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EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms

cms neuf  2 | 1810  
14 Mar 2018 /  #391
Is having a separate judiciary and executive a far left agenda ?
Crow  154 | 9525  
14 Mar 2018 /  #392
While ugly EU and confused USA tries to penetrate to Poland, Serbian president Vucic said to Germany, Britain and USA that Serbia wants to have observers during elections in those countries, to be sure how is democratic procedure respected.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
14 Mar 2018 /  #393
and is not in the habit of selling people out Dolno as you well know.

Hope you are right Atch especially after Ireland has suffered so much under British control, I just hope Ireland doesn't end up under EU rule
Crow  154 | 9525  
14 Mar 2018 /  #394
Same as Scotland, Ireland don`t have chance, I`m afraid. To far dislocated outside of Slavic territorial and Geo-strategic zone.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
14 Mar 2018 /  #395
wrong thread buddy

Where are those red face emoji? :) :)
17 Mar 2018 /  #396
The Polish government can defend their position in court if they wish to.

The significant point is that this could result in the stopping of EU funds to Poland. That's €20 billion per year.
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
20 Mar 2018 /  #397
The European Commission has held a news conference and said they're not satisfied with the White Paper which Poland submitted in defence of the judicial reforms. So together with Ireland's challenge to the rule of law in Poland, which is coming up before the European Court of Justice very soon, it's crunch time.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
20 Mar 2018 /  #398
If the EC is not satisfied they should try a whorehouse. Gov in Poland should just send them a note - WE don't care about YOUR problems.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Mar 2018 /  #399

Who cares? Ultimately it comes down to what the EC can actually ENFORCE. The way I see it, it can't force Poland to change it's laws, accept migrants, etc. and if it does it must be prepared for the political backlash that follows - not just from Poland but all the countries and tens of millions of people who are against the EU's meddling. Kind of pathetic though how Poland's changes resemble Spain's yet the EU/EC won't sanction them nor did they intervene at all during the unrest in Catalonia nor does ti say anything about all the countries that aren't meeting their debt to gdp requirements. EU has become far too much of a lefty political organization and perhaps Poland, Hungary, etc. should consider a future outside of the EU if they insist on pushing a far left agenda that Poles reject.
Crow  154 | 9525  
20 Mar 2018 /  #400
You know how this with Poland and EU looks to me? Its like that EU rape Poland and at the same time Poland telling to Hungary and to Serbia: ``Wait, don`t help me. I can manage this alone. It maybe turns out to be nice.``
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Mar 2018 /  #401
Nah Poland and Hungary back each other up. Recently the 3 Baltics even backed up Poland against the EU

Recently a German politician traveled to Poland to talk to the government to ask the country to rejoin the 'Weimar Triangle' and make an alliance between France, Germany, and Poland. The German politician is offering Poland a 'leading role' in the EU

Seems now Germany is begging to repair the relationship with Poland

EU is losing touch more and more of what's actually happening on the ground. If they insist on continuing to push a far left agenda it will only divide Europe more and more. They already are facing an increasingly euro skeptic Poland, Hungary, Baltics, Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Czechy, etc. It's not going well for the socialists and commies in the EU. More and more countries are turning in a sovereign independent direction and rejection the multikulti dictates of the EU. Perhaps if they continue down this path Brussels, Germany and France will find themselves all alone and surrounded by countries lead by populist parties.
Crow  154 | 9525  
20 Mar 2018 /  #402
Poland just have to be realistic and aware of situation. Its not Poland who puts western Europe down, push for Multi-Polar world and opening path to liberation of Poland. Some bleed for this situation. Now, it would be alright if official Poland at least wants to promote Polish interests.
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
21 Mar 2018 /  #403
Recently the 3 Baltics even backed up Poland against the EU

Lip service. Talk - and nothing more than that. They voted in the opposite manner in the most recent vote taken on the rule of law in Poland, just a week or so before that statement. You should keep informed about the daily schedules of the European Parliament if you want to know what's going on, not just read news headlines. Just over a week ago there was a vote taken on whether to add three more concerns to the present reasoned proposal regarding the rule of the law and all the Baltic states voted in favour of doing so. The Baltic states are not at loggerheads with the EU and doesn't want to be.

Every single country you mention as Euro-sceptic, with the exception of Hungary, voted to initiate Article 7 proceedings against Poland. Nobody is going alienate other members, its colleagues, in effect and align themselves with a state that's becoming increasingly isolated.

EU is losing touch more and more of what's actually happening

Actually it's Poland that's losing touch - and influence.

The Daily Express is rubbish by the way. Sensationalist headlines with no basis in fact, such as "Poland to be booted out of EU" which can't be done as there is no mechanism in place to throw out any member.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Mar 2018 /  #404
Why would I care about the European parliament or the ec? Theyre abominations sucking the sovereignty out of independent nations.

If poland is losing touch with rest of Europe than why are the germans and french begging poland to reestablish the Weimar Triangle? Eu vote means nothing if they want to alienate countries where populist euro skeptic parties are in charge and have tons of support they only do so at their own peril.

Regardless their vote or any sanction wont force poland to take in muslims, and thats just fine with me. Eu gave up a long time ago on fining poland 2 bil.euro for not taking migrants.

Poland already got almost all the money it was going to get. Next budget period poland is expected to be a net payee. Perhaos its tine for us to leave this commie abomination. We're not going to get any tens of billions again anyway
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
21 Mar 2018 /  #405
Dirk, do you understand who it is who's doing the voting in the EU parliament. It's the politicians from the various EU nations who have been directly elected to the European Parliament by the citizens of their countries to serve their electorates as MEPs.

Regardless their vote or any sanction wont force poland to take in muslims

The vote is regarding democracy and rule of law, not immigration.

Poland already got almost all the money it was going to get. Next budget period poland is expected to be a net payee.

Again, you don't seem to understand what that means. Poland will still get funding and will be eligible for rebates. And very importantly the EU budget only finances projects in policy areas where all EU countries have agreed that if they join forces at Union level, they can achieve better results at lower cost than if they acted at a national level. Consider it like a club membership fee, where the benefits of being a member of that club are greater than the cash value of the fee you pay.
Crow  154 | 9525  
21 Mar 2018 /  #406
Actually it's Poland that's losing touch - and influence.

About losing touch is absolute fact. Absolute. In any sense. Complete cut connection with every reality. But, Poland has no any influence on western Europe so, no way that Poland can lose something that don`t have. For western Europe Poland is no country, kind of non-defined territory of infidels and, Poles are rather seen as sub-people.

On the other hand, if we speak of Poland`s influence within Slavic world and on the east of Europe, that is for sure something what Poland losing rapidly. What is sad actually because Poland`s influence was and still is literally enormous.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
21 Mar 2018 /  #407
why are the germans and french begging poland to reestablish the Weimar Triangle?

You are completely out of this world. With every word you write it becomes clear you have not been in touch with the reality of Poland, but live in a dream world full of different obsessions.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Mar 2018 /  #408
You are completely out of this world.

Riiiight so this is clearly not


Read it and weep:

ANGELA Merkel has travelled to Poland for top-level talks in a bid to revive the "Weimar Triangle" alliance and work through their different views on migration, energy and the future of the European Union.


Seems to me youre the one who's not in touch with reality.... or simply refuses to accept the fact that Poland is able to effectively resist the EU and now other wealthier nations are asking Poland to join in a political and economic alliance
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Mar 2018 /  #409
EU parliament.

Unfortunately, Poles didn't pay much attention to the MEP elections and focused more on presidential and parliamentary elections. That's why the democrats were able to push through a bunch of commies and socialists to represent our country. It won't happen again. Now Poles are aware of the importance of MEP elections - esp after their treacherous stunt where Poles voted to suspend their own countries voting rights. They should be hanged like common criminals for such treason.
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
21 Mar 2018 /  #410
Read it and weep:

Dirk can you really be that naive. It's called diplomacy. There's a subtext. What it actually means is Germany asking Poland to come back in line with the EU and the reward will be greater influence for Poland in the bloc as long as Poland respects EU norms and values. That's all.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Mar 2018 /  #411
To me it seems more like desperation. Europeans despise Merkel for what she did to the European continent. She singlehandedly changed the demographics of the continent for generations to come. She and the EU have alienated the Eastern EU nations which are increasingly going in a populist anti-migrant route and asserting their sovereignty and independence - which Poland is the leader of as the largest and most powerful country in Eastern EU. They're basically trying to bribe Poland to give up their populist euroskeptic stance hoping that other countries follow. I doubt Poland will fall for it. As of now there's no plans for PiS to stop their judicial changes, accept migrants, or do the other things EU is asking them to do within our sovereign borders which they have no right to police.

The Article 7 procedure initiated by the Commission against Poland in December, is more of a burden for the European institutions than a problem for Poland, said Czaputowicz. The EU executive has limited competence in "the scope of caring for EU standards" and the question of whether the principles of the rule of law are being violated in Poland should be assessed by the European Court of Justice, he said.

"It could be problematic for the European Council to take a binding position before it knows the ruling of the Court," explained the head of Polish diplomacy.
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
21 Mar 2018 /  #412
Europeans despise Merkel

It doesn't matter in the least what "Europeans" think of her. What matters is that she's a senior statesperson who has enormous influence within the European Commission and Parliament. She's just been re-elected in her own country and unless she drops dead she will continue to be of great importance. The EU is clearly trying to find a way to help Poland to back down on judicial reform without Poland losing face, that's all it is.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Mar 2018 /  #413
"There are many players who want to divide Europe;there is also a huge amount of disappointment in Europe.We, as stable governments in Warsaw and Berlin, should do everything to make sure that nobody divides Europe - from the outside or from the inside," said Szczerski.\

As I said - it is the socialists and commies inside the EU that are seeking to divide Europe. People are sick and tired of the far left dictates, the deluge of muslim ninjas and neckbeards, etc Hungary, Poland, Czechy, Slovaki, Austria, Baltics and now Italy don't want the EU to keep dictating whta they should be doing in their own countries - especially when it comes to merkel's burden.

The EU is clearly trying to find a way to help Poland to back down on judicial reform without Poland losing face, that's all it is.

Clearly Poland doesn't care as they've said numerous times they're not going to change the judiciary and they're not going to take in migrants. EU will have to deal with it. The new movement in Eastern Europe is now populist, euroskeptic, antimigrant, and asserts each nation's independence and sovereignty. Poland and Hungarians could care less what the EU does to them - that's why they didn't bend to the EU's will with the judiciary changes. You give them a finger and they'll take an arm. The EU is acting just like the USSR did when Hungary, Poland, and the Baltics stepped out of line.

t doesn't matter in the least what "Europeans" think of her.

Oh it absolutely does. Those people who voted in PiS and Obran aren't fans of Merkel and they're not going to allow Merkel to dilute our demographics with people from 3rd world sh1tholes
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
21 Mar 2018 /  #414
Well now, the Polish government was singing a very different tune when it ignored the ECJ's ruling on the logging in Białowieża. But when it suits them they'll listen - just as long as the court rules in their favour of course. Not likely it will though.

they're not going to allow Merkel

They have no direct power or influence in the EU other than through their own politicians who are a bit different behind the scenes to the lines they feed the public.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Mar 2018 /  #415
Clearly Poland isn't going to stop any judiciary reforms just because the EU says so. For one, our politics isn't even the business of EU - and that's how most Poles and Hungarians feel. Yes, they want EU to remain so it's a social and economic union. However, they don't want any meddling in our political affairs. Millions of people feel that they've been duped by the EU that it was supposed to be this great economic union that will make everyone richer yet it's become a quasi USSR that shoves far left dictates down everyone's throat - regardless if that's what the majority wants in their country or not.

Poland isn't going to change just because the EU is threatning them:
Both from past 24 hours

They have no direct power or influence in the EU

Absolutely. They don't have direct power but they have tons of indirect influence. Just look at how populism and anti-migrant and euroskeptic sentiment is spreading. First it was just Poland and Hungary, then it was Slovakia and Czechy, then Austria joined, then the Baltics, then Italy. Even countries like Denmark are starting to assert their sovereignty.
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
21 Mar 2018 /  #416
Clearly Poland isn't going to stop any judiciary reforms

You mean JK isn't. The only way out of the present mess is for him to be ousted. He probably will be eventually. But things will get worse before that happens.

Just look

In some countries, to some degree but not anything like as much as you believe, because you read rather biased reports which have a spin on them.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Mar 2018 /  #417
You mean JK isn't. The only way out of the present mess is for him to be ousted. He probably will be eventually.

Doubt it. PiS has far more support than any other party. They're consistently double, sometimes triple, 2nd place PO.

Once PO offered to take in migrants, which 74% of Poles rejected, they lost Polish people's trust. The whole stunt of voting to suspend their own country's voting rights didn't help either. Neither did all the scandals they were caught up in which are slowly being revealed and people prosecuted.

In some countries, to some degree but not anything like as much as you believe, because you read rather biased reports which have a spin on them.

All media has a certain bias. There's no such thing as unbiased media. I actually take all sides of an argument and then make my own opinion. There's some things coming from the left that I believe are superior to the right's. Nonetheless, the reality on the ground is that populist parties are winning all over Central and Eastern Europe. Even in Germany AfD rose to meteoric success within just 1 election. I predict they'll win even more seats. Plus, you have populist leaders in Austria, Hungary, Czechy, Slovakia, etc which all have a similar line as Poland and PiS
OP Atch  22 | 4299  
21 Mar 2018 /  #418
I'm referring to the fact that Kaczyński is presently running the country and Morawiecki and Duda are simply puppets. If there is to be any chance of Poland finding its way back from this mess, JK has to go.
Crow  154 | 9525  
21 Mar 2018 /  #419
ANGELA Merkel has travelled to Poland for top-level talks in a bid to revive the "Weimar Triangle"

Baba Merkel bringing many nice things to Poland. That`s the certain as death.

You know what means `Triangle`? It means, 1/3 of Poles to be exterminated, 1/3 assimilated and 1/3 expelled out of Poland. That`s the Triangle. All in order to clear room for new settlers from brotherly naked countries blessed by Czarnybog. Now, I suppose they killed enough of Poles and now they have to agree about the rest of the Triangle plan.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Mar 2018 /  #420
Crow Poles arent gonna fall for it. They'll nod and agree and say yeah we should develop better ties so our exports keep flowing into germany but well end up doing our own thing anyway. Poland knows it cant trust the west. We've had so many instances where the west has shown poles we cant count on it

this mess

This mess? What are you talking about? Economy is booming, unemployment is at a record low, FDI is flowing in like nobody's business - in fact it's the top FDI destination in all of Europe, wages are constantly rising, GDP is growing faster than most EU nations.... AND we still have a perfect record of zero islamic terror attacks and have not opened our border to ninjas and neckbeards. We also haven't been cucked and changed our constitution to allow for perverted marriages.

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