian community. Nonetheless, many Poles do believe that Germany does support the Silesians and incites them against Poland. You won't see a separate Silesian state within Poland though anytime soon.
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 May 2018 /  #447
Nonetheless, many Poles do believe that Germany does support the Silesians and incites them against Poland.

I believe so. Especially now when Germany becoming Gerabia and Silesians as sane people for sure prefer Slavic world rather then to become Gerabs. We may even see the day when part of Lusatia that is held by Germany joining to Poland (I pray for that), in order to avoid becoming ugly.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 May 2018 /  #448
It's funny how the tables have turned.... Poland was like the armpit of the Eu and Europe as a whole. Especially in the UK and Germany (France not as much as the French are quite familiar with Polish culture and history especially due to old military alliance that predate the world wars) Poles were thought of as 2nd class citizens, basically laborers and cheap workers. Kind of like the way Mexicans are thought of in the United States or the way Ukrainians are thought of in Poland.

Well now Poland is wealthy, unemployment is super low, wages are constantly rising and most importantly many conservative leaders are pointing to Poland (and to a lesser extent Hungary) as a shining example of defying the EU's multikulti Marxist agendas and praise Poland for not having a single Islamic terror attack. All over the web - facebook, youtube, twitter, etc. Germans, French, Swedes are wishing that their governments acted like Poland. Poland is seen as courageous, brave, and most importantly smart enough to know that taking in tons of unvetted migrants back in 2015/2016 would not bode well for the country's future. And indeed Poland was right. The EU constantly criticized Poland for refusing to take part in the quota scheme, which was a huge failure and even the EU leaders admit this, and now we're the ones saying 'we told you so.'
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 May 2018 /  #449
Well now Poland is wealthy

Erm... no it's not. Minimum wage in Germany is 1498 Euro/month. In Poland, 502 Euro/month. It's 3 times less, which is why Poles are still emigrating. We also have abysmally low rates of personal savings, even worse than in countries such as Greece. Unemployment is low right now, but that's simply because of mass depopulation of parts of Poland.

and praise Poland for not having a single Islamic terror attack.

Who needs Islamic attacks when we can have Christian attacks instead? The idiot that tried to blow up the Sejm, or the other idiot who tried to blow up that bus in Wrocław are proof that we have enough domestic idiots of our own.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 May 2018 /  #450
Poland's minimum wage may be lower than Germany and France, but so is the cost of living especially as it pertains to rent, utilities, food, public transport, etc. Also, by wealth I meant the wealth of the country as a whole in terms of GDP - which unlike other countries grew exponentially and even grew during the global recession. Polish GDP exceeds that of Belgium, Austria, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Israel, Thailand, even Iran Pakistan Egypt Nigeria despite them having a far larger population, and is neck and neck with Sweden with some ranking Poland 1 ahead of Sweden, some ranking Sweden 1 ahead of Poland. A couple more years and I wouldn't be surprised if Poland breaks into the top 20 - we're already at 23/24th place.

Who needs Islamic attacks when we can have Christian attacks instead?

Right and how many Christian attacks have their been around the world? How many people die each year due to Christians attacks? I can't recall a single incident where a Christian lunatic yells 'Praise Jesus!' as they behead a person, blow themselves up, drive van into cars, etc. Ditto with Buddhists, Hindus and Jews - never has a Jew said 'Praise Moses!' as he detonates a suicide vest or a Hindu saying 'Praise Shiva' as they drive a car into a crowd.

The same cannot be said of muslims chanting 'allah akbar' and killing people. The numbers of people murdered by Christian radicals and even Buddhists, Jews, and Hindus all lumped together compared with Muslims isn't even in the same ballpark. That's like comparing the size of a pool ball to the sun. The sad thing is that in most of the Islamic attacks around the world they end up killing their own fellow Muslims.

From April 1 2018 to May 1 2018 - just that 1 month alone there have been 122 Islamic attacks in 19 countries, in which 755 people were killed and 807 injured.
How many attacks did Christians perpetrate during that time in the name of religion? 1? 2? 0? Certainly not 122 in 19 countries killing 755 people...


The idiot that tried to blow up the Sejm, or the other idiot who tried to blow up that bus in Wrocław are proof that we have enough domestic idiots of our own.

What was that in 2012 2013 with the guy trying to blow up the Sejm and the bus and the bus a year or two ago in 2016/2017? Look at how many Islamic terror attacks there have been since 2016... let alone 2012/2013 - you had Paris, London, Brussels, Germany, the mass rapes in cologne, USA, Russia - and that's just Europe the list goes on and on... There are literally terrorist attacks every single day in Muslim countries - the same cannot be said for majority Christian countries.

Just a few days ago a muslim threatened to blow up a church in France unless the Koran was read - liveleak.com/view?t=Sf1i_1525264986

and attacks like that aren't even counted in the statistics because there were no fatalities

And just a few days before that incident, a Muslim from N Africa raped an 87 year old...

Naturally, MSM can't keep up with all the Islamic terror plots, rapes, etc.

Even if you had a 24 hour news channel specifically covered Islamic attacks, rapes, threats, violence, etc you'd still have a hard time keeping up with all the sh1t they do...

Fundamentalists/radical Christians (even non) and radical Muslims aren't even in the same ballpark when it comes to rapes, terror, etc.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reformsArchived